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Official DT Top 50 Thread Mark II (bss4life15 up now - starting page 79)

Started by hefdaddy42, November 12, 2011, 04:17:06 AM

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Silver Tears

I actually love all those songs, good picks! I don't think there's much point at this stage in me expressing surprise over the positions though  :lol


All of these would be in my Top 50, but none would be in my Top 10. Still, it would be boring if every list were same, wouldn't it?


Moving down to two today in the vain hope that I'll be able to get my surprise done on time for you :)

7: Space-Dye Vest
   Yep, it's the Kevin Moore song. It's the only Dream Theater song that I've listened to at a park whilst watching my little brother and sister argue (I couldn't hear them damn it, I had my ear plugs in) within half an hour, I knew all the lyrics. I don't know whether that's a testament to the song or not but...This song really scares me.

   As in it really scares me, as in those strange little mechanical sound effects mixed with the eerily simple sounding keys send chills down my spine, but not the kind that render me unable to type thank god.

   And samples, surely, considering the fact that this song basically survives on samples you should have guessed that this would be somewhere within the top 10. I mean, come on, I've been hinting at it the whole bloody list.

   But this write up has me thinking...What actually is a Space Dye Vest? Is it  a strangely garish tie-dye t-shirt straight from the 60s, or, even worse, straight from my Primary School textiles classes? Oh god the shame. Why did people even think tie-dye was cool? Mind you, mine isn't the best opinion, I'm adverse to anything that isn't lacy, take that as you will.

   Shit, I'm meant to be talking about the song aren't I? I swear that in the lead up to the 'Never be open' section it's a different vocalist, it just seems such a strange quality to his voice there...Or maybe it's just because whenever James has done his low singing recently it's been talk-singing. You know, like Ke-dollar sign-sha. Only without the autotune. Sometimes.

   And eerie keyboard reprise. Beautiful

6: Far From Heaven


   Sorry, Far From Heaven, this is the trouble with typing out your train of thought. You know how I mentioned earlier how much I like strings? Well, guess why this song is so high?
   You got it, string instruments. They're honestly the most beautiful instruments in the world. So melancholy.

   Also, I was drinking a lot on my first listen to A Dramatic Turn of Events, you know, first week of school and all that...So when it got to this I started welling up. Well, truth be told I was welling up when I got to Lost Not Forgotten until the HEAVIE POWAH came in, so...yeah.

   Anyway. Pianos, how do they work?

   Oh shit I dribbled tears on my keyboard. Yay for hormones!



And I like the love for Far From Heaven.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


:tdwn Space Dye Vest wouldn't even make my DT top 200, and FFH at 6? It's a nice song, but it wouldn't make my top 50.


 :lol  Your write-ups are hilariously awesome, even when I disagree with your song choices.

Which I do for these.  But that's okay.  I understand why Space-Dye Vest would be ranked so highly for someone who loves samples.  And Far From Heaven is a surprise, but an interesting one.   :tup

On the Backs of Eagles


Quote from: BlobVanDam on May 01, 2012, 08:32:44 AM
:tdwn Space Dye Vest wouldn't even make my DT top 200, and FFH at 6? It's a nice song, but it wouldn't make my top 50.
Yup, these are ranked ridiculously high.


Quote from: alirocker08 on May 01, 2012, 08:29:54 AM

...Shit, I'm meant to be talking about the song aren't I? I swear that in the lead up to the 'Never be open' section it's a different vocalist, it just seems such a strange quality to his voice there...Or maybe it's just because whenever James has done his low singing recently it's been talk-singing. You know, like Ke-dollar sign-sha. Only without the autotune. Sometimes.

That's because Kevin is singing the song too, underneath James. Good choices!


Your top 50 is great.  :tup

You are ranking these in reverse order, though... right? :neverusethis:


Quote from: FlyingBIZKIT on May 01, 2012, 09:02:29 AM
Your top 50 is great.  :tup

You are ranking these in reverse order, though... right? :neverusethis:

That would mean Regression on #1.

Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Regression is badass. The fucking riffs you hear at :13 and on. HOLY SHIT.



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



This top 10 is incredible so far, the most original one so far. I love when I see I'm not the only one loving TMOLS that much.  :tup




I didn't listen to Space Dye Vest enough to even consider it in the top 50, no doubt its a good song though. It's far from heaven that's really interesting to see so high! It's a beautiful piece, possibly my favorite out of those prequels to bigger songs (wait for sleep, vacant, etc). Very interesting top 10 so far!


Also, A Dramatic Turn of Events is listed as metal in your iTunes because it is a metal record.

Pols Voice


Quote from: Pols Voice on May 01, 2012, 03:42:04 PM
What a unique list.

Amen to that. I suppose I am not too surprised with the most recent entries, as your affinity for ballads was clear from the start of this list. They are all great songs.
Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 

Silver Tears

Quote from: Mladen on May 01, 2012, 01:18:25 PM
This top 10 is incredible so far, the most original one so far. I love when I see I'm not the only one loving TMOLS that much.  :tup

Dude, you're definitely not the only one, I'm sharing the love for TMOLS too  :biggrin:


5: Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
   Now, I have to think for a second, should I type out my train of thought for this one?

   Nah, you wont read it.

   Lets just say that I fucking love this song, and it almost won me £500. It exemplifies everything I love about Dream Theater

   Also, Score > Studio

4: Beneath The Surface
   So, originally I was going to post the heart wrenching tale of how this song was released after my first break up and it became the song that helped me overcome the heart ache...But nah, this song deserves to be more than just the subject of teenage hormonal angst.

   I am glad that you've picked up on how much I enjoy ballads though, anyone fancy taking guesses at my top three?

   Rain and water drops really seems to be an overriding theme in this album, or, just so that I can say that I've done English Literature revision, a leitmotif. I apparently spelt that right. Wow. Oh God this song. I don't even know where to begin with this song, what do I describe? I'm trying to do this chronologically but failing miserably, as in, really miserably.

   Damn strings. Making me all weepy and shit.

   So, you know I said that I was crying and partially drunk when listening to Far From Heaven for the first time? Well, imagine that, but even more drunk, singing along to the chorus (as, of course, I managed to pick it up pretty easily. It's my drunken talent. Bonus question for people actually reading this: What are your drunken talents?)

   iPad solo! Is it the iPad solo? I don't even know, they all sound the same.

   I'm going to shut up now, and listen to the rest of the song


SDOIT :tup :tup :tup A tie for my #1 position. Definitely a worthy choice!

BTS is another strange pick that wouldn't come close to making my top 50 at all.


Woohoo, 6DOIT! Also BTS is very cool, but I don't know if it would have made my top 50.


Wow. Just when I thought your top 10 couldn't get more odd, you put Beneath the surface at number four. Of course it's a fantastic song, I adore it as well, but I'm scared of your top 3.  ;D


Quote from: Mladen on May 02, 2012, 09:17:40 AM
Wow. Just when I thought your top 10 couldn't get more odd, you put Beneath the surface at number four. Of course it's a fantastic song, I adore it as well, but I'm scared of your top 3.  ;D


Sorry, I had to bring the Count back.

...You should be afraid of what I'm giving you at the end of the list ;)

Silver Tears

Yeeesss six degrees!! Beneath The Surface is nice too. I've given up on complaining that things are too high in this list though  :P


Both great choices. 

Six Degrees is great, if I took several of the songs out and rated them separately they would be in my top 10.  I just wish some of the low points in the piece were better (War Inside My Head and Goodnight Kiss I am looking at you).

You have Beneath the Surface rated slightly higher than me, but it is probably the best pure ballad that DT has put out.  Also I am glad to see so much ballad love on your list, DT does ballads very well and they are often lost in the MOR PROG MOR METUL crowd of fans.


I'm glad I started following your top 50 recently cause I'm having a laugh with each of your write ups.  :tup