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THE WALKING DEAD - Season 6 - Full Discussion

Started by gmillerdrake, October 08, 2015, 08:01:16 AM

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Which Major Character wil Die in the Finale

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Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: March 29, 2016, 09:46:01 AM


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 14, 2015, 05:33:52 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 05:25:27 PM
Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 01:00:42 PM
I would be shocked if Daryl gets killed off over Glenn. I think that they are going to kill Glenn especially since Maggie is pregnant.

I think they will switch it up....Daryl is a massive character on the show and Negan is a massive character also, this will demonstrate just how bad ass he is and gives that Daryl character a 'meaningful', memorable death....not like a zombie bite or from something small in'd be from THE most bad A$$ character the show/comic has seen. I really think it'll be Daryl.

I'd be ok if it was Daryl. Yeah he's a badass but other than getting woman to watch the show his character really has no where else to go unless he bangs Carol. I would love to see the look on my wife's face if it is Daryl who gets beat with Lucielle.

It'd be a huge statement. Honestly, I don't see any other great chance to kill off that character in an 'honorable' way. any other method of dying now would seem silly. Plus, it'd be the 'red wedding' of TWD. No one would expect that...including most of the comic readers being that they just assume it's going to be Glenn


Death predictions for this season(Non Spoiler related)?

Obviously some Alexandria redshirts. With the walker horde heading for Alexandria, this is imminent.
I don't expect Morgan to survive the whole season. Maybe a MSF death?
Tara. She's done pretty much nothing since the fall of the prison, and the main cast needs to trimmed down a bit.
Deanna. She's lost a son, her husband, and she's pretty much given up leadership of the safe zone to Rick. I can't see her character going anywhere else so I think she'll be gone by the end of the first half of this season.

Wild Card: Abraham or Carol. Two fan favorites who seem pretty safe. Perhaps a bit too safe...


 - Rick's new girlfriend is toast. Her kids too probably because they can't have too many guys Carl's age on the cast.
- Gabrielle no doubt. He'll go out heroically/martyr-like.
- Glenn and possibly Maggie. Maggie said "That's not the only reason", so I'm assuming she's pregnant. If that's the case, definitely Glenn.
- I really like Eugene, but now that the 'mission' is a bust, I don't see what else he can bring to the table.
- I think Rosita will go before Tara


I'll throw a couple out there:

- I agree about Rick's new GF and kids. I think it's after they shag a couple times though
- It's a given a handful of untested Alexandrianites will be Walker food.
- Tara and Gabriel both seem to have run their course.
- Deanna is a goner....probably next week. They've already alluded to it.

Wildcards: Absolutely agree with Metro....

- Abraham or Carol. . Just a big enough characters for that mid-season 'shocker'

The 'GMD' guarantee. Daryl will die this a grande fashion. No inside info and obviously it's not in the comic....just a feeling.


As good as it would be for the story, I don't think killing off Daryl is an option. He generates way too much money for AMC to no longer be on the show.

Abraham is a good guess though. He seemed to be losing it last week. He's got nothing left and I think Alexandria is doing nothing but reminding him of what he's lost.

If Carol goes, I think it's going to be while protecting the kids in Alexandria. She lost her daughter and had to shoot another kid in the back of the head. She's due to save one.


Quote from: Chino on October 14, 2015, 08:14:12 AM
As good as it would be for the story, I don't think killing off Daryl is an option. He generates way too much money for AMC to no longer be on the show

IMO it'd be great if they showed the balls to do it.


Gabrielle is fairly obvious, although maybe too obvious so it doesnt happen, but the actor got a DUI on set, I think he is done.
Glenn I could see being the big death this season, I actually thought he could of been killed off last season
Tara or Eugene, both seem to have no role

Wild card:
Carol, don't know why, but just a guess really

I'd be really pissed if Morgan dies.  He is becoming my favorite character and one of the few that I actually care about.

Daryl would be ballsy and maybe too ballsy for AMC, but I'd take that surprise.  He hasn't exactly done anything in awhile.


Quote from: cramx3 on October 14, 2015, 08:48:42 AM
I'd be really pissed if Morgan dies.  He is becoming my favorite character and one of the few that I actually care about.

I see Morgan being around for a bit....he's such a cool character and the perfect balance to/for Rick's character.


Why is everyone spelling Gabriel's name as a female?  :rollin

I can definitely see that cocksucker going and I hope he does in a horribly torturous fashion. They've made him super easy to abhor and he is literally doing nothing at all except for spout bullshit bible quotes and then defies all of them entirely.

