Author Topic: Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. 'Cause there is always time...  (Read 53089 times)

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #385 on: July 11, 2014, 04:25:34 PM »
Universe In A Ball is the least [-best song]

you like it more than "Resolve?" that's the only one i can't really get behind. it fits well on Epicloud, though.

That's my least favorite too.

Universe In A Ball, honestly, is probably tied with the title track for my favorite song on the album. I have no idea why it's so underrated.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #386 on: July 11, 2014, 04:55:42 PM »
If I was forced to pick, I'd probably go with The Way Home! as my least favorite. It's got the awesome operatic vocals in the chorus, but the other songs just seem to have more unforgettable moments.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #387 on: July 12, 2014, 07:38:20 AM »
I think that the opening of this album is one of the best three song run ever. I can't listen to them apart  :D

Addicted especially, that song is stuck in my head since I listened to it, which is like five or six days ago
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #388 on: July 12, 2014, 01:05:31 PM »
Oh, absolutely. I block the album into 3 "sectors:" Addicted/Universe/Bender, Supercrush/Hyperdrive/Resolve, and then the rest form a nice little ending suite. Really, the way the album flows as a whole is just fantastic.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #389 on: July 12, 2014, 02:59:07 PM »
Listening to it right now. Happy metal? Yeah, this album seems quite uplifting, but not as near as Life. It's also a weird fusion of pop and metal without using lots of major scales. I'm liking it, specially Bend it Like a Bender! because of Anneke's vocals. And it's giving me a way better impression than the last 3 albums. Cool.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #390 on: July 12, 2014, 04:22:04 PM »
If Happy Metal were recognized as a genre, Bender and Resolve! would be the defining songs.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #391 on: July 12, 2014, 10:29:55 PM »
The Way Home is definitely the black sheep of the bunch for me, it doesn't even feel like it belongs with the rest of the songs on the album really.
Addicted, Supercrush, and Numbered are all amazing, with the rest all being pretty great too. Hyperdrive's probably better here but I like both versions so w/e.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #392 on: July 13, 2014, 05:15:08 AM »
My favorite Devy album. :hefdaddy

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #393 on: July 13, 2014, 11:29:04 AM »
 :hefdaddy Magical album.... something so special about this one for me that's beyond description. I love every song on this one (although I'll take heat for having Bender near the bottom of my favs with Resolve). Will probably always be my favorite Dev album (very high praise considering) and also likely always a Top 10 in my all-time's.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #394 on: July 13, 2014, 03:54:27 PM »
While I totally get loving this album a lot (I do!), I have to be in a certain mood for it, so it could never ever be my favourite by Devin. If I compare this to Terria, then... I mean, this is good if I'm in the mood for it, possibly even better than Terria. But I can throw Terria on whenever I want, and love it, so this will never hold top spot, or even a spot in the Devin Top 5 for me.
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Hey, the length is fine :azn: Thanks!

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #395 on: July 13, 2014, 04:01:20 PM »
While I totally get loving this album a lot (I do!), I have to be in a certain mood for it, so it could never ever be my favourite by Devin.

This statement perfectly encompass my feelings towards it. On the right day, it's my favorite album by any artist, not just Townsend's. But most's just a bit too much for me, and while I won't change the track if a song from the album starts playing on my playlist... I also won't actively seek any songs from the album (with great exception to The Way Home!, cause it gets me horny and makes my cry) on a normal day. For the most part, it's still one of my favorite albums by the man; but it's very, very inconsistent for me in terms of playability.

I wasn't gonna mention it, but the couple songs that seem to be the most popular are the ones I like the least; those being Bender and Universe. Universe is awesome but...I dunno, something about Bender just kind of makes the cup of happiness overflow and then I get annoyed. It's grating to me, many times. I just wanna punch Anneke in her vagina and tell her to stop being so fucking perky.  :rollin Really though, as fucked up as it is, it's pretty much exactly how I feel. Just...TOO MUCH! (B-side).

ed: I just realized my favorite is the consensus' least favorite...I....I might be a hipster without ever wanting to or ever realizing it....god FUCKING DAMN IT. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  :lol


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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #396 on: July 13, 2014, 04:25:49 PM »
Strange. Addicted is an album that will gel with me no matter what mood I'm in. I automatically come out of it happier.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. I'm alright to fly
« Reply #397 on: July 13, 2014, 04:32:59 PM »
I'm pretty damned bipolar, so if I'm in a bad enough mood, Addicted! will put me in an even worse mood because of the downright ball of light that it is. Most of the time I'm the same, but every now and then...I'll have to avoid it because damn if it isn't the most forcefully uplifting music there is. Sometimes I just need some Ocean Machine to level me out. Or sometimes even AE levels me even better. It's got some high's got some very low moments (for me, at least, Deadhead being one, because of the circumstances in which I originally heard it).

