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The Controversial Roulette v. And the winner is...

Started by Sacul, November 18, 2014, 08:38:57 AM

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Was this roulette any controversial at all?

sure it was dude, what the hell were you thinking
I've seen worse
Nop, keep trying
Blabbermouth and MetalSucks should hire you
Kevin Moore


I'm just missing Elite. If he sends by tomorrow, then expect results on Friday.



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Tomorrow. You can send for the next two rounds too, just in case you'll be busy during these weeks.


The Album Leaf - Window (Shadow Ninja 2.0)
This is very minimalistic, soft and warm. Perfect for the background while doing other stuff, like studying. Or for a simple video game like Minecraft. It's a lovely post-rock/ambient/drone song. But not much more than that. 7/10

Shadow Circus - Ixchel (jingle.boy)
Great interlude. I like the soft guitars at the beginning, and it gets better from there. I love those guitars on the background, like a certain section of The Count of Tuscany. And the piano. I'm sure this might be a really interesting album. 7.5/10

Pink Floyd - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (mikemangioy)
Interesting PF song. Quite psychedelic and experimental. But it's far from what they'd achieve later. This is not bad, but I just happen to prefer the maturity they achieved later. 6.5/10

Phillip Glass - Opening (Nekov)
I'm a sucker for piano-driven songs. This is a wonderful, even if  bit repetitive, song. Haunting keys, and lovely chord progressions. Sweet. I'll hear the rest of this album. 8/10

Alex & Jonsi - Boy 1904 (Tyrias)
Wonderful tune by Sigur Rós singer and his boyfriend. This seems to rely on some samples and synths with lots of space for it to evolve. Haunting, peaceful, and gorgeous. I really like this. 8.5/10

Agalloch - Odal (Tom Bombadil)
Wow. I dismissed Agalloch as a poor post-metal band like Isis. But this song is awesome. The first half sounds quite post-rocky, with that great buildup. Ant the rest is awesome, specially when the piano appears. Great ending. 9/10

Jon Lord - Sarabande (Evermind)
This is really an interesting song. I love the groove it has. It's a great mix of orchestral work with some rock and synths. But it's not that ambient, dude. I should have told ya it didn't have to be instrumental - the David Gilmour tune would have perfectly fitted this theme. But well, this is it. I'd give this tune an 8, but you know what happens now. 5/10

Ludwig von Beethoven - Symphony 7, Movement 2 (Lucien)
Oh boy, I do love Beethoven. His songs are full of emotion and are pretty memorable. And beautiful. Although he's on the banned artists list, I just know a few of his compositions, so don't worry for sending me this Lucien. The only bad thing about this is not the song itself, but the dynamics - I had to turn up the volume really high to hear everything. But it doesn't influence on your mark. Gorgeous tune. 9/10

Shpongle - Star Shpongled Banner (Scorpion)
This is quite a strange song. But dude, I do love absolutely everything here. There's not even a single moment where I felt bored. This sweet piece of psy trance with ambient and world influences is truly gorgeous. I'm a noob on electronic music and it's sub-genres, but this is superb. Really, this is among my fav songs of the whole roulette. Great - no, amazing job dude. 10/10

Cartographer - A Sea of Sunshine, but None for You (Elite)
This song had a sweet beginning and it kept like that for two thirds of the song. My fav part is the ending, when it gets intense and awesome. Post-rock can be quite unoriginal at times, mainly because everyone seems to use the same styles over and over again. 6.5/10

Most airport-ish song (Theme Winner - 4 points)
Alex & Jonsi - Boy 1904 (Tyrias)

Special points

Scorpion, album from the to-listen list (2 points)
Tom Bombadil, band/album I used to dislike, but what you sent was great (5 points)

Elite - 64
Tyrias - 64
Scorpion - 62.5
Nekov - 61.5
Tom Bombadil - 60.5
Evermind - 60
mikemangioy - 56.5
Shadow Ninja 2.0 - 55.5
Lucien - 52.5
jingle.boy - 49.5
Round Seven

In case you didn't read it, I'll copy what I said a few posts earlier.
QuoteAbout the Epic theme: the songs don't need to be long for the sake of it - just have an "epic feeling", and/or a great climax. A short epic song would be Devin Townsend's Truth, and a tune with a fantastic climax is Octavarium, for example.
So yeah, don't send songs that are long for the sake of it. Some of you have sent epic tunes on this roulette - like Alter Bridge's Blackbird and Brand New's Limousine. Lots of post-rock have these great crescendos that end in an epic climax (like GYBE!). If you have doubts about if your song qualifies for the theme, just send it to me, will give it a quick listen, and tell you if you have to change it or not - unless you want to risk yourself to lose 3 points. Ok enough reading, go and send that song now!


