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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #280 on: December 29, 2015, 05:14:01 AM »
Kylo Ren is just behind Rey as my favorite character. He was awesome both pre-mask-removal and post-mask-removal.

Speaking of which, I was perfectly fine with the removal (my friend audibly gasped "oh my God, he's beautiful!") but I wish he had kept it on for the rest of the movie after that. I probably would have taken him more seriously.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #281 on: December 29, 2015, 06:33:56 AM »
Just saw it for the first time and while it was overall awesome, there are so many things that go unexplained that I'll have to wait until episodes 8 and 9 and/or future novels to fully appreciate it.

A few of them are:
1. Kylo Ren's background/motivation to join the dark side
2. What does Kylo Ren ultimately want with Luke? Why is Luke so important that the First Order is willing to devote massive amounts of resources to finding him?
3. Who/what is Snoke and how did he become the leader of the First Order?
4. How did the First Order arise from the ashes of the Empire?
5. How was Starkiller Base built?
6. Rey's background and her connection, if there is one, to Luke
7. Why did R2D2 wake up all of a sudden and how did it have the missing piece of the map to find Luke? I would think that Luke wouldn't have told anyone where he was not even R2D2.
8. Where did C-3PO come from all of a sudden? Why does he have a red arm?
9. What's the story behind Lor San Tekka (the village elder)? How did he acquire the map?
9. And of course: do Kylo Ren and Han actually survive? (Well probably not Han but Kylo Ren definitely stands a chance.)

Based on what I've read, and I could be completely wrong here, the sequel trilogy is more concerned with emotion than explanation, so I'd be surprised if all of these questions are answered in the films. I think JJ might have already answered #7 in an interview, and #9 seems ripe for a novel or something.

In my opinion, how the Starkiller base was built or why C-3PO has a red arm don't really matter. Even the bigger stuff like how Maz Kanata got Luke's light saber aren't of interest to me. I think it's actually pretty fun to leave a bunch of stuff unanswered that doesn't directly impact how the series moves forward.

Also, congrats on post 2112. :P
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #282 on: December 29, 2015, 09:30:02 AM »
Kylo Ren is just behind Rey as my favorite character. He was awesome both pre-mask-removal and post-mask-removal.

Speaking of which, I was perfectly fine with the removal (my friend audibly gasped "oh my God, he's beautiful!") but I wish he had kept it on for the rest of the movie after that. I probably would have taken him more seriously.

If you want a pure badass you always have Darth Vader. I'm happy that they didn't try to create another Vader, and instead made Kylo Ren a human character you could actually relate to. Instead of storming in and killing people left and right, showing no emotion and being invincible, Kylo Ren was a much more layered and interesting character. You could tell he was conflicted and I bought that he was a good guy that turned to the dark side.

Offline orcus116

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #283 on: December 29, 2015, 06:35:50 PM »
So I finally got around to seeing this and my tastes in movies must have changed by this point because I was very underwhelmed. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting since I was trying to keep myself out of any information for fear of spoilers (how I lasted over 10 days online without something coming up is beyond me) but while the movie is entertaining I just didn't feel engaged like I want out of a movie nowadays, especially one with ties to movies I've loved since I was a kid. I was going to break down the stuff I didn't like but instead of nit-picking I guess I'll just touch on a couple of things that bugged me.

The pacing was way too quick, almost to a Ridley Scott level of bad. This sort of rushed a lot of scenes that threw me off like when the Resistance is planning on taking on the Starkiller and they come up with an entire battle plan in literally 20 seconds. The pacing also killed the buildup to anything important like the destruction of the Republic (Coruscant?) because you get a few minutes to hear "We made a weapon. This is what it does. Let's do this bad thing." and then it's over. Even with knowledge of what was happening because I know about Star Wars it happened way too fast and there was no residual effects amongst the Resistance for what happened. The movie had a hard time telling me what I should be investing my emotions into.

