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The pathetic facebook status thread.

Started by Chino, June 28, 2009, 07:36:02 PM

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Hold your curosr over any post in your newsfeed.  To the right, a "Hide" button will appear.  Click it, and you can choose to hide anything posted by that application, or anything from that person.


Quote from: Orbert on May 19, 2010, 09:47:58 PM
Hold your curosr over any post in your newsfeed.  To the right, a "Hide" button will appear.  Click it, and you can choose to hide anything posted by that application, or anything from that person.

I :heart you


'Quit Facebook Day' Wants Users To Leave:

Their site,, asks users to "commit to quit" Facebook on May 31 by signing their name or Twitter handle to the list of pledges. Is it not ironic that people are signing their name on this because they're pissed that Facebook made information -- like their names -- public.

Really people, good luck with that. The quitters will make a giant dent -- they're already up to .0000019% of Facebook's users!



LOL at people "threatening" to quit Facebook because all this information they willingly entered onto a site on the net is being shared.  Don't share anything, ever, with anyone on the net that you don't want shared with the entire Internet!  Simple as that.  If they quit, fine.  I'm sure the founders of Facebook will be crying about losing users who have no idea what "private" means complaining about the invasion of their privacy.


Yeah, ironic as shit because they brought it upon themselves :lol fucken losers indeed.



Birch Boy

QuoteIm making ramen :D
Wrote this when she posted her Formspring a minute later:
Quotewoot woot! ramenn! ♥ im maken myself some fucken ramen! xbox layderr
QuoteEating rament :)



No, she's going to keep finding different ways to misspell "ramen".

Birch Boy

Quote from: Ultimetalhead on May 22, 2010, 06:00:22 PM
No, she's going to keep finding different ways to misspell "ramen".
I see wat yu did there

Anyway, a few minutes later she posted this:
Quotei fail at spelling, now im watching troy :| grandpa is obsesed with this movie
and then
Quotemy mom keeps sayin watapitusberryyyyyyy in that long drawn out way at the end of the song xD


Quote from: Birch Boy on May 22, 2010, 05:43:21 PM
QuoteIm making ramen :D
Wrote this when she posted her Formspring a minute later:
Quotewoot woot! ramenn! ♥ im maken myself some fucken ramen! xbox layderr
QuoteEating rament :)


:chill :tup


Alyson is playing Pac Man on Google.
Yesterday at 9:09pm

Alyson thinks it's funny how everyone's obsessed with playing Pac Man on Google.
Yesterday at 9:09pm



Quote from: chknptpie on May 23, 2010, 10:36:12 AM
Alyson is playing Pac Man on Google.
Yesterday at 9:09pm

Alyson thinks it's funny how everyone's obsessed with playing Pac Man on Google.
Yesterday at 9:09pm
:lol wtf?


Quote from: Orbert on May 21, 2010, 10:37:56 PM
LOL at people "threatening" to quit Facebook because all this information they willingly entered onto a site on the net is being shared.  Don't share anything, ever, with anyone on the net that you don't want shared with the entire Internet!  Simple as that.  If they quit, fine.  I'm sure the founders of Facebook will be crying about losing users who have no idea what "private" means complaining about the invasion of their privacy.
Actually, Facebook has made the default settings so that everything you write about yourself is searchable by anyone OUTSIDE of Facebook. That means:

Your name
Your interests
Year of birth

Etc. Everything that you do or write on Facebook is not limited to Facebook anymore. That is the DEFAULT SETTINGS for every account. It wasn't like this before.

Yes, you can alter those settings, and I strongly suggest everyone here do. I've done it so that everything in my account, including my name, is not searchable from outside of Facebook anymore, and anyone not a friend with me who enters my account will se nothing at all. BUT those settings are more complicated than they should be, and THAT'S why you have "Quit Facebook day".

It's still a bit silly, yes. But just so you get the whole picture. :)


You'd think anyone concerned about that would make changing their privacy settings one of the first things they do.


Well, yeah. I never found them that hard to change, but then again, web design is what I do for a living, so...


