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Offline Orbert

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The Parenting Thread
« on: March 05, 2012, 05:19:16 PM »
My daughter turned 14 last month.  She's in 8th grade, she's a good kid.  A's and B's in school, plays violin in the orchestra, skates on a synchronized skating team, does all the normal things a junior high kid should do.

Last week, she told us that she was going to go to a movie with Marius and some other friends.  Didn't ask us, told us.

Marius is a guy she'd met at a local teen event a few weeks before.  He's a friend of a friend, the mutual friend being a girl on her skating team, another good kid.  I have no reason to think that Marius is not a good kid as well, but I also have no reason to assume he's not a punk looking to cop himself some Asian.

What movie?
I dunno.
Who else is going?
I dunno.
When is the movie?
I dunno.
So you're going to a movie, you're not sure who with, or when?
Uh... yes.
Uh... No.
Not until we know who all is going, when and where.  And I need to meet Marius.
(sighs deeply) Oh... okay.

Some definitions: If there are at least three people going, it's a "group".  She can go to a movie with a group.  If it is only two people, then it is a "date".  She's in junior high; I'm sorry, but she is not going on a date.  And she's not going with a group if I haven't at least met the other kids.  None of her friends wanted to go, so it will be Marius and some of his friends, but she assures us that she will not be the only girl.

Saturday arrives.  She's texting him for additional details, and slowly getting them.  The movie is at 5:40.  Oddly, he doesn't tell her the name of the movie, and she doesn't ask.  My spidey-sense is tingling.  My wife checks the website; there are two movies starting at 5:40, both are R-rated.  As far as I'm concerned, this is still not happening.

More texting.  Can we drop her off at 4:30?  No.  Why not? Because I still don't know what movie you're seeing, and therefore I don't approve it.  (sigh)

More texting.  (Wouldn't it just be faster to call him and talk to him?)  The movie is "This Means War".  PG-13, some flick about spies who are both involved with the girl from "Legally Blonde".  Reese Witherspoon?  Yeah, her. Cool.  Wife points out that the movie actually starts at 4:30.  Yes, but you know how there's always ten minutes of previews and commercials and stuff.  True, but I still have not met Marius.  4:20, then.

This is the event I've been looking forward to with both dread and great anticipation.  I must strike the fear of Dad into this young man.  I must make it clear, preferably without having to spell it out, that if he hurts my daughter, her pain will be avenged sevenfold.  (That's where the expression comes from; might as well use it.)  Actually, this could be kinda fun.

He's only in 7th grade, shorter than she is.  Kinda small anyway, to be honest.  His handshake is weak.  If he'd met me with a decent grip, I was ready to increase the pressure, but there was no need.  Good eye contact, though.  Good.  I ask him where he goes to school, what grade he's in.  I already know these things, but I want to hear his responses.  His answers are relatively calm and steady.  Good.  Also, he keeps up the eye contact, as do I.  He pays for her ticket, soda, and a thing of popcorn for them to share.  Hmm, impressive.  Except that that makes it more of a date, doesn't it?

He is with three friends of his, all guys.  Why are they standing over there?  Forget it.  I don't need to meet them.  All I have to do is stand here and look scary.  (My wife tells me later that they were probably all terrified, Marius too, but Marius had to meet me, whereas they did not.)

His friends actually met him there, and he was dropped off by his dad, so my wife offers to drive him home afterwards.  Why, I ask her?  So we can see where he lives.   Ah.

After we drop him off at home, we ask her how the movie was, etc.  It was fine.  I ask how Marius was.  Was he nice, did he treat her with respect?  (I've been watching Godfather movies, and "respect" seemed a good word to use.)  Yes, he did.

I explain that we trust her; that is not the issue.  But we don't know him.  If he's there with a bunch of his guy friends, that could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing.  At this age, I don't think it's a bad thing.  They all saw me.  They can't all be that stupid, and I will hurt them, if it came to that.

On the way in to the theater from the car, she saw another friend from school and yelled "Hi!" to her, and they talked a bit while we waited for Marius.  My wife and the other girl's mom also chatted a bit, and they were seeing the same movie.  Therefore at least one theoretically responsible adult who we knew would be in the same theater.  That was good enough for my wife, so it was good enough for me.

I said in another thread that you try to instill good values in them, and at some point you have to let go and trust them.  They can't prove themselves and earn further trust unless they're given the opportunity.  And if they know you trust them, they will hopefully try to live up to that and keep it, as opposed to taking advantage of it.

One down, presumably many to go.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 08:22:48 AM by Orbert »

Offline Nekov

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 05:30:45 PM »
Orbert, you have come to the point where you need to buy a shotgun if you don't already have one. Nothing works better for scaring little a**holes.

