2012-01-29 - Arena Hall - Poznań, POL

Started by smerfak, September 07, 2011, 11:58:36 AM

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Hello. I am from Poznan . I just returned from the show. Opening hour was 19.00 , but there had been a big struggle between manager of Dream Theater and between organisator of Polish Show . There were risk of cancelling the show. Finally after 2 hours of staying at -10 degrees we were allowed to enter the hall. It was so close to a big tragedy because few thousand people started to run to the building. I had this luck that me and my girlfriend were staying on the left side of the barrier. Imagine that all people started to run and our barrer collapsed , so we almost felt down . Luckily we managed to run into hall ( my ticket is still untouched , because no one checked it ) . But people behind us didn't have that luck. I've seen people falling and fighting with security. Periphery didn't play , and Dream Theater entered the stage at 21:10 when only 40 % of people managed to enter the hall . My friend came in when they were playing "Build Me Up.. " . Band felt sorry for us , I appreciate this . It was my first show of Dream Theater , and I truly enjoyed this but , unfortunately I feel so bad for those injured people who were taken to hospital because of being punched by the impact of crow ( I've seen the girl with broken arm .. ) .  I hope that one day , I'll be able to see a better Dream Theater show..

Cheers all , greetings from Polish Fan and sorry for my bad english ..


Wow, sounds awful. Puts our concerns about the setlist into perspective really!


The setlist was normal , with Root and PulL me Under , but you know , when something like this happens , you are not so much into the show .. All this mess , around the performance , waiting 2 hours in bloody cold , seeing people with broken hands and legs , fighting with security , broken windows .. Even our local TV came to record this situation.it's a shame.. Since It was my first DT show I expected this to happen in good atmosphere but that's Poland you know.. Something had to be wrong here . Anyway, I enjoyed DT music , they'are the best band in the world , and I hope that one day I'll be able to see them In better circumstances :)


I feel for all you Polish fans. Perhaps DT will put on another show at some point to make up for it (even though it wasn't their fault, of course).


To be honest with you I am absolutely thankful to Dream Theater that they managed this and went on stage. I've heard that our promotor fucked up his obligations and he didn't want to fulfil some contractual things so that's why we had to wait so long. Yet I can just say thank god for allowing me to see DT , because I was sure that the show will get cancelled. Big respect for the band . I hope that they didn't start to hate our country ,and I still believe that even when they were ripped off , they would eventually return to Poland once again :(

P.S - I was expecting something special from 6DOIT but nothing was played. Argh , shamefully , no "Glass Prision " ! : D


They had a similar situation happen in Australia at Perth a few years back and they ended up returning, so I think you're safe there. They will likely not deal with that same promoter again, however.


I'm really sorry for you, guys! Being at a concert and being injured because some motherf****** promoter screwed things up! I mean, being INJURED at an effing show! A few years back, when I first saw DT, my wife was almost killed because of the crowd and she's alive today only because a friend of ours managed to catch her before she was crushed against the barriers! Really sorry for you, really!



Sucks to hear about the injuries! :sad: What's the point of being a promoter if you can't/don't want to fulfil your contract obligations? :facepalm:


Just got back from the show. First of all, the band was awesome, they're better each time I see them. James really sounded great. I also got the set I wanted so I'm fully satisfied on this level.

Shame about that "technical difficulties" that seem to have been a conflict between DT's management and promoter. Gates were to be opened at 7pm, we entered the hall at 8:40 or so. Standing for almost 2,5 hours (we came earlier - at 6:15) on a freezing cold (-10 Celsius degrees) certainly wasn't a pleasant experience. I would love to see Periphery, whose show was cancelled due to delay. I feel sorry for them. Also, the security dudes were a bunch of rude motherfuckers. I didn't see anyone being injured, but I'm really sorry if something like this happened. I really hope this won't affect the bands will to keep coming back to Poland.

I managed to record part of the acoustic Interlude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7BeatYOeB0
Quality sucks because it's made with a phone - hope you can hear something.


My third concert and the third time something goes wrong. First time Riverside had problems with the console, second time they were late and had to rush with the soundcheck (I think they even mention this in the documentary) and now this. I didn't even know if I could make it, and eventually went with a fever. Up until 7PM it was ok as the nearby shopping centre was open but the wait was just killer. I mean the first hour was ok, being in the crowd and stuff it was bareable. But later on it got progressively worse. Glad I was relatively upfront so I got in pretty 'early' (9:30-ish) but got my fair share of shoving. There was a tiny lady just in front of me and if it weren't for the fact that I weigh 200lbs and could handle a bit of crowd pressure we would have another 'casualty'.
Another thing - I got standing tickets, but it didn't really matter cause I could go and sit anywhere I wanted (with the exception of the vip lounge). Adding the fact that they were significantly more expensive if I had one I would be seriously pissed. But I had to sit down at some point - the fever took away my energy. No problems with filming or anything - later I saw a guy without any press pass just making photos through the whole show (not just the first 15 min) with a full professional 35-105mm lens DSLR - nobody cared. I mean we could with a little effort make a 4-6 camera bootleg. It would probably look and sound better than chaos in motion  :D

As fot the show - didn't really care about Periphery, but it's a shame they didn't get a chance to play. Mikes kit looks a lot smaller in reality than I thought. The light show was excellent. As for the band - same old, but JP almost ruined the evening when he had a hickup in the BAI solo. The best parts were the acoustic set and onwards. Mike's solo was boring to be honest. And for me the sound ranged from 'suck' to 'bareable'. The quieter moments were fine, the volume was OK (usually I find it too loud) but when it was full steam ahead it was a blurry wall of sound for the most part. I'm going to even  start a thread on this, cause I'm starting to think that the dudes behind the soundboard are just deaf, after all those gigs. Or they just don't care. I don't know.

The crowd was static for the most part, except for a group just in front of JP - they were having a lot of fun. It was also a bit funny how they were distributed - the right part of the venue (facing the stage) was packed as it was closer to the main entrance, but the left was nearly empty. Its on one of my photos:


Oh, and a big middle finger to some of the fans waiting later at night for the train for talking smack on Mangini. One dude elaborated that his kit looks stupid with the octobans on top facing the crowd like cannons, as if he "was the disco king", MP was better, no leadership blabla.

The Silent Cody

I wish I could be there yesterday, but I couldn't due to my work. I feel really sorry foir the injuries, it didn't happens before DT shows usually, it happens often before other bands shows :P


Wow! Sorry to hear about all the problems.