The only other little thing, and this is very minor I know, is the fan service was a tad bit too much, especially when it lead into some very corny dialogue. Nothing showstopping but my brand of fan service is more subtle like when Finn is going through stuff in the Falcon and tosses aside the little orb Luke used to train with in A New Hope. The chessboard, however, was a little too much. Even the whole Han thing asking about where a trash compactor was on the Starkiller was probably better on paper than execution since by that point the movie had been saturated to the point of almost parody.

What I did like was the way the film was shot and written meaning you could tell that the team that made it actually cared about the Star Wars universe and franchise. The new characters don't bug the crap out of you and are actually kind of interesting. They treated Kylo Ren very well although I don't really like the way they unveiled the relation between him and Han/Leia so early. I'm glad they didn't kill him off ala Darth Maul so they can actually build him up as a villain in the coming films. I'm curious now if the slash Rey made across his face will make him wear the mask the entire time from now on.

I may need some more time to let the movie sink in but these are just my initial thoughts after leaving the theater. Ultimately it felt like the storyline that a good TV show based on a brand would produce, not a storyline to a premiere movie series.

Offline Gadough

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #284 on: December 29, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »
Kylo Ren is just behind Rey as my favorite character. He was awesome both pre-mask-removal and post-mask-removal.

Speaking of which, I was perfectly fine with the removal (my friend audibly gasped "oh my God, he's beautiful!") but I wish he had kept it on for the rest of the movie after that. I probably would have taken him more seriously.

If you want a pure badass you always have Darth Vader. I'm happy that they didn't try to create another Vader, and instead made Kylo Ren a human character you could actually relate to. Instead of storming in and killing people left and right, showing no emotion and being invincible, Kylo Ren was a much more layered and interesting character. You could tell he was conflicted and I bought that he was a good guy that turned to the dark side.

Agree to disagree. I hate to say it, but I'm really not seeing a huge difference between Anakin and Kylo Ren. Without doing some in-depth character analysis they both act like little bitches. Maybe Anakin's worse, sure. I hope they toughen Kylo up in the next installment.
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Offline orcus116

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #285 on: December 29, 2015, 07:24:45 PM »
At least Kylo is a villain. Anakin was our protagonist for the prequels, which is a pretty depressing thought.

Offline gmillerdrake

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #286 on: December 29, 2015, 07:41:35 PM »
Kylo Ren is just behind Rey as my favorite character. He was awesome both pre-mask-removal and post-mask-removal.

Speaking of which, I was perfectly fine with the removal (my friend audibly gasped "oh my God, he's beautiful!") but I wish he had kept it on for the rest of the movie after that. I probably would have taken him more seriously.

If you want a pure badass you always have Darth Vader. I'm happy that they didn't try to create another Vader, and instead made Kylo Ren a human character you could actually relate to. Instead of storming in and killing people left and right, showing no emotion and being invincible, Kylo Ren was a much more layered and interesting character. You could tell he was conflicted and I bought that he was a good guy that turned to the dark side.

Agree to disagree. I hate to say it, but I'm really not seeing a huge difference between Anakin and Kylo Ren. Without doing some in-depth character analysis they both act like little bitches. Maybe Anakin's worse, sure. I hope they toughen Kylo up in the next installment.

Ehh. . Kylo was WAY more developed than Anakin IMO.  I mean, there's even a scene with humor when after he sliced the room up in a fit of rage he calmly asks "anything else?" To the officer. That was funny.

I don't think there's any question in my mind 'they' have a three movie plan for Rens character and this one was to show that he does have power and Force 'talent'.....but he's still very inexperienced. Undoubtedly within the first few scenes of the next movie they will have worked out a way to show both Ren and Rey's advancement. 
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Offline Pragmaticcircus

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #287 on: December 29, 2015, 08:43:04 PM »
I love Rey, we've needed a character like that in a long time!
"The thing that kills me is all these bands that use huge words in their lyrics, 'I'm swimming in a vortex of apathy.' I'm like, 'What?' I don't walk up to a friend and go 'That's a stylin' looking vortex of apathy you've got there pal. I was swimming up a river of deceit myself."
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Offline orcus116

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #288 on: December 29, 2015, 08:44:37 PM »
So I'm curious where you guys stand on it after having seen the film.. I say Rey is definitely Luke Skywalker's daughter.

