2013-14 NBA thread v. Adam Silver Lays the Pipe on Donald Sterling ©2014antigoon

Started by black_biff_stadler, June 21, 2013, 03:03:44 AM

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The reasons I'll wait on calling the Spurs a dynasty are simple, but understand I do consider them a great team.

Aside from 2007 and 2008, they've never been the team with the most (by themselves, not tied) recent titles. After their first in 1999, the Lakers threepeated and the Spurs didn't tie those three titles until taking 4 more seasons to do so than the Lakers. Even when they took the 2007 title, the Lakers had already made it to their 4th finals of the Shaq/Kobe era 3 years earlier meaning the extra title alone is obviously more overall success at that point but not by any means to the extent to consider them the unquestionable best (what a dynasty is.)

Add to this the fact that the Lakers then played in the next 3 NBA Finals and won 2 more titles and there just isn't any realistic way to say they were the outright best at any point in time plus the lack of any repeats hurts their cause a little bit too considering that, excluding their 4 titles, 19 of the remaining 23 titles since 1987 have been a part of repeats and 1 of the 4 nonrepeating titleists, the 2006 Heat, are basically the first chapter of what would be a dynasty if the Heat threepeat this year since the Dwyane Wade continuity is there.

87-88 Lakers
89-90 Pistons
91-93 Bulls
94-95 Rockets
96-98 Bulls
00-02 Lakers
09-10 Lakers
12-13 Heat

Again, I have deep respect for the Spurs but this post is only my analysis for whether or not I believe they have a claim to be considered the irrefutable best at any point in their history. Also, Manu looked cooler back in that pic's era when he was Balki from Perfect Strangers.


Danny Green is the man- and my favorite player in the NBA right now. Talk about a guy who understands his role, excels in that role, buys into the system, plays hard defense, and does the small things. And to think that he almost fell out of the nba entirely. Props to him for working on his game, and pop for giving him the chance, so that he could develop into one of the most spectacular role players in the league.  Watch out Ray Allen, he's coming for your playoff records! Oh wait...



I'm probably not the only one who thinks the ECF is irrelevant at this point. The Heat or Pacers will get rocked by the Spurs. It's not going to be pretty.



I don't have much to say about it, and frankly I don't really care if they're worthy of being called a dynasty. Regardless, it's been an impressive run for them, and they definitely have my respect for now. It will be interesting to see what happens when the trio retires, in the coming years.


Well, I would say that it is kind of absurd to suggest that the '06 title would be a part of the Heat dynasty.  That was a completely different team, with a different coach. 

Overall though, I agree with much of it.  The fact that the Spurs have never repeated does kind of work against them in the "greatest ever" discussion of dynasties.

Either way, Tim Duncan is easily in the top 10 NBA players ever.  In fact, right now, it'd be easy to put him around 6th right now, behind Jordan, Bird, Magic, Wilt and Russell.  I think James will eventually reach the top 3, but he needs a few more years.


I understand the Thunder overcame a 0-2 hole and beat the Spurs in the 2012 WCF, and I am sure some Spurs fans ain't feeling too comfortable still. IMO, unlike in 2012, this Thunder is as good as done now. They no longer have Harden, and Ibaka is hurt. They simply get no production off the bench, and the other 3 starters. Barring any major injury to the Spurs, they are simply too disciplined to lose a 2-0 series lead this time around.


I'd say the Spurs are good in a way that shows the dynasty label is a bit silly.

If the Spurs win this year (very possible), they will have won 5 titles in 15 years.  That's insane performance for a sports franchise.  If that isn't a dynasty, then the idea of a dynasty is a bit meaningless.


Quote from: ReaPsTA on May 22, 2014, 08:39:09 AM
I'd say the Spurs are good in a way that shows the dynasty label is a bit silly.

If the Spurs win this year (very possible), they will have won 5 titles in 15 years.  That's insane performance for a sports franchise.  If that isn't a dynasty, then the idea of a dynasty is a bit meaningless.

Agreed, plus IIRC, except for the 2 locked out shorten seasons, the Spurs had never won fewer than 50 games in the Duncan era! That alone is a crazy accomplishment!  :hat


I think longevity should define what a dynasty is. A lot of people think that having back to back championships automatically constitute as a dynasty. I don't think that is the case. I do not consider the 94-95 Rockets a dynasty. The Spurs have won 4 championships, made 5 finals appearances, and let's not forget that not only have they had a winning record since the 97-98' season, but they've appeared in the playoffs ever since! There hasn't been a more dominate team in the league than the Spurs in the last 15, maybe 20 years. I say that is a dynasty, whether they get that fifth with Duncan or not.

Destiny Of Chaos

Quote from: ReaPsTA on May 22, 2014, 08:39:09 AM
I'd say the Spurs are good in a way that shows the dynasty label is a bit silly.

If the Spurs win this year (very possible), they will have won 5 titles in 15 years.  That's insane performance for a sports franchise.  If that isn't a dynasty, then the idea of a dynasty is a bit meaningless.

I completely agree with all of that.


Does anyone have any insight into the Kevin Love thing that I don't?  The way I see it:

- I hear the Cavs getting talked about, but I don't see it.  Love would never sign there.

