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The Iron Maiden Thread v. The Merge of Souls

Started by Nick, February 25, 2015, 10:47:08 AM

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How is it a special inclusive club if everyone in the world is part of it? Liking TS is like liking breathing these days apparently. Not really a comparison to the metal community. One thing you won't find (at least I've never seen one) is an in-depth forum for discussing pop music to the extreme at which they discuss metal in places like the Metal Archives.

Edit: yikes this thread just exceeded 300 pages


Well, the format of the forum was popular in the early eras of the internet so young people don't use it, but I've wandered around Taylor Swift's Reddit and believe me, pop fans are able to dissect every single aspect of the music (or lyrics, to be more precise) as well.

We have nuggetz and crazyass time signatures, they have a clues board to decipher with 78.4% certainty who was on a date with Taylor on that given night based on half a line in a lyric. We're not that different.


Quote from: jammindude on April 17, 2024, 12:29:48 PM
Whether he's right or wrong, only time will tell. But pop artists, even the ones at Taylor Swift's level, tend to be more fleeting.

I'm not going to judge her music one way or the other. But I'm getting the impression that she's this generation's Madonna, and where is she now?

"And then there was the time that she performed, and nobody cried for more..." - Duchess by Genesis

Madonna is now completely irrelevant. Even though at one time she was just as important to pop music as TS is now.  That is just the nature of pop music. Pop music tends to be geared towards people who aren't really interested in music with any depth to it.  And that's not to say that that person is shallow. They may get very deep into different interests.  But pop music is fun fluff that they don't have to think about and it provides what that fan needs when they need it. But most of the time, they don't even know what the lyrics are to their favorite song.

Metal fans do tend to be very different in that way. Not better...just different. Maybe more obsessive?? Maybe that's not the right word.  But IMO, Iron Maiden is a more relevant band in the current metal scene than Madonna is to the current pop scene, and that is the nature of pop music and pop culture.

Look, not to argue, but... to argue, I don't think that's accurate.   For every pop star that is fleeting, there's an LA Guns that is riding on the one hit from back in '85 like it's a life preserver.  Quiet Riot.   Ratt.  Dokken.  They ARE the pop stars of rock/metal.   

And even those acts that WERE relevant for a time - Priest, Twisted Sister, Motley - you can't say they are still as relevant now.  Motley is a fucking joke, IMO.   I love Priest, and they just came out with one of the better albums of their career, but they aren't the pioneers they were in 79-84. 

My kid put a LITERAL powerpoint presentation together dissecting the music AND lyrics of Swift's 1989 (contrast: I used to have a book that I would write all the songs and writers and lyrics of my favorite acts - Ozzy, AC/DC, Kiss). 

Maybe I'm biased because I see one part of it, but while there's few people in my circle - a coupe of high school friends - that have my musical acumen or could take me in a music trivia event, that doesn't mean their fandom is lesser.   I see this music being as important to my kid as Iron Maiden is to me.  I see my stepson - who is as blue collar as they come - getting lost in the music he listens to now.   And sure, she isn't as big a fan of Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers now as she was then, and he's not as big a fan of Korn as he was, but I'm not as big a fan of Fastway or Queensryche as I was then. 

You're not going to tell me that there's not the same people at a Metallica show - there for the t-shirt and to hear "Enter Sandman" - as there are at a T-Swift show.

Music is music, and this notion that one genre has something over on another is as old as music itself, and as wrong as it ever was. 


Quote from: wolfking on April 17, 2024, 05:31:48 PM
Saying pop music is 'better' is stating a fact.  Can you please give us evidence of said fact?

It sells more. If you are in a capitalistic society that means you think it's better. I wish we didn't live in a capitalist hell-scape, but alas.

Anyway, wanted to clarify that while I think pop music is "better" (take that for what it means) I 10000000% think Iron Maiden is better than Taylor Swift


Iron Maiden is 666% better. Just clarifying.  :metal


Quote from: Samsara on April 18, 2024, 07:21:54 AM
Iron Maiden is 666% better. Just clarifying.  :metal

On the 2003 Give Me Ed tour, they opened with Number of the Beast and had a huge 666 in lights that would light up in sync with the chorus.   :metal :metal



Quote from: Stadler on April 18, 2024, 06:46:00 AM
Music is music, and this notion that one genre has something over on another is as old as music itself, and as wrong as it ever was.


Quote from: MirrorMask on April 18, 2024, 05:56:53 AM
Well, the format of the forum was popular in the early eras of the internet so young people don't use it, but I've wandered around Taylor Swift's Reddit and believe me, pop fans are able to dissect every single aspect of the music (or lyrics, to be more precise) as well.

We have nuggetz and crazyass time signatures, they have a clues board to decipher with 78.4% certainty who was on a date with Taylor on that given night based on half a line in a lyric. We're not that different.

Yeah, it's silly to think only metal heads are deep into the music.  Of course you have to understand that the vast majority of all music listeners aren't going that deep.  Even metal heads, the vast majority are casual fans.  But for everything that has an audiance, there's going to be fandom that goes deeper.  DTF is a good example of that in our metal world, but to think this doesn't exist for other music doesn't make sense. 


