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Your Controversial Opinions on DT

Started by Lucidity, December 17, 2012, 07:28:25 PM

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I am really hard pressed to find any opinion of mine that could be considered controversial. I like everything from DT. Maybe that's controversial. Or that I would love to see Mike Portnoy back in DT, I know that's not the majority here according to the poll.


Quote from: wasteland on August 08, 2013, 05:58:57 AM
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 08, 2013, 05:05:36 AM
Quote from: JLa on August 08, 2013, 04:33:15 AM
- Jordan is an amazing player and seems like a great guy, but I'm not a fan of his playing style. Kevin obviously didn't want to be part of the band anymore, but I wish they had kept Derek.

To further expand on this Jordan, (at least to me) is a little too good. I never see any restraint from him when playing, slow pieces will go into a flurry of notes. That is where I lose him most of the time.

You never saw him playing with artistic restraint? Oh, that's a shame, because you are missing a lot. There you go, it's not two days old:

That piece was wonderful, too bad it doesn't get put into DT's music more often.


Quote from: adastra on August 08, 2013, 05:17:52 AM
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 08, 2013, 05:05:36 AM
To further expand on this Jordan, (at least to me) is a little too good. I never see any restraint from him when playing, slow pieces will go into a flurry of notes. That is where I lose him most of the time.

Less is Moore .



Quote from: TheGreatPretender on August 08, 2013, 10:19:36 AM
Quote from: adastra on August 08, 2013, 05:17:52 AM
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 08, 2013, 05:05:36 AM
To further expand on this Jordan, (at least to me) is a little too good. I never see any restraint from him when playing, slow pieces will go into a flurry of notes. That is where I lose him most of the time.

Moore is Less.




New Millennium is the best song on FII.

The Boomr

Haven't been reading this thread, but I just posted in another thread that lotsa peoples prolly disagree with :D

I think LaBrie's two equally best moments on studio albums are Goodnight Kiss and Through Her Eyes.


Shadow Ninja 2.0

Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on July 21, 2013, 05:43:47 PM






                NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!



Quote from: jonny108 on August 08, 2013, 03:38:27 PM
New Millennium is the best song on FII.

While I enjoy ToT and LITS, I agree that its one of the best on the album  :metal


New Millennium is a fantastic song, and is better sonically and structurally than many DT songs. Not a lot of their songs are nearly as groovy as New Millennium, and few have as many wonderfully coherent musical ideas. I'd love to see more songs like it. But still not better than Trial of Tears.


ive got a phew things

SC is underrated, one of my favorite DT albums, SC>IAW
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do, the only songs on it i really like are pull me under and metropolis pt 2
pull me under is good but not nearly DT's best song
the ministry of lost souls is one of my fav DT songs, top 10


Quote from: dragonmaster715 on August 08, 2013, 04:41:23 PM
ive got a phew things

SC is underrated, one of my favorite DT albums, SC>IAW
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do, the only songs on it i really like are pull me under and metropolis pt 2
pull me under is good but not nearly DT's best song
the ministry of lost souls is one of my fav DT songs, top 10


Dark Castle

Quote from: Lucien on August 08, 2013, 04:42:29 PM
Quote from: dragonmaster715 on August 08, 2013, 04:41:23 PM
ive got a phew things

SC is underrated, one of my favorite DT albums, SC>IAW
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do, the only songs on it i really like are pull me under and metropolis pt 2
pull me under is good but not nearly DT's best song
the ministry of lost souls is one of my fav DT songs, top 10


It's obviously just a typo..

Shadow Ninja 2.0

Quote from: Lucien on August 08, 2013, 04:42:29 PM
Quote from: dragonmaster715 on August 08, 2013, 04:41:23 PM
ive got a phew things

SC is underrated, one of my favorite DT albums, SC>IAW
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do, the only songs on it i really like are pull me under and metropolis pt 2
pull me under is good but not nearly DT's best song
the ministry of lost souls is one of my fav DT songs, top 10


I was gonna make some sort of "Myung yodel ending" joke, but I realized it's kind of played out. Alas.


Quote from: Lucien on August 08, 2013, 04:42:29 PM
Quote from: dragonmaster715 on August 08, 2013, 04:41:23 PM
ive got a phew things

SC is underrated, one of my favorite DT albums, SC>IAW
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do, the only songs on it i really like are pull me under and metropolis pt 2
pull me under is good but not nearly DT's best song
the ministry of lost souls is one of my fav DT songs, top 10


It's a hidden bonus track. It's so hidden, that it took people 7 years to find it, on a different disc in a different package.