Apart from the fact that she is really strong with the force, I think there were several parts of the film that really hinted strongly towards that. For example, her connection to the Luke/Anakin lightsaber. The fact that her parents left her, simultaneously as Luke vanished to go into hiding. I would even say the way Luke looked at her in the end. It was only briefly, but it didn't feel like "Who is this random girl handing me my lightsaber?", it felt almost like he recognized her.

My guess would be that after the Knights of Ren turned on Luke, he had to go on his mission, and maybe he did a mind swipe with the force to protect Rey and he left her on the safest planet in his eyes, a dump like Jakku, which in several parts of the movie is referenced like a really bad place you don't want to go to. It also makes sense why it wasn't Tatooine again. I guess we'll get more insight in Episode 8 if this is the case, but she has to be a Skywalker and Leia/Han never mentioned having a daughter, so I think we can cross that off the list, and that leaves Luke IMO. Sure, I know some people say that if Luke did indeed have a child, he broke the jedi code and so on. What if, Luke had a child, then after seeing the Knights of Ren turn on him so easily and going dark, he was afraid he would fall to the dark side as well, so the only thing he knew was to go into hiding at the first Jedi temple, maybe find a bigger purpose or just meditate. Maybe he planned on returning to his daughter but he didn't complete his mission yet.

I agree with this. Wasn't there a part in the movie where someone straight up said Luke left her on Jakku?

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #289 on: December 29, 2015, 08:47:16 PM »
I hope we get some good screentime from Luke in episode 8, more background on Rey. A completely original story this time around...
"The thing that kills me is all these bands that use huge words in their lyrics, 'I'm swimming in a vortex of apathy.' I'm like, 'What?' I don't walk up to a friend and go 'That's a stylin' looking vortex of apathy you've got there pal. I was swimming up a river of deceit myself."
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #290 on: December 29, 2015, 10:24:26 PM »
I hope we get some good screentime from Luke in episode 8, more background on Rey. A completely original story this time around...
Yes to all of this.

Offline Lucien

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #291 on: December 29, 2015, 10:47:16 PM »
Why is Luke so important that the First Order is willing to devote massive amounts of resources to finding him?

Easy one. Luke is the last Jedi. Killing him would prevent any other Jedi (theoretically) from being trained to stop Ren and Snoke.
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Offline Zantera

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #292 on: December 29, 2015, 11:09:16 PM »
Why is Luke so important that the First Order is willing to devote massive amounts of resources to finding him?

Easy one. Luke is the last Jedi. Killing him would prevent any other Jedi (theoretically) from being trained to stop Ren and Snoke.

Yeah! It goes both ways, Luke himself could stop Snoke/Ren, but he could also teach the Jedi-ways to others who are strong in the force. I think the quest to find and destroy Luke has more to do with preventing the resistance from finding him and getting his help. Plus, for Ren it's a personal motivation that drives him. He probably feels like beating Luke will be his final test in becoming a Sith.

Offline orcus116

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #293 on: December 29, 2015, 11:20:29 PM »
One small thing I noticed was when the Falcon was taking off at the end to go find Luke it looks like R2D2 is in the crowd on the right near C3PO yet he's audibly and maybe visually on the planet they land on when they find him. Was that another R2 unit in the crowd?

Offline Pragmaticcircus

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #294 on: December 29, 2015, 11:28:56 PM »
What do you hippies think of this:

Gives me hope that 8 and 9 will not be a plot-point rehash (one of the nerds arguments against 7)  :corn

I hope that they don't try and bring Han back from the dead, come on! Ford wanted to Han to die in episode 5, then 6. Its a loooong time.
"The thing that kills me is all these bands that use huge words in their lyrics, 'I'm swimming in a vortex of apathy.' I'm like, 'What?' I don't walk up to a friend and go 'That's a stylin' looking vortex of apathy you've got there pal. I was swimming up a river of deceit myself."
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #295 on: December 30, 2015, 12:15:03 AM »
One small thing I noticed was when the Falcon was taking off at the end to go find Luke it looks like R2D2 is in the crowd on the right near C3PO yet he's audibly and maybe visually on the planet they land on when they find him. Was that another R2 unit in the crowd?