Either way, Devy...that man is a genre unto himself. I truly believe that.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #398 on: July 14, 2014, 05:20:16 PM »
Time to pick up the pace a bit.

Here we are, folks. This is the album I’ve been waiting to talk about since the beginning of this little trip. Ever since this album came out, three years ago, it immediately, single-handedly, unmistakably bitchslapped its way into the coveted spot of “UMH’s favorite album of all time.” This is the ultimate extreme metal album in every possible way. It’s got harsh vocals, clean vocals, a choir, a full orchestra, blast beats, blast beats, blast beats, psychotic guitar lines, massive songs with unorthodox structures, the only metal dance break in history, lyrics about farting, and so many layers that I don’t think Devin himself has even heard all of it. Hang on to your ass/balls/hats, kids. We’re in for a bumpy ride.

Normally I don’t like to do track by track analysesissesse….s, but like Terria, I really feel like this one needs it. Starting out with Praise the Lowered, we have a continuation of the synth outro from Addicted with a bit of a trip-hop feel before everything FINALLY explodes into the metal onslaught we’ve been expecting since that first build up in Coast. And then, out of nowhere, we’re back to something quiet and pensive. What the fuck, right? Well, if you notice, the songs on Ki that have heavy moments progressively get heavier as they go. Disruptr’s heavy moment is pretty heavy, Gato is really heavy, and Heaven Send is REALLY heavy, and Praise the Lowered comes in heavier than all three of them combined. Yet, still, we wait. I’ve heard some complain that the beginning of Stand kind of kills the momentum, but I like to think of it as a final release of the tension from Ki. The album doesn’t really settle down again (except for some more melodic breaks on Planet and Masturbator), so I feel like the intro to Stand serves to finally put that last nail in Ki’s coffin. Further confirming this theory is the lyrics of Stand and Disruptr both end with “Shut it.”

With that out of the way, holy mother FUCK Stand is an awesome song. Once everything kicks in with the wall of “OM”s and the pounding riff starts permeating, it’s non-stop perfection. This is everything Devin Townsend’s heavy metal should be. Loud, bombastic, and slightly off-kilter with seemingly random blasts of...something. While the guitars and drums may seem overtly simple, the amount of vocal lines and orchestral flourishes in the background give the song complexity. It’s a refreshing change of pace in a world that views the “extremity” of metal based on the technicality of the guitar riffing and drumming. Don’t get me wrong, there is PLENTY of downright ridiculous drumming and guitar playing on this album, but Stand works you into it without coming right out with the crazy shit. Serving as a sort of second overture to Deconstruction (again, it was a long time coming, so spending so much time setting it up just builds up the tension and eventual release even more), Stand introduces the listener to the idea that Devin is ready to face himself and reach his own version of Nirvana, understanding his identity as a musician and a member of the human race (Sound familiar?).

Juular kicks everything into high-gear. Orchestra and choir deliver a throbbing, circus-like vibe that I can only describe as Danny Elfman metal. Lyrically, we’re getting into the concepts of Devin’s bipolarity, and how he no longer feels the need to be the “angry guy” from the SYL records. The music video pretty handily confirms this. The stellar vocals by Ihsahn in the chorus represent the SYL Devin. The video also depicts a sort of runaway train, in which each car houses a segment of Devin’s past. Notably, Ziltoid is driving the train.
Planet of the Apes is the first of the three “juggernaut” tracks, as I call them. This song is loud, pounding, and angular. The riffing is heavily inspired by Meshuggah and the whole djent movement. Lyrically, I feel like it’s a mix of being jaded with the idea of modern metal being “tune the guitars lower or it’s not heavy enough” and a continuation of Devin not being angry enough to be “true” to metal. Still, the fans and general public expect Devin to keep “being metal.” The lyrics that recur most often in Planet are “I stay heavy for my god,” which could refer to the rampant fanboyism present in metal (not like I can really talk, I know). The lighter sections of the song take more of a “be your own person and fuck what everyone else thinks” attitude. Returning to the heavy atmosphere for the rest of the song, tons of lyrics like “Stray from the norm, never be heard,” keep alluding to the idea of “selling out” as an artist, or even as a person. The song and its lyrics seem quite disjointed. Devin stated himself that Planet of the Apes was created from a multitude of different ideas that were more or less frankenstein’d together. Considering the concept of Deconstruction, which is Devin analyzing himself, I feel like the disjointed nature of Planet of the Apes fits quite well both musically and lyrically. There’s a nice Awake!! reference toward the end “All the world’s been waiting for the news.”

I’d say Sumeria is one of the more accessible tracks on Deconstruction, but that’s kind of like calling a bobcat gentle and cuddly. It’s not as vicious as a tiger, but it’ll still tear you apart. Here, we have a more straight-forward, double-bass centric, crunchy death metal riff making up the majority of the song. Lyrically, I feel like it’s continuing the concepts explored in Planet of the Apes, but in more of a frustrated sense. They also focus on the knowledge that Devin’s hoping to obtain during this experience. After the brief ending postlude proclaiming “Pray for where our hearts lead us now,” we’re led to our second juggernaut song.

In order to understand one human’s purpose, it’s necessary to analyze all of humanity. The 16 minute Mighty Masturbator serves as not only the most ridiculous song in Devin’s entire discography, but a complete picture of Devin’s view of humanity. Beginning with the story of a man (probably Devin) who’s supposedly found a way to “save the world,” we’re introduced to nearly every facet of human society. Namely, we’re dealing with the desire and even supposed privilege to dominate all other beings, questing for new knowledge, and religion. Musically, we’re exposed to a bizarre concoction of Zappa-influenced metal and an EDM party sprinkled into the middle. It’s crazy, for sure. The song ends with the realization that Devin IS the mighty masturbator. Amen.

With Pandemic, Devin’s found that his newfound understanding of his life’s purpose isn’t exactly as fulfilling as he had expected. Pandemic is probably the most vicious song on the album. It’s pretty much straight blast-beating and nearly incomprehensible guitar along with a nice choir track tossed in the mix just to make it even more impenetrable.

Now, we come to the true climax of the album. Deconstruction, originally titled Cheeseburger (for incredibly obvious reasons), is the most fitting title track for the whole DTP, and considering how well Ki and Addicted’s title tracks sum up their respective album, I feel like that’s saying a lot. It’s massively disjointed at every possible turn, yet somehow still makes some degree of sense. There’s downright ridiculous drumming, sweep arpeggios all over everything, a guest appearance by Frederik Thorendal and Oderus Urungus (RIP), and an epic, sweeping ending that is right up there with Dynamics and Stagnant in its majesty. Lyrically, the song deals with something along the lines of finding out that the meaning of the universe is a cheeseburger. It’s a very obtuse metaphor for the common conclusion that the universe simply isn’t meant to be understood. The main character of Deconstruction (Devin) is understandably upset by this revelation, and spends the rest of the song apologizing for his stupidity.

Another death metal tinged track, Poltergeist, closes out the album in style. The lyrics here are a final push to cleanse the personal demons, though it’s not ever determined if the “cleansing” was successful. A lot of the next album deals with moving on from the failed experiment to determine the meaning of Devin’s life, and the naming conventions (last song on Decon is called Poltergeist, where the next album is called Ghost) seem to support the idea that it was unsuccessful. Ending with another pounding, chaotic riff with orchestral and choral accompaniment, it finishes off the album in the strongest way possible.

My GOD that was a lot of analysis. I can guarantee you at least half of that is total bullshit speculation on my part, but it would be cool if it wasn’t. I’ve spent way too much of my life obsessing over this album, listening day and night picking apart every little detail. Trust me, that’s not easy to do. I expect this album will receive a bit of a mixed reception due to its chaotic nature and general impenetrability (oh fuck that’s actually a word). It probably took me 10 listens to even understand half of what was going on. A lot of it just sort of flies through your head without leaving much of a lasting impression. That’s not to say there aren’t catchy moments on this album, though. I’d say every song has at least one remotely accessible moment that you could hum to yourself later.

Don’t fret though. If you don’t like this unbelievable clusterfuck of extreme metal, we have one of the more relaxed segments of our adventure coming right around the corner.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #399 on: July 14, 2014, 06:45:09 PM »
This album is perfect.

It's one of the most ridiculous, insane records out there, and it'll just sound like noise to some people. But if you're into the style like I am... my God. This is my favorite Devin Townsend album ever, and I highly doubt that will ever change.

Anyways, like with Addicted, here's my write-up for it when it came in at #2 in my favorite albums of all time list.