Quote from: Lynxo on May 24, 2010, 06:16:35 AM
Quote from: Orbert on May 21, 2010, 10:37:56 PM
LOL at people "threatening" to quit Facebook because all this information they willingly entered onto a site on the net is being shared.  Don't share anything, ever, with anyone on the net that you don't want shared with the entire Internet!  Simple as that.  If they quit, fine.  I'm sure the founders of Facebook will be crying about losing users who have no idea what "private" means complaining about the invasion of their privacy.
Actually, Facebook has made the default settings so that everything you write about yourself is searchable by anyone OUTSIDE of Facebook. That means:

Your name
Your interests
Year of birth

Etc. Everything that you do or write on Facebook is not limited to Facebook anymore. That is the DEFAULT SETTINGS for every account. It wasn't like this before.

Yes, you can alter those settings, and I strongly suggest everyone here do. I've done it so that everything in my account, including my name, is not searchable from outside of Facebook anymore, and anyone not a friend with me who enters my account will se nothing at all. BUT those settings are more complicated than they should be, and THAT'S why you have "Quit Facebook day".

It's still a bit silly, yes. But just so you get the whole picture. :)
Again, why do I care what somebody knows my name and what movies I like? If a stranger walked up to you on the street and said, "When is your birthday?" I bet most people would tell them. It's no different if it's on the internet.


Quote from: blackngold29 on May 24, 2010, 07:42:12 AM
Again, why do I care what somebody knows my name and what movies I like? If a stranger walked up to you on the street and said, "When is your birthday?" I bet most people would tell them. It's no different if it's on the internet.

I think its because it isn't voluntarily given at that specific moment. Anyone can look it up when they want and use it how they want. Databases can be made and identities can be stolen. If someone walks up to you and asks, you see them, they aren't entirely anonymous. You have the choice to tell them or decline. Which is why you have the choice to show or hide those things from public eye on the internet. Some people just don't know that choice exists or how to find it easily. Also, when the default is set to public display, it can be a bit like wearing your drivers license and social security card on your t-shirt.


Quote from: Lynxo on May 24, 2010, 06:16:35 AM
It's still a bit silly, yes. But just so you get the whole picture. :)

Actually, I knew all that.  I can see why people are upset if they entered all that information and thought it was "private", or it actually was only shared with those for whom they gave specific permission and the settings were later changed. 

But if people believe that, they're still being stupid, or at least naive, and deserve what they get.  My point still stands.  You don't enter a bunch of personal information onto a website and think it's "private".  You don't enter anything on any website you don't want shared with the entire world.  Facebook is just a database, and databases are hacked all the time.  If you don't want your information out there, don't put it out there.


Quote from: chknptpie on May 24, 2010, 09:40:20 AM
Quote from: blackngold29 on May 24, 2010, 07:42:12 AM
Again, why do I care what somebody knows my name and what movies I like? If a stranger walked up to you on the street and said, "When is your birthday?" I bet most people would tell them. It's no different if it's on the internet.

I think its because it isn't voluntarily given at that specific moment. Anyone can look it up when they want and use it how they want. Databases can be made and identities can be stolen. If someone walks up to you and asks, you see them, they aren't entirely anonymous. You have the choice to tell them or decline. Which is why you have the choice to show or hide those things from public eye on the internet. Some people just don't know that choice exists or how to find it easily. Also, when the default is set to public display, it can be a bit like wearing your drivers license and social security card on your t-shirt.
It is but it's isn't. If I had my credit card number on there (Facebook Credits people, gonna be HUGE) and they made it public, then I would be pissed. But it's not, it's my books, movies, and TV shows. You can't steal my identity from knowing I like Stephen King.

I think everyone should treat anything they put onto the internet as if everyone will see it. Just with Facebook, your real name is attached to it.


chknptpie makes some good points. Some people have come to rely on Facebook a lot, kind of like some people rely on MSN. They enter their phone number, full name, family members, etc on the site without thinking twice about it. People are no longer as careful about that as they once were, which is both good and bad. The internet is becoming more personalized, and that means that your info is being entered into several database, available for all hackers.

When faced with the fact that Facebook is NOT as reliable as they thought it was (the recent chat bug comes to mind) it's kind of a wake-up call. Facebook has become more than a social networking site - it's a meeting place for people.

But think about this - someone writes on their Facebook "Yaaaay, I finally have my vacation. Hawaii for two weeks, here I come!" And on that same site, you have your name and your phone number. And EVERYONE can see this. It's an open door for burglars to come and steal all your stuff!

But if the default settings of your account were set to private, so only your closest friends could see it, then you would have nothing to worry about.