Other than that, I've got no predictions. Anyone is game at this point aside from the obvious Rick/Carl, I think; the showrunners are probably finding out that people are starting to think that the whole 'no one is safe' shtick is bullshit, so I think they'll remedy that by killing off quite a few this season and/or just some of the secondary characters that people wouldn't expect. I don't care who goes, honestly. I like Morgan, Daryl, Carol and Abraham (crazy bastard  :heart ) enough, but still wouldn't be too sad to see them go (barring Morgan, that'd just suck...but at the same time would make sense).

I just want them to get back to showing that no one is safe.


Quote from: TioJorge on October 14, 2015, 10:48:48 AM
Why is everyone spelling Gabriel's name as a female?  :rollin

Because he acts like a blood belching vagina.



While the episode itself was good by TWD's standards, I didn't really find myself caring about it that much. I still think this show needs to seriously cut down on the cast, it's just getting ridiculous right now. And not just kill off a few characters, I would honestly like it if they scaled down to maybe 4-5 main characters (who obviously has interactions with a few others that recur here and there), but that would mean killing off 70-75% of the cast or something.


I don't quite get why people like Morgan more than anyone else, he's pretty goofy, and he is one hellishly inconsistent "character".


He's only inconsistent because each time we saw him in the past had huge gaps of time between them. No surprise there. Kirkman also said we'll be getting more info into his past and how he has changed so much, so that's good. But to what extent, I'm not sure (I'm guessing they'll do an episode dedicated to him, but that's just my guess, no spoilers here...I like the singular episodes they've done before). Either way, I'm not sure why there's even a question to why anyone likes any character. I just like him. Not even more than others (aside from secondary fodder). I like Rick and Carl the most, but Morgan is up there simply because he's a badass to me; it's not all that mysterious. He went from being a pretty weak and cowardly man who just wanted to protect his son from these monsters...then turned into a monster himself...and is now a zen master. All we need is a string to connect each of these iterations and we've got ourselves an interesting character with a backstory. That, and I think it's awesome to have the first person Rick ever saw after waking up not only still around, but thriving. Also, goofy is absolutely not a word I'd describe Morgan as but uh...whatevs, everyone sees everyone differently.

Fluffy Lothario
For all those calling Carol: nope. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I hope they don't axe Tara and Eugene, I can see something being made of those characters. And I don't necessarily mean a romance. Maybe Tara dies and it spurs Eugene to become harder or something.

Speaking of romances though, have we seen Aaron's partner at all since The Distance and potentially the ep after? Even in the background? It's like they went "hey look, we have a gay couple on the show... okay, that's that dealt with, let's move on".

I also think it'd be a wee bit anti-climactic to kill off Morgan after one season when they've been teasing him for five.

I don't see them killing Glenn. If Gabriel goes, I wouldn't weep, nor Abraham (and how is he a fan favourite? I've never seen him spoken of very highly at all).

Killing Deanna would be interesting.


That's cool, I like her the most out of the secondary characters. She's almost become a lead in the show and Kirkman's comments pretty much intensify that, for which I am totally behind. I'm not sure if it's because I've always been into the comics more (though my love for the TV show and its characters has slowly grown over time, especially for Carl), but I just don't feel a whole lot for anyone other than the two leads. Again, that's probably got a lot to do with my own comic-book-intense fandom.

Fluffy, even though it was a flashback (and in all actuality it was more of a recap...the black/white makes it seem further in the past than it was, it was fairly recent and could be considered 'this episode' in a timeline-fashion), we saw Aaron's partner (I forget his name now and again) with the group just kind of listening in. Other than that, we didn't see him in the current events. Then again we didn't see plenty of people in the premier. Which makes sense, I'm not sure why there were some people elsewhere (and friends that I watched it with) wondering where everyone was one of the most dangerous and intense (actually...unarguably, THE most dangerous) missions they went on. They'd need to keep certain people safe and look after HQ. It's safe to say that Carl was looking after behbeh and the rest of the secondary people were looking after HQ.

I think many, if not most of the clueless fodder of Alexandria are gone and that's a pretty safe bet to include even the higher ups like Deanna. But someone a few of the secondary 'leads' have to go. It's a must at this point. Glenn is looking more and more like he's going to be the one as far as foreshadowing, screen-time goes. I mean, it's just been the premier thus far so it's tough to say but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a lot more of him and then...kaput.


Quote from: Fluffy Lothario on October 15, 2015, 03:11:07 PM

I hope they don't axe Tara and Eugene, I can see something being made of those characters.

