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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #245 on: December 01, 2013, 11:04:15 PM »
That was an unbelievable episode....shoulda been the season 3 finale lol

My thoughts exactly. I wonder if S3 and S4 can be combined by cutting out some filler and still make it flow like 1 normal season.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #246 on: December 02, 2013, 02:24:58 AM »
I wept when Herschel died. His grandfatherly way of saving the groups ass time and time again really held the group (and show) together. I've cried like a little girl whose skinned her knee a few times during movies --Old Yeller, Without A Trace (at the end when what seems like the entire NYPD joins in the caravan to drive the kid home), at the end of my favorite film of all-time It's A Wonderful Life (everytime btw), and at the end of Saving Private Ryan when he asks his wife if he's been a good man. I've also been known to get emotional during certain news stories that deal with veterans, kids, animals, or the elderly; but I've never cried over a tv character until now. Damn! Fucking Morrisey. I can never watch him in another role. Maybe im just overly emotional with all the damnsurgeries I've had recently. But im gonna miss Herschel.

Great episode though.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #247 on: December 02, 2013, 04:23:20 AM »
Lily was so stupid. Why didn't she have her gun out sooner? Is she a lousy shot? Great episode. Poor Hershel

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #248 on: December 02, 2013, 10:53:36 AM »
Overall I enjoyed the episode, but there were a few things that annoyed me. Megan getting bitten and Lily not having a better control of the situation was pretty lame. Sure the zombie came up from the mud, but it might be a good idea to not sit around and daydream 200 feet away from her defenseless daughter. The kids showing up to save Tyrese by shooting was a HUGE groaner-scene, and the scene before that with the kids rallying themselves and talking about how they should kill stuff too. While I can understand the whole "lets take over the prison", it makes no sense for them to run down all the fences and blast down half the prison. Even if they managed to kill off all of Rick's group, the prison would almost be useless, since most of it would be destroyed.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #249 on: December 02, 2013, 11:34:52 AM »
Awesome episode. I absolutely loved the reactions of Rick and Carl at the end once finding Judith's empty thingy. Emotional and well done.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #250 on: December 02, 2013, 11:50:26 AM »
Awesome episode. I absolutely loved the reactions of Rick and Carl at the end once finding Judith's empty thingy. Emotional and well done.

Ummm....that's a car seat  :lol, and that was pretty emotional.

Overall I enjoyed the episode, but there were a few things that annoyed me. Megan getting bitten and Lily not having a better control of the situation was pretty lame. Sure the zombie came up from the mud, but it might be a good idea to not sit around and daydream 200 feet away from her defenseless daughter.

Had similar sentiments expressed on last page:

Speaking of that world they live in how in the  :censored do you allow your kid to play right next to a wood line, 100 foot from you? It's her own  :censored fault her kid was eaten alive. Just retarded writing IMO. There's no friggin way your letting any kid just wander around. Ridiculous.

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Offline TioJorge

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #251 on: December 02, 2013, 12:51:13 PM »
FINALLY! Woot wooooooot! Awesome, amazing, incredible. My second favorite episode of the series, just behind Beside The Dying Fire and trumped CLEAR. That was some amazing storytelling of events that already almost occurred, yet it felt different and 'real' this time around. This is what I was hoping to see from Gimple, and it's nice that it's only the mid-season finale and we still have so much shit hitting the fan. I am so glad that the prison is absolutely destroyed. I was thinking perhaps they'd salvage it after an attack and they'd still end up being there at the finale but this is just perfect.

Beautiful episode. Great mix of zombie tension and downright gruesome action whilst getting the hell out of that prison. It's about damn time. I'm excited to see where they go with this. THE GOV IS DEAD!  :metal

P.S. Mud-zombie is now my favorite zombie. But poor Meghan  :'( A lot of awesomely horrific deaths this episode. That was nuts. I loved it. Interesting how they handled Judith. I'm wondering if they just pulled the punches with her death, or if this is their way of building tension until they find the kids with her and perhaps one of the older children got bit, thus the blood on the baby-seat.

I think this will be her 'death' and they'll find out from the kids, but I think it's just as likely that seeing Judith alive will be our one saving grace that the crew has gotten out 'okay' in the end since that one good thing was saved. They've already lost nearly everything. But that's The Walking Dead. You lose. Every time. Everything. So in the spirit of the comics and the series overall tone, I hope this is her death. Also let's face it, no more babies should be born until the virus is fixed. Unless you just want a psychotic child and you want to create this awesomely insane badass child that just kills everything like that little blond kid.