On a serious note though, I am not a parent myself but being 25 I have considered the posibility of having kids in the future and every time I think that I might have a little girl that would go out into a world filled with douchebags I have second thoughts about it but then again I'm nowhere near as experienced as you are and for your story down there it seems like you are handling it pretty well.  :)
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Offline bosk1

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2012, 06:00:45 PM »
"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

Online Adami

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 06:13:56 PM »
Bob, do you speak Chinese? If not, learn it.

Next time a guy comes by, sit him down and speak NO english to him at all. Give him a random speech about whatever you want, just make sure it's completely in chinese. Speak in a low gravily voice and make sure to sound serious and somewhat angry, when you're done, nod at him and give him a mean stare. That should work.

EDIT: It wouldn't hurt if you were also just holding a sword casually during it all.

Offline Gadough

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 06:22:46 PM »
I explain that we trust her; that is not the issue.  But we don't know him.

Well done. Remind her of this occasionally, because as she continues to grow up, she'll likely begin thinking that you're always out to demonize her. For as long as you do trust her - always make sure she knows it.

Edit: I'm not a parent, Orbert, so I understand if my advice doesn't mean shit to you. I can just tell you that throughout high school, I was much less likely to step out of line if I knew my parents believed that I wouldn't. They would reassure me that they know I'm a good kid, and that in turn made me a good kid.
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline FlyingBIZKIT

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2012, 06:31:13 PM »
Being 16, I don't know what it feels like to be a parent. I'd imagine it's stressful though. Sorry we kids cause you guys/gals trouble.

Offline pogoowner

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 06:57:52 PM »
Sounds like you handled it as well as one possibly could. The prospect of having a daughter terrifies me.

Offline lonestar

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 07:17:48 PM »
My kid is 18 with a steady boyfriend in college, and all I can say is good luck bud.  You seemed to have handled it well.  (tis kinda funny when you get all manned up to instill the "fear of Dad" into the kid, and he comes up to your waist, in any other situation, you'd be showing off your music skills to the kid or something)

Offline Orbert

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2012, 10:54:09 PM »
Bob, do you speak Chinese? If not, learn it.

Next time a guy comes by, sit him down and speak NO english to him at all. Give him a random speech about whatever you want, just make sure it's completely in chinese. Speak in a low gravily voice and make sure to sound serious and somewhat angry, when you're done, nod at him and give him a mean stare. That should work.

EDIT: It wouldn't hurt if you were also just holding a sword casually during it all.

That would be such a riot!  No, I don't speak enough to actually give a little speech or anything, but he wouldn't know that, and I can fake it well enough, I'm sure.  I grew up listening to Chinese.

My kid is 18 with a steady boyfriend in college, and all I can say is good luck bud.  You seemed to have handled it well.  (tis kinda funny when you get all manned up to instill the "fear of Dad" into the kid, and he comes up to your waist, in any other situation, you'd be showing off your music skills to the kid or something)

One thing I have going for me is that my buds from back home all got married and/or had kids before we did.  John and Dan each have three girls, Chris and Jim each have two boys.  Weird how that worked out, but the point is that I got to watch them interact with the kids quite a bit before our kids were born, and later they'd hit each milestone before ours did.  Whenever we'd get together, we'd spend half the time jamming and half the time just shooting the shit, and a good deal of that was bitching about our kids.  So I took a lot of notes.

In most cases, I would go for respect over simple fear.  I want my kids to respect me, and I'd love it if their friends did.  But I had five minutes to interact with this kid, then he was going into a dark theater with my daughter, so I went the fear route.  The respect will hopefully come later, if he's around long enough.  This is junior high; for all I know, we'll be on to someone else next week.

Then I get to do this all again.  :xbones

Offline snapple

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 05:54:10 AM »
Ah, you're that dad.  ;)

Offline DeanTheater

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2012, 06:23:25 AM »
Fuck.   I have 3 daughters under 6.  I cant even think about all this right now.  My head will implode.  That being said it was a wholly entertaining and horrific tale.  thanks for that Orbert. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Offline PuffyPat

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 06:26:42 AM »
I wish I had understood what my parents were doing when stuff like this happened, but as a stupid kid (because we all are) I would always say things like "that's not fair" or "don't embarrass me like that" when my parents were clearly just trying to make sure that I wasn't going to do anything stupid or hang out with the wrong people. Looking back it all makes sense, and I'm glad that they did it, but back then I just wanted to have fun without my parents being involved in any way.
prog sucks
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Offline snapple

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 07:39:58 AM »
I had three older brothers, so I like....sort of understood? why my parents did what they did. I just didn't care.

Offline Cecilia

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2012, 08:25:04 AM »
I totally get where you guys are coming from, and if I had a daughter I'd do the same. I want my child safe.

My parents Mom (well mostly it's her) are still like this. Mom runs ship. I have to text her when I am going somewhere, when I get there, and when I'm on my way home.