That's all true.  But then Facebook admins decide to change the default settings, and stuff that used to be private is suddenly open, and it stays that way until you (a) hear about it somehow, and (b) figure out how the hell to change the setting.  Facebook claims that they're being more open about this stuff, but that's only after a lot of media attention, and their privacy/security settings are still 10x more complicated than they need to be, and I'm sure that's by design.

The more I think about this, the more I see how Facebook is the bad guy here.  If people enter sensitive information into a social networking website, I still say that's foolish, but if they were told that the data would be "private" and then suddenly it isn't due to a deliberate move on the part of the hosts, that's just not right. 

And it doesn't matter if there's a disclaimer somewhere saying that they can do it whenever they want; that's bullshit and everyone knows it.  You don't tell someone that their data is secure and then one day decide it isn't and just say "Well, you agreed to it when you signed up".


QuoteWill added Doin Shit to his interests.


Quote from: Orbert on May 25, 2010, 11:43:19 AM
That's all true.  But then Facebook admins decide to change the default settings, and stuff that used to be private is suddenly open, and it stays that way until you (a) hear about it somehow, and (b) figure out how the hell to change the setting.  Facebook claims that they're being more open about this stuff, but that's only after a lot of media attention, and their privacy/security settings are still 10x more complicated than they need to be, and I'm sure that's by design.

The more I think about this, the more I see how Facebook is the bad guy here.  If people enter sensitive information into a social networking website, I still say that's foolish, but if they were told that the data would be "private" and then suddenly it isn't due to a deliberate move on the part of the hosts, that's just not right. 

And it doesn't matter if there's a disclaimer somewhere saying that they can do it whenever they want; that's bullshit and everyone knows it.  You don't tell someone that their data is secure and then one day decide it isn't and just say "Well, you agreed to it when you signed up".
I think we're in agreement - I just don't word my opinion very well. :D

But I read this: New privacy controls are coming today, more simple and easy to use than before.


Yeah, I heard about that.  I haven't been on Facebook yet today, so I'm curious.


Quote from: Orbert on May 26, 2010, 06:13:18 AM
Yeah, I heard about that.  I haven't been on Facebook yet today, so I'm curious.
Well, nothing yet, for me at least. I know that the changes they make usually don't come at once for all users, so it may take a day or two.


QuotePALO ALTO, CA—All 1,472 employees of Facebook, Inc. reportedly burst out in uncontrollable laughter Wednesday following Albuquerque resident Jason Herrick's attempts to protect his personal information from exploitation on the social-networking site. "Look, he's clicking 'Friends Only' for his e-mail address. Like that's going to make a difference!" howled infrastructure manager Evan Hollingsworth, tears streaming down his face, to several of his doubled-over coworkers. "Oh, sure, by all means, Jason, 'delete' that photo. Man, this is so rich." According to internal sources, the entire staff of Facebook was left gasping for air minutes later when the "hilarious" Herrick believed he had actually blocked third-party ads.,17508/?sdads


This girl's status: "sorry if i blew up everyone's news feed with my "drama", lo siento!"

Followed by a formspring question and answer: "Q: do you consider yourself a drama starter?

A: haha, naww i dont start drama, i end that shytt.!"

It may not be that funny, but it sure brought out the lolz in me.  :lol


Quote from: Sigz on May 26, 2010, 11:14:29 AM
QuotePALO ALTO, CA—All 1,472 employees of Facebook, Inc. reportedly burst out in uncontrollable laughter Wednesday following Albuquerque resident Jason Herrick's attempts to protect his personal information from exploitation on the social-networking site. "Look, he's clicking 'Friends Only' for his e-mail address. Like that's going to make a difference!" howled infrastructure manager Evan Hollingsworth, tears streaming down his face, to several of his doubled-over coworkers. "Oh, sure, by all means, Jason, 'delete' that photo. Man, this is so rich." According to internal sources, the entire staff of Facebook was left gasping for air minutes later when the "hilarious" Herrick believed he had actually blocked third-party ads.,17508/?sdads
:rollin :rollin :rollin

That snippet is a great example of how to use words correctly to convey the hilarity. 5 stars.
\o\ lol /o/



"First Middle Last  sex with my man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Me: Really?
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Sigz on May 25, 2010, 12:55:56 PM
QuoteWill added Doin Shit to his interests.

Redneck? Just...making a blind assumption.
