Last movie you saw?

Started by hefdaddy42, March 28, 2015, 05:17:37 AM

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Yeah as 70s horror goes - I liked Christine as I recall but thought the original Carrie was shit.


I liked the original Carrie better than that remake from the late 90s/early 2000's.


Which is better?

Well, the original Christine is legitimately good as far as I am concerned. The car on the other hand is awesome because its shlock. Its bogus, outrageous and cool in a bad way and I love it.

So really its like comparing apples and oranges.


Quote from: jjrock88 on May 26, 2017, 04:48:27 PM
I liked the original Carrie better than that remake from the late 90s/early 2000's.

Who didn't?



The original carrie is a classic. The sequel and remake are a hot mess. I remember seeing The Rage in theaters and was like, "wow, that was lame"


Blue Velvet: I realized that I haven't seen much of David Lynch's work which is funny because of how much I love Twin Peaks. This seemed to be the most beloved so I started here. I can see why people love it. The only thing I didn't like was that sometimes it really felt like it was edited down from 4 hours which it was and the waste of Brad Dourif. Also Dennis Hopper was fantastic. 4/5

Patriots day: A solid movie which I think handled what happened in a respectful way, 4/5

Nerve: This movie was a fun watch. Kinda dumb but fun. 3/5


Clive Barker's Nightbreed. Awesome flick.


Quote from: WDADU on May 27, 2017, 10:02:56 AM
Clive Barker's Nightbreed. Awesome flick.

That's a freaky one. Barker's first Hellraiser is another freaky one too.

The Trooper

Quote from: WDADU on May 27, 2017, 10:02:56 AM
Clive Barker's Nightbreed. Awesome flick.

Danny Elfmans soundtrack to this is awesome


Finally saw 'Logan' and thought it was great. Very brutal and quite emotional a few times there.


Rented Get Out on demand last night and was thoroughly impressed. It was one of the most original and bizarre horror/thriller movies I've seen in a while.



The newest Pirates of the Caribbean might be the worst one yet. I thought nothing could get worse than the third film. But this one was an even bigger mess.


Saw the first Guardians of the Galaxy last night and it was alright, we are seeing the second on tonight but it just didn't do much for me.


Just watched 10 Cloverfield Lane.

It was ok I guess. It got better as it went on.


Only recently seen Logan and Trainspotting 2.

Logan was wonderful, the most unlikely super hero movie I've seen. T2 was funny and OK, was never a big fan of the first movie but this one was entertaining as well.


Quote from: Kotowboy on May 28, 2017, 02:03:04 PM
Just watched 10 Cloverfield Lane.

It was ok I guess. It got better as it went on.

I really enjoyed the movie. John Goodman is great in it .


Ended up going to see Baywatch the other night, 100% dumb but also 100% entertaining. Fun movie to see with a good buzz on in a fairly crowded theater.

Prog Snob

I would see it for just one reason.


::) don't you mean two reasons :zydar:

Prog Snob

 :lol  Well if we're talking individual parts then there would be way more than two.


The blonde chick is pretty :hat as well


The reviews for Baywatch have been atrocious.  But I still want to see it!


The TV show was never as smutty as this film looks.

Plus f-bombs ?

In a baywatch movie ?

Why ?


The show was a cheese fest, but I loved it and watched it all the time.  I'm not sure how loyal this movie will be to the show, but it doesn't sound like it.  I'm also interested to see the cameos of David and Pam, but I'm guessing that will be a disappointment.


Zac Efron continues to make godawful decisions.

Prog Snob

I don't think anyone goes to see a movie like that for the intense and stirring plot.


Not when the poster is two beach balls with a buoy in between.........


Oceans Eleven.  Not quite a classic, but I still enjoy it.  I saw the sequels, but I don't really remember much about them.  I do remember they weren't nearly as good as the first one.


Passengers - Very meh, unfortunately. Chris Pratt was actually really good, and the movie showed a lot of promise when it was just him awake alone. J-Law was just awful in this movie and the plot kind of went nowhere. Sad really, some amazing visuals and cool ideas kind of wasted.

Miss Petigrew or whatever - Actually not as bad as everyone made it out to be. Some obvious major problems, such as the lead actor being god awful, and the whole time travel thing making very little sense. Also why did they make Chris Dowd American? Dude is Irish and only sounds good being Irish. Also they had two twins with god damn Medusa powers and only used them one time?!?! Seriously, those two could have fixed everything in like 1 minute but just chose not to. Ugh.

The Family Fang - Super depressing in a cool way. Christopher Walken was amazing (which is always nice to see) and Bateman and Kidman were also really good. I feel like the themes of the movie could have been explored more so and better, but still pretty good.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Prog Snob

Quote from: jjrock88 on June 01, 2017, 12:59:59 PM
Oceans Eleven.  Not quite a classic, but I still enjoy it.  I saw the sequels, but I don't really remember much about them.  I do remember they weren't nearly as good as the first one.

Nothing beats the Rat Pack, but those sequels are brilliant. The cast and dialogue make it something especially special. I love all of The Godfather references in Ocean's 13.



It's not remotely funny, it's not remotely sexy, and the story is utter shite.  One of the worst movies I've seen for a good long while.

Deep Rising

The best knowing B-movie monster film since Tremors.


I watched Blue Velvet for the millionth time tonight


Tremors is great.

And the sequels are all watchable too. So in that respect it's better than the Jaws series.


Quote from: Kotowboy on June 02, 2017, 12:13:11 PM
Tremors is great.

And the sequels are all watchable too. So in that respect it's better than the Jaws series.

Tremors 2 was almost as good as the first IMO.

I watched The Tingler starring Vincent Price. This was a fun movie that's both campy and imaginative with a great use of some color.

Also I don't know if this counts as a movie I watched Twin Peaks the missing pieces. This is all the scenes from the Fire Walk With Me that were left on the cutting room floor. Some stuff I can see why they cut but others I really wish remained in the film.