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Mr. Shake's Roulette: The End is Here!

Started by MasterShakezula, September 20, 2011, 08:11:23 PM

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There are a couple more missing but he's drunk and is nicknamed Galaga now so...


I'm waiting on The King In Crimson, C_s, and Galaga.

The King in Crimson


Quote from: MasterShakezula on September 30, 2011, 08:27:48 PM
I'm waiting on The King In Crimson, C_s, and Galaga.


Can we try not to spam this thread up, and can we please stick to using real usernames and obvious abbreviations, like c_s please?  Not all of us follow every thread and the facebook group 24/7.








Thank you, gentlemen.

Results will come up tomorrow, optimistically, or next Sunday, realistically.

They'll be with real names or abbreviations, because DTVT. 

I've been digging the songs I've listened to so far; another strong round, this is. 


Fuck DTVT. I like the nicknames.

(I just want to know why I'm named Galaga, lol.)


If that's how you'll be about it, I'll tell you about you being Galaga at the end of the Roulette, provided one thing: you don't get dead last.

Considering that you've been doing a good job, so far, you'll probably get to find out, so keep doing good, I guess.





Quote from: zxlkho on September 30, 2011, 09:13:40 PM
(I just want to know why I'm named Galaga, lol.)
Isn't that pretty much your last name?




well fuck me sideways

le alcohol is getting to me


Either that or you're secretly into really old videogames:




I think that should be the theme for round 4: "Songs to fuck Galaga sideways to."


and Neurosis is an automatic win

(which is the band I sent)


The King in Crimson




Okay, the results are in, because I didn't want to keep you waiting. 

Also, there's a twist: each point value here is worth 4X the amount it woulda gotten in the last 2 rounds.  (Ex: what would be a ten before is now forty, or what was an 8 is a 32 here.)

Just felt like doing that for shits and giggles.

PuffyPat: The Dear Hunter- Never Forgive, Never Forget; Yet another really neat song by TDH.  It's been a pleasure receiving songs by this group, as they've all proven to be very very good.  What makes this one cool is the way it's heavy, but not in the LOUD GUITARS way; more in the way things are arranged, I guess.  Sort industrial sound to the synths/drums.  Good job, Pat.


73109: Morbid Angel- God Of Emptiness; Wow, this sounds very, very evil.  Though, for whatever reason, you decided to send in an artificially down-tuned version of it.  I really like, it though, specially teh drumzors.  I am docking points, though, because you sent in a weird remix, though.  (I didn't listen to any other videos of it, so I'm betting the original version is AWESOME)


Actually, fuck it; you get a 34, because it's so evil, I thought about a bad thing and then more bad thing were through by me and now I want to murder John Boehner.   Still, man; I'm pretty sure the original version was quite heavy enough by its own merits, and better.

Nekov: David Bowie- Hallo Spaceboy; Bro, this shit's weird.  I'd never have imagined that David Bowie did industrial at some point, nor would I have imagined that it'd be good.  But apparently, he did, and it is good.  I like how it's all chaotic and shit; keeps me owled atop my seat a bit. 


JayOctavarium: Sleep- Holy Mountain; This sounds like what Black Sabbath may have become by 1990 or so, had they stuck with the Ozzy lineup all the way, and kept doing drugs.  Feels good to me. 


DTVT: Enslaved- Clouds; Progressive BM?  Learn of something unfamiliar every day, I guess.  It certainly beat my initial beliefs as to what modern BM would be.  Aside from some of the vocals and that really awesome tremolo part, t'was not too far removed from mordern prog rock.  Also, the chilly intro was cool and added to the whole affair.  Good pick.


obscure: Dew Scented- Soul Poison; Damn, girl!  Thrash revival?  I dig (being a total recovering thrash-faggot).  Certainly don't see too many bands sounding like these fine young men.  Super aggro and double-bass heavy.  Production was a bit loud.  You are doing quite well at having good taste in music, for a girl or boy. 


Genowyn: Dir en Grey- Decayed Crow; I like what you did, there.  I heard from some people here that they suck, but this song didn't suck at all.  Hell, it was very great; it got me all confused and disturbed.  I didn't have a clue what the singer guy was saying, but it all had a primal and murderous vibe and made me feel like buttering bread.  It's probably just as good as some other songs in this round, but since you nailed the heavy and evil shit (without detuning it), you get:


deathklok09: Horse the Band- Shapeshift; I liked some aspects a lot, like some of the heavy shit, and the synthy stuff; other aspects, not so much, like some of the screams, and sometimes, the mix of core and tendo was a bit shifty.  I liked it a lot, though.


LieLowTheWantedMan: Psychotic Waltz- And The Devil Cried; Dude, you're the dude, dude.  It's, like, thrash methvll that's actually proggy and super-technical, like Voiovod, minus the psychedelic, plus something, I dunno.  I want this album now.


The King In Crimson: High On Fire- Bastard Samurai; I generally liked this stoner metal feel to it.  Pretty trippy, with its heavy moments.  I could listen to this sorta shit for a while and feel content, though I preferred the sound of Sleep, in terms of drug music; this seemed more clean, I guess.  Still, good stuff.


contest_sanity: Believer- Idols of Ignorance; Well, tech-thrash, eh?  Not bad.  It really got my attention, there.  Odd vocals, but the instrumental work was just that, minus the instru-.  Christian?  Sure didn't sound like it. 


zxlkho: Neurosis- The Eye Of Every Storm; Post-metal isn't something I'm too familiar with, but if this is a good representation, well, that's something I should check out more of.  Very calming, relaxing music, yet still having its fair share of tension.  I liked how the more subdued part had this sort of pulsating feel to it; hell, the whole time it felt like it was throbbing.  Hook me up with some more of this shit.


SPNKr: Meshuggah- Straws Pulled At Random; Like, dude, that was trippy.  Got the sorta droning feel, in a sense, with lots and lots of thythmic diversity, though, sounds all creepy.  The fact that they managed to wrap so much off-kilter shit around a constant 4/4 is most admirable.  Good job


Here's the totals:

Next round is:

Quote from: contest_sanity on September 30, 2011, 09:38:02 PM
"Songs to fuck Galaga sideways to."



I used it as a tool to make my roulette more interesting.


If you're into charts, a bar chart would be easier to understand I think.


So some people sent out of the box heavy... some people straight up heavy... and the cool people sent shake stoner metal :hat