The Queen Thread

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Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


Quote from: Adami on September 05, 2017, 08:45:23 PM
Quote from: DragonAttack on September 05, 2017, 08:33:33 PM
You and about two others. 

Freddie was 5'9", Sacha 6'3", he's an axe.  At least Malek can act.

Hugh Jackman is 6'2, Wolverine is like 5'4. No one cared.

I mean, I did, but the world seemed mostly okay with it.

I boycotted those movies.  Same with Tom Cruise (5'1") as Jack Reacher (6'3" if memory serves).   


Movies based on books, or on real-life characters, tend to divide people like that.  If the actor chosen is considerably different physically from the character in the book, or person in real-life, this can create problems.  It can be hard to watch the movie, just knowing that the person isn't supposed to look like that.

If you've never read the books, aren't familiar enough with the actual person, or just don't worry about it that much, no problem.  Jack Reacher is described as a big, imposing guy, which Tom Cruise is not.  But Tom Cruise is a bankable action star, and most people haven't read the books anyway.

I'm a huge Queen fan, but have no idea how tall Freddie was.  He always seemed larger than life because of his personality.  I had no problem with Cohen playing him.


(Littlefinger from GoT to play John Reid in the upcoming movie)

Below are two gems that should have been on the 2011 'News Of The World' bone-us disc.  The 'raw sessions' versions of 'We Will Rock You' and 'We Are The Champions' from Disc Two of the just released box set (the only part of the box I'm interested in).

Different....but both are more than appealing listens......
Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


Those were nice. Freddys vocals on WATC is amazing. Better than what ended up album.


Quote from: Ben_Jamin on October 05, 2017, 10:55:19 PM
Those were nice. Freddys vocals on WATC is amazing. Better than what ended up album.

Freddie's vocal was definitely amazing as always. This raw version sounds interesting, but personally I still prefer the album version's arrangement.

The Letter M

So I've been on a HUGE Queen kick lately, mostly early Queen (the first three albums). I've always enjoyed SHA a lot, but in the last couple of weeks, Queen II has grown on me a WHOLE lot, especially side two. I have new-found appreciation for early Queen and just how rocking they were back in those first three albums.  Holy crap they're so good! :metal

I've never been a super-fan of Queen, so I've been slowly going through their discography. I had already been fairly familiar with their second trio of albums (Night, Day, and News), which I often group together for having a similar sound and having some of their break-out hits as well. Really, these first six albums are so good, but the five-album run of Queen II-News Of The World is pretty spectacular, though I'm sure everyone in this thread probably already knows that - I'm just gushing because I've finally "discovered" the greatness that is Queen II.

I find myself occassionally humming songs from Queen II lately, particularly "March Of The Black Queen" and "Fairy Feller's Master Stroke", as well as "Funny How Love Is". No matter how weird their music gets, it's insanely catchy.



I'll say the blasphemy? I'll say the blasphemy.

March of the Black Queen is better than Bohemian Rhapsody.

One of their best, weirdest and craziest songs ever.


Bohemian Rhapsody will always stand alone as the epitome of going nucking futs in a song, yet still somehow scoring a radio hit; and that's no small thing.  But there are certainly Queen songs which I think are better, including a few from that same album.


I honestly can't say Queen ever topped Bohemian Rhapsody, but they have so many great songs, especially on II, Sheer Heart Attack and A Night at the Opera.  I still think those three records and Innuendo are their best studio albums.


This is often a forgotten song, but I think The Prophet's Song is one of those under-rated, crazy, rocking, awesome songs! One of my personal fav for sure. :hat


"The Prophet's Song" is my fave from A Night at the Opera.  That one tops "Bohemian Rhapsody" for me, and on some days, "Good Company" because of the dixieland break made of different guitars (no synthesizers!), and sometimes "'39" because of the concept and the killer harmonies.  So many great songs on that album.


'39 is definitely my 2nd favorite, with Death on Two Legs not far behind.

Good Company is a nice little tune.  Very Beatles-esque.

I like The Prophet's Song, but the middle section annoys the crap out of me.  That repeating "And now I know!" is grating.  Too bad, cause the rest of the song is pretty great.


Quote from: KevShmev on October 26, 2017, 08:14:34 PM
'39 is definitely my 2nd favorite, with Death on Two Legs not far behind.

Good Company is a nice little tune.  Very Beatles-esque.

I like The Prophet's Song, but the middle section annoys the crap out of me.  That repeating "And now I know!" is grating.  Too bad, cause the rest of the song is pretty great.

What?! That portion sounds Godly, man!  :lol No, seriously, I used to (20 years or so ago) hate that portion too, but it grew on me and I learnt to apprepricate the harmony.  :hefdaddy


The harmonies are amazing.  Supposedly Freddy came into the studio with pretty much the entire break worked out, all written out after he'd madly scribbled it all down when it came into his head the night before.


Quote from: KevShmev on October 26, 2017, 08:14:34 PM
Good Company is a nice little tune.  Very Beatles-esque.
I always get The Beach Boys vibe from this song. And it's truly fantastic.