I'm 25 years old. Mom gets mad if my boyfriend (30 years old) drops me off and doesn't come in the house to say hi. My Dad loves my bf. Mom on the other hand does not because he has long hair, tattoos, and piercings.

Recently, my boyfriend asked me to move in, on the condition that I stay in college. I have started the process of transferring schools. I mentioned to my Mom Sunday night in passing that he had asked me to move in, and suddenly WWIII broke out. She told me that he needs to ask them, because I am "not an orphan". She then went off on this long rant about how I am doing everything wrong, and how I am supposed to stay in school to get a good career, get engaged, get married, and then move in.

Please, when your daughter is 25, don't be like my Mom.

Offline Orbert

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 08:26:17 AM »
I wish I had understood what my parents were doing when stuff like this happened, but as a stupid kid (because we all are) I would always say things like "that's not fair" or "don't embarrass me like that" when my parents were clearly just trying to make sure that I wasn't going to do anything stupid or hang out with the wrong people. Looking back it all makes sense, and I'm glad that they did it, but back then I just wanted to have fun without my parents being involved in any way.

It's all completely normal to not want your parents around when you're a teen, trying to be independent and do your own thing, and even moreso when your friends are right there.  That's why I've tried to be honest with my kids about why I have to be there sometimes, and why I have to meet the boy she's going to spend two hours with in the dark.  Okay, maybe not completely honest.  I did want to meet him, and told her that.  I didn't specifically say that I wanted to scare the shit out of him, make sure he knew what he was dealing with if he did anything wrong, but she's a smart kid, I'm sure she figured that part out.

That's why I asked her later if he was nice, if he treated her with respect.  My wife jumped in and said "Did he try to kiss you?"  Honestly, that's not even what I was getting at, and I said so.  If it's mutual, okay.  They're kids, it's gonna happen.  But it's gotta happen the right way.  Still, she was surprised at the question and said "No!" and it seemed an honest answer.  They haven't known each other that long, and it really did seem like a "getting to know you" date, not a "get me some" date.

Which is good, because they would not find his body.

Ah, you're that dad.  ;)

Damned right, I am.  And if you're smart, you will be, too. ;)

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 08:28:53 AM »
Which is good, because they would not find his body.

prog sucks
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Offline Tick

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 08:35:06 AM »
My daughter Bri is in 6th grade and she already seems like a teen. My wife intercepted a text and found out one of her friends stole a cigarette from her mom and convinced her to take a drag. She got a stiff punishment for that one. Its not easy raising kids. No matter how well you think your doing, they still screw up and do dumb shit. My daughter just got high honors on her report card and is quite bright scholastically, but she seems to find it easy to just follow the herd instead of being a leader. 14 scares me. My wife and I are trying our best, but kids are not robots and sometimes make bad choices.
Yup. Tick is dead on.  She's not your type.  Move on.   Tick is Obi Wan Kenobi

Offline Orbert

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 08:35:26 AM »
Please, when your daughter is 25, don't be like my Mom.

When she's 25, no, I will have backed off quite a bit.  She will still know that I love her and am concerned for her wellbeing, but she has to learn things for herself and make her own decisions.  I would hope that she does so with my advice, but that's true whether she's 5, 25, or 50.  It's a spectrum.  I start with total control, and from the time they can do anything (crawl, walk, talk) the idea is to let them take it from there, because we're moving on to the next level.  There's a hell of a lot to learn in 18 years, but at 18, that's it.  I'm an advisor at that point, not the director.

Offline PuffyPat

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 08:37:30 AM »
When she's 25, no, I will have backed off quite a bit.  She will still know that I love her and am concerned for her wellbeing, but she has to learn things for herself and make her own decisions.  I would hope that she does so with my advice, but that's true whether she's 5, 25, or 50.  It's a spectrum.  I start with total control, and from the time they can do anything (crawl, walk, talk) the idea is to let them take it from there, because we're moving on to the next level.  There's a hell of a lot to learn in 18 years, but at 18, that's it.  I'm an advisor at that point, not the director.

You remind me a lot of my dad, and I mean that in a very good way.
prog sucks
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Offline Beowulf

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2012, 08:38:46 AM »
All I can say is, Thank GOD I have a son!!  But I have taught him well.  He's in Boy Scouts as well, so his moral compass is pointed in the right direction.  But I know at age 13 now, the time is coming when he wants me to take him to the movies, but drop him off at the other end of the mall so no one sees that his Dad had to drive him.  How else would he get there?!  Actually, that's already started. 
I just have to trust that between my, my wife and Scouts, that Duncan has learned the value in respect and treating others with kindness.

I know a lot of girls go through the phase of being attracted to the assholes, but that's only a phase.  Nice guys DO finish first.  Not last.
You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.

