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What do you love about your job?

Started by bout to crash, June 25, 2015, 05:46:26 PM

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bout to crash

Let's look at the positive side of things! There's always a lot to bitch about when it comes to work, but there are plus sides to every job. Let's hear 'em.

I'm a hospice social worker, and despite the exhaustion it can bring I feel very fortunate to have found an awesome field/job and to be doing something that is not only truly making a difference on a daily basis, but positively impacts the way I live my life/spend my time. You think a lot more about how to seize the day and live life in a way that makes you happy when you are constantly reminded of the fact that it will end- maybe at 96, maybe at 35.
Also, the money is better than I expected for a social work job (plus we just got a 403b), and the independence I have is amazing. For the most part, I make my own schedule, I spend my days driving around visiting people, and there is nobody breathing down my neck. Sure, my boss may occasionally have to remind me of something I forgot to do, but for the most part she trusts me to get things done. Most of my coworkers are awesome and I feel like I'm part of an amazing team that really helps people live and die in the best way they can.
We get a quarterly "wellness" benefit which for me means a free massage  ;D (others can get facials, manicures, aromatherapy/pain creams, and more)... which leads me to the fact that the company as a whole is very flexible and understanding and encourages us to take care of ourselves when we need to. They've found ways to keep people on staff who have broken legs and can't drive, the team has come together to help out coworkers with cancer or with sick family members, that sort of thing. You have to have a big heart to be in this field, and that shows in how we're treated as employees and colleagues. Good stuff.




- my Health Insurance. Working for a large Healthcare provider has been a blessing to our family concerning how little I pay a month compared to the awesome coverage we get. I hear from close friends and relatives what they are paying and I know how lucky I am.

- The Freedom I have. I don't have anyone looking over my shoulder...if I doing my job no one is asking me any questions. I come and go as I please to meetings, job sites, the office and home. I love that flexibility.

- making big decisions. My project budgets range from $25k remodels to $15-20 Million dollar Outpatient Surgery Centers and 'I' am responsible for coordinating, budgeting and ordering all the equipment for those projects and getting them installed correctly. It can be stressful but it's a 'good' kind of stress.

- the people. I meet and work with every type of personality and it reminds me a lot of when I was Managing Restaurants. Just every type of person from the Jack leg jerk to the nicest of nice. I enjoy the interaction with them all.


Yeah, I should appreciate my health benefits as well. Being in a union house, I have pretty much complete medical, dental, and vision for a mere ten bucks a month.


I work with my family (this also goes in the what I hate about my job thread  :lol)

The customers keep it interesting

I've got a lot of funny stories to tell

I've met and worked with some really cool people

I've developed a strong work ethic


most of the people i work with are now good friends of mine, AND the shitty coworker just got kicked out of my department, so i'm pretty stoked on that.

employee discounts are pretty chill too. and the flexibility w/ the hours i work is great.


I can decide my own hours... I get to do what I love and what I'm really good at.


I love about my job that it is varied. I don't do one thing all the time, which I would imagine gets tedious no matter how much you love it, I do different stuff - guided tours, children programs, preparation for museum events... - and even though I like some things more than others, I much prefer the variety.


I get to work with what I've always wanted - computers, and sitting at a desk all day in front of one. And I have great co-workers, that's always nice. I make enough money from it to pay the bills and even buy stuff I want, CDs, movies, computer stuff without having to worry about it (that's single life for ya!).


- I walk out at 4:15 every day
- I haven't worked a weekend in two years
- I get five weeks of vacation per year (25 PTO days)
- Killer salary for a 26 year old
- Matching 401K
- Awesome health insurance
- Ability to work from home if I need to


The people I work for are great.

My benefits are pretty good, including 6 weeks PTO.  That means a lot.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


I make stuff that flies in space.

Those red cylindrical things around the perimeter hold high pressure gas

We had about 30 such tanks on the Orion test flight in December 2014. The first image is the upper stage of the full Delta IV launch vehicle:


I bitch and I complain about my job, But I know when it comes to my "field" (lol security guard), this is the best company in the area to work with.

I've worked with my Supervisor and my Regional Supervisor for almost 3 years. We all started in the same place and worked our ways up (myself a tad slower than the others... lol.) I consider them friends as well as coworkers / my bosses for the most part. I can be blunt and tell them like it is without fear of getting in trouble (for the most part.) I also like the fact that I can still call the owners of the company anytime and have a real conversation with them, and that they (my bosses, and the owners) trust my opinions in a lot of matters.

