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Lateralus88's Top 50 Albums v. Objectively correct list

Started by lateralus88, December 14, 2011, 12:22:35 PM

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Alright you sonsofbitches, here we go. My top 50 albums of all time. Get ready to love/hate/want to sodomize me for whatever reason. I'll try my hardest to keep up with this list as fast as I can, so please shout at me whenever I get lazy and don't update every couple of days. Anyway, let's do this.

50. Ashes of the Wake by Lamb of God

I can see this choice already not being all that popular amongst this community, but I’m sure there will be plenty on my list like this. Now, Lamb of God get a lot of crap for being lumped in hot topic metalcore crowd. Sure, they have the unfortunate fanbase, but I don’t think that accurately represents their music. Especially with the peak in their career, Ashes of the Wake. This album is fucking HEAVY. The riffs, the drumming and the vocals all mesh together for a good 47 minutes of solid explosive power. This album holds a special place in my discovery of heavier music, because it was the album that introduced me to harsh vocals outside of Tom Araya’s (Slayer) style. Now I know a lot of people are skeptical of LoG, but believe me, if you want to hear the best of this bands work, you start and stop with Ashes of the Wake. It’s nothing but nonstop brutality. From the moment the iconic opening riff of Laid to Rest begins it's fierce path of destruction all the way to the very last couple of chilling shouts of "Remorse is for the dead" during the final track, there is really no turning back. I am hooked the entire way through.

Highlight tracks - Hourglass, Ashes of the Wake, Now You've Got Something to Die For

49. Burning Earth by Firewind

This is another album that has made the list partially out of nostalgia/holding a special place in my music exploration timeline. Before I get the slew of lolpowermetal comments or “Oh here Alex goes bitching about how their new material sucks”, let me just spend this time talking about how much I fuckin’ love Burning Earth. Everything about it works so well for me. The guitar work is powerful and extremely well written. There are a lot of extremely melodic moments on this album, which is something I have a soft spot (boner) for. Mixed in with the melodic feel to the album, we have a vocalist I wish was still doing work today, Stephen Fredrick. The man’s voice is a little rough sounding compared to most power metal vocalists, but that is what I liked most about it. He has a very original sounding voice for this band and this album. And it mixed seamlessly with the music throughout the album. Much aggression when needed, and other emotions here and there when the mood called for it. I highly, highly recommend this album, especially for those trying to find some of the best power metal out there.

Highlight tracks - Immortal Lives Young, Burning Earth, The Fire and the Fury

48. De-Loused in the Comatorium by The Mars Volta

Oh man, time for some whacked out shit. The Mars Volta are pretty well known, and this album tends to be their most highly praised. And for excellent reason. The album on first listen might come off as a large mess (especially to many people not previously exposed to more experimental and progressive styles of music). But on the whole, this a fantastically composed piece of work. Most people who know me are aware of my love for bizarre music with many different styles mixed into one. This album definitely has that. It’s got a mixture of a ton of different musical elements that all form together to create this almost trip like experience through the odd time sigs and interesting vocal styles (and effects). To say the least, it’s an interesting album. And I fuckin’ love every second of it.

Highlight tracks - Inertiatic ESP, Cicatriz ESP, Televators

Coming soon...moar albums n' shit.


Ashes is the only LOG album I can stand, so that gets a pass. Firewind is pretty mint, but I haven't heard the Mars Volta album.

Following with supreme interest.



Also already a great album in that Mars Volta one! :tup



ps that mars volta album is a pretty cool guy


Dark Castle

Don't worry Lat, I love Lamb Of God, really looking forward to their new album when it drops on my Birthday!



Following.... as I do for every top 50.  hhmmm  Wolf and Barry endorsement for Firewind - will have to investigate.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



I'll definitely check out Burning Earth, sounds good. I'm not too fond of power metal either, but their album 'The Premonition' was awesome. Time to check out some of Firewind's other stuff, starting with Burning Earth.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



Quote from: skydivingninja on December 14, 2011, 08:33:07 PM
Not kvlt enough.

This. If I don't want to put on corpse paint by the time this is through I will be extremely disappointed.




