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Started by MetalJunkie, October 10, 2011, 04:32:11 PM

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The problem with Lost is that it seemed like they had to make the story go longer than it needed to. It's like the Network said "Nope. Sorry. Not cancelling you yet", and the writers had to literally pull ideas out of their asses just to keep the episodes flowing.


Quote from: Chino on March 29, 2016, 10:14:07 AM
The problem with Lost is that it seemed like they had to make the story go longer than it needed to. It's like the Network said "Nope. Sorry. Not cancelling you yet", and the writers had to literally pull ideas out of their asses just to keep the episodes flowing.

Agreed. The writers kept leaving us with more and more questions without giving us much answers aside from "Because the Island" or "Because Jacob". I don't think anybody ever had any explanation in mind, they just wanted to make the show seem as weird as possible.

It's been a while since I last watched the entire series(I've watched it twice) but IIRC, you could really skip over most of S5 and not miss much.
I'm gonna watch the whole thing again some time this year.


Some things were perfectly set up though, like in the first or second episode of S1, Locke holds the light and dark stones which upon rewatching the show is obviously a nice nod to what happens in S6 with Jacob/Man in Black. You also had the skeleton in the caves when they first got there which leads me to believe that they had the basic idea of Jacob/Man in Black, light vs dark mapped out in S1 already, but along the path things changed. Desmond, who is probably my favorite character in the show felt like he would just be a guest, but due to popularity he came back and eventually became Jesus kinda. Some ideas felt crazy at first, like the idea of moving the whole island by pulling a giant lever, but some of those crazy weird things also worked for me.

To me the show got more and more rewarding towards the end because you got to see more and more of the island and the gang wasn't just sitting around the beach. For example the temple that shows up in S6. At first I thought "why didn't anyone stumble upon it sooner?" but in reality the group really didn't explore the island that much in the earlier seasons. They found certain landmarks like the black rock which they would return to, but not a lot outside that. I definitely don't think they planned on introducing time travel when they started in S1. And to return to the praise for Through the Looking Glass, I think they kinda shot themselves in the foot when they wrote in the rescue at the end of S3 already and figured "oh crap, we can't take the characters off the island, because the show is at the island", so they wrote the plot line of how the characters returned. Things like that felt a bit "made it up as they went along", but other things felt planned. I'd even argue the smoke monster was planned all along.


I'm just finishing a rewatch and have really enjoyed it this time around.

I'd forgotten how good those first couple seasons were (and plenty of gems in the other seasons as well, though I generally agree that the quality declined quite a bit in seasons 4-6). I almost think that the show runners got caught up in the show's reputation and expectations that things had to be mysterious to the point of convolution; when in fact it was the show's more simple, character driven qualities which really set it apart. As an example--thematically, the struggle between "man of science" and "man of faith" is a fairly simple and universal idea that almost anyone can relate to. Throw in some elements of mystery and fantasy and that bigger idea has the potential to be even more fascinating. But when the layers of plot and timeline become too difficult to sort out, it's much more difficult to appreciate the show's core.

Which is why I really appreciated the finale. For me, the show was always about these bigger ideas and worked really well as a sort of character study. The finale brings it back to that foundation in a really beautiful way, I think.

At the time that it aired, I was a little surprised to see so many people complaining about plot holes and lingering confusion. It's an understandable reaction, but I'd always thought of those mysteries as secondary to the emotional lives of the characters and I thought that was done well.

Also, Zantera--I'm totally with you on Desmond. I didn't know it the first time I watched the show, but that dude is by far my favorite character. Absolutely love The Constant and Flashes Before Your Eyes, especially, but all of the Desmond Episodes always got to me.


Yea, Desmond was a great character.  Loved The Constant.

I always felt most of the complaints about plot holes were dumbfounded.  There were a few legit ones (like Walt), but many complaints were from people just not paying close enough attention.


I will start my rewatch on S4 tonight, but I will say that most of the lackluster episodes I remember are from the early seasons. I'm sure S4-S6 had their weak ones too (I don't remember loving all of it), but I remember those latter seasons having some of the best episodes. The Constant, The Shape of Things to Come, Cabin Fever, Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, The Variable, The Incident, Ab Aeterno & The End are all some of the best episodes of the show. To me a show with that many good episodes in the last few seasons can't be considered a decline IMO.



Michael was probably my least favorite character. Or at least, right up there with Anna Lucia, Shannon and Boone.