Online El Barto

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2012, 08:51:32 AM »
First time I had to meet a GF's father, he went hard core with the intimidation approach.  Didn't hurt that he was a former Dallas cop and a dead ringer for The Big Bossman.   He was an avid bow hunter, so he made sure I was very familiar with a compound bow and what it could do in skilled hands.  In retrospect it's pretty clear he was damned amused at by this. 
Argument, the presentation of reasonable views, never makes headway against conviction, and conviction takes no part in argument because it knows.
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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2012, 09:12:52 AM »
Well played, Orbert.  Very nicely handled.  Your daughter is fortunate to have a father like you.

Offline lonestar

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2012, 09:31:11 AM »
First time I had to meet a GF's father, he went hard core with the intimidation approach.  Didn't hurt that he was a former Dallas cop and a dead ringer for The Big Bossman.   He was an avid bow hunter, so he made sure I was very familiar with a compound bow and what it could do in skilled hands.  In retrospect it's pretty clear he was damned amused at by this.

How bout this one, my ex-wifes father was a former defensive lineman for the Cowboys, talk about fucking intimidation.

Offline bosk1

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2012, 09:38:17 AM »
First time I had to meet a GF's father, he went hard core with the intimidation approach.  Didn't hurt that he was a former Dallas cop and a dead ringer for The Big Bossman.   He was an avid bow hunter, so he made sure I was very familiar with a compound bow and what it could do in skilled hands.  In retrospect it's pretty clear he was damned amused at by this.

How bout this one, my ex-wifes father was a former defensive lineman for the Cowboys, talk about fucking intimidation.

Meh.  My first girlfriend's dad is Chuck Norris.  /win
"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

Offline lonestar

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2012, 09:40:19 AM »
First time I had to meet a GF's father, he went hard core with the intimidation approach.  Didn't hurt that he was a former Dallas cop and a dead ringer for The Big Bossman.   He was an avid bow hunter, so he made sure I was very familiar with a compound bow and what it could do in skilled hands.  In retrospect it's pretty clear he was damned amused at by this.

How bout this one, my ex-wifes father was a former defensive lineman for the Cowboys, talk about fucking intimidation.

Meh.  My first girlfriend's dad is Chuck Norris.  /win

That explains your face. :D

Online El Barto

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2012, 09:42:44 AM »

Which DL?
Argument, the presentation of reasonable views, never makes headway against conviction, and conviction takes no part in argument because it knows.
E.F. Benson

Offline snapple

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 09:45:20 AM »
My first girlfriend's dad loved me. I met him only a handful of times, but he owns a lot of apartment complexes in the area I live. They spent like a grand on new clothes for my birthday for me. She broke up with me like a week before and he called me up and said 'Can Karen and I bring you the clothes? We have the receipts if you don't like them'. Got a couple pair of jeans and like 900 that I blew on pot.

Second girlfriend's dad was a pot head. We connected. (I don't smoke anymore)

My fiancees dad is annoying, but a good guy. He likes me, but I don't respect him. It isn't my place to say anything though.

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2012, 02:07:42 PM »
Great read.

Offline 7StringedBeast

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2012, 02:24:57 PM »
When I met one of my ex's dad he gave me the whole speech.  "If you make my daughter cry, I will make you cry.  I was trained in the army for 15 years how to hurt people."  It was mostly for show and a joke, but there was just enough seriousness in it for you to be intimidated.  He actually really liked me, although he always slightly had this front just for appearances/an on running joke.
If anyone in this thread judge him; heyy James WTF? about you in Awake In Japan? Then I will say; WTF about you silly?

Offline FlamTap

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2012, 02:54:58 PM »
I feel for ya, man. I have 4 daughters. Luckily, my youngest is 18, so therein lies a whole new set of issues.

Parenting - the toughest job you will ever love.

Good luck and stock up on them feminine products !!   :rollin

Offline snapple

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2012, 03:33:20 PM »
When I met one of my ex's dad he gave me the whole speech.  "If you make my daughter cry, I will make you cry.  I was trained in the army for 15 years how to hurt people."  It was mostly for show and a joke, but there was just enough seriousness in it for you to be intimidated.  He actually really liked me, although he always slightly had this front just for appearances/an on running joke.

My dad was in the USCG for 25. He told me if I hurt any girl he'd hurt me. "What the hell dad, whose side are you on?"

Offline yorost

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2012, 03:35:15 PM »
You wanted to hurt girls?

Offline snapple

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2012, 03:36:25 PM »
No, but what the fuck? I'm his son. What if I didn't hurt her but a break up happened?

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2012, 03:38:41 PM »
It is sort of his responsibility to raise you, which includes keeping you in line.

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Re: So... it has begun (parenting thing)
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2012, 03:39:21 PM »
It is sort of his responsibility to raise you, which includes keeping you in line.

At nearly 22, yes. At 15, WTF?