Deconstruction is, without a doubt, Devin Townsend’s magnum opus. It’s completely crazy and over-the-top. It’s absolutely huge and overwhelming. It’s hands-down the heaviest non-SYL record Devin has ever made. It has a sixteen-minute long song with “masturbator” in the title. The title track features a choir worshipping a giant cheeseburger and an audio sample of someone having explosive diarrhea. Yeah, as with many of my favorite records, the same reasons I love this album could easily be the exact same reasons why others don’t. This is one of the weirdest, biggest, most epic and overwhelming albums ever made, and it’s also a near-perfect work of absolute genius. The Frank Zappa comparison has been made many times before, but it’s worth bringing it up again. If Frank Zappa were a metalhead, his music would definitely sound something like this. What really makes this album so mind-blowingly amazing is its pacing. While it starts out relatively tame, it just gets heavier and crazier as it gets closer to its end. The first two tracks start out with calm, quiet intros that build into heavier segments, and the third song, Juular, is a pretty basic metal composition. (Well, for this album's standards, anyways) Then, Planet Of The Apes comes in and things start getting crazy. It’s a pretty long track, and it goes absolutely all over the place within its ten minutes. It’s a perfect example of the album’s chaotic nature, and is where the record really starts getting into gear. Sumeria, the following track, is the heaviest and most energetic song yet. After it crushes through breakneck-speed metal passages with an epic choir and orchestra, it suddenly stops and concludes with a peaceful, quiet, and beautiful acoustic outro. It’s a much-needed break before the albums biggest and best song, The Mighty Masturbator. Holy mother of God. Remember how I said that my top three albums had my top three songs of all time? Well, this song is number three. It features some of my absolute favorite sections in all of music, like the bombastic, unimaginably epic intro and the crazy, catchy, brutal, and mind-blowing movement in the middle of the song. It also has one of the most hilarious and ridiculous grand finales to any song, ever. After it’s done, you would think that the record was all depleted of its craziness. Not at all. The final three tracks are the heaviest, most insane songs on the whole album. Most notably, the title track, Deconstruction, may be the single most ridiculous and zany song ever created. Every element of insanity found on the record is cranked up to infinity to the point where there’s really no way to describe the song without hearing it for yourself. The album then concludes with its angriest, most brutal track, Poltergeist. Needless to say, this record could easily be way too much for some people to handle. However, for people like me who like this type of music, Deconstruction is, and will most likely be for a long time, one of the greatest creations in existence.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #400 on: July 14, 2014, 08:45:01 PM »
Oh man, I have just given a few spins to Addicted adn now we have this :lol. Will have to make some time to listen it, as it seems to be Devin's less accesible record.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #401 on: July 14, 2014, 08:45:47 PM »
I used to dislike this album, and that's exactly because it's so dense, so weird, so over the place, so fucked up. But I kept hearing things that I liked and I came back to it, and it finally started making sense. Like Addicted, it's not my favourite or even close to being it, but when I'm in the mood for whacked-out craziness, there's nothing quite like this album.

Controversial opinion time: Juular is my favourite track on this album, followed closely by Sumeria, though I still like them all, except for Planet of the Apes and Pandemic, which, to me, are merely OK.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #402 on: July 14, 2014, 09:32:46 PM »
Much of Deconstruction is not my cup of tea, but I still like the majority of it quite a bit.  The Mighty Masturbator and Juular are two of my favorite songs from the DTP, and I dig Sumeria and Planet of the Apes quite a bit as well.  I like parts of the title track a lot, although I think the fart noises were silly to include.  I know Devin loves his silliness, and more often than not, it works, but I'd be embarrassed to play that in front of anybody.  The opening two songs are enjoyable, but I rarely go out of my way for either.  I have no use for Poltergeist or Pandemic. 

Overall, good album, with some major highs, but it's my least favorite of the DTP records.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #403 on: July 14, 2014, 09:35:43 PM »
arg, posted in the wrong thread. Dadgum.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 09:57:32 PM by Shadow Ninja 2.0 »

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #404 on: July 14, 2014, 09:37:58 PM »
I like Tommy's vocals in Planet of the Apes

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #405 on: July 14, 2014, 10:22:08 PM »
most of Decon was an instant classic for me but there's a group of songs that took me a lot longer to get into: "Stand," "Sumeria," "Pandemic," and "Poltergeist," most of them for obvious reasons. now i love them all, with perhaps "Sumeria" taking the top spot (dat verse riff, uuugggghhhhhh!), but that changes every few months. it was "Masturbator" until i exhausted that song.

i think my favourite moment is the opening of "Pandemic" with the insane return of the backing vocals in "Ki" (piddle and toddle, etc. – unpublished in the booklets but available online because Dev posted it on his forum at some point). i think it purposely reflects back on SYL directly by sounding basically more insane than the start of "Happy Camper (Carpé B.U.M.)."