And down the results list I go. Well, I expected that. Also, that theme sucked.

I know what I'm sending, it will either win me the whole lot of points, or earn something like 4/10. We shall see, I guess.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Nice. I think you'll enjoy the rest of the album. I'll take my time to send the epic


Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Nekov on December 19, 2014, 10:57:27 AM
Nice. I think you'll enjoy the rest of the album. I'll take my time to send the epic
Don't worry, you'll find all you need in your mind.

Tom Bombadil




Sent. 16 minutes long, but you said I should send it in this round in the dark round, so here I am ;).



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I'm just missing on the guy obsessed with scorpions. Besides that, I've had some difficulties, and couldn't listen to your stuff. But if they are solved (and Scops sends by) tomorrow, then results would be up on Sunday.






Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


It tuned out that I have almost two hours of music to process, and it's not easy :lol (some funny dude sent me a 26 min epic >:( ). So you may expect resuts on Tuesday since tomorrow will be a busy day for me. Thus, in the meantime...

Round Eight
This is possibly the final round - although will have a few more if I happen to have some free time in January. But in any case, just send for this one. You might have an idea of my musical tastes now, so send whatever you think I may like - no theme this time. Good luck.


Quote from: Sacul on December 28, 2014, 05:55:04 PM
It tuned out that I have almost two hours of music to process, and it's not easy :lol (some funny dude sent me a 26 min epic >:( ).

Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Even though I'm pretty sure what I'll send, I want to wait for the results


Avantasia - The Scarecrow (Shadow Ninja 2.0)
The best thing of this song is the instrumental work. Seriously, those are realy awesome. But? Yeah, but... the vocal lines are dreadful. Boring. Bad as most power metal (although there were some good moments like the chorus). It seems that musicians of this genre can't write a single good vocal line without cheese. That's why I dislike it. But other than that, the song was quite awesome. 7/10

Blind Guardian - Wheel of Time (Evermind)
It was just a matter of time you send me a power metal song :P . Having read the Wheel of Time series (and loved it), I was worried a song about it would suck. And it doesn't do that. This tune is amazing. It's epic without being cheesy (ok, just a bit here and there), the production is great, but Light help me, dat chorus and the orchestral elements (and the choir) are tits. Despite the heavy moments being somewhat pointless, this is some serious shit. Take your freaking points dude. 8.5/10

Redemption - Love Kill Us All / Life in One Day (Tom Bombadil)
Ah, this band again. I remember giving this album a chance some months ago, mainly for the LaBrie guest spot. But didn't like it that time. And neither this time. I dislike most of prog metal because of it's bad songwriting/lack of creativity/too reminiscent of Fates Warning and Queensryche/and it's weird melodies (I'm looking at you, Yes). This tune had some interesting moments, but overall it isn't for me. Sorry. 6/10

Peter Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake Finale (Lucien)
This dude again? I just don't like how he changes melodies and ideas over and over again on a same song, making it difficult to follow. but this is different. I've never listened the Swan Lake, although knew about it, so this was interesting. It starts slow and then turns into epicness. Great, awesome piece. A curious thing, some phrases seem to have inspired Williams to create Harry Potter's theme. And it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case - movie soundtracks are heavily influenced by classical and neoclassical music. 9/10

Pure Reason Revolution - Bullits Dominae (Nekov)
This is truly a gorgeous song. The rock and metal elements mixed with some electronics are wonderfully blended. I love how creative this is, specially the chorus and the female singer. This tune is full of win. No wonder why this band was thought to be prog's future. So sad they disbanded. 9/10

Swans - Helpless Child (Tyrias)
This is a weird song. But already knew Swans and Michael Gira weren't normal people, so it doesn't surprise me that much. It starts slow, and to the ends it reaches with a crescendo into a great climax. Althought it would have fitted better on the dark round, it's still epic enough to enter this round. Interesting tune from an album I'm sure it's a masochistic listen. 7/10