I believe at the time of season 3, can't remember, the writers wanted to end the show with season 4. The network made them go on longer for 6 seasons and the compromise was they would do fewer episodes per season. Additionally the writers had been touting at the time everything would be scientifically accurate and explained but once they introduced the time travel aspect, I guess that went out the door. I remember that pissed off several of my friends who were crazy into the show, would listen to podcasts, scour the hundreds of fan sites and read up on all associated mythology connected to each episode.

I really need to rewatch the show, glad it's on netflix but need to get hold of the boxset sometime.


Quote from: Zantera on March 29, 2016, 10:43:36 AM
I remember those latter seasons having some of the best episodes. The Constant, The Shape of Things to Come, Cabin Fever, Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, The Variable, The Incident, Ab Aeterno & The End are all some of the best episodes of the show.

There's also the S4 three part finale, There's no Place like Home. Great stuff.


Quote from: faizoff on March 29, 2016, 10:50:44 AM
Additionally the writers had been touting at the time everything would be scientifically accurate

That's interesting; I didn't know that. I always thought that there was 'magic' from the beginning (particularly with the smoke monster).


Quote from: senecadawg2 on March 29, 2016, 10:50:27 AM
Michael was probably my least favorite character. Or at least, right up there with Anna Lucia, Shannon and Boone.

Michael was definitely my least favorite. Pretty much every move he did was for his own sake and he didn't care about anyone else than himself or Walt. I'm a bit conflicted with Ana Lucia because I think there was partially an interesting character when Michelle Rodriguez wasn't playing the badass she usually plays. When she had more quieter moments I thought there was potential to do something with her. Boone and Shannon were pretty pointless.

Again to strengthen my earlier point.. these are all S1/S2 characters. I feel like most of the characters that entered later on were more interesting and I didn't hate any of them as much. (Keamy withstanding since he was a douchebag)

Logain Ablar

I loved the series, but I remember being really disappointed with the ending, as it seemed to be too similar to the "purgatory / dead all along" fan theory that was doing the rounds from the first couple of seasons. I realise now that the "final farewell" part in the church was another flash forward to the afterlife, but for me, it wasn't made clear enough how they all ended up in this life. Just felt to me like there wasn't enough resolution.

I'd like to re-watch it though. Maybe it would be clearer on a second viewing.

Prog Snob

Quote from: senecadawg2 on March 29, 2016, 10:50:27 AM
Michael was probably my least favorite character. Or at least, right up there with Anna Lucia, Shannon and Boone.

Yeah... Michael and Anna Lucia were my two least favorite characters.

The ending was interesting. I was slightly disappointed, though. I felt like there were so many surreal things happening that to have the ending just them going to heaven seemed a bit anti-climactic. I get why they ended it that way but I expected something more. I would have rather have them actually being in hell or purgatory or even Hugo's dream. Anybody else a bit letdown by the ending?


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Lost fans were disappointed.

Shadow Ninja 2.0

I thought the ending was really good. I did think the show had kinda gone downhill for the last few seasons, but I think the finale pulled things together really well, and it ended about as well as it could have.


Not this fan. During season 4 I had a hunch what direction they were taking the show into and even told my wife that this looks to be headed into a more philosophical/religious direction so I was sorta prepared for the ending in that way.


Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 29, 2016, 11:25:13 AM
I thought the ending was really good. I did think the show had kinda gone downhill for the last few seasons, but I think the finale pulled things together really well, and it ended about as well as it could have.

That's how I feel.  Not really sure what a better ending could have been all things considered.


The finale being so divisive was mainly a result of the last few seasons splitting the fanbase so much. The show took a lot of risks that was really rewarding for those of us who liked it, and found the finale to be the perfect closure, whereas people who maybe wasn't so into the storylines of S6 found it to be more "meh".

They could have ended the show with a giant cliffhanger twist with something completely crazy happening (there had been moments like that in earlier season finales), but I'm happy they went the closure-route where we got the emotional impact of the ending.


One of my favorite shows of all time.  Aside from the mysteries of the island, I felt it was successful due to the strong characters created, both by the writers and the actors.  I agree it lost steam in seasons 4/5, but I had no issues with how the series ended.

Also, Ab Aeterno may well be my favorite episode of any television show.  Amazingly written and performed.