I looked for this on my third viewing, and yes, that's another R2 unit.

Offline jammindude

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #296 on: December 30, 2015, 06:29:49 AM »
What do you hippies think of this:

Gives me hope that 8 and 9 will not be a plot-point rehash (one of the nerds arguments against 7)  :corn

I hope that they don't try and bring Han back from the dead, come on! Ford wanted to Han to die in episode 5, then 6. Its a loooong time.

There was already an article confirming Harrison's return...but I'll bet the farm it's in the form of "flashback" scenes. 
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Offline TheOutlawXanadu

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #297 on: December 30, 2015, 06:42:11 AM »
Am I the only one who's a little bit concerned about CT directing Episode IX? Maybe I just don't know his work well enough, but I'd feel much more confident with JJ or Johnson instead.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #298 on: December 30, 2015, 06:47:57 AM »
Am I the only one who's a little bit concerned about CT directing Episode IX? Maybe I just don't know his work well enough, but I'd feel much more confident with JJ or Johnson instead.

Not sure if I'm concerned, but definitely wary at this point. However, I think Disney and Lucasfilm will both be keeping a firm grip on the reins, so I don't expect it will get too far off track with any particular director/writer.
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Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #299 on: December 30, 2015, 07:41:38 AM »
As long as JJ is the executive producer, that means he has final say. So I'm not overly worried.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #300 on: December 30, 2015, 09:16:43 AM »
Went and saw it with the family.  I liked it.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #301 on: December 30, 2015, 09:21:55 AM »
The pacing was way too quick, almost to a Ridley Scott level of bad. This sort of rushed a lot of scenes that threw me off like when the Resistance is planning on taking on the Starkiller and they come up with an entire battle plan in literally 20 seconds. The pacing also killed the buildup to anything important like the destruction of the Republic (Coruscant?) because you get a few minutes to hear "We made a weapon. This is what it does. Let's do this bad thing." and then it's over. Even with knowledge of what was happening because I know about Star Wars it happened way too fast and there was no residual effects amongst the Resistance for what happened. The movie had a hard time telling me what I should be investing my emotions into.

Yeah, this is my one major problem with the film.  I mentioned it in my post, but you elaborated on the point very well in terms of capturing how I also feel about it.  But this is a gripe I have about a LOT of movies nowadays.  It seems like screenwriters/directors/whoever just try to cram in way too much, and it ends up hurting the overall story rather than helping it because you sacrifice depth and leave too many things feeling unresolved, even if there is what is supposed to be a "resolution."
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Offline gmillerdrake

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #302 on: December 30, 2015, 09:27:27 AM »
The pacing was way too quick, almost to a Ridley Scott level of bad. This sort of rushed a lot of scenes that threw me off like when the Resistance is planning on taking on the Starkiller and they come up with an entire battle plan in literally 20 seconds. The pacing also killed the buildup to anything important like the destruction of the Republic (Coruscant?) because you get a few minutes to hear "We made a weapon. This is what it does. Let's do this bad thing." and then it's over. Even with knowledge of what was happening because I know about Star Wars it happened way too fast and there was no residual effects amongst the Resistance for what happened. The movie had a hard time telling me what I should be investing my emotions into.

Yeah, this is my one major problem with the film.  I mentioned it in my post, but you elaborated on the point very well in terms of capturing how I also feel about it.  But this is a gripe I have about a LOT of movies nowadays.  It seems like screenwriters/directors/whoever just try to cram in way too much, and it ends up hurting the overall story rather than helping it because you sacrifice depth and leave too many things feeling unresolved, even if there is what is supposed to be a "resolution."

I'd personally be fine with a change of culture to where movies would generally be 3 hours long, rather than the 2:20-2:40 they 'typically' are. The 3 hour mark would correct some of the pacing issues I think,'d give the viewers a better product IMO.