- A Lakers trade isn't happening.  They have one good draft pick and that's it.  They have no valuable players.  No matter how much Love wants to go there, the Wolves would be better off just letting him opt out than looking like suckers.

- Phoenix has no marquee asset for the Wolves or for Love to play there.  I'm not sure this is happening.

- I think Chicago is more focused on Carmelo than Love.

- On paper, the Celtics make the most sense.  But, I've seen no indication that Love wants to play there.  And it feels like the Wolves are looking less for draft picks and more for players just based on how the various stories feel.  Sullinger, Green, Olynyk, and Bass are all intriguing assets, but other teams can do better.  If the Wolves want draft picks, we can oblige.  But if that isn't what they want, we have a problem.

- The Warriors only have a 2015 draft pick to trade.  But, they do have great players to trade if they want to.  And I think this is a market Love would want to play in.  To me, this is the front runner.  Everything works out the best.


So I'm thinking, what if Duncan decides to retire after next season? Would Love be a suitable replacement for him? Would he want to play for the Spurs? Would the Spurs want him there?
I'm gonna answer the first question and go with a YES, Love would be a great replacement for Timmy D and I think he would fit very well in the Spurs system. I don't know about the other 2 questions but I can see this happening.


The Spurs' GM once said in an interview that they don't want players who are obsessed with playing in big markets.  I suspect this would make Love unattractive to them.


While I understand their stand, they haven't had to look for key players in the last 12 years, the team has changed a lot but Manu, Parker and Duncan have stayed there. I would think they'll be willing to overlook that position a bit when the time comes to look for these guys' replacements.


From the sound of it, Love wants to eventually sign long term in a big market, so the obvious places are Boston, NY, Chicago or LA. 

I am not sure what is more crazy: the media thinking Love going to Cleveland would influence James to go back there, or the media acting like there is ANY chance James goes back there.  Why in the hell would be go back to Cleveland?  I mean, seriously?


Quote from: Nekov on May 22, 2014, 07:45:08 PM
While I understand their stand, they haven't had to look for key players in the last 12 years, the team has changed a lot but Manu, Parker and Duncan have stayed there. I would think they'll be willing to overlook that position a bit when the time comes to look for these guys' replacements.

Good point. The angle of choosers sha'n't be beggars being reverted toward the traditional beggars can't be choosers dynamic should be interesting. Not calling what they'll be, post-Duncan, beggars at all but noting that they've been the exact opposite of beggar for so long that his eventual retirement will potentially be the first major thing to shift their spot on the beggar/chooser scale since the late 80s. Sure, they never won titles before Duncan but David Robinson pulled them out of their driest spell in franchise history and they've contended at the top level ever since so this certainly will be the biggest hole to fill since the Reagan administration.


Spurs will be fine when Duncan/Manu/Parker go away.  They have an almost completely clear cap sheet for the 2016 season.  They'll be able to sign whatever free agents they want and keep drafting smartly.  Assuming Buford stays around and they hire another good coach, it will be one of those things where in a few years we'll be wondering how they're a contending team even though they never made a splashy move.  Like the Pacers before they collapsed for some reason.





Wolves on board with bringing in Joerger.  Working out trade with Grizz to do it.

lol Grizz.


\o\ lol /o/



I still can't tell if the Heat are really that streaky or really that unmotivated until shit hits the fan.


Plastic teams with a generic all-star, a bunch of fake tough guys, playing spotty D; might look good in the REGULAR season. Yet this kind of team usually have NO business in big stage like the NBA Finals. I am looking forward to a 2013 Finals rematch.  :hat


Seriously Indiana and Paul George were so over hyped during the regular season by the media in an attempt to create a rival to Miami. Now they have come crashing down to earth and it's hilarious to watch the media hopping on and off the Pacers bandwagon depending on whether they win or not.


They might have been over hyped a bit, but it's not necessarily undeserved praise. I mean they did earn the number one seed, above Miami, so they certainly belong in the discussion. Don't let your heat-tinted glasses fog your vision too much- the media didn't need to do anything to create a rival for Miami, the fact of the matter is that Miami allowed for that by not proving they were the best during the regular season. I'll grant that the media does play a role in this, to a certain extent, but it ultimately comes down to Miami's inconsistent and lackadaisical regular season play.   


Quote from: black_floyd on May 24, 2014, 08:24:48 PM
I still can't tell if the Heat are really that streaky or really that unmotivated until shit hits the fan.

I am starting to believe they actually do have a switch they turn on.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: senecadawg2 on May 25, 2014, 03:14:24 AM
They might have been over hyped a bit, but it's not necessarily undeserved praise. I mean they did earn the number one seed, above Miami, so they certainly belong in the discussion. Don't let your heat-tinted glasses fog your vision too much- the media didn't need to do anything to create a rival for Miami, the fact of the matter is that Miami allowed for that by not proving they were the best during the regular season. I'll grant that the media does play a role in this, to a certain extent, but it ultimately comes down to Miami's inconsistent and lackadaisical regular season play.

Exactly this.

I still wonder if the Heat "switching it on" will be enough to overcome the Spurs, assuming they continue to fire on all cylinders.



The Spurs have been playing full tilt ever since game 7 of the Dallas series.  Miami can't play any of that series in off mode.  They need every opportunity they can possibly get to win.