@Zant: You don't actually think that the Gov was still trying to 'take' the prison, do you? After Rick stated that either both of them lose the prison or they all stay, it was done; the Governor just wanted to kill all of them. The dipshit lemmings hardly had a mind of their own at that point, it wasn't their game from the start. Maybe they thought they'd salvage it, but everyone besides the pig-tailed girl was pretty much blind at that point. That's why we hear Gov say 'Liar' before killing Hershel. It was just about killing them, not even he wanted the prison at that point, otherwise he wouldn't have told the tank to light it up...

But yeah, Lilly is a dumb bitch.  :rollin I'm kinda sad we didn't see her die. I thought the same thing while she was daydreaming at that one zombie in the river!! It's like she was thinking "Let's see if Brian was right...I'LL BET HE WAS WRONG THAT ZOMBIE IS TOTALLY GONNA CROSS THE RI-oh....what was that hun?". Psh. Good riddance, I hope they don't even show her after this and we just move on completely.

To everyone thinking it's ridiculous that Lilly let Meghan play away from her, out of site, half a football field away behind her... Do you just not accept that there's dumbfucks in TWD world? She's a dumb bitch. We all know that. That's that. She fell for a psychotic, sociopathic serial killer; and she just so happens to be a horrible parent. I don't know why that's a stretch. That's why we saw her starring at that zombie crossing the river for so long...she apparently thought that zombies only lived across the river in zombie-town, where all zombies reside. I don't friggin know...but clearly she was just a moronic air head. Done and done. I don't know why that's not believable though...there's millions of parents out there ten fold worse than that... They had to write them off somehow, and/or make the Gov suffer losses of his own. This was a great way to show that and push him over the edge while getting them out of the picture quickly.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 01:13:57 PM by TioJorge »


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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #252 on: December 02, 2013, 01:58:11 PM »
I agree that Lily was really stupid when it came to not being able to save her daughter, but I still thought it was awesome that she got to put that last bullet in the governors head. Loved that scene. After all, he kept promising to keep them all safe but he ended up leading them to their deaths.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #253 on: December 02, 2013, 02:23:29 PM »
So you guys think we'll get to deal with that million-zombie-horde in the season finale?

Offline Snow_Dog

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #254 on: December 02, 2013, 02:25:09 PM »
Glad the Governor's gone. Glad the prison arc is FINALLY over. Would love to see some more journeying around like in season 1, and now's the perfect opportunity for them to not get holed up somewhere else for another season and a half. Loved the CDC part of season 1 where we learned about the research on the walkers and wouldn't mind something similar to that which would progress the main story a bit.

It's been a little slow lately and I've almost found myself losing interest entirely to be honest, but that episode was just what I needed. I don't need it to be explosions and zombie killing all the time, but I feel like there's been way too much fluff recently. That scene with Carl and Rick at the end was great. And now we're done with the prison finally, lets move on. I just hope we don't have to wait until the season finale before anything else interesting happens.

Offline TioJorge

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #255 on: December 02, 2013, 02:26:42 PM »
So you guys think we'll get to deal with that million-zombie-horde in the season finale?

Definitely, it's what I'm hoping for and it's what I think Gimple will use as the climax to all this inevitable running around in the aftermath of their destroyed home. It's what's going to lead them to leave this area entirely, I think; the thing to spur the real 'where next'?


Offline emblempride

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #256 on: December 02, 2013, 02:43:10 PM »
I thought, "Maybe he'll just shoot him." And then he got out the fuckin' sword. Then Hershel had enough energy to crawl away and thought, "Hey, a reprieve that Tyreese didn't get, maybe he'll have a sentimental end and some nice last words." And then The Governor turned around, sword still in hand. I'm curious as to how The Governor managed to beat Rick up with punch after punch despite getting shot in the arm, while Rick was shot in the leg (but was still able to charge him, apparently). And Lilly is fucktarded. But overall a good episode. Still waiting for Rick's group to really lose, though. They still won that battle - annihilated The Governor's whole camp of 20+ while losing Hershel, Judith (possibly, I'm still not sure) and what, only like 2 unknowns.

