Train of Naught Debut Roulette - And the winner is...

Started by Train of Naught, November 03, 2015, 06:36:44 AM

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Wow, I knew that was a thing for Parama (hence LODDOD), but I didn't expect that to be true for you as well.


the band i sent from has a 23 minute song but i do not have that album yet so i sent a 12 minute one instead

i don't even know if Train will like it much but it's definitely epic so i did my job

and yeah in regards to long epics, uhh
the longest song on any album i've purchased this year is 16:18, out of like 50+ albums

i am clearly not someone who seeks out epics  :lol


However, ToN, though I did just say that Evermind's song is good, I think you should still not allow it. There were a couple of songs I was considering that were around 31, 32 minutes that I eliminated on account of length, and others probably did too. I think you should keep the rules consistent for everybody and let Evermind send a <30 minute song which he seems to be working on anyway. And then just figure out the obvious song that Evermind was going to send and listen to it and love it on its own.

Train of Naught

I'll never underestimate Evermind's library so he should be fine sending a <30 min song.

BTW out of curiosity, what score did you give LODDOD?




Yeah, 425, it's exactly the song you're thinking of. I'm fine either way, I just need to decide if I should send a 10-minute song, 14-minutes song, 16-minutes song, 19-minutes song or a 24-minutes long song.

Some serious listening will commence tomorrow at work. And I'll probably listen to that 32-minutes long song too because it's just sooo great. :heart
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I did in fact give LODDOD a 9. Though keep in mind that my roulette scores were insanely generous—I think like 2 songs got under a 7 in the whole thing. Nevertheless, I actually did like LODDOD quite a bit and do plan to buy the album within a month or two. So I didn't end up punishing Parama in the scoring for the egregious act of sending a whole goddamn album.

Sacul's submission was good but it had some annoying drum part that repeated for like 4 minutes that I found really irritating.



16 minutes is the length of A Nightmare to Remember. Maybe it's A Nightmare to Remember.


Quote from: 425 on December 14, 2015, 09:28:13 AM
16 minutes is the length of A Nightmare to Remember. Maybe it's A Nightmare to Remember.

Yep. In fact, 14 minutes is Ithe length of In the Name of God, 19 minutes is the length of The Count of Tuscany and 24 minutes is the length of Octavarium.

Anyway, LoDDoD deserves a 10.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Evermind sending a DT song confirmed.

The highest LODDOD was ever going to get from me was a 9, probably. Because it's like "here, listen to this complex prog album that isn't divided into smaller units three times while also listening to nine other epics of between 14 and 32 minutes three times, and make sure you do this as quickly as possible."


Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

Fair enough, I think I'm pretty generous too though.

Btw 2112 would get a solid 10/10


Quote from: Evermind on December 14, 2015, 09:44:23 AM
Well, it's your fault for not discovering it earlier. :lol
i shouldn't be allowed to agree with you this strongly



Train, think that the song I sent to you is one of their most song-oriented of their discography. The album before that one called "In A Flesh Aquarium" is definitely more chaotic  :lol
I was going to send another song with growls considering that you like the songs of Waking The Fallen, but I read in the first page that harsh vocals are hit or miss for you.. I remember also that only Bedlam In Goliath was banned by Mars Volta, now everything is banned. I have to think a bit more for this submission

Train of Naught

Pretty sure FTM was banned too, atleast it should've been, but since Deloused is also off the table I figured it'd be better to ban TMV


Quote from: Sacul on December 14, 2015, 10:27:25 AM
Oh come on Ommadawn only had tribal percussion here and there :'(

I know... It just annoyed me is all. Which is the easiest way to get downgraded by me.


Sacul must have a history of really annoying people in roulettes, that Dead Can Dance song was incredibly annoying

i'm not convinced yet i didn't overrate it


To be honest things like that, going into the background yet repeating themselves over and over don't bother me, so I guess I didn't really notice that until you told me  :lol

In any case, you should give the album a chance, none of the other songs have that "problem", and it's pretty atmospheric as a whole - I love it.