47. Nightfall by Candlemass

This album can easily be summed up in one phrase. A doom metal classic, let alone a metal classic. Back during the early stages of the band’s career, they released four astounding albums in a row. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales of Creation. Out of those four albums, Nightfall easily stands out as the god-tier album. It has everything you could ask for in an album from Candlemass. Awesome riffs, loud and powerful vocals to be heard for miles and a sense of mysticism driven by themes of hopelessness. What holds this album up above the rest, for me at least, is how ridiculously consistent it is compared to the other three albums mentioned (and especially when compared to the rest of the band’s discography). There isn’t a single track on the album I’d consider skipping if I was listening to it in full. It just keeps going, asking me to beg for more. And I do every time.

Highlight tracks - The Well of Souls, Bewitched, At The Gallows End

46. Planetary Duality by The Faceless

Ah yes, time for some good ol’ technical death metal. Planetary Duality is The Faceless’s sophomore album, and easily the better of the two (though I hear a new album is on the horizon). PD contains many body crushing riffs and face melting technical guitar work throughout. This album is, just like the last, unbelievably consistent. Maybe it’s the fact that album is only a mere 31 minutes long and any longer would feel like it is overstaying it’s welcome (and any shorter would feel like an EP). But it’s that quick 31 minute burst of music that makes this album as accessible as it is, as long as you are the type to tolerate RORORORORORO vocals, technical laced brutality and a few breakdowns here and there (they all feel fresh, mind you, don’t worry). I honestly would have placed this album a little higher, but it is not as flawless as some of the upcoming albums. And you know, it is so close to being a flawless album, but it has this one issue that bothers me to no end. The clean vocals. The unwarranted clean vocals that not only don’t fit, but sound really, really lame. The brutality of the album feels lost the few times they kick in. Luckily, it’s few and far between, and the rest of the album kicks copious amounts of ass.

Highlight tracks - Prison Born, Xenochrist, Planetary Duality II

45. Holographic Universe by Scar Symmetry

The ironic part about this album being the step above Planetary Duality is well…that this band mixes hard hitting growls with clean singing vocals. But it’s the context that they do them in that makes it work above a band like The Faceless. Scar Symmetry are a melodic death metal band. They mix elements of melodic style metal with the sheer heart pounding brutality of death metal. And Holographic Universe does this genre so much justice it hurts. It’s songs like Quantumleaper that mix together the juxtaposing vocal styles in such a well constructed manner. It’s very easy to get into, from start to finish, once again as long as you have tolerance for music which utilizes growls as a primary vocal style.

Highlight tracks - Quantumleaper, Ghost Prototype II, Holographic Universe






Quote from: 73109 on December 15, 2011, 05:57:52 PM
Holographic Universe!! :metal

Echoing this, Holographic Universe is personally my favorite album of all time

First time I've ever committed myself to following any of these lists


Quote from: Gorille85 on December 15, 2011, 04:38:59 PM
I don't know any of those! D:

That's because you've been too busy hunting down the latest in pig-squeal electronica.



Edan the Man

Holographic Universe is one of my favorite albums, and Scar Symmetry in general I always felt didn't get enough praise around here. Good choice sir


All three of those albums are amazing.  Holographic Universe would also be in my top 50 albums.  Nightfall is probably my fav Candlemass album, absolutely amazing.  And Planetary Duality is a great piece of metal.


I used to listen to Scar Symmetry a few years ago, cool band.
However, I only recall listening to "Pitch Black Progress", but that was a nice album at the time.


Quote from: skydivingninja on December 15, 2011, 07:50:29 PM
Still not kvlt enough.
Just wait for it. You should know by now that I am saving the trvest and most kvlt stuff for later.


Quote from: Ravenheart on December 15, 2011, 04:53:13 PM
Nightfall  :metal

This! One of my favourite albums too! Not sure if I prefer it to Epicus Doomicus though.


Sure it's 2am but why not another update.

44. A Farewell to Kings by Rush

Alright, time for an entry that I know a vast majority of DTF members can get behind (though I’m sure many might demand it be given a higher spot. Whatever.) This album is a progressive rock classic. With six tracks and clocking in at only around 37, it’s not very lengthy of an album, but don’t let that fool you from thinking there isn’t enough material on the album. A Farewell to Kings is full of memorable riffs and musical ideas, many excellent performances from the entire trio throughout and some of my personal favourite Rush moments ever (see: title track). Honestly, it’s actually a bit rough for me to put my love for this album into words. There is just so much going on all the way through, and it all works so perfectly. Which is actually the case for a lot of Rush’s best material. It’s all so wonderful, but I can’t quite describe what I love about it. I just do.