What I'm wondering is how the groups are going to converge. The comics had only two groups separated and one group knew where the other was at, and that place burnt down in the show. I think the groups are like this, correct me if I'm wrong -
Carl and Rick ran off somewhere
Where the fuck did Michonne go after stabbing The Governor?
Beth and Daryl also ran off
Maggie, Sasha, and Bob are either at the prison still or ran off (I think the latter, right?)
Tyreese and the kids are still at the prison (how is this going to work out?)
Glenn's on the bus

I know it's early for speculation, but I'm guessing The Governor's "family" are gonna run into one of those groups, probably Maggie's? Maybe even Rick and Carl's for dramatic purposes. It would also be a good time to reintroduce Carol. So many different directions - she could end up playing Michonne's role considering Episode 9 is supposed to be like Issue 49 and Issue 50 and the "closest thing to the comics yet" according to Kirkman, I believe. Rick will have to bring her back if she ends up saving him and Carl. Or how crazy would it be if she ended up going back to the prison to see Hershel and the Governor dead - and then ends up helping Tyreese and the kids escape the overrun prison? Considering Clara's zombified reappearance and the theme of the episode being that The Governor is too far gone, maybe Carol experiencing some kind of redemption can prove to Rick that you can "come back" from the things you've done?

And if Episode 9 is Carl's episode, and in Episode 10 we're getting Abraham's group... Thinking back to the radio transmission from a couple of episodes back regarding sanctuary, we're either going into the Hunters arc or skipping right to a certain setting far from Georgia.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #257 on: December 02, 2013, 04:38:54 PM »
Yeah, the entire story line of the governor this season is that he tried to reinvent himself, and from the moment that he slaughtered his people until he met and made Meghan his surrogate daughter were all him living a lie. He was a sociopath of the highest order. He always has been his entire life. Running Woodbury gave him an opoprtunity to reinvent himself, at least for a little while; but he killed anyone he perceived as a threat to the lie he was constantly living. His comment of "Liar" before whacking Herschel wasn't meant for Rick, he was calling himself "liar". His true nature was he just wanted to kill them all. He had no intention of peacefully taking over the prison. He eiptomized the saying "Wolf in sheep's clothing."
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #258 on: December 02, 2013, 04:46:29 PM »
I really thought they were going to kill off Daryl last night. Got so fucking pumped for absolute chaos to ensue.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #259 on: December 02, 2013, 04:52:39 PM »
Yeah, the entire story line of the governor this season is that he tried to reinvent himself, and from the moment that he slaughtered his people until he met and made Meghan his surrogate daughter were all him living a lie. He was a sociopath of the highest order. He always has been his entire life. Running Woodbury gave him an opoprtunity to reinvent himself, at least for a little while; but he killed anyone he perceived as a threat to the lie he was constantly living. His comment of "Liar" before whacking Herschel wasn't meant for Rick, he was calling himself "liar". His true nature was he just wanted to kill them all. He had no intention of peacefully taking over the prison. He eiptomized the saying "Wolf in sheep's clothing."

Agree 100%. I looked at my brother when he said 'liar' and told him he wasnt talking about Rick. Like you said...he tried to run from who he was, used a wife and daughter then the substitutes for them to try and pretend he wasn't who he was. But indeed the man was always a sociopath.
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Offline Chino

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #260 on: December 02, 2013, 10:17:13 PM »
I thought it was an okay episode. I'm tired and on my iPad. I'll elaborate more in the morning when I get on something with a keyboard. I'd give it a 6/10 overall.


Things I liked

- The little girls not only shooting a zombie, but killing the human as well. Not only did they listen to Carol, but the saved the man that would probably want to break her neck.
- Michonne giving the governor a good final blow
- We are out of the prison
- Governor is gone
- Judith is missing
- The rat person is still at large
- The governor showing a Hershel a little decency by not allowing him to turn

Things I didn't like

- That Lilly shot the governor. I was really hoping we got to see him ripped to pieces by walkers
- Lilly letting her daughter play by herself while she just stares into the river
- The governor was able so easily convince a group of strangers to go ape shit on a bunch of other strangers (I know you can argue that's his persona, but I don't buy it)
- Daryl using the dead walker as a human shield. Those bullets would have torn through that rotting corpse.
- Hershel when out in a really lousy way. I was hoping he'd go out getting torn apart while saving Glenn or one of his girls
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 05:58:37 AM by Chino »

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #261 on: December 03, 2013, 09:19:59 AM »
Things I didn't like

- Lilly letting her daughter play by herself while she just stares into the river

don't quite understand this criticism.  They spent almost an entire scene with the gov telling her how safe it was by the water, specifically where they had stopped.  She even brought it up again later that he had told her so.  So in her mind there was nothing to fear.  Plus she and her family had been holed up for who knows how long and had not really experienced what it was like out in zombie-world for very long.  Very inexperienced.

- Daryl using the dead walker as a human shield. Those bullets would have torn through that rotting corpse.

ha, yes, now this was laughable
Winger would be better!