The potential downfall would be having to sit through a 3 hour 'bad' movie. But with TFA and most other movies I've seen....I'd gladly sit for 3 hours given how much I liked them.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #303 on: December 30, 2015, 09:31:04 AM »
The pacing was way too quick, almost to a Ridley Scott level of bad. This sort of rushed a lot of scenes that threw me off like when the Resistance is planning on taking on the Starkiller and they come up with an entire battle plan in literally 20 seconds. The pacing also killed the buildup to anything important like the destruction of the Republic (Coruscant?) because you get a few minutes to hear "We made a weapon. This is what it does. Let's do this bad thing." and then it's over. Even with knowledge of what was happening because I know about Star Wars it happened way too fast and there was no residual effects amongst the Resistance for what happened. The movie had a hard time telling me what I should be investing my emotions into.

Yeah, this is my one major problem with the film.  I mentioned it in my post, but you elaborated on the point very well in terms of capturing how I also feel about it.  But this is a gripe I have about a LOT of movies nowadays.  It seems like screenwriters/directors/whoever just try to cram in way too much, and it ends up hurting the overall story rather than helping it because you sacrifice depth and leave too many things feeling unresolved, even if there is what is supposed to be a "resolution."

I'd personally be fine with a change of culture to where movies would generally be 3 hours long, rather than the 2:20-2:40 they 'typically' are. The 3 hour mark would correct some of the pacing issues I think,'d give the viewers a better product IMO.

The potential downfall would be having to sit through a 3 hour 'bad' movie. But with TFA and most other movies I've seen....I'd gladly sit for 3 hours given how much I liked them.

I wouldn't mind longer films either, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think that would fix the problem.  Movies are longer now than they were where I was growing up, and despite the longer average running time, pacing seems to be much more of a problem now.  I'm not saying there is a correlation.  But I do think that just adding more time isn't going to solve the problem.  It just gives more space for the writers to try to fill up rather than having them just slow down and take more time to develop ideas.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #304 on: December 30, 2015, 09:48:30 AM »
One thing that pacing hurt in this film was the real lack of buildup towards the finale. In A New Hope the buildup to the Death Star battle seemed to take longer and the battle was epic and meaningful. Granted we had to deal with characters on the ground this time around but every single sequence, whether it be the people on the ground or stuff in the air, was so quick that you never really got a payoff since the movie showed you "this is where they need to be" *instant cut* "here they are", repeat. There was no real sense of danger when they were on the Starkiller either since they never really ran into any of the troops even though we got the impression that it's this massive functioning facility and even if they did run into any troops we never get to see it. When our heroes were running around the Death Star in ANH we got to see all the ducking, shooting, and evading which made the scenes thrilling. In TFA we just see the characters where they needed to be, unharmed, and doing things they were supposed to be. I don't need to see these guys walking every step but it began to play like one of those 2-hour encore compilation recap videos of a baseball game.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #305 on: December 30, 2015, 10:16:50 AM »
One thing that pacing hurt in this film was the real lack of buildup towards the finale. In A New Hope the buildup to the Death Star battle seemed to take longer and the battle was epic and meaningful. Granted we had to deal with characters on the ground this time around but every single sequence, whether it be the people on the ground or stuff in the air, was so quick that you never really got a payoff since the movie showed you "this is where they need to be" *instant cut* "here they are", repeat. There was no real sense of danger when they were on the Starkiller either since they never really ran into any of the troops even though we got the impression that it's this massive functioning facility and even if they did run into any troops we never get to see it. When our heroes were running around the Death Star in ANH we got to see all the ducking, shooting, and evading which made the scenes thrilling. In TFA we just see the characters where they needed to be, unharmed, and doing things they were supposed to be. I don't need to see these guys walking every step but it began to play like one of those 2-hour encore compilation recap videos of a baseball game.