(second favourite album moment: the ending riff. "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!")

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #406 on: July 14, 2014, 10:40:40 PM »
Much like others here, there's a lot of little things in the album I really like, but it's interspersed with a lot of musical moments that just don't click for me (kind of like Opeth and BTBAM). Overall an okay album that, once again, I really need to be in the mood for. Needs more listens.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #407 on: July 15, 2014, 01:20:08 AM »
I didn't get Deconstruction at first, but now it's one of my favourite Devin albums. Why? Well, firstly, it's a huge grower like so many of Devin's albums. Secondly, it's so incredibly dense and heavy. Lastly, what really helped for me was listening to Devin's own commentary track on the album. It's long (as long as the album) but it really helped me grasp the huge concept of this album and the other DTP albums. Link:

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #408 on: July 15, 2014, 10:46:45 AM »
i just got the Casualties of Cool USB drive this weekend and it's got a Dev commentary for both discs. before "Fight" he talks about Decon from the 'after' perspective, and how Casualties is about the shadows that the narrator of Decon couldn't handle. he says the point is to merge and experience rather than understand a grasp, and that's a great summary of the whole journey — it's certainly where he ends up on Ghost.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #409 on: July 15, 2014, 11:02:20 AM »
Deconstruction is crazy in all the best ways and I absolutely love it. I don't however care for any of the humor here, unlike on Ziltoid. Musically though there is just SO GODDAMN MUCH to love. I can never pick a favorite from the album because the things I like about the songs I consider favorites (Stand, Planet of the Apes, Sumeria) are all completely different, plus I barely ever listen to any songs out of the context of the album anyways.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #410 on: July 15, 2014, 04:11:51 PM »
Crap, I'm behind.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #411 on: July 16, 2014, 07:25:43 AM »
This album is perfect.

This is my favorite Devin Townsend album ever, and I highly doubt that will ever change.

I was gonna say that.

It's part of a 4 way tie for my favorite album ever.

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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #412 on: July 16, 2014, 09:35:49 AM »
I finally finished Addicted.  Wow, that was fantastic!  One of my favorite albums thus far, and one I will return to often.

Now listening to Deconstruction, at Planet of the Apes.  Holy shit.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #413 on: July 16, 2014, 10:51:16 AM »
I loved Addicted, but as soon as I tried Deconstruction I was like nopenopenopenope

It's too much all over the place and unpleasant, and I know that I'm not gonna go back to it. Sorry.
Juular and Stand were great though, and I still want to listen to The Mighty Masturbator.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #414 on: July 16, 2014, 11:15:22 AM »
I enjoy Deconstruction, although I don't enjoy the title track,   the fart noises kill it.

The Mighty Masturbater reminds of Ki, but 10x more layered, the epic dance part is great. My favorite is Sumeria for some reason, I think its because of how it starts in your face with vocals and music then ends on a calm trip through space with only the vocals left.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #415 on: July 16, 2014, 11:46:04 AM »
Yep, the way Sumeria leads into The Mighty Masturbator is fantastic.  The dance part of TMM is definitely one of the best moments of Devin's career.


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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #416 on: July 16, 2014, 12:12:55 PM »
I loved Deconstruction, very epic in scope, ambition, and execution.  Sumeria and The Might Masturbator were the highlights for me.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #417 on: July 18, 2014, 11:29:44 AM »
Well, glad I'm not the first to say it, but this is fucked up - and not in the good way (for my tastes).  All I can think of while listening to this, is that Devin is doing his best Ross Geller impersonation.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #418 on: July 18, 2014, 01:06:24 PM »
Chad, or anyone else for that matter, I get the feeling that Townsend spends quite a bit of time on these albums jabbing his finger in the eye of his audience, just to see if they'll like it, and then having a bit of a laugh at their expense. It feels similar to the way Mike Judge was poking fun at his intended audience with "Beavis and Butt-head". I've yet to decide if I like that though...I sometimes get a kick out of that sort of thing (otherwise I couldn't be a Zappa fan) so I'm going to continue going through this thread and reading Ulti's excellent write-ups just to see if it finally clicks.

I've completed listening to AE enough times that I'm ready to move on to the next one. We'll see.
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Re: Devin Townsend Discography v. Glory to the brave
« Reply #419 on: July 19, 2014, 01:06:42 PM »
On second thought, I actually came back to it and now it's  :hefdaddy
Especially Planet Of The Apes, Stand and Mighty Masturbator.
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