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #262 on: December 03, 2013, 09:59:02 AM »
Things I didn't like

- Lilly letting her daughter play by herself while she just stares into the river

don't quite understand this criticism.  They spent almost an entire scene with the gov telling her how safe it was by the water, specifically where they had stopped.  She even brought it up again later that he had told her so.  So in her mind there was nothing to fear.  Plus she and her family had been holed up for who knows how long and had not really experienced what it was like out in zombie-world for very long.  Very inexperienced.

I'd agree, but it's not like they were on a peninsula. Her daughter was playing literally at the edge of the woods. I thought it was a really poor/lazy way to kill off the daughter. 

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #263 on: December 03, 2013, 10:30:42 AM »

 :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #264 on: December 03, 2013, 10:45:00 AM »
Things I didn't like

- Lilly letting her daughter play by herself while she just stares into the river

don't quite understand this criticism.  They spent almost an entire scene with the gov telling her how safe it was by the water, specifically where they had stopped.  She even brought it up again later that he had told her so.  So in her mind there was nothing to fear.  Plus she and her family had been holed up for who knows how long and had not really experienced what it was like out in zombie-world for very long.  Very inexperienced.

I'd agree, but it's not like they were on a peninsula. Her daughter was playing literally at the edge of the woods. I thought it was a really poor/lazy way to kill off the daughter.

Yeah. I get the Governor said they were at a safe spot and all, but c'mon. Even being cooped up inside doesn't allow for the negligent parenting there. She'd have had to be aware of the dangers. Heck, an episode before her daughter was attacked by a Walker in a protected camp. I agree with Chino that it was just a lazy way of killing her off. It was a 'neat' kill, the whole mud walker guy...but I'll attest that there is no friggin "that" world, you're letting your child get/be tha far away from you.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #265 on: December 03, 2013, 10:51:19 AM »

Who says it was even buckled in the first place? Other ones are great though.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #266 on: December 03, 2013, 10:54:32 AM »
Things I didn't like

- Lilly letting her daughter play by herself while she just stares into the river

don't quite understand this criticism.  They spent almost an entire scene with the gov telling her how safe it was by the water, specifically where they had stopped.  She even brought it up again later that he had told her so.  So in her mind there was nothing to fear.  Plus she and her family had been holed up for who knows how long and had not really experienced what it was like out in zombie-world for very long.  Very inexperienced.

I'd agree, but it's not like they were on a peninsula. Her daughter was playing literally at the edge of the woods. I thought it was a really poor/lazy way to kill off the daughter.

Yeah. I get the Governor said they were at a safe spot and all, but c'mon. Even being cooped up inside doesn't allow for the negligent parenting there. She'd have had to be aware of the dangers. Heck, an episode before her daughter was attacked by a Walker in a protected camp. I agree with Chino that it was just a lazy way of killing her off. It was a 'neat' kill, the whole mud walker guy...but I'll attest that there is no friggin "that" world, you're letting your child get/be tha far away from you.

Especially seeing as two episode early their truck died and they literally were running through walker-infested woods. I'm sorry, but stuff like that really REALLY gets under my skin as a fan. Not to mention that I think the way she was delivered to the governor was lame too. Now if the child woke up in her mother's arms and did her in too, I probably would have lost all hope for this show.

I'm curious as to how Carol will come back into the picture. Now that the group is divided, someone is bound to run into her. My guess is that she will be the one to give Judith back to Rick and she'll be killed off shortly after that.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #267 on: December 03, 2013, 11:36:37 AM »

Who says it was even buckled in the first place? Other ones are great though.

who do we know in the group that was injured and bloodied but still got away?  Was it just Bob?  My guess is that he scooped her up on the way out.
Winger would be better!

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #268 on: December 03, 2013, 11:36:59 AM »
I'm curious as to how Carol will come back into the picture. Now that the group is divided, someone is bound to run into her. My guess is that she will be the one to give Judith back to Rick and she'll be killed off shortly after that.

We're most certainly going to see Carol again.  There's no way they just leave it the way they left it. Your theory could hold some merit or sure.

Given the familiarity with the location (and that Kirkman admitted in an interview i read that a lot of the second half of this season is taken straight from the comics)I'd bet the group will meet up at Hershals farm. There's a chance Carol may have found sanctuary there?
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #269 on: December 04, 2013, 08:33:29 AM »
Does anyone think Lily or Tara (is she still alive?) grabbed Judith?

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #270 on: December 04, 2013, 08:45:20 AM »
I don't think she was taken by some walker/biter/zombie, I'm guessing one of the kids rescued her.