I've gotten into Queen this year, better late than never. Sheer heart attack, A Night at the opera and A Day at the races are fantastic, such an incredible streak of albums filled to the brim with memorable, brilliant songs. Another one of my favorites is Jazz, it's almost as good as A Day at the races in my book.


Quote from: Orbert on October 26, 2017, 08:11:40 PM
"The Prophet's Song" is my fave from A Night at the Opera.  That one tops "Bohemian Rhapsody" for me

Same here.


Big Queen fan, and to this day, Queen II is my favorite Queen album, and "Funny How Love Is" is perhaps my favorite Queen song.

I love "A Night At The Opera" (I have a killer 5.1 version from a special released around 2000 or so) but it's a little schizophrenic for me.  I get Queen's thing, I really do, but there's no real flow to that album (for me) and while BoRhap and Prophet are or are near legendary, and the rest of the songs are mostly very good to great, there's no flow.

By the way, I love how Freddie's "Rough take" is probably better than 98% of the vocals that get released today as "final product".  What a voice on that fuckin' guy, eh? 


I'm not sure how you can say there's no flow.  The first three songs literally seque seamlessly into each other, as do the first two songs on Side Two.  Other than actually connecting the songs, what do you consider "flow"?  It has variety, moves effortlessly from rock to folk to whatthefuck and back again, and none of the changes feel jarring or anything.  I think the album has amazing flow.  I always listen to it straight through.


I think that, when you have such a diverse bunch of songs, it's extremely hard to come up with a track order that has a fantastic flow. Some of the songs flow well, others don't. For example, Sweet lady always sounds out of place to me. But still, it's a fun album to listen two all the way through.


Quote from: Orbert on October 27, 2017, 09:17:23 AM
I'm not sure how you can say there's no flow.  The first three songs literally seque seamlessly into each other, as do the first two songs on Side Two.  Other than actually connecting the songs, what do you consider "flow"?  It has variety, moves effortlessly from rock to folk to whatthefuck and back again, and none of the changes feel jarring or anything.  I think the album has amazing flow.  I always listen to it straight through.

That right there.  I don't find some of the moves "effortless".  I find some of them jarring.  Just me, though, I understand that. 


Edit: whoops wrong thread. Too much windows open on mobile  :laugh:


Quote from: Orbert on October 26, 2017, 08:11:40 PM
"The Prophet's Song" is my fave from A Night at the Opera.  That one tops "Bohemian Rhapsody" for me, and on some days, "Good Company" because of the dixieland break made of different guitars (no synthesizers!), and sometimes "'39" because of the concept and the killer harmonies.  So many great songs on that album.

Amazing song  :hefdaddy
DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


That whole first period from '73 - '78 is fantastic. As soon as the synthesizers entered the fray and the band started churning out 'the hits' Queen lost its magic for me, only to be restored with 'A kind of magic' and seeing them live that same year.


The original 'All Dead, All Dead' from 'News of the World'.  Something so moving and haunting.  Always loved Brian's lead vocals.

And now, the long awaited 'demo' with Freddie on LV, with the opening stanza (printed on the album lyric sheet forty years ago for no apparent reason....).

A 'hybrid' version of the two mixed

For years, I have heard the rumors of the alternate vocal take.  I always gave it a 'oh, that would nice to hear' shrug.  No big deal.  I love Brian's version.  Nothing will take away from that.  I'm so glad they used it then, because some variety on LVs can help keep things from sounding stale (even when you have one of the greatest rock singers available). I have one more Freddie vocal to treasure. 
Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


A new fan is out here!

Always knew I should dig into them but never really did so...

At first, i bought queen II and loved it! what a classic album! a real masterpiece.
so I went and picked up their debut. then I knew I'm in love so I picked up almost the whole discography, except A king of magic, The miracle, Made in heaven and Hot space.

For my 3rd queen album, after the first 2 classics, I played The works and while I expected it to be much worse than the first 2 by a big margin I was surprisingly wrong!!  Yes, it's not at the same level but it's very enjoyable and definitely a good album.

That made me doublethink perhaps I should go and get the rest of the discography which I mentioned before but I don't wanna ruin my Queen experience with stinkers so I rather you advise me which of the following I should get and which to prevent of.

Looking forward to your help and may God save the queen!!


Leave Hot Space for last, it's their worst.

A kind of Magic and Miracle are both decent album with the occasional dud here and there.

Made in Heaven is very peculiar as it was made after Freddie died and so it's made up from leftovers and songs reworked, with the other guys singing the parts Freddie didn't finish.


As someone who got into the band later, I think - no, I KNOW - that it is best to go chronologically.   They are not a static band, and there really aren't any two albums that are alike, even the common "pair", "Night" and "Day". 