I think it just depends how you look at it. What you're saying about there being a lack of build up toward them blowing up the Starkiller base is probably true; however, the real finale of the film, in my opinion, is the light saber fight with Kylo Ren, which essentially the entire movie was building to. When it finally happens, and considering Ren just killed his dad, it's pretty freaking epic. In Episode IV, the buildup to them escaping the Death Star took longer because it was the whole point of the middle act of the film. In Episode VII, the Starkiller base is more of a side show.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #306 on: December 30, 2015, 10:34:19 AM »
I rewatched the film last week. Boy, it gets better each time!
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #307 on: December 30, 2015, 11:17:56 AM »
Mrs. P has us scheduled to see it again New Years Eve! Can't wait to see it again.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #308 on: December 30, 2015, 11:26:14 AM »
One thing that pacing hurt in this film was the real lack of buildup towards the finale. In A New Hope the buildup to the Death Star battle seemed to take longer and the battle was epic and meaningful. Granted we had to deal with characters on the ground this time around but every single sequence, whether it be the people on the ground or stuff in the air, was so quick that you never really got a payoff since the movie showed you "this is where they need to be" *instant cut* "here they are", repeat. There was no real sense of danger when they were on the Starkiller either since they never really ran into any of the troops even though we got the impression that it's this massive functioning facility and even if they did run into any troops we never get to see it. When our heroes were running around the Death Star in ANH we got to see all the ducking, shooting, and evading which made the scenes thrilling. In TFA we just see the characters where they needed to be, unharmed, and doing things they were supposed to be. I don't need to see these guys walking every step but it began to play like one of those 2-hour encore compilation recap videos of a baseball game.

I think it just depends how you look at it. What you're saying about there being a lack of build up toward them blowing up the Starkiller base is probably true; however, the real finale of the film, in my opinion, is the light saber fight with Kylo Ren, which essentially the entire movie was building to. When it finally happens, and considering Ren just killed his dad, it's pretty freaking epic. In Episode IV, the buildup to them escaping the Death Star took longer because it was the whole point of the middle act of the film. In Episode VII, the Starkiller base is more of a side show.

I get it.  But it's not like there only needs to be ONE crucial event that we have a slow build to.  Even if we take for granted that the light saber battle was THE climactic event, the Starkiller base was still huge.  I mean, the thing could erase millions of lives and was about to wipe out the resistance.  Even if we relegate its destruction to secondary importance, it is still of such importance that not giving the events surrounding its destruction a fair, realistic buildup feels like an oversight.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #309 on: December 30, 2015, 11:37:47 AM »
To me, the Starkiller base in general seemed a little tacked on. It was probably a combination of JJ needing something like that to set up a final battle, and wanting to tip his hat to the originals.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #310 on: December 30, 2015, 04:43:05 PM »
The problem lies in introducing the weapon from the beginning. If there is a way to create a weapon that powerful and it has been achieved once, almost twice before, why wouldn't the evil empire try to create that weapon again? Once you introduce something that powerful, it's a game changer. With that said, it also takes such a time to build one, that with the destruction of this base, we most likely won't have another one in this trilogy.

There's been 30 years between Jedi and Force Awakens. With Luke out of the picture, and the first order trying to achieve world domination, why wouldn't they build another death star? Put the fact that you may think it's repetitive aside, it makes perfect sense from a logical standpoint.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #311 on: December 31, 2015, 03:44:57 AM »
Saw the film last night, and it was solid. Not sure I get the "AMAZING RETURN TO FORM" comments, but then I thought Episode III was strong as well, and liked Episode II just fine.

In terms of characters, this was a VERY strong film (treating it as the first part of the story) I thought. In terms of plot, it was fine but nothing special. Slightly too much similarity to Episode IV perhaps, which overall doesn't bother me as it fits with the Star Wars "history repeats itself" theme (particularly if Rey is a Skywalker), but towards the end with the Starkiller base it was all just a bit TOO similar for me. And then for apparently no reason the entire planet disintegrated and then exploded.