Great episode by the way, easily the best from an otherwise pretty boring season IMHO.
Zydar is my new hero.  I just laughed so hard I nearly shat.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #271 on: December 04, 2013, 08:58:12 AM »
I don't think she was taken by some walker/biter/zombie, I'm guessing one of the kids rescued her.

Great episode by the way, easily the best from an otherwise pretty boring season IMHO.

Zydar brings up an interesting issue with this program. We all poke holes in the show when issues arise that seem inconsistent or just plain odd but what bothers me the most is no one, ever, calls the zombies zombies. Why? If there really was some virus that could animate dead bodies and re-fire-up the parts of the brain to make them walk and eat, we would all call them zombies! Everyone of us!

Does anyone know why the writers do this?
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #272 on: December 04, 2013, 09:06:13 AM »
It helps emphasize how separated the human race is becoming. It's almost like they are developing different languages again. It's a way to identify who is part of which group. Some say "walkers", "others say "biters", etc... I know there were a few more terms thrown around, but I can't remember them. 

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #273 on: December 04, 2013, 11:41:52 AM »
I've read a couple articles the past few days that were written about TWD.....clearly by people who's only knowledge of the show may come from the TV show, but more likely comes from what they've read somewhere else.

The largest complaint is that TWD is now like LOST....that these people are going to wander around now to run into one another periodically and have no direction. I guess they've never read the comics to know (that IF done right) there is such a cool story to tell with many more interesting characters.

There was the complaint that most of us have had....that everything that happened this first half of the season could have happened last season, especially the final confrontation...but for the most part the majority of the opinions couldn't believe the group is now scattered.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #274 on: December 04, 2013, 12:16:18 PM »
If the group had an emergency escape plan (bus) wouldn't they also have n eemergency meet up spot if seperated?

I know as a kid when you go on field trips they say if we get seperated then meet here. I would have thought they'd do the same.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #275 on: December 04, 2013, 12:20:10 PM »
If the group had an emergency escape plan (bus) wouldn't they also have n eemergency meet up spot if seperated?.

I'd be willing to be 'yes'. That bus is going s not just blindly driving off. The folks on foot will just take a bit to get there, that's all.

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #276 on: December 04, 2013, 01:07:09 PM »
Seeing Bob holding that box when Maggie was speaking with him pretty much sealed my guess as to who was feeding the Walkers rats and who splayed open that rabbit or whatever it was. I'm thinking there were a couple rats...or a dead rat, something odd in that box.  I think that is one sicko of a dude there.....and when he eluded to drinking 'when it's quiet' could have been to drown out whatever 'demons' are whispering in his ear to do those sick things.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #277 on: December 04, 2013, 09:43:31 PM »
im glad this governor stuff is finally over. i always felt the writers/actor just tried too hard to make him some iconic villain. just lame and predictable in the end

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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #278 on: December 05, 2013, 07:54:41 AM »
im glad this governor stuff is finally over. i always felt the writers/actor just tried too hard to make him some iconic villain. just lame and predictable in the end

I think the villain that Rick is up against at this point in the comic is iconic....and I cannot wait to see who they cast as that villain. I really hope they can at least capture half of how friggin awesome that villain is. Even in the comics where the Governor was way more sadistic and psychotic this next Villain makes that Governor look like a sweet Kindergarten teacher.
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Re: The Walking Dead, Season 4
« Reply #279 on: December 05, 2013, 03:15:36 PM »
im glad this governor stuff is finally over. i always felt the writers/actor just tried too hard to make him some iconic villain. just lame and predictable in the end

I think the villain that Rick is up against at this point in the comic is iconic....and I cannot wait to see who they cast as that villain. I really hope they can at least capture half of how friggin awesome that villain is. Even in the comics where the Governor was way more sadistic and psychotic this next Villain makes that Governor look like a sweet Kindergarten teacher.
I dunno man. The Governor cuts the most important character's hand off pretty much right after he's introduced, brutally rapes another character several times, and then kills like 5 major characters in a row within like 20 pages. The current villain was introduced in a pretty terrifying and devastatingly evil way, but since then he hasn't done anything nearly as evil. No way The Governor would have let Carl go, much less attempt to have a heart to heart with him. The current villain said, very adamantly, in the most recent issue "We don't rape", which alone makes him far less worse. I will say that the suspense of a character who can be just as noble as psychotic is what makes him so rad for me, but I wouldn't say he has anything on the comic book Gov yet.

I'm worried about how he will be portrayed in the show. He won't be able to say things like, "Fuckless fuck on free fuck day.", which pretty sums up his dialogue as a whole lol.
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