Eugene has a lot to offer. He may have been BS'ing about the whole DC thing but he is full of useful knowledge....I'd still value him as a commodity any community would need higher than just another 'foot soldier'.


Quote from: BlackInk on October 14, 2015, 11:17:11 AM
I don't quite get why people like Morgan more than anyone else, he's pretty goofy, and he is one hellishly inconsistent "character".

He's more entertaining than 90% of the other characters, most of whom have grown incredibly stale. If they honestly wiped out the majority of the long standing cast next episode what are the percent of people that would actually care? Probably a lot less than the show thinks would.


Quote from: BlackInk on October 14, 2015, 11:17:11 AM
I don't quite get why people like Morgan more than anyone else, he's pretty goofy, and he is one hellishly inconsistent "character".
Because he had a sort of mythical status over the first 5 seasons, it's quite exciting now that he's actually properly brought into the fold.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


I think people like Morgan because of a few reasons, but most importantly that he was one of the first characters we saw, he had a fairly gripping backstory, and then seeing him again in Clear (was that in S3?), was definitely the highlight of the season it was in. I fully expect him to become yet another boring, bland and uninteresting character now that he is part of the group and we see him regularly, but part of what made him nice initially was the fact that we didn't really know that much about him, except for a few things.


I thought S01E01 Morgan was an interesting character, and him at the window trying to shoot his wife is one of the shows best moments. But I didn't like him in Clear, because that was not the same character. And now he's a... *sigh*... zen master beating shit with a staff? Yeah, they'll probably attempt to tie these different people together somehow, but I doubt it'll be enough for me by now.


 :eek Wha-? Of course they were 'different'. I just don't understand how you either don't 'see' or can't take a (very, very tiny) leap of faith in assuming that the character went through some SHIT during the massive amounts of time we didn't see him. That's what's throwing me through a loop. If we had seen him in one episode and then two or three later, absolutely, it'd be weird as hell. But it was a very long time; he had gone through not only what he explained (and still left things unsaid) during Clear, but moreso in the time between that episode and now. Look at the rest of the people and their own changes throughout their time. Rick was a man that in the beginning was a stone wall of will in saying that they don't kill the living, then in Clear he's passing up a very desperate, living human for help...and then at the end of the episode passes by the ball of gory flesh and takes his fucking bag. Now he's telling a community that he's wondering "how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives?" Those are drastic changes and that's not even close to the half of it. It may as well be the opposite of Rick being all zen in the beginning save for the physicality, and now he's Morgan in Clear, albeit channeling his insanity and inhumanity in a way that's (more or less) good for (almost) everyone.

I just don't get it at all. What you're saying makes no sense to me... But uh, whatever...I mean you either can see it or you can't (and/or dislike the character or like him). Either way it seems weird as fuck to me.  :lol Not that it's a big deal or bad, I'm just mainly confused as to why you're not applying that exact same logic to Rick and co. being completely different people. The only difference is we saw their gradual change's a very small step of, 'well, Morgan seems even more drastically different because we haven't seen the change, hence there is no gradual change'.... So you saying the fact that even if they show and explain it, it wouldn't matter makes even less sense. Either that or you don't see Rick and co. as 'different people', which would be even more baffling. Eh! Again, whatevs. To each their own.


Rick and the main group has changed a bit in how they view things, and most have toughened up a lot, but they're not different people. There is still a core to their characters that remains the same. A personality that is "them". Rick was pretty much like Morgan in Clear when he went crazy in season 3, so I guess I can buy that we just caught Morgan in a time like that. But other than that, Rick is still at heart the same guy he was in the pilot. Some changes here and there, experiences that have added to the character, but it's still Rick, the person Rick Grimes. Morgan is another story though. I don't get the feeling that he's been through things that have added to him as a character or a person. It feels more like they erased all they had and put in new stuff. Morgan has lost all of his initial character traits, the only thing remaining the same being his accent and the fact that it's the same actor so he looks the same.


I'm not so sure there's been enough back story on Morgan to say that for sure. Which is a problem with the show and having too many characters and not being able to draw them out well enough.  I agree with Tio in general though, so much has happened between the time frames that we don't know from Morgan to really say why he may have changed.


The Walking Dead's main weakness is fleshing out characters, and the problem is instead of scaling back on the amount of characters and giving them more depth, we are getting more and more characters and less and less personality for each of them. When people talk about most other shows, whether it's Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones (just to name two), it's always "Character X is really great" or "Yeah, but Character Y is my favorite".

