
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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The dog appreciation thread. Don't like dogs?... Stay the eff out.

Started by Chino, August 14, 2013, 01:03:49 PM

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Sorry to hear that Jingle.  I had to put our dog Foley down earlier this month due to large cell lymphoma.  We had only adopted him back in February, and he was only 4 and a half years old.  We think he had it before adopting him, but the vet didn't catch it until it was too late.  It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, partially because he was a 120 lb bull mastiff!  But, he was a big sweetheart and so good with our 5 year old son.   



As we left the vet yesterday, playing on the radio was We Are The Champions.  Both mrs.jingle and I were envisioning Nakoda gleefully reunited and running with his mom (who we lost 4.5 years ago).  It was then followed with You're My Best Friend.

Hugs and condolences to you Rom and Mike.   :sadpanda: :'(
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



Wow Jingle, your dog has some long legs.  That look on that first pic melts my heart.


Hugs to all of you guys! Losing a pet is an incredibly hard thing.


Quote from: mike099 on July 29, 2020, 11:31:54 AM
Wow Jingle, your dog has some long legs.  That look on that first pic melts my heart.

It's an optical illusion... I thought the same when I saw that picture!  He wass pretty normal sized.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Sorry for your loss jingle. And kudos for finding this thread, I've occasionally done a search for it over the last few month but I guess I was searching "dog thread" and that led nowhere.
I've been wanting to get a dog for years now, but my wife has been opposed to it due to the chores it entails. Now she's finally warming up to the idea a little cause the kids want it too, at least the idea of trying.
So there's a variety of factors I've been researching, I'd like to share some of them here, in case you guys have any additional insights that'd help me out  :azn:
1. The breed. I've been looking for a dog that:
A- would be happy with a moderate amount of daily physical activity.
B- doesn't bark too much for no explicable reason.
C- doesn't have their tongue hanging out all the time.
D- doesn't look like the dog from Tom & Jerry (Now I know it's called bull dog)
E- could serve as a guard dog, or at least won't cower away from strangers. I want it to look somewhat menacing, my wife was talking about "cute" looking breeds and I said "Okay so a cat then?"
F- will probably have to start out as an outdoor one, we currently live in a place with a roomy backyard with a good shaded area too. I say start out cause I figure gradually I'd have my wife warm up to the idea of bringing it indoors too, once it's potty trained and all and she can trust the overall cleanliness elements.
In a perfect world; a Siberian husky would be my choice, but I'm not physically fit enough for the activity it demands + I live in Texas and I've read it's not fair to them to live in a hot climate. I have two 5 year olds who would probably be enough activity for the dog but I'm worried they won't be consistent. Also, it's expensive as fuck.
My second choice would be a German Shepard, also expensive, still needs a significant amount of physical activity that I can't guarantee daily.
2. Where to get it. I've been reading a lot about "puppy mills" and definitely don't wanna give them my money, so that eliminates all the easy walk-in big affordable stores. My wife is thinking we adopt from a shelter but this is going to be our first dog ever, the kids first dog ever, so I wanted it to be less than a year old so it would stick around for as long as possible. I'm thinking in their teens; the kids would be more conditioned to the concept of death, loss and how dog aging works, then we can just keep getting rescues forever. Is it wrong to think that way?
I found facebook pages of independent dog breeders, which the anti-puppy mills folks say would be the way to go. But I'm not so sure about it, basically cause I have no point of reference that tells me if they're good or not.
3. People who have outdoor dogs, I'm assuming this means backyard. Do you have to tie them to something when they're not supervised? How to you know they won't just hop the fence and leave? And if they have to be leashed to something, isn't that cruel?
4. Is professional training a must? Or is it something you can do from youtube tutorials?
I've got more questions but these are the main ones.


I don't know how to say this without sounding dickish. Preemptive sorry.

If you want a dog but it has to stay outside, you don't really want a dog. This is a sure fire way to create a "barker", regardless of the breed. It will bark at threats, trees, leaves, cats, birds, kids on the sidewalk, for food, for water, for attention.

Dogs as companions are a commitment to family. You bathe them regularly, you play ball with them, you take them for walks, you curl up with them at reading time, you teach them tricks and to fetch the paper. If you wouldn't chain or kennel your kids in the back yard, I don't recommend you do it with a pet either.

Just my opinion, of course, but I don't think you'd get the same level of companionship from a yard dog.


