DT in the studio again!

Started by tartarus250, January 04, 2013, 11:26:16 AM

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Great to have a definite announcement for the announcement. Sucks that I probably won't have access to the internet most of the time tomorrow :angry:


Quote from: aprilethereal on July 08, 2013, 10:06:42 AM
Great to have a definite announcement for the announcement. Sucks that I probably won't have access to the internet most of the time tomorrow :angry:
*tomorrow comes*
@RRRecords: "check the DT gallery for an additional 16 studio pix! you can find it on www.dreamtheater.net. Announcement for further announcements expected soon! keep watching this space!"

Perpetual Change

Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for anything significant.

And by that I mean, I'm not gonna be frantically checking back here instead of doing my work, just because some guy on DT claims some guy who runs DT's twitter says there's gonna be an announcement tomorrow.


I really hope it'll be something important this time.


Well, judging from the dynamics of that twittversation (and from my predicted timeline of the release) it should be the real deal this time.


Quote from: ? on July 08, 2013, 09:46:36 AM
Quote from: atmyne on July 08, 2013, 09:35:01 AM
Quote from: rcseeley421 on July 08, 2013, 09:15:34 AM
I just asked on Twitter about DT news and they replied with one word: tomorrow! My Twitter is @ryancseeley for proof since I can't post a photo right now.
Thats awesome, but I always feel bad about DT fans nagging at them about news all the time  :lol
Same :lol
+1 I just hope we can restrain ourselves from bugging them about news every day between now and the release day. We're starting to prove the lyrics to Never Enough right. I'm hoping "tomorrow" doesn't become the next "soon".  ::)


Fingers crossed for an exciting announcement.  :metal


Does DT typically release the song lengths with the tracklisting? I know some bands do, and others don't. I can't remember the ADTOE press release...


They didn't last time. But then again, we got tracklist with the album title, so maybe it'll be different this time.


Considering the master was done last week they do have the track lengths at least, so the question is if they wanna share them yet. If they don't I assume we'll have to wait until they start showing up in the internet stores.


Quote from: Perpetual Change on July 05, 2013, 10:57:57 AMThis thread is an embarassment to DT fandom, in my opinion. We were always known for being really loyal, passionate fans. Not brattish junkies who NEED to know NOW

First off, you aren't the arbitor of what is or is not appropriate DT fandom.  Second, referring to this thread as an "embarassment" and to some who have posted in it as "brattish junkies" is insulting to the members of this forum and is against forum rules.  I will once again remind you that if you do not agree with a thread or a particular poster, your best option is to exit the thread and find one where you can post something constructive rather than posting something that is going to get you into trouble.  Last warning on the subject.


And with regard to the thread itself, there have been repeated statements about it having an unacceptable level of spam posts.  I am locking it and starting a new one.  And, no, this will not be archived, as I said earlier in the thread.  It basically devolved into a somewhat targeted spam thread that made any legitimate discussion almost impossible to follow.  It will be locked for now and eventually deleted.  Let's keep the new one more on track.