One thing that pacing hurt in this film was the real lack of buildup towards the finale. In A New Hope the buildup to the Death Star battle seemed to take longer and the battle was epic and meaningful. Granted we had to deal with characters on the ground this time around but every single sequence, whether it be the people on the ground or stuff in the air, was so quick that you never really got a payoff since the movie showed you "this is where they need to be" *instant cut* "here they are", repeat. There was no real sense of danger when they were on the Starkiller either since they never really ran into any of the troops even though we got the impression that it's this massive functioning facility and even if they did run into any troops we never get to see it. When our heroes were running around the Death Star in ANH we got to see all the ducking, shooting, and evading which made the scenes thrilling. In TFA we just see the characters where they needed to be, unharmed, and doing things they were supposed to be. I don't need to see these guys walking every step but it began to play like one of those 2-hour encore compilation recap videos of a baseball game.

I think it just depends how you look at it. What you're saying about there being a lack of build up toward them blowing up the Starkiller base is probably true; however, the real finale of the film, in my opinion, is the light saber fight with Kylo Ren, which essentially the entire movie was building to. When it finally happens, and considering Ren just killed his dad, it's pretty freaking epic. In Episode IV, the buildup to them escaping the Death Star took longer because it was the whole point of the middle act of the film. In Episode VII, the Starkiller base is more of a side show.
I would agree with this. Part of the problem with movies in general, I think, is that we've got used to really great TV shows these days that, with their considerably longer run time overall, can create large amounts of both plot and character development. In a way, movies work best when focussing on one more than the other, otherwise they risk being very busy. And with the new SW films, they seem to be prioritising character, which is totally fine by me.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #312 on: December 31, 2015, 03:46:16 AM »
The problem lies in introducing the weapon from the beginning. If there is a way to create a weapon that powerful and it has been achieved once, almost twice before, why wouldn't the evil empire try to create that weapon again? Once you introduce something that powerful, it's a game changer. With that said, it also takes such a time to build one, that with the destruction of this base, we most likely won't have another one in this trilogy.
I'd really love them to explore ideas like those in the KOTOR video games. Some truly epic stuff and not just "take over the galaxy with a planet sized super-weapon again".

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #313 on: December 31, 2015, 03:53:20 AM »
**EDIT - Oh yeah!  Did anyone else notice that the speech Luke gives in the very first trailer, was not in the movie?  The one about the force being strong in his family...
Wasn't that just taken from Jedi?
Not quite, no. For a start, I'm 95% certain it's a new recording as his voice sounds very different, deeper. Plus, while it has the original wording, it also adds on at the end "you have that power too". Couldn't really be a clearer reference to someone in the Skywalker lineage. Admittedly it COULD refer to Kylo Ren, but I would say it's more likely Rey. Though similarly she could be Ren's sister.

Here it is again:

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #314 on: December 31, 2015, 04:26:48 AM »
I don't see her being sister to Kylo Ren mainly because Han and Leia never mentions anything about a daughter. Even if they did a jedi mind swipe and put her on Jakku to be safe, it would be weird that they show no remorse about it, considering how much Leia wants for Han to return home with Ben.

Personally I still think she's the daughter of Luke. Even if Jedi aren't supposed to fall in love or have children, Luke is the son of Anakin, a Jedi who fell in love and had children. Luke has that same "weakness" in him, and I don't think it's far fetched that maybe he did accidentally find someone special and had a child, stranger things happen. The second most plausible thing I could see happening is her being the offspring to Kenobi. That wouldn't bother me at all, and I would be okay with that as well. Even though I think you gotta put some limits on how much you connect characters, I still love the idea of Star Wars being a Skywalker-centric story, and that's mainly why I hope Rey is the daughter of Luke. I loved Rey and thought Daisy Ridley was amazing, and I really hope she becomes that strong Jedi that carries on the story in the true Skywalker-spirit. Sure, Ben is also a Skywalker and I think he will turn to the light in Episode 9, but Rey really is the main character, so it would make sense. Still, I don't need for Finn to be the offspring to Lando or Mace Windu, or Poe Dameron to be a distant relative to Han Solo. But keep the Skywalker DNA in the center and I'm happy. :)