"Keep Yourself Alive" is necessary to understand Queen II, and some of the moments there are necessary to get things like "Killer Queen".  The schizophrenic nature of SHA is necessary to get "A Night At The Opera", etc. etc. 



i guess i went all over the place then. I first heard them when i was about 6 when Freddie just died so his music was on TV a lot. We had Greatest Hits in our cd collection so i started listening to all those songs. When i saved up enough money to buy my first cd it was Queen II.
Next cd i bought was Queen I. The rest i taped from cds i borrowed from the library. Funny thing was that i always saw Queensryche next to those cds and thought they ripped off the name.  2012 I saw them live because a friend put me on the guestlist and I was sold on their sound.


Listen chronologically.  You get to 'witness' how they develop, progress, and change (for better or worse), and finally, rebound.

With Queen, one has an advantage that I did not have at the time: access to live releases and alternate takes. 

You have four sessions (four songs each) of BBC releases from the era of the first two album releases, and a session each from 'Sheer Heart Attack' and 'News of the World'.  And then there are the 'Live at the Rainbow' releases (from the Queen II and 'Sheer Heart Attack' tours).  And all of the available tours that follow for the specific albums on youtube (official and bootleg).

But give 'All Dead All Dead' another listen or three first ;)

Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


That first BBC CD is worth getting just for that 7-minute version of Son and Daughter.  That is my go-to version of that song. :hefdaddy :hefdaddy


Hey Dragon, I know I can look it up myself, but I trust your knowledge here over mine:  Are those BBC sessions collected somewhere? I know there's that "Live at the Beeb" or whatever it's called, but that's not all four sessions, is it?  What about the later two sessions (SHA/NotW)?


(Stadler.....some day I'll have to try my hand at a Queen discography thread such as the Qryche and Iron Maiden ones....bars that have been set incredibly high.....)

There was 'Queen at the Beeb' (or at the BBC, depending on which side of the pond one resides) released in '89 just before 'Innuendo'.
It only had eight songs.

Meanwhile, 'On Air' ..... ....has all six sessions. 

The absolute best 'bang for the buck' is to purchase the 2 CD release (2016).  Why we had to wait so long for the complete release is beyond me (some tracks are available on the 2011 bonus remasters for the respective albums). 

Sadly, the Golders Green Hippodrome '73 concert, which makes up most of Disc Three, is lacking 'See What A Fool I've Been, the entire 'Jailhouse Rock' medley, and 'Big Spender.  This makes purchasing the six CD box set a waste of money.  Why they included live tracks from '81 and '86 is beyond me and any fan of the era.  A shame this was not a THREE CD release. 

All of the Golders Green performances are available on bootlegs and youtube, so it's well worth the hunt to look them up and download the tracks for the correct order.  For anyone that doesn't know, the studio and live versions of SWAFIB are immensely different...'camp' versus 'blues'. 

Mentioned before, but expanding....BOTH versions of 'Son and Daughter' (post-Blag, pre Brighton Rock) are worth the purchase.  As well as the 4th BBC version of 'Modern Times Rock 'n Roll, and both 'Liar's...and.....well,,'we have lift off!'

Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


Just made available a few months back...

Providence Civic Center, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1978, Jazz tour, the day the LP hit these shores

As good of an audience recording there ever was for a Queen concert.  Three days after I saw them perform in Kalamazoo ....still my all-time favorite concert of all time.  Thus, this one is extra special for me.

Superb renditions of all the songs performed, with little twists here and there.  What the 'Live Killers' LP should have been.

As to the 'taper':
Dan Lampinski recorded over 100 concerts in the Providence/Boston area, mostly between 1974 and 1978. His earliest recordings were made with an internal microphone deck, and though they are somewhat lo-fi compared to his later work, some very great moments in rock history were captured for posterity. In late 1974 he bought a Sony TC-152SD tape recorder, a Sony ECM-99 stereo microphone, and began using Maxell cassettes. He was also fortunate enough to have a friend who provided excellent taping seats for many shows, resulting in high quality recordings. In 1977, he switched over to a Nakamichi 550 tape recorder, two Nakamichi CM-300 microphones, and continued using Maxell cassettes.

He recorded many of the major 70's bands: Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Queen, Blue Oyster Cult, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull, ELP, Kiss, Black Sabbath, The Who, Al Stewart, Alice Cooper, Jeff Beck, Bruce Springsteen, Supertramp, Jean-Luc Ponty, Moody Blues, Neil Young, The Faces, Rush, Rick Wakeman, Kansas, as well as several "under the radar" acts.

Since Dan never traded copies of his recordings, they are all essentially uncirculated. Some copies were made for friends, but these releases are the first time most of these recordings have ever seen the light of day, and are direct from his master cassettes. No EQ'ing has been done to any of the transfers. Feel free to EQ, matrix, patch, etc and re-post if you like, just give Dan credit for the original recording.

Dan was very meticulous about taking good care of his tapes and is very pleased that these recordings will now circulate among the trading community. Please honour his kindness and generosity by sharing these recordings freely.
Always remember - the more generous you are with your music, the more it comes back to you.

Kev & Carl
June 2009

(btw....Stadler, I hope you have listened to the KISS Providence '75 show...)

Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]