Watched The Constant again last night, such a good episode. I would say S4 perhaps drags a bit in its first half (with the exception of The Constant), but the second half is really strong, and the season is only 13 episodes, so it isn't that bad.


My biggest issue with season 4 was that I thought it felt a little rushed. Particularly with the introduction of the freighter characters--Miles, Faraday and the redhead in particular. I grew to like those characters more in the following season, but at the time their introduction felt rushed and as a result they seemed to me very two-dimensional.

And then there's the return of Michael, which I thought was unnecessary. And the dickhead mercenary without any redeeming qualities...

The season had some great moments, but overall it's probably my least favorite of the six.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on March 31, 2016, 09:12:54 AM
My biggest issue with season 4 was that I thought it felt a little rushed. Particularly with the introduction of the freighter characters--Miles, Faraday and the redhead in particular. I grew to like those characters more in the following season, but at the time their introduction felt rushed and as a result they seemed to me very two-dimensional.

And then there's the return of Michael, which I thought was unnecessary. And the dickhead mercenary without any redeeming qualities...

The season had some great moments, but overall it's probably my least favorite of the six.

As much as I hate Keamy (hey that's the purpose), it was refreshing with a character who was just straight out bad. Most of the antagonists, whether it was Tom or Ben, they had layers to them and they weren't necessarily bad, they just did things that worked against our main characters. In that sense it was refreshing with a character who was just full out bad.


A couple of days ago I started to rewatch this one, but this time, with my wife and 9 years old son. THEY LOVE THE SHOW! My son is intrigued about where the Polar beard came from, what are the noises heard on the island and he wants me to tell him what's going on, haha.


Quote from: MinistroRaven on November 05, 2020, 04:53:32 AM
A couple of days ago I started to rewatch this one, but this time, with my wife and 9 years old son. THEY LOVE THE SHOW! My son is intrigued about where the Polar beard came from, what are the noises heard on the island and he wants me to tell him what's going on, haha.

That's awesome! I still love the show, top 5 all time show for me.


Mira Furlan RIP  :'(

she's best known for her performance as Delenn on Babylon 5, but she also played a notable role in Lost, Danielle Rousseau, the woman whose daughter Alex, The Others took.


oh man that sucks. She was a great character, didn't know she had health problems. RIP.


Quote from: MinistroRaven on November 05, 2020, 04:53:32 AM
A couple of days ago I started to rewatch this one, but this time, with my wife and 9 years old son. THEY LOVE THE SHOW! My son is intrigued about where the Polar beard came from, what are the noises heard on the island and he wants me to tell him what's going on, haha.

Last night we started ep 1-2 of season 6. It's been a great ride! My wife and son are still hooked.

This morning my wife woke me up with the news of 'Danielle' passing. RIP Mira.


I've been pondering a re-watch of Lost. Still my favorite show of all time.


8 Episodes into Season 2 of my third watch. Still amazed by the greatness of this show. Easy to take for granted now with how many great shows there are but still my fav.


Quote from: kaos2900 on April 01, 2021, 01:05:19 PM
8 Episodes into Season 2 of my third watch. Still amazed by the greatness of this show. Easy to take for granted now with how many great shows there are but still my fav.
Cool, I did a rewatch some months ago and it still holds up in my mind. We're pretty spoiled these days in terms of quality tv-shows.


For years, I've been wanting to go back and watch Lost. I watched it for the first time in high school and then college, which was a long time ago now! I had forgotten a lot about the show. Finally, I got a Hulu subscription and my wife and I started barrelling through it.

Last night, we finished it. I know the finale is polarizing but I was genuinely moved by it. I was really touched by the character focus of it and how it leaned more into the broader themes of the show. Overall, I thought that Season One was one of the best seasons of television I've ever seen, the next couple of seasons were strong, and then I thought the last few seasons were still enjoyable but moved at such a fast pace there was little time to breathe.

I'm just so glad I watched this show again. It was a truly special experience, and I'm sure I'll watch again one day.


The finale is amazing and I feel it's only polarizing because a lot of people stopped watching before that point but tuned in to the finale and then they were confused about it. It's still my favorite show ever and I think the finale is a top3 episode of the show. The show really hits on an emotional level that I feel a lot of other great shows just don't.


Agreed about the finale. The show in general was really good. There were some 'misses' here and there but all in all it was a great series.

You guys have me contemplating a rewatch now. I've only watched it the one time in its original run.