We're getting back into a very old argument that everyone disagrees with me on.

I do believe that a line eventually does get crossed from objective to subjective, but it's an abstract concept that is impossible to define. But just because it can't be defined doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We struggle to define concepts all the time, but when you give an abstract concept a textbook definition, it always fails to accurately convey the concept.

But at some point, I will never ever consider documenting fans of The Jerry Springer Show to be on the same level as the film aficionados of the golden age of Hollywood.

I have no idea where the line between them is, and indeed I do not believe there is a "line in the sand" that is discernible.  But I do consider one to be in a different class altogether than the other.  They are as far apart as kindergarten is from Harvard. 

And for the record, I'm not singling out Taylor Swift. I've never heard a single note of her music. There are brilliant pop writers and maybe she's one of them.


I do have an Iron Maiden- Madonna fun fact.  ;D

On the night I saw Iron Maiden on the Powerslave tour, June 2, 1985 in Providence, Madonna was playing right up the road in Worcester. 
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Madonna also sold out multiple nights in NYC recently.  She's still incredibly popular even if she isn't as relevant as she once was.  She still makes news headlines every once in awhile, most recently not so positive for being sued for late concert starts  :lol


I was a kid in the '80s, and I definitively knew who Madonna was, she was guaranteed a spotlight in the national news whenever she was touring, had an album, or did something gossip-worth. As far as I'm concerned, she was THE female pop star of the '80s and probably beyond.


Look, I'm old enough to have seen the cycles a couple times now.   You hear Yngwie Malmsteen and think "WHOA!!!! What the fuck is THAT?".  You hear Yngwie Malmsteen after hearing Uli Roth and Ritchie Blackmore and think "hmm, nice progression".   You hear Steve Rothery and think "WOW, that guy is something else!".  You hear Steve Rothery after hearing David Gilmour and think "Wow, he took that and made it better."  I remember hearing Pearl Jam in '91 and thinking "WOW, these guys have energy, chops, a point of view..." then I did a deep dive on The Who.  I listen to Pearl Jam now and think "so this is what The Who would sound like if they weren't a nostalgia act!"

You hear "Lady Gaga" and think "WOW that woman is talented and bringing something new to the table!"  You hear "Lady Gaga" after hearing Madonna and think "huh, love how she added the instrumentation, the piano, to the mix!"

With rare exceptions - Van Halen for one - almost all of what we listen to is built on the shoulder of giants. 


Quote from: jammindude on April 18, 2024, 07:59:36 AM
We're getting back into a very old argument that everyone disagrees with me on.

I do believe that a line eventually does get crossed from objective to subjective, but it's an abstract concept that is impossible to define. But just because it can't be defined doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We struggle to define concepts all the time, but when you give an abstract concept a textbook definition, it always fails to accurately convey the concept.

But at some point, I will never ever consider documenting fans of The Jerry Springer Show to be on the same level as the film aficionados of the golden age of Hollywood.

I have no idea where the line between them is, and indeed I do not believe there is a "line in the sand" that is discernible.  But I do consider one to be in a different class altogether than the other.  They are as far apart as kindergarten is from Harvard. 

And for the record, I'm not singling out Taylor Swift. I've never heard a single note of her music. There are brilliant pop writers and maybe she's one of them.

I think when you make the jump from "objective" to "subjective" that you don't also jump from "art" to "something else".  The golden age of Hollywood was clearly "art".  I'm pretty sure Jerry Springer would be the first to tell you that "art" was the furthest thing from his mind when doing his show.


So TAC's playlist had me thinking about Maiden songs that have been played live but no live recordings officially released (including single b sides). I'm just going off the top of my head here:

Iron Maiden
Strange World


Back in the Village (allegedly)

Caught Somewhere in Time
Sea of Madness
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Alexander the Great

X Factor
Fortunes of War
The Edge of Darkness

Virtual XI
Angel and the Gambler
Lightning Strikes Twice
When Two Worlds Collide
The Educated Fool
Don't Look To the Eyes of a Stranger

Brave New World
The Fallen Angel
Out of the Silent Planet

These Colours Don't Run
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
The Pilgrim
Out of the Shadows
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
Lord of Light
The Legacy

Book of Souls
Tears of a Clown

All, no live releases yet

I may be missing a few. I know it'll never happen, but a live album compilation of all of these songs would be pretty awesome.  :metal


Quote from: Mosh on April 18, 2024, 03:22:30 PM

The Educated Fool

Man, if there's one Blaze song that needs the Bruce treatment it's this one.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 03:35:54 PM
Man, if there's one Blaze song that needs the Bruce treatment it's this one.



Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 03:35:54 PM
Man, if there's one Blaze song that needs the Bruce treatment it's this one.
That's a good pick. Really all of Virtual XI is pretty live ready and would have benefitted more from Bruce's vocal styles than X Factor. Also always liked When Two Worlds Collide.

My pick from those albums for Bruce to sing live though has always been Blood On the World's Hands.


Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 03:35:54 PM
Man, if there's one Blaze song that needs the Bruce treatment it's this one.

As time goes on, this is becoming more and more one of my fav overall Maiden songs.  I fucking love it. 


Virtual XI is my least favorite Maiden album. But I must admit that I really like Lightning Strike Twice, When Two Worlds Collide and The Educated Fool. Add to that, Futureal, they are my 4 favorite songs from that album. I like them more than The Clansman. It's almost impossible, but it would be amazing if Maiden brought out some deep cuts, songs never played live on the 50 tour next year.


Quote from: devieira73 on April 18, 2024, 06:06:31 PM
Virtual XI is my least favorite Maiden album. But I must admit that I really like Lightning Strike Twice, When Two Worlds Collide and The Educated Fool. Add to that, Futureal, they are my 4 favorite songs from that album. I like them more than The Clansman. It's almost impossible, but it would be amazing if Maiden brought out some deep cuts, songs never played live on the 50 tour next year.

It's not a bad batch of songs on a whole really.  Always received a bad wrap IMO.


Quote from: wolfking on April 18, 2024, 06:18:31 PM
It's not a bad batch of songs on a whole really.  Always received a bad wrap IMO.

Very true.

I mean, it's fair that it may not be a favorite considering their catalog, but by no means is it bad. I actually really like it.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 06:28:18 PM
Very true.

I mean, it's fair that it may not be a favorite considering their catalog, but by no means is it bad. I actually really like it.

If you swapped out the album version of Angel and replaced it with the short edited version and maybe cut the fat from Stranger a little bit, it would be pretty fucking kickass really.


Quote from: wolfking on April 18, 2024, 06:30:10 PM
If you swapped out the album version of Angel and replaced it with the short edited version and maybe cut the fat from Stranger a little bit, it would be pretty fucking kickass really.

I agree. The ending to Stranger is so fucking cool, and something so different for them. I always appreciated that.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 06:33:37 PM
I agree. The ending to Stranger is so fucking cool, and something so different for them. I always appreciated that.

Yep, the faster verse in the first half is one of their most groovier moments too.  The chorus is pretty jarring though and cut one off and shorten the middle and you're good.


Stranger solo section is really killer! But those repetitions, my God... it only loses to Angel. The single version of Angel is kind OK.


Quote from: devieira73 on April 18, 2024, 06:39:37 PM
Stranger solo section is really killer! But those repetitions, my God... it only loses to Angel. The single version of Angel is kind OK.

Both solos in that song are really well constructed for the short time.  Dave's Gary Moore inspired chromatic run down at the end of his is spectacular.


Virtual XI is my 3rd least favorite Maiden album, and even as such, it's kind of underrated. That tells you about the strength of the band's discography.


I think that's exactly it, it's more telling about how strong the bands catalogue is, as opposed to what flaws the album itself has.


It's been way too long since I listened to Maiden aside from a few songs here and there these last few years (been a fan since 1999 though).

I'm thinking of doing a deep discography dive this weekend to get reacquainted to the albums and maybe I'll find a song or two that has flown under the radar for me.

Maybe I'll get some more appreciation for the reunion era, since my main interest has mostly been the 80s stuff.


A Maiden deep dive is always fun! I agree with those saying their discography is pretty solid all things considered, but I'm also lucky to look at it from hindsight perspective. I'm sure the 90s were a lot rougher if you lived through them, but now you can listen to those albums and get some enjoyment knowing what's coming later. Virtual XI is the weakest one for me but I don't hate it or anything. In fact Clansman is probably a top10 Maiden song for me and it's on there.


Quote from: TAC on April 18, 2024, 06:28:18 PM
Very true.

I mean, it's fair that it may not be a favorite considering their catalog, but by no means is it bad. I actually really like it.

I'm in that boat, too.  I would LOVE if they somehow created a "Bruce Version".  I think he would sing the fuck out of that record.

And yes, I like the Angel And The gambler in it's album form.  I think it's underrated.  (A couple years ago, my local news station used the intro guitar part as one of their bumpers.)


Quote from: Stadler on April 19, 2024, 05:28:41 AM
I'm in that boat, too.  I would LOVE if they somehow created a "Bruce Version".  I think he would sing the fuck out of that record.

And yes, I like the Angel And The gambler in it's album form.  I think it's underrated.  (A couple years ago, my local news station used the intro guitar part as one of their bumpers.)

I think this sums up why Virtual XI is my least favorite actually. With The X Factor it has a darker tone, it sounds different for a Maiden album and Blaze adds something to that, and I consider it an underrated album. With Virtual XI it sounds like Iron Maiden trying to make a classic Iron Maiden album again, except Blaze's vocals for that style just aren't as strong as Bruce's vocals. You take Virtual XI and have Bruce sing on it and I'm sure it goes up half a rating alone just from that!


But we already have a Virtual XI with Bruce on vocals and a better production.

It's called Brave new world.

;) ;D


I'm sure there must be an AI thing out there that can put Bruce's vocals on the Virtual XI studio recordings.