Quote from: Podaar on August 08, 2013, 07:09:54 AM
Quote from: maximumrocker on August 08, 2013, 07:01:46 AM
I could never get into all of Awake (Though some great tracks off it)
I have never listened to all of FII in one sitting
I love the all the long epics
I like wankery (not in every song though)
I don't like Great Debate, like, at all.
BC&SL had too many epics. Needed a few more shorter songs for breathing room
I love cheesy lyrics, they go well with my nachos
ADTOE was a great album. Better that 8v, SC, BC&SL, maybe ToT
Rudess needs more piano solos (not synth solos)


Just trying to be helpful. Bashing is heavily frowned on around here. You may want to forget that certain words like 'sucks' even exist.  :)

Oh and The Great Debate is an awesome song just for MP's drum choices and playing alone even if you don't like anything else about it. Personally, I love all of it.

My bad dude! Thanks for the heads up. Ill keep it in mind

Another two I'll add to my list. Though I enjoy from time to time - Learning to Live is awesome some days, and other days I just can't get into it...
I havn't listened to all of WDADU...

Shadow Ninja 2.0


TMOLS is a top 15 song for joke


Glad to know everyone else enjoys it. TMOLS is probably...bottom 3 for me.


Quote from: MadImmortalMan on August 08, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
Glad to know everyone else enjoys it. TMOLS is probably...bottom 3 for me.

That's not very controversial.


Quote from: TheGreatPretender on August 08, 2013, 08:43:03 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on August 08, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
Glad to know everyone else enjoys it. TMOLS is probably...bottom 3 for me.

That's not very controversial.

I know, I was just responding to the number of posts praising the song.


Count me among the TMOLS lovers. I've been getting the impression that there are more of us than it seems like and the people who don't like the song just talk about it more.

I'm not sure how many controversial opinions I have. I think there are a lot of songs I like that others don't, which is normal for me. When I fall in love with a band, I tend to like most of what they've done. It's not like I blind myself to anything negative, I just typically find myself liking most of the things the artist created.

I guess I'll list a few unpopular songs/sections of songs that I like more than most, and then I'll see if I come up with any negative opinions.

  • You Not Me - It's not high art, but I don't have a problem with it as a short pop-rock song. Chorus is actually fairly catchy.
  • Burning My Sawwww - Yes, the backing vocals are hideous, and it's not one of DT's best songs, but I don't really see what's wrong with it as a mostly straight-head heavy song.
  • Just Let Me Breathe - Same as BMS.
  • As I Am - Ah, the first negative one. I'm actually starting to think of them now. Yeah, I just don't find this song that great. I feel like it takes too long to get started and loses too much steam on the quiet part of the prechorus to be a good rocker like CM. Ironically, this was the first DT song I heard on an album I bought. Actually, I will go so far as to say that this is probably my least favorite DT song of the millennium at least. Still like it, which shows how much of a fanboy I am.
  • Home - I like it but not as much as most people seem to. BTL, SDV, O28 and maybe even FF, TSCO and FT are better songs on the album.
  • Constant Motion - I really love this song. Vocally, musically, lyrically. Same with TDEN but that's become so commonly stated lately that I don't think it qualifies as controversial anymore. It's high time CM got the same level of love (maybe not quite as much but still).
  • A Nightmare to Remember - Mike's vocal passage fits just fine with the lyrics and I'm glad he did it.
  • On that same topic, I miss MP's vocals on ADTOE and expect to miss them even more on DT12 if it is in fact a heavier album. Hopefully we'll see more vocal contributions from Petrucci.
  • Build Me Up, Break Me Down - I quite like it. Especially that chorus.
  • A Rite of Passage - Has probably the best solo section on BC&SL. And one of the best choruses.
  • I guess it would be lame to end with a fairly safe statement about AROP, so I'll go with something that seems to be a semi-popular opinion but still a minority one: A Change of Seasons is vastly overrated in my view and I would rank it outside my top 20. I keep listening to it in hopes of hearing what others do, but to me the first half of the song is middling, which can't make up for the second half no matter how excellent it may be.

Wow, I actually came up with a lot there. Wasn't planning on that. Well, here you go DTF.


Quote from: 425 on August 08, 2013, 08:56:02 PM

  • Constant Motion - I really love this song. Vocally, musically, lyrically. Same with TDEN but that's become so commonly stated lately that I don't think it qualifies as controversial anymore. It's high time CM got the same level of love (maybe not quite as much but still).
  • A Nightmare to Remember - Mike's vocal passage fits just fine with the lyrics and I'm glad he did it.

Regarding all that, while I didn't mind his rap on A Nightmare to Remember, the backing screams he did on the other songs on BC&SL, such as on AROP, TCOT, etc, really were a detriment to those songs, and the songs would've been much better without that. Of course, a lot of people would agree with me, so that's not really controversial. BUT! Having said that, I honestly really like the vocal contributions he provided for Systematic Chaos. His back and forth rap on Constant Motion was awesome, his rap and Queen harmonies in Prophets of War were pretty awesome as well. I felt like it undermined JLB's part in the band a little bit, but sonically, I enjoyed it very much.


My controversial opinion: I think DT is slowly entering Rush territory, where the excitement for their new stuff kinda simmers at a low level, and most people show up at concerts to just hear the old stuff.



Quote from: rumborak on August 08, 2013, 09:16:36 PM
My controversial opinion: I think DT is slowly entering Rush territory, where the excitement for their new stuff kinda simmers at a low level, and most people show up at concerts to just hear the old stuff.
That could be said for almost any older band to a certain extent, but I think DT is doing better in that department than most. Their popularity is still on the rise and they really don't have a single song which they absolutely have to play on every concert. So good luck going in there just for PMU. Also, they play the majority of their latest album on tour, not just 1-2 songs. Personally, I am way more excited to hear the ADTOE songs on Luna Park than anything else.


Quote from: Sycsa on August 08, 2013, 09:29:33 PM
Quote from: rumborak on August 08, 2013, 09:16:36 PM
My controversial opinion: I think DT is slowly entering Rush territory, where the excitement for their new stuff kinda simmers at a low level, and most people show up at concerts to just hear the old stuff.
That could be said for almost any older band to a certain extent, but I think DT is doing better in that department than most. Their popularity is still on the rise and they really don't have a single song which they absolutely have to play on every concert. So good luck going in there just for PMU. Also, they play the majority of their latest album on tour, not just 1-2 songs. Personally, I am way more excited to hear the ADTOE songs on Luna Park than anything else.

I'm pretty sure that once they started touring after ADTOE came out, everyone was psyched to hear at least a couple of the songs they played from ADTOE. They had created such a perfect balance of their old and new stuff that tour. Especially Setlist C.

Tom Bombadil

SDOIT is one of my least favorite songs by DT. It's just never done anything for me.


Quote from: dragonmaster715 on August 08, 2013, 04:41:23 PM
i dont like IAW nearly as much as most people do

Me neither. Metropolis and UAGM are fantastic, LTL and WFS are great, but the entire first half of the album does absolutely nothing to me. Another Day is one of the worst DT songs ever.

Quote from: AngelBack on August 08, 2013, 05:23:03 PM
TMOLS is a top 15 song for joke


Shadow Ninja 2.0


I don't think Take the Time or Another Day are very good songs. Another Day is very poppy and generic, and with Take the Time I hate the structure and how inane it feels to listen to, with no unifying themes or strong recurring melodies; it feels very stitched together to me.

Shadow Ninja 2.0


Quote from: Lucidity on August 09, 2013, 07:34:33 AM
I don't think Take the Time or Another Day are very good songs. Another Day is very poppy and generic, and with Take the Time I hate the structure and how inane it feels to listen to, with no unifying themes or strong recurring melodies; it feels very stitched together to me.

Nothing wrong with a song being "poppy", but I agree, Another Day is my least favourite from I&W and TTT is in the bottom half as well (either second or third least favourite).


Quote from: Lucidity on August 09, 2013, 07:34:33 AM
I don't think Take the Time or Another Day are very good songs. Another Day is very poppy and generic, and with Take the Time I hate the structure and how inane it feels to listen to, with no unifying themes or strong recurring melodies; it feels very stitched together to me.

I would tend to agree about Another Day, it never really clicked for me, but I do like TtT!

Quote from: Sycsa on August 08, 2013, 09:29:33 PM
That could be said for almost any older band to a certain extent, but I think DT is doing better in that department than most. Their popularity is still on the rise and they really don't have a single song which they absolutely have to play on every concert. So good luck going in there just for PMU. Also, they play the majority of their latest album on tour, not just 1-2 songs. Personally, I am way more excited to hear the ADTOE songs on Luna Park than anything else.

Yes this completely... DT has managed to avoid the normal trap bands who have been around a long time fall into.  When they tour, they tend to focus on new material, and usually play different songs from their back catalog from what they played the previous few album tours.