Quote from: 425 on December 14, 2015, 05:48:44 PM
Quote from: Sacul on December 14, 2015, 10:27:25 AM
Oh come on Ommadawn only had tribal percussion here and there :'(

I know... It just annoyed me is all. Which is the easiest way to get downgraded by me.
Fair enough. I love some percussion in that style, but there was no way for me to predict if you'd be annoyed by that thing so I guess that felt a little bit unfair to me. Oh well, at least I sent you the best EP  :P


I think my objection was not that there was percussion, but that it was so monotonous for such a long time. That's what I remember, at least. And I totally don't blame you for feeling cheated by that, because you totally had no way of knowing that it would bother me. But nevertheless.

And you sent me an AMAZING EP. Like, everyone should listen to that EP. Those artists should collaborate to release that EP officially.


There is
A song I have sent
It's all been decided

If you know which song it is, please don't post the title in this damn thread. Thank you.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

"It's all been decided" sounds like Slash - Too Far Gone, you sending me a Slash song for an epic round mate? POINTS DOCKED


Quote from: Train of Naught on December 15, 2015, 10:06:34 AM
"It's all been decided" sounds like Slash - Too Far Gone, you sending me a Slash song for an epic round mate? POINTS DOCKED

Damn, are you saying after I spent a day deciding on the song to send you'll dock points from me just like that? I'm out of this damn roulette. :neverusethis:
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I have to listen to the two or three epics I"m thinking about sending you. I haven't heard them in a while (all the ones I was thinking about sending you are either bands on your banned list or by bands I've already sent you  :lol). I have a couple others, but being in the midst of holiday music right now I have to just take a break. Don't worry, I'll send it tonight.

Train of Naught

My god, I knew I had some obvious holes in my banned list, but I'm receiving some very obvious ones, how have I not heard these yet?

I already have 10 songs, you guys are quick.

I checked the song average and it is 16.95, so basically 17 minutes  :lol

Train of Naught

Let's play a game!

It's called... Guess who the last remaining participant to send their song is!


A mad scientist who made a dog-bird hybrid and uses it as avatar here?

Train of Naught

Train of Naught

I have everything in now, will start listening today. There's one duplicate artist, with two songs off different albums, but I really want to make some progress before holidays and stuff and I've never heard anything of this band before.

Total song length is 203:53 minutes --> 3 hours, 23 minutes and 53 seconds, and here, like promised, are the track lengths:

1. - 7:30
2. - 7:45
3. - 9:17
4. - 10:24
5. - 12:03
6. - 14:15
7. - 18:01
8. - 20:26
9. - 25:15
10. - 25:34
11. - 26:37
12. - 26:44

13. - 1:00:06 :neverusethis:




Train of Naught

Decided now that we have over half the songs, I'd compare the epic entries to your previous entries, I've seen this a couple of times in previous roulettes and thought it was a fun idea. Of course, first place of the list doesn't mean as much for one person as it does for the other, but you all know roughly what you scored for all the songs I assume. If not, you can always check.

Already finished two full listens, which I think is pretty impressive as I started a little more than 30 hours ago. That said, I wanted to rush in some listens before next week, because my bus(y/ier) schedule is starting next week. I'll still be able to continue, but obviously holidays are a-coming.


Round: 3
Round: 2
Round: 6
Round: 5
Round: 1
Round: 4


Round: 4
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Round: 5
Round: 2


Round: 6

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Round: 6

Round; 2
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Round: 1
Round: 3


Round: 1
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Round: 5
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Round: 6

Round: 1
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Round: 6
Round: 4
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Round: 1

Shadow Ninja 2.0:

Round: 6
Round: 5
Round: 2
Round: 4
Round: 3
Round: 1


Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3


Round: 6
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 1
Round: 4
Round: 5

If anything becomes clear from this, it's that there wasn't a single mediocre song this round (saying this after two listens). This means there will probably not be a huge shift in standings, and I can easily say this is the best round of the roulette so far (both by average score, and having the best song(s) so far). BTW I haven't even looked at the current standings yet, so who knows, there might be some people cliombing up or falling down the bracket, as things are still pretty tight because of my high average scores.


Those song lengths :lol
The reason I would never run an 'epic round' in my roulettes. Interested to see the results though.

I also know who sent the longest song :neverusethis:
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
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