TWD might be the only show where I can honestly say there hasn't been a truly great character over 5 seasons of the show. I like Rick, I would say he is a good character on the verge of being great, but they waste so much time on meaningless background characters that they could use on him instead. There's a few more, Carol had a fairly nice arc for example, but how much do we really know about some of the characters?


I agree, though to some extent I would say Game of Thrones is the same, though I think that benefits from considerably more variety of plot and setting and so people identify more with different characters or groups. Whereas in TWD there's a large cast but not enough variety.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Yeah, one thing that helps make the characters in Game of Thrones better is that they have goals. They are working towards something, fighting for something, actually doing something. And those "somethings" are quite different from person to person, which makes for a large group of good and different characters.

In The Walking Dead, everyone's goal is survival. And pretty much only that. A concept that grows stale after 6 seasons, or 3 to be honest. But this whole Alexandria thing is changing things up a bit. At least ehough to make me interested again.


I really wish I could get into GOT. I got bored of it after two and a half seasons though. It's so interesting the different things people care about in different storytelling mediums. I'm a stickler for the apocalyptic and unless I think it's truly shit, usually anything pertaining to said genre is gonna pique my interest. TWD does that in spades for me (most of the time...the comic, all the time). But GOT...I just didn't give a shit about anything that was going on and it seemed so convoluted. There are certain aspects I like about the show but for the most part I'm so indifferent towards it all. I suppose it doesn't help that anything political...even if it's fantasy politics, is going to turn me right the fuck off...and GOT is so chalk full of it that it annoys me. Er...Oops...I digress!

I'm excited to see where this season goes though. I think by now they've had enough complaints and input from the fans to know not to have things flat-line for too long. They can still be in Alexandria and in one spot but have interesting things go down with drama and the like. Plus hopefully the walker situation just gets worse and worse as it has so far. It'd make sense to. Bodies keep piling...and with all those people on the planet (well, in the US) before shit went down...even the hordes so far are nothing compared to what's (should be) coming.


Ever since S2 I've thought about quitting TWD but ended up following it anyways. Apart from S1, the show has never been truly great, but being a fan of the post-apocalyptic stuff, it also hasn't been bad enough to the point where I've just stopped watching it. It has also helped that we only get 1 episode per week, so even though some have been a chore to get through, by the time the next one comes out, I've "recharged" my batteries enough to endure another one. But I feel like it's slowly reaching the edge for me. I just felt so disinterested in anything going on in S6E1, and there's nothing really exciting about it at the moment.

Since I'm up to date and it's only 1 episode to get through each week, I'll probably continue watching since it's not that big of a chore. But if I fell behind, I don't think there's any way I could sit through a TWD marathon and watch multiple episodes in a row. There are some shows where an episode ends and you want the next episode right away, TWD is almost the opposite for me. Those 7 days are kinda needed to rebuild some sort of interest.

Fluffy Lothario

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the nostalgia-tinged notion that S1 is head and shoulders above the rest of the show is ridiculous. The pilot was brilliant, there were a few great episodes, and there were several that were just good to average. Some of the acting and script writing was great, some of it not so much.

Which would make it only as good or bad as every other TWD season (except for S2, of course).


I think S1 was the best, but even S1 wasn't Sopranos or The Wire. I think a lot of it is also because with S1 you had so much potential, and then for S2, S3, S4 and S5 you basically got a dull monotone of what could have been great.


Quote from: Fluffy Lothario on October 18, 2015, 01:52:32 PM
Which would make it only as good or bad as every other TWD season (except for S2, of course).

I know right? Season 2 was even better than 1!

Seriously though, since I had the benefit of watching all of S2 without having to wait from week to week, the farm never dragged for me, and it's my favorite season. Though the pilot is still my favorite episode.

Mr. Ister

Wow this episode was amazing. The symbolism in that final scene was among the coolest in the series.


Quote from: Mr. Ister on October 18, 2015, 07:35:25 PM
Wow this episode was amazing. The symbolism in that final scene was among the coolest in the series.

What an episode!!!  I'm glad I'm on record stating this season IMO would be the the best season yet because the first two episodes have been rock solid. This episode was insane and fantastic!!!! loved how it was up to the 'minor' characters to hold the fort down.

Just a killer episode all around!!!


also, It seemed like that Enid chic tried to admit something to Carl while they were alone....when she said Alexandria was to big to defend....then she said "that's how we...." and Carl cuts her off. So, is SHE a Wolf as well? She's always had that 'questionable' aura about her....she could be?