Train of Thought 10th Anniversary

Started by RoeDent, November 08, 2013, 11:45:04 AM

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On November 11th, it will be 10 years since Train of Thought was released. Just a thread for your reflections and thoughts on this anniversary.


I remember this album getting tons of criticism when it was first released.

I also remember being one of those criticizing the crap out of it. :lol

Fortunately, despite its flaws, it did grow on me over time, and I now enjoy most of it.


Not my favorite DT album but it does have a couple of gems on it. In the name of god is epic!


I was impressed by how much metal was in it.  Some of the solos were subpar compared to other albums.  It's like JP was trying to see how many notes he can cram in.  I love Endless Sacrifice, one of their best songs ever.


Solid album, albeit lacking in diversity and thus not one of my favorites. I like it more than the subsequent three albums and DT12 though.


At one time it was one of my favourite albums, although I find it hard to listen to all the way through, partly because it's a heavy onslaught all the way through with little breather room (although there is a bit) and because the production is a bit subpar. The guitar sounds a a bit muddy and the I'm not a big fan of the vocals. The songs themselves are great though, ITNOG is one of my favourite DT songs and so is ES. The two albums surrounding it I think are much better, but that's probably because I prefer more dynamic albums from Dream Theater, not to mention the solos are a bit over-the-top, that being by DT standards. :lol There's very little room for feel in the solos, bar maybe the first one in SOC. Most of the songs still have a level of emotion in them though, which is good, and DT is the only band I listen to that can make a full-on metal album and have piano featured in 5 out of 7 songs.  :metal


Amazing album.

Some notes:

- Endless Sacrifice is, and will always be amazing. I love the verses just as much as, if not more than the hook. The verses do an outstanding job of painting a grim, dark, haunting and lonely setting.

- With that said about ES, I do wish they would have cut maybe 2-3 minutes or so out of the instrumental section. It is an awesome instrumental part, but I'm not always in the mood to listen to it for its entirety.

- I don't listen to Vacant much, but I still love it (if that makes any sense). I think it is because it is "mood music". You really need to be in a certain mood to listen to such a devastatingly sad song. See also: Disappear.

- As I Am kicked ass for a long time, but I wore it out and never was able to get back into it.

- In The Name of God is one of my personal fav. DT songs. Top 3 best endings to a DT song.

- Could never really get into This Dying Soul. It didn't really have any melodies or riffs that appealed to me.

- Stream of Consciousness is one song that I rarely listen to. I don't know is a really great piece. I think it's one of those songs, like The Count of Tuscany, where I will eventually end up getting into it like 10 years after it came out.

- I may be in a pond with very few other fish here, but I have always loved Honor Thy Father. The main riff KICKS ASS. MP shines too. With some songs, there will be a kickass riff which only plays 1 or 2 times in the song. This song avoids that, as the main riff pops back up many times in the song. One reason that I love it.

Happy anniversary ToT!


I must have known this was coming up. I've had it on on and off all day today.

I remember it being impossible to find in the Austin area. I think I had to hit 3 Best Buy's to get a copy..

8VM was even worse! I Couldn't find it locally, had to order it on


My no.1 album.  :metal
Endless Sacrifice is great and I wouldn't change anything about it. The instrumental section rocks.
SoC is my favourite instrumental.
ITNOG imho has the best ending out of any DT song (on par with TCOT).


I have really mixed feelings about this album. I guess my ranking of the songs would help me define it a bit:

In The Name of God

Endless Sacrifice

Vacant+Stream of Consciousness

As I Am

This Dying Soul

Honor Thy Father

That might take up some space, but that's how it goes for me. In the Name of God is Top 10 DT for me. It was love at first listen, if you will. Endless Sacrifice is a great piece, excellent heavy piece with one of my favorite early 00s performance by JLB, plus I love how interesting the instrumental section is. The "over the distance we try to make sense" part might be my favorite part of the whole album. Vacant+Stream of Consciousness (the only way I listen to either) is great, but the latter drags on for too long, so it eventually becomes uninteresting. As I Am is a cool song to listen to every now and then, but I have to feel in the mood. The solo to it is amazing, though. I used to dislike This Dying Soul a lot more. It has grown on me since it's rather decent and the JP/JR unison is unique, but still can't stand the rapped parts. Ugh. And, well, Honor Thy Father is one of the worst DT songs have done in my opinion. Way too long for its purpose, weak attempt at doing an "angry" song and the about-decent solo doesn't help it as much as a great solo could have.

I also think that, other than the last three songs,  there is not a good flowing in the album due to how long the songs are. They are all pretty much in the same mood and it is, at least for me, tiring to the ear.

I don't think it's among their best efforts at all, but definitely not their worst, and it does serve a purpose of catching a different audience's attention and having some angrier and heavier songs in their repertoire.


I remember checking the cd stores every day for a month waiting for them to get TOT in.  The day came when I finally found it and remember taking it home and just being blown away from start to finish.  Still my fav DT album.


This was the album that helped ease me into DT after I first discovered them. I was used to listening to more straightforward metal and remembered searching to find which of their albums was "the heaviest". It was my favourite DT album for some time until I finally began to appreciate the majesty of I&W.

It's still my second favourite DT album and ItNoG is a top 4 track for me.

1. ItNoG
2. ES
3. TDS
4. AIA
5. SoC
6. HTF
7. Vacant
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


TOT was the instigator in eventually making DT my favourite band. A top tier album for me and I love it to this day even more than the first time (which blew me away).


I think Train of Thought is one of the most important albums of their career. I remember the first time I listened to it when it came out. It was exactly what I had hoped from Dream Theater at that point. It all takes place in the same 'music world', but I wouldn't say it's monotone. They added enough depth too with the beautiful Vacant/SoC/ITNOG ending sequence.


1. ItNoG
2. AIA
3. ES
4. HTF
5. SOC
6. TDS
7. Vacant


1. HTF (This would fall well into the controversial opinions thread  :biggrin:)
2. TDS
3. ES
4. AIA
6. SOC
7. Vacant

Rodni Demental

I think it has a very important role in their career aswell. I'm generalising here, but it seems ToT draws certain people in that might not have listened to other DT material as it stands, but after hearing an artist's music slightly crossing over into other 'musical realms' (as I'll put it), it encourages the listener to discover more music by the band. Train of Thought had this effect on me, while I was discovering DT this album just stood out as something I could listen to and digest properly and it left me wanting more. Perhaps this is why it starts off as a favourite album then drops a few places to some of the more dynamic albums down the track.


Good album to drive to.  And it's certainly consistent.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


It's the album that got me into DT. Probably a few other people too.

Octavarium was the album that really sealed the deal.


I was obsessed with this album at one point. I'm kind of worn out on Dream Theater in general now, but especially this album. Still, I can't remember the last time I listened to the whole thing, so I'll have to get around to doing so again through the week.


It's the album that got me into DT. Probably a few other people too.

Octavarium was the album that really sealed the deal.


I liked it more when I got it on the ninth grade, but I was having a metal phase. I think the album is too heavy. It's not how I like my DT albums to be, I need more melody and joy. Also, I think heavier songs could have used some guest vocalist or more MP, because JLB is kinda off his comfort zone. But on the other hand, he sounds much better on Elements of Persuasion. My least favourite DT album with BC&SL.

Vacant and Stream of Consciousness are amazing though. And Honor Thy Father kicks ass.


This was the first DT album that came out while I was a fan, and the first one I anticipated the release. I remember hearing As I Am on the radio before I got the album (lolradio) and being taken back by the heavier edge.

Then I remember the first spin of the album while watching the original Transformers Movie, and having it line up eerily well. I didn't start them simultaneously, but Vacant lined up perfectly with the death of Optimus Prime scene.
And I had no idea TDS was a continuation of TGP, so it wasn't until it got to the reprisal heavy riff half way through that it clicked. That was one of those cool moments when you're a new fan and don't know these things.

Still an album I really enjoy when I'm in the mood for heavier stuff, and As I Am and ITNOG are still top DT songs in my book. :tup

King Postwhore

So Blob this was your "Dark Side Of The Moon" with the "Wizard Of Oz" moment. :lol

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: kingshmegland on November 09, 2013, 03:58:40 AM
So Blob this was your "Dark Side Of The Moon" with the "Wizard Of Oz" moment. :lol


Hell yeah, king! :lol Except that this one actually worked. :biggrin:

King Postwhore

I remember loving how heavy As I Am was but over time I've played this album less than others in their discography.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I really like the album, but I think the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  I really enjoy listening to the album the whole way through, but I very rarely listen to any of the songs on their own.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Second album I heard, love the heavy vibe :metal Endless Sacrifice and Honor Thy Father are my favorites.


It's a good album, but a little one-dimensional for my taste (I'm not really an all out metal guy). The high points for me is definitely ITNoG and SoC, and also As I Am. I would rank it in the lower half of the DT albums.


It not one of my favorite albums, but an album I enjoy and like probably more than the average DT fan, maybe because I am more of a metal fan than a prog fan so the metalness of this album is something I really like.

My song rankings:

Endless Sacrifice
In The Name of God
As I Am
Stream of Conciousness
Honor Thy Father
This Dying Soul

Theres a pretty big difference between the top four and the bottom three for me.


Endless Sacrifice gives me the chills. The song really clicked with me when I was in a long distance relationship. Loving every single moment of it, from JP's beeps in the chorus, to Jordan's piano fill in the awesome instrumental section. As I Am is my second favorite, always manages to pump me up. I often put it in right after waking up, especially if I'm in a hurry. I care a lot less for the rest of the album, all the other songs have some flaws in them. Probably JLB's least best studio effort, besides ADTOE (gotta use euphemisms here, he's great on every album).


My second favorite Dream Theater album.   :metal

The Letter M

This was the band's latest album when I became a fan, between the release of TOT and LAB. While I loved the sounds of SFAM and SDOIT (as well as IAW), I found TOT to be a bit of a change. Its heaviness was it's greatest strength and biggest detractor as well. It took me awhile to get into the heaviest aspects of DT, despite loving tracks like "Home", "The Great Debate", and "The Glass Prison". The first three tracks sunk in EASILY for me - "As I Am" was the single-sounding short track with a great chorus and solo; "This Dying Soul" was the sequel/continuation to "The Glass Prison" so I naturally enjoyed it; and "Endless Sacrifice" was a great power ballad with a cool, but whacky instrumental section.

The closing epic was astonishing and while it took me a bit to get into some parts of it, I enjoy it immensely! The pairing of "Vacant"/"Stream Of Consciousness" was amazing to me, the soft strings and minimal instrumentation was emotionally touching, then moving in to the epic instrumental that moved through so many grooves and themes.

The ONE track I had the most trouble with was "Honor Thy Father", and it took me YEARS to really get in to it. At first, I enjoyed some of the riffs, but it just felt like a CHORE to listen to, despite being one of FIVE tracks over 10 minutes long on the album. I like it a lot more now, but it took me awhile to get here.

As a whole, I really enjoy this album and I say it has aged well enough over its 10 years of existence. It forms a wonderful trilogy of albums from SFAM to SDOIT to TOT. It's a natural follow-up to the then-growing heaviness that DT was experimenting with, but they would tone that back a bit for the following albums. It's still one of their better albums, great in the mid-tier of their body of work.




Great album!  It's the only one that I can put on any time and not want to skip a single track.  It never gets old. :metal