Also, I do enjoy most of my coworkers. I've got a couple great friendships that have blossomed while being here.

Last, I like the fact that I get to help people with some of the most off the wall problems. You know how cops always have the most out of left field stories? Well.. I do to. Not that I am comparing myself to an Police Officer, but when you work in a community of almost 500 residences, you experience a lot of crazy shit.


The fact that a 5 hour shift seems like 30 minutes.


The feeling of accomplishment when a project is complete.


The fact that I turned in my resignation last week, and get to take batting practice on a former manager without fear of retaliation. j/k ;)

My job allowed me to easily move states, learn how to diagnose using the DSM IV-TR, and advance my professional license for free. The co-workers were also always awesome, and I will miss the shared grunt level trench pains we had carrying a large community non-profit on our backs.

Not sure what the new position will bring. The fact that I call it a position vs. a job is how positive my outlook is for it. The fact that my boss seems awesome, is back in corrections where I have been chasing to get back to for several years, set 9-5 type hours, has a partial pension, and gives me from what I understand a huge budget for Continuing Education in my field are solid things from the start. Oh, and apparently an office.


For as much as I really hate my retail pharmacy job (which I only do for a scholarship), at the same time I LOOOOOVE my hospital pharmacy job.  :heart

Pretty much every negative for working at a Rite aid or CVS is reversed in the Hospital

When people think of a pharmacist, 90% of them will only think of Rite aid and CVS, but hidden away in the hospital are pharmacists as well and its so different.

What most people don't really even realize is that every single order written by a doctor in the hospital must first be reviewed and verified by a hospital pharmacist before the nurse can give the med. So if you go to the Emergency room and say you have a headache while you are there, the nurse can't even give an Advil or tylanol until the pharmacist reviews the order.

What I love about Hospital pharmacy:

1. Fixing one problem at a time. Sadly I'm just not a great multi-tasker. At Rite Aid, you are handling a drop off, while having a phone on your shoulder, while checking another prescription, while ringing someone up on the register, while giving a flu shot, while pulling a new script off the Fax. Screw that. A lot of people make mistakes, potentially deadly ones since their attention is divided. With hospital pharmacy, I can review one order at a time. There's 3 other pharmacists there so everything is balanced out so that I can focus on what I'm doing and I have other people to bounce Ideas off of or ask questions.

2. Every problem can be fixed, either right away or with-in an hour max. Need to talk to a doctor? well, they are in the same building as you, so you just call them and resolve what ever issue, right there on the spot. Your computer dies, you call IT and the in-house IT person comes down in like 15 mins. Out of a med? just call one of the neighbor hospitals and borrow it. A courier usually arrives in about 20 mins. Hospitals are huge machines with a lot or resources. The resources you need to do your damn job.

3. I get to take a lunch Believe it or not, pharmacists at CVS and rite aid work 12 hours a day and don't get a lunch. Fucked up? Yeah, but that's the way it is. They will nibble at stuff through out the day, but that's usually interrupted constantly. Hospital, I get a lunch every single day, without question.

4. Random food- once a week there's typically a catered inservice lunch in kind of deal where Drug reps come to discuss a new drug being developed. Bitchin good food and learning about new meds. Win-Win

5. Good tunes- We get to listen to music all day long. Huge plus and good motivator.

6. I get to use what I went to school for- Pharmacist's go to school for 6 years and get a PharmD (Doctorate of pharmacy). Every retail pharmacist that I've met spends 90% of their day billing insurance ( :censored) which is awful and then getting yelled at over 2 dollar co-pays. If they are lucky, they might get 2 seconds to tell somebody to take an anti-biotic with food, as the person is staring at their watch, ready to haul ass out of there and get on to the next errand they have to do. You have the knowledge of a medical doctor for the most part but never get to use it. In hospital, I have a full picture of a person's medical profile. Age, weight, height, liver function tests, lab values, kidney function, ect. I have to necessary information to actually safely decide if a patient should receive a drug or not or if the dose is correct. On top of that, when a person is laid up in a hospital bed because they weren't taking their meds right, they are much more willing to listen to your counseling. And you can actually take the time, one on one, with privacy to make sure they understand their meds and how to take them.

5. Dysfunctional yet loving family- There's like 20 people that work in a hospital pharmacy, as opposed to 1 pharmacist and 1 tech at a lot of retail pharmacies. These 20 people I pretty much consider family. Its a huge group of people working together to hold this crazy hospital together. We bust ass, get the work done and then just chill and have a good time.