To illustrate my point of would miss out on daily interactions like this.  :)


I think it's really too bad that dogs only have 1/7 the lifespan of humans.  However, the good side of that is, there are plenty of dogs out there waiting for good homes and they are just as loveable as the ones we've lost.  :)


No need to be sorry, I completely understand what it could sound like from a seasoned dog owner perspective. I'm just very ignorant on all these aspects. Neither me, nor my wife have grown up with pet dogs, we never lived with them. I've always been fascinated with dogs and always wanted one.
Beside the chores; my wife has always been fearful of dogs as she saw someone get bit on the street as a child and she also has a huge problem with the cleanliness factor, I have a narrow window of opportunity to try now as I finally got her looking at the positives of it. If I bring in a dog now that would hair up the couch and make the whole place smell different to say the least, chewing on shoes and even have a few poop mishaps, etc, I'd lose that opportunity with her forever for sure. I just wanted it to be gradual.
And of course I'll bathe it regularly regardless, what kinda monster do you think I am :lol


I agree with Podaar here, dogs are social creatures and they want to interact with you and have a bond with you which is hard (not impossible) when they are outside all the time.

Exercise is a big thing too. I have a mixed GSD and while he spends a lot of time outside when it's cooler, he still needs walks to get out and explore and keep him mentally stimulated and he needs social interaction from me or my wife.. Dogs like Husky's and GSD need a lot of mental stimulation to keep the behaving well. I also don't keep him tied down outside, he has free range. He learned how to open the gate to the fence so I just put a pad lock on it after that I don't worry about him escaping.

I'd also avoid getting a dog from a breeder. They can have genetic traits that can manifest themselves in health problems later on in life, not to mention there are lots of dogs that need homes in shelters.

In my opinion dogs are what you put into them, if you engage them and treat them part of the family you'll have a great, well adjusted pet. Keep them outside and hang out when it's convenient for you, well you can have a great pet, or you can have a destructive one that doesn't behave. If you have a dog it's a part of your world, but to your dog you are their world and if you don't

Edit: my big guy chilling after being outside sunbathing

The Walrus

We kept our dogs outside. They loved the yard. There just was no room in the house for them after bringing 2 more kids into the world but we treated them like family and they were very well taken care of. They had two doghouses, both built by my dad, one directly connected to the back door so they had like a mini home to live in that was also attached to the humans' home. Miss those girls. They were sisters, lived to be 16 and passed within a year of each other.



Progmetty, go to the local shelters and see what's out there.  Plenty of great dogs looking for their humans. You'll know when you meet the right one, just don't rush it.

Here's a couple of our derpy girl Pearl.

Top photo, her meeting the neighbors new pup. She started mothering her as soon as they met, they are now best friends.

Bottom photo, chilling on the porch while I enjoy an old fashioned.


Cute dog.

I see you subscribe to the Mad Men school of Old Fashioned.  :biggrin:


Quote from: Podaar on July 29, 2020, 02:21:01 PM
Cute dog.

I see you subscribe to the Mad Men school of Old Fashioned.  :biggrin:

Mine has brandy.  ;)



Quote from: The Walrus on July 29, 2020, 01:54:47 PM
We kept our dogs outside. They loved the yard. There just was no room in the house for them after bringing 2 more kids into the world but we treated them like family and they were very well taken care of. They had two doghouses, both built by my dad, one directly connected to the back door so they had like a mini home to live in that was also attached to the humans' home. Miss those girls. They were sisters, lived to be 16 and passed within a year of each other.

My father had a husky growing up that'd go months at a time without coming in the house. He preferred be outside.


Well, back when my sister and I was living in our parents' house before she moved to San Dimas, and I and our parents moved to the OC, our beloved Corgi sometimes roam outside and we had a huge backyard where he would run around the pool and our orange tree and when he gets tired, he would just sleep near the door to the inside.  However, we don't keep him out too long, he's always inside for the most part unless no one was home.  Sadly, to add on with the ongoing conversation, he passed away a few weeks ago.  He was 12, and it was sadly just his time to go, and the one thing I always think is did we try to give him the best life possible?  I think we did.  We always feed him well.  Took him in walks around the block, give him treats and chewing sticks.  He was always loved by our family, my brother-in-law's family, our neighbors, probably our neighbor's dogs (it's hard to tell).   I will miss our Corgi.  Here's him in a dog-sized LA Kings jersey.  He was sleeping on his bed next to me while I was watching the Kings steal Game 2 away from the Sharks in 2013 and he was near me when they won the Cup for the second time in 2014.



Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: Chino on July 29, 2020, 03:35:42 PM
Quote from: The Walrus on July 29, 2020, 01:54:47 PM
We kept our dogs outside. They loved the yard. There just was no room in the house for them after bringing 2 more kids into the world but we treated them like family and they were very well taken care of. They had two doghouses, both built by my dad, one directly connected to the back door so they had like a mini home to live in that was also attached to the humans' home. Miss those girls. They were sisters, lived to be 16 and passed within a year of each other.

My father had a husky growing up that'd go months at a time without coming in the house. He preferred be outside.
Yeah, I don't agree with people that say dogs shouldn't be outside pets. Both of my dogs prefer to be outside most of the time. They also have over 2 acres of land to run around and play with grass, trees, and water. We also have 2 well insulated dog houses for the winter time. We have dog beds inside for them to sleep on if they want, but they prefer to sleep outside, especially in the winter time. Now, this isn't to say they can't come inside if they want to. They always like to come in during the evening when we are cooking dinner and afterwards for some play time/cuddle time. Also neither of my dogs are big barkers, we have a German Shepherd and a Border Collie. Occasionally they will get into a barking match with the neighbors Huskies, or if our German Shepherd is alerting us to something suspicious, but other than that they are fairly quiet. You just have to teach them from the time they are pups. I believe that training is a must, whether you do it yourself or hire a good dog trainer (good ones are hard to find), and it's going to take some time and effort. There will be accidents while you are house training them (after the first couple months with our pups, they haven't had an accident since, over 5 years later), it's inevitable. And you will have to do some extra house cleaning if you have dogs that shed a lot, like my German Shepherd.

Here's my 2 pups right after we took them on a mile hike, they were all tuckered out. That's Athena on the left and Chauncey on the right.

Quote from: Evermind on May 06, 2024, 07:39:06 AMHey Stadler, your inbox is full.
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 29, 2024, 06:42:26 PMthat distractingly handsome son of a bitch is gonna make it hard
Quote from: Drunk TACThes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Look, of course dogs love to go outside. There is good smells, a place to run around, have a fluffy feeling BM, roll in the grass, etc. My dog has a RIFD controlled electric door that will open anytime he approaches it for chrissakes. I never said dogs who live primarily outside can't have a good life. I've known people who have insulated, heated, dog houses. Which, BTW, heating isn't necessary if you install a flap door on your dog house. Just throw an inch or two of straw in the dog house and the dog will heat it.

What I was objecting to was the question of chaining them up in the backyard. I now know where that question by Progmetty was coming from so I'm no longer irritated. But images of abused and neglected animals chained in the yard (which we all see too often) got my hackles up yesterday morning.

Wherever your pet lives. Love them, be their pack-mate, care for them, and they'll do it back.


Quote from: Podaar on July 30, 2020, 04:24:34 AM
Look, of course dogs love to go outside. There is good smells, a place to run around, have a fluffy feeling BM, roll in the grass, etc. My dog has a RIFD controlled electric door that will open anytime he approaches it for chrissakes. I never said dogs who live primarily outside can't have a good life. I've known people who have insulated, heated, dog houses. Which, BTW, heating isn't necessary if you install a flap door on your dog house. Just throw an inch or two of straw in the dog house and the dog will heat it.

What I was objecting to was the question of chaining them up in the backyard. I now know where that question by T-ski was coming from so I'm no longer irritated. But images of abused and neglected animals chained in the yard (which we all see to often) got my hackles up yesterday morning.

Wherever your pet lives. Love them, be their pack-mate, care for them, and they'll do it back.

Think you got your posters mixed up, I didn't question anything about chaining dogs up.


Quote from: Podaar on July 30, 2020, 04:24:34 AM
Look, of course dogs love to go outside. There is good smells, a place to run around, have a fluffy feeling BM, roll in the grass, etc. My dog has a RIFD controlled electric door that will open anytime he approaches it for chrissakes. I never said dogs who live primarily outside can't have a good life. I've known people who have insulated, heated, dog houses. Which, BTW, heating isn't necessary if you install a flap door on your dog house. Just throw an inch or two of straw in the dog house and the dog will heat it.

What I was objecting to was the question of chaining them up in the backyard. I now know where that question by T-ski was coming from so I'm no longer irritated. But images of abused and neglected animals chained in the yard (which we all see to often) got my hackles up yesterday morning.