Side note – Though if it makes any sense, the album kind of reminds me of the winter season, seeing how it’s when I first got the CD and when I originally fell in love with it. And seeing how it is currently winter, I am reminded of my love for the music on this record. Phenomenal.

Highlight Tracks - A Farewell to Kings, Xanadu, Closer to the Heart

43. Demon Days by The Gorillaz

This album is actually a bit of a recent discovery for me. I only really started to appreciate the music released under this pseudonym earlier this year, but oh man I am so glad I did. The Gorillaz tend to get lumped under average pop/hip hop music released under a major label. But for Demon Days (and even the debut) that is not the case whatsoever. Demon Days is a perfect mix of very interesting musical ideas, hip hop and electronic based music. You have a little bit of everything on this album. It’s upbeat, it’s dark, it’s eerie, it’s danceable; it’s got rap, some heavy synth, and a bit of excellent sounding guitar work laced in from time to time. Obviously, an album like this is not for everyone. Especially those who just do not like rap no matter how it is presented, which to be honest was me for a good while. But oh man, the way it’s mixed into an album like Demon Days is absolutely perfect. It does not feel like I am listening to the latest Lil John single or some purposefully catchy song about smackin’ hos. Oh no, this all feels like it serves a specific purpose (much like how I feel the growls used in bands such as Opeth and Novembre serve a much larger purpose over just being mehtul). This is a truly unique album in all of it’s merits.

Highlight Tracks - Dirty Harry, Feel Good Inc., Don't Get Lost in Heaven

42. Wintersun by Wintersun

Oh boy oh boy, time for what I consider to be an instant classic in the world of melodic death metal. Back when I first heard this album in January, 2010 I knew this album would be a favourite of mine. With Jari Mäenpää (of Ensiferum) behind the wheel of this side project, you know you are in for some great melodic and folky metal goodness. And honestly, this is the high point of Jari’s career. The album does just about everything a metal album should do right. Cold, evil, chilling vocals? Check. Fast paced, skin piercing guitar tone? Check. Mind melting neo-classical influenced solos? Check. Doing what Children of Bodom used to do so excellently before they started sucking fatty boners through a Capri Sun straw? Double mother fuckin’ Check.  This is one of my go to albums for both the upcoming snowy season, as well as whenever I need something fast, very well written and performed. It’s just a shame that we will probably never fuckin’ see a follow up album *cough*Time*cough* anytime in the near future. But until then, I’ll just crank up this album full blast during my commute home from work on the icy roads.

Highlight Tracks - Winter Madness, Starchild, Sadness and Hate



3 interesting picks, last thing I heard was that the new Wintersun was delayed AGAIN.. talk about letting the fans wait for another album.  :lol
While I'm not the biggest Rush-fan, (I'm a pretty casual fan, but nowhere near the hardcore fans on the forum), they do have a couple of good albums, and A Farewell to Kings is certainly one of them, Xanadu and Cygnus stand out especially.
As for Gorillaz, I really like them, they have a nice style. I can't really listen to them a lot, cause I tend to feel like the music get's a bit too "samey" after a few songs, but I still enjoy them, Demon Days was such a hit when it came out.


Quote from: Zantera on December 16, 2011, 02:24:28 AM
3 interesting picks, last thing I heard was that the new Wintersun was delayed AGAIN.. talk about letting the fans wait for another album.  :lol
While I'm not the biggest Rush-fan, (I'm a pretty casual fan, but nowhere near the hardcore fans on the forum), they do have a couple of good albums, and A Farewell to Kings is certainly one of them, Xanadu and Cygnus stand out especially.
As for Gorillaz, I really like them, they have a nice style. I can't really listen to them a lot, cause I tend to feel like the music get's a bit too "samey" after a few songs, but I still enjoy them, Demon Days was such a hit when it came out.
Yeah, I'm starting to think we are never going to see another Wintersun album. Oh well, I guess it's only...a matter of time.

I feel very similarly about The Gorillaz, to be perfectly honest. All of their albums aside from their debut, I honestly can not listen to all the way through. The debut is rather fuckin' good, but has many forgettable moments, Plastic Beach is actually pretty boring aside from a few songs and The Fall...I just can't get into. But Demon Days :drool:


I don't understand the McBain reference.  Call me stupid.