Hospital pharmacy is a job I look forward to going to everyday, and presents reasonable challenges to keep my mind challenged and makes me feel fulfilled each day, without overwhelming me. I am happy as a clam working this job that I love  :heart

TLDR- screw Rite-aid and CVS. Hospital pharmacy for life  :metal


Quote from: lonestar on June 25, 2015, 06:10:38 PM
I eat very, very well.  :RJ:

I came here to state what I love about mine, but I got derailed with this comment. I envy you. I've been learning how to cook well over the last several years and I was considering a brief stint in culinary school just so that I could learn more for myself and to cook for people I know. Books, youtube, articles and friends have been my go-to for learning. Right now, I'm tackling spicy pulled BBQ chicken, pulled pork, and picked shrimp.

Anyway, I love my job because it allows me to travel the world.


Quote from: Phoenix87x on June 27, 2015, 03:04:26 PM
2. Every problem can be fixed, either right away or with-in an hour max. Need to talk to a doctor? well, they are in the same building as you, so you just call them and resolve what ever issue, right there on the spot. Your computer dies, you call IT and the in-house IT person comes down in like 15 mins. Out of a med? just call one of the neighbor hospitals and borrow it. A courier usually arrives in about 20 mins. Hospitals are huge machines with a lot or resources. The resources you need to do your damn job.
This sounds like a dream situation for any job.  Problems at my job require days or weeks to resolve, requiring contact with lots of people both in our building, and elsewhere and they are never available when the problem arises.  This requires constant follow up calls and emails, and hunting for data in an office with terrible documentation habits.  This is all happening in between your "real work" and is thus not allocated any time.

BTW, I typed this response on my phone, and it took freaking forever.  How do some of you folks use your phones for shit like this ?


I work in a cafe so I get fed but it's not fresh fruit and salad :P

It's chips ( frites ) and sausages and chili and so on but I don't have to pay so swings & roundabouts. :)

I walk up to 6 miles a day just walking around the cafe and to and from work so...


I manage a hotel and I do some trading from home so I have some good benefits:

- Work on the beach
- Make my own office hours
- I'm able to take lots of trips
- Company Jet Skis
- I can put friends/family up at the hotel
- I have some great stories



I errm....... I live near a beach ?




Quote from: Kotowboy on June 27, 2015, 05:06:21 PM

:flame: :JayOctavarium:

Is it just me or does that flame look like a giant flaming middle finger being lodged at the penguin?


Quote from: lonestar on June 28, 2015, 02:36:16 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on June 27, 2015, 05:06:21 PM

:flame: :JayOctavarium:

Is it just me or does that flame look like a giant flaming middle finger being lodged at the penguin?



Things I love:  Analyzing scripts and films looking for distribution, and working on behalf of some of the most talented and influential actors, authors and filmmakers.  Oh, and my workday starts at 2:30pm.


The people (most of them). I have become friends with most of my work mates, and even genuinly close friends with a few of them.


Quote from: RaiseTheKnife on June 28, 2015, 11:41:33 PM
Things I love:  Analyzing scripts and films looking for distribution, and working on behalf of some of the most talented and influential actors, authors and filmmakers. Oh, and my workday starts at 2:30pm.

Wow, glad you like this! I will take the 1st (7a-3p) and 3rd shift (11p-7am) anytime over the second shift.


Quote from: CableX on June 29, 2015, 08:42:12 PM
Quote from: RaiseTheKnife on June 28, 2015, 11:41:33 PM
Things I love:  Analyzing scripts and films looking for distribution, and working on behalf of some of the most talented and influential actors, authors and filmmakers. Oh, and my workday starts at 2:30pm.

Wow, glad you like this! I will take the 1st (7a-3p) and 3rd shift (11p-7am) anytime over the second shift.

I'm simply not a morning person, so I like it.  Don't have to shift my day around for doctors appointments or emergency errands.  The only drawback is that I don't get to attend industry screenings as much anymore.


Almost everything.  I wish I would have gotten out of retail hell, back to school, and into the public sector (hospital) 10 years ago.


I get tomorrow off, paid, because of the holiday weekend. An email was just sent to us saying we can bounce at noon today.  :metal


The holidays/summers off are great. Other teachers can be hilarious to work with (intentionally or not). Working with primarily juniors and seniors, it's great that I can joke around and tease them and we all have fun doing so while they learn and I teach them.
\o\ lol /o/


I'm good at it. They allow me to take all time on short notice. That's about it.