Iron Maiden - Paschaendale (mikemangioy)
This is a badass tune, that has some power metal vibes here and there, nut nothing of the cheese. The riffs are cool, and the production is amazing. Bruce Dickinson is really a talented singer. Curiously, the instrumental sections were a bit meh. But overall, this is a great tune. 7.5/10

Iron Maiden - Rime of the ancient mariner (jingle.boy)
While listening to this, I couldn't stop thinking how similar Geoff Tate and Dickinson are in terms of style and technique - obviously they have different things, but I can see how influenced who. Not a bad thing though, just a curiosity. About the song. It wasn't bad, no, but didn't blow me away nor it did impress me like the other Maiden song. The "ambient" (or however it is) section of the middle is really boring and kills the vibe. But after that it gets great when the guitars return. 6.5/10

Mono - Everlasting Light (Scorpion)
Oh, I remember playing this album some months ago. Loves it on the first listen, but couldn't finish it on the following spins - I just got overwhelmed by it. And somehow I forgot about it. Fucking mistake. I love how it starts with a gorgeous piano and slowly goes into crescendo to a superb climax. This is beautiful music. 9/10

Transatlantic - Duel with the Devil (Elite)
Do you think this is funny? That this is a mothafucka game? Well, it actually is - but sending me a 26 min epic is... evil >:( . Trying to digest this tune took me lots of time, but it somehow delivered. Oh yeah. I always dismissed Transatlantic as being a boring 70's prog revival band, so never listened to them thinking they were sh*t. I was wrong - this is great. It sometimes has some pointless moments, but also has some great parts. Great choice.  8/10

Most epic song (Theme winner - 4 points)
Blind Guardian - Wheel of Time (Evermind)

Special points
Nekov, album from the to-listen list (2 points)
Tyrias, album from the to-listen list (2 points)
jingle.boy, album from the to-listen list (2 points)
Evermind, album from the to-listen list (2 points)
Evermind, song from a genre I dislike, but your tune was great (5 points)
Shadow Ninja 2.0, song from a genre I dislike, but your tune was great (5 points)
Scorpion, song from a album I disliked, but your tune was awesome (5 points)

Lucien, song from a artist I dislike, but your tune was awesome (5 points)

Evermind - 79.5
Scorpion - 76.5
Tyrias - 73
Nekov - 72.5
Elite - 72
Shadow Ninja 2.0 - 67.5
Tom Bombadil - 66.5
Lucien - 66.5
mikemangioy - 64
jingle.boy - 58

And now, the "last" round. Even if this countinues after this round, make it worth.

Quote from: Sacul on December 28, 2014, 05:55:04 PM
Round Eight

This is possibly the final round - although will have a few more if I happen to have some free time in January. But in any case, just send for this one. You might have an idea of my musical tastes now, so send whatever you think I may like - no theme this time. Good luck.

Btw, if you've seen my post on the General Discussion forum, you know I'll be taking a trip to England during January. I don't think I'll have enough time to continue with the roulette there, but if I can, I'll have a few more rounds, but only if you want. I'm taking of the 2nd, so please, send me your songs as soon as possible so I can give them a shot in the plane or before.


Blood and bloody ashes, I'm in the lead!  :lol

Yeah, I was taking a risk there and it paid off big time. Knowing that you're an avid fan of WoT series, I just had to send this one.

I'll send tomorrow (in ~18 hours), as I still haven't decided what to send.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I feel like I should get extra points for three reasons:

- Duel With the Devil is a flawless song and should get 10/10 no matter what.
- I was the only person to actually send you an epic.
- You said you 'always dismissed' Transatlantic, yet you liked the song. That should count for some bonus points right?

Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Quote from: Elite on December 30, 2014, 11:19:08 AM
I feel like I should get extra points for three reasons:

- Duel With the Devil is a flawless song and should get 10/10 no matter what. Maybe with more listens - there's potential there.
- I was the only person to actually send you an epic. Was it funny, huh?
- You said you 'always dismissed' Transatlantic, yet you liked the song. That should count for some bonus points right? Nop, is more like I had a bias on the band - never actually listened to them.

You can always send something from the to-listen list - have lots of shit there, even from genres I haven't heard yet. That alone would give you 5 points :neverusethis:




Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.



That's because I couldn't be online due to New year's Eve celebrations and shit. Sending now.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey