System of a Down Thread

Started by Ouda, July 19, 2009, 02:32:48 PM

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Reload only has two good songs ?

Devil's Dance
Carpe Diem Baby
Where The Wild Things Are

It has those 4 for starters.


I'm a fan of the singles.  TMR and U2 especially and Fuel's a cool rocker too.

Train of Naught

Quote from: wolfking on January 20, 2016, 03:27:56 AM
I'm a fan of the singles.  TMR and U2 especially and Fuel's a cool rocker too.
Yep, same here, though TMR not as much as the other two. Load on the other hand, I like way more.

Oh, right SOAD thread, not metallica.

Quote from: Fluffy Lothario on January 20, 2016, 02:05:47 AM
This thread has inspired to try again with the Mesmerise/Hypnotize mix. This is what I've come up with this time around:

Holy Mountains
Vicinity of Obscenity
Sad Statue
Lost in Hollywood
Soldier Side

12 tracks, 45 minutes.

That's a solid album, has all my favorites from both albums so I would probably like this way more than any of the separate albums.


Here's my Mezmerize/Hypnotize playlist.

01- Soldier Side: Intro
02- BYOB
03- Revenga
04- Cigaro
05- Hypnotize
06- Radio/Video
07- This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
08- Violent Pornography
09- Question!
10- Sad Statue
11- Lonely Day
12- Soldier Side

Total runtime is 34 minutes. As you can see, I much prefer Mezmerize over Hypnotize. I really only included Lonely Day for the segue into Soldier Side but it's a decent song anyway. To me, Mezmerize is full of great songs besides the last two which I omitted while Hypnotize is full of mediocre songs besides the three included.

Fluffy Lothario

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 20, 2016, 03:18:20 AM
Reload only has two good songs ?

Devil's Dance
Carpe Diem Baby
Where The Wild Things Are

It has those 4 for starters.

Fixxxer is dull. Just because it's long, doesn't mean it's good. Carpe Diem is okay, but not worth going back to all that often. I just remember WTWTA being one in a line of plodding, boring, vaguely mid-tempo rock songs. The only tracks I care for are Memory Remains, Devil's Dance, and Low Man's Lyric (and even that is too long for its own good).

I made a Load/Reload mix a while ago. Those three and I think 7 tracks from Load. First track: Memory Remains. I found the tone of the album, and with it my perception of that song, changed a lot with that as the first track, ending on that weird haunting Marianne Faithful outro, as opposed to some swill like Fuel or Ain't My Bitch.

Holy Mountains is another song that benefits massively from changes to the setlist. I liked it on Hypnotize, but wasn't hugely keen. I now think most of that comes from the fact that it's the longest song and it comes after Stealing Society, Tentative, and U-Fig, all of which are pretty mediocre, so you're already feeling a bad mid-album fatigue before it even starts. Which is why on my Mesmerize/Hypnotize mix, I put it earlier in the album, after an opening trio of full-on tracks. Even providing a comedown of sorts from those, it still has twice the energy it did on the original album.

Fluffy Lothario

Quote from: TheCountOfNYC on January 21, 2016, 07:39:35 AM
Total runtime is 34 minutes.
I thought Mesmerise was already too short as it was. And you just cut another two minutes.   :lol


Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


That was shot down by Serj as usual.

He said they're gonna decide whether it's worth doing an album with the material they have.

" If we do - great, if we don't also great. "

Fluffy Lothario

Which doesn't contradict what is said in the article. The drummer's tone is more or less the same. "We're working on music, but it has to be awesome before we're gonna put it out".


I still remember this curious outburst from Shavo:

Mike Portnoy ain't got nothing on Shavo, that's for sure.


"i want the fans from all over the world including Brazil to tell us what they think."



Ugh, I'll believe it when I hear it. But them admitting to working on new music is still an exciting thing.


So... who will release their new album first? System of a Down or Tool? THE RACE IS ON!


Quote from: CDrice on November 10, 2016, 11:22:49 AM
So... who will release their new album first? System of a Down or Tool? THE RACE IS ON!

I would go with System. At least they came out and said they have been working on an album and have stuff written.


Well, the drummer has doubled down recently in an interview: Obviously I don't think he makes this up, so I am expecting a new album next year or something like that, especially since they are fairly active in touring over the past couple of years as headliners or subheadliners of festivals. You don't go into the studio, record about 15 songs, and do nothing with it, right?!

Furthermore, I have seen them live for the first time the past weekend, at the festival Pinkpop: (full 1 hour show, pro shot).

It was a blast! Sure, Serj doesn't have any grit in his voice anymore, but I still like the tone of his voice and, when actually there, the vocals had a bit more of a punch than in this video (and he got better during the show, Suitee Pie was the low point). Daron sounds great, but does sing off key here and there. But overall the band performed really well. Especially the crowd was really into it, especially the second half. You don't really see it in the footage, but there were even people in the back forming small pits and losing their minds, it was fun  :metal. I also love that artists Seasick Steve and Rag N Bone Man are chilling in front of the crowd, enjoying the show with them. If they have a full club show here in the Netherlands, I will be there without a doubt.

Also, Serj made an guest appearance at Prophets of Rage to perform an Audioslave song in honor of Chris Cornell, but I couldn't make it to that show (shame, everybody was really enthousiastic about that performance).



here's a new, cool little feature bio documentary on Serj Tankian some may enjoy


So - System Of A Down have two new songs out. .

1. Protect The Land - this one just sounds like literally no time has passed since Hypnotize. Depending on your thoughts on that album this is either good news or bad news.

It's SOAD by numbers really. Daron does co-lead for the entire song as usual - which is really annoying. He harmonises well with Serj but Serj is the lead singer. Daron needs to shut up a bit.

It's not called System of a Daron.

2. Genocidal Humanoidz - this one is a lot better. It sounds more like the Self titled debut. That wackiness is there - but it doesn't sound like them 'trying' to be wacky like on the

final two albums. Notably they're back in Drop C tuning rather than Db. Which I think suits them more.


Wait, what?

I like both songs, second one is better. I am a fan of Hyptotize btw. And there aren't a lot of albums like that out there so I am completely fine with their style being like that.


In my view - their albums get incrementally weaker over time.

System Of A Down √√√√
Toxicity √√√√
Steal This Album! √√√
Mezmerize √√√
Hypnotize √√

The first Scars on Broadway sounded like SOAD leftovers and i've not listened to all of Serj's solo stuff.

Max Kuehnau

Quote from: Kotowboy on November 06, 2020, 05:00:12 AM
In my view - their albums get incrementally weaker over time.

System Of A Down √√√√
Toxicity √√√√
Steal This Album! √√√
Mezmerize √√√
Hypnotize √√

The first Scars on Broadway sounded like SOAD leftovers and i've not listened to all of Serj's solo stuff.
what rating would you give their last two to date if they were combined? (they are one thing to me. I don't know why they split them.)
All my natural instincts are begging me to stop
But somehow I carry on, heading for the top
A physical absurdity, a tremendous mental game
Helping me understand exactly who I am


My top 3 are Toxicity, Mezmerize and Hypnotize, all great albums (the other two are also good, just not as much).

Of the two new songs, one is Toxicity-ish in style and the other is M/H in style and the quality is high in both, so I'm digging them.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.

King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: Kotowboy on November 06, 2020, 05:00:12 AM
In my view - their albums get incrementally weaker over time.

System Of A Down √√√√
Toxicity √√√√
Steal This Album! √√√
Mezmerize √√√
Hypnotize √√

The first Scars on Broadway sounded like SOAD leftovers and i've not listened to all of Serj's solo stuff.

For me it actually is flipped around, with the exception of Mezmerize, which is at the top. I like the first Scars, but it ranks lower for me than any SOAD album  The first Serj solo album ranks above the SOAD debut for me, didn't really dig his other solo material but Serj's music is often quite different from SOAD, I feel.


For me:


System of a Down

Steal This Album!

They're all good though. With the new tracks, I preferred Protect the Land after one listen of each.
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


Album ranking:

System of a Down
Steal This Album

I'll have to listen to the new songs on my way home from work. I work in a school for developmentally disabled adults so I definitely can't listen to it here.


Quote from: Max Kuehnau on November 06, 2020, 05:04:43 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on November 06, 2020, 05:00:12 AM
In my view - their albums get incrementally weaker over time.

System Of A Down √√√√
Toxicity √√√√
Steal This Album! √√√
Mezmerize √√√
Hypnotize √√

The first Scars on Broadway sounded like SOAD leftovers and i've not listened to all of Serj's solo stuff.
what rating would you give their last two to date if they were combined? (they are one thing to me. I don't know why they split them.)

So they can do the awesome Slipcase Combination... :biggrin:

Mezmerize/Hypnotize is their best album. But, that might be because I like how they use the pop elements to tell how all this is treated like one big party. How it begins with Soldier Side, and ends with the seriousness of Soldier Side.

The two songs are pretty good.

But remember, these songs were made for fundraising for the Armenians.

Steal This Album


Really stoked for those of you who are SoaD fans. I'm not, but to have such a long break, and then boom, two new songs from them, it must be a really special day. Happy for you all.  :metal :metal


They set up a bandcamp for those of us that want uncompressed! Buying now.
Quote from: ProfessorPeart on November 14, 2023, 11:17:53 AMbeul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
Quote from: Indiscipline on November 14, 2023, 02:26:25 PMPardon the interruption, but I just had to run in and celebrate the majesty of Lube in the Face as highest moment in roulette history.


Great news, I liked the second song more than the first one.

Steal This Album
System of a Down


First song sounded like Daron's side project stuff.
2nd song felt more like a SoaD song.

Cautiously excited.


Quote from: darkshade on November 07, 2020, 05:56:34 AM
First song sounded like Daron's side project stuff.
2nd song felt more like a SoaD song.

Cautiously excited.

Daron's FB page mentioned that these songs were originally meant for the next Scars on Broadway album, so that checks out.


I haven't really listened to Scars on Broadway but I did enjoy some of Serj's solo work. Though nothing compares when they play together. Daron's tone and serj's unique voice just work together.

I know they kinda threw these together for a special cause and I do intend to buy the tracks to support them and I might make a separate donation to the charity. In any case I hope this turns out the be the catalyst for them to finally settle the issues they may have and get an album going.


If you buy through Bandcamp, that is actually where they are sort of handling the donation thing. Since Bandcamp has a name your own price option, I threw an extra few bucks their way.
Quote from: ProfessorPeart on November 14, 2023, 11:17:53 AMbeul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
Quote from: Indiscipline on November 14, 2023, 02:26:25 PMPardon the interruption, but I just had to run in and celebrate the majesty of Lube in the Face as highest moment in roulette history.