Wherever your pet lives. Love them, be their pack-mate, care for them, and they'll do it back.
I think I misunderstood your previous post a little bit. It's all good  :)

And yeah, chaining up your dog in the yard all day is not right. Animal abuse is not cool in any way.
Quote from: Evermind on May 06, 2024, 07:39:06 AMHey Stadler, your inbox is full.
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 29, 2024, 06:42:26 PMthat distractingly handsome son of a bitch is gonna make it hard
Quote from: Drunk TACThes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar


Quote from: T-ski on July 30, 2020, 07:23:16 AM
Think you got your posters mixed up, I didn't question anything about chaining dogs up.

Oh shit, I did.   :facepalm:  I meant Progmetty. I'll fix the post. Sorry dude.


I got you. The other thing my wife brought to my attention about question #3 on my initial post, she says I'm probably thinking about that because I've lived with cats before and I know cats cannot be trusted in a similar situation cause they'll just up and leave, never to return like a shitty dad going to get cigarettes in the 1940's.
So now I figure; dogs wouldn't wanna leave, if they're properly attached to the family in the household as they should be. Or at least they'll probably come back if they did.
The fence in my backyard is high enough but freakin raccoons have dug under it in a few spots to sneak in, resourceful motherfuckers they are. They come in to feed on the seeds that my wife lays out for the cardinals and the pegons on the back porch. I'll probably have to do something about that whole situation before we get the dog.


Quote from: Progmetty on July 30, 2020, 11:19:13 AM
I got you. The other thing my wife brought to my attention about question #3 on my initial post, she says I'm probably thinking about that because I've lived with cats before and I know cats cannot be trusted in a similar situation cause they'll just up and leave, never to return like a shitty dad going to get cigarettes in the 1940's.
So now I figure; dogs wouldn't wanna leave, if they're properly attached to the family in the household as they should be. Or at least they'll probably come back if they did.
The fence in my backyard is high enough but freakin raccoons have dug under it in a few spots to sneak in, resourceful motherfuckers they are. They come in to feed on the seeds that my wife lays out for the cardinals and the pegons on the back porch. I'll probably have to do something about that whole situation before we get the dog.

Dogs will run, no matter how loyal they are, so don't fall into that frame of mind.


Well shit..
So basically the backyard has to be a tight Alcatraz, I'll definitely have to fill the raccoon sneaking spots in before a dog gets here.

El Barto

IF it's an option, take S to a shelter and get the dog that she bonds with. Ideally you'd like her to be fond of the dog before you drop it in her nice, clean house.


Quote from: T-ski on July 30, 2020, 11:21:42 AM
Quote from: Progmetty on July 30, 2020, 11:19:13 AM
I got you. The other thing my wife brought to my attention about question #3 on my initial post, she says I'm probably thinking about that because I've lived with cats before and I know cats cannot be trusted in a similar situation cause they'll just up and leave, never to return like a shitty dad going to get cigarettes in the 1940's.
So now I figure; dogs wouldn't wanna leave, if they're properly attached to the family in the household as they should be. Or at least they'll probably come back if they did.
The fence in my backyard is high enough but freakin raccoons have dug under it in a few spots to sneak in, resourceful motherfuckers they are. They come in to feed on the seeds that my wife lays out for the cardinals and the pegons on the back porch. I'll probably have to do something about that whole situation before we get the dog.

Dogs will run, no matter how loyal they are, so don't fall into that frame of mind.

Yup. I love my dog but if he saw another dog in the distance that'd be it :lol.

That's how I got him in the first place, he was walk down the road lost near my house and after animal control didn't show I took him in.



Quote from: El Barto on July 30, 2020, 11:53:28 AM
IF it's an option, take S to a shelter and get the dog that she bonds with. Ideally you'd like her to be fond of the dog before you drop it in her nice, clean house.

What the shelters are doing now, is they get you to look through of the available dogs on their websites and then schedule an appointment to go look at a specific dog. That's what we're doing right now and I've got my eyes on a cool shepard/boxer mix but we're not 100% sure yet.
It's starting to sound like this is going to be a long ass process heh

Cool dogs everybody!
Puppies_On_Acid these two look awesome, I'd take either one of them home without hesitation!
Shepard owners: Is the info here accurate? I'm specifically asking if you really shouldn't allow your Shepard to jump! But generally, the guy is making it sound these dogs are pretty fragile.

Everybody: On average, how much money do you spend on your dog per month? food, medicine, toys, etc.