Author Topic: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR) UPDATED WITH TRANSLATION  (Read 18723 times)

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Offline nikatapi

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« on: August 09, 2011, 05:44:34 AM »
This interview was conducted before DT's live appearance in Athens. Unfortunately for you, it is in Greek and i'm not sure i have the time to translate


So here it is, my attempt to translate the interview, i hope it is quite accurate as some idiomatisms cannot be accurately translated, but it can't be worse than google translate   :P:

“Breaking all illusions”
In my opinion your new album is the “Scenes from a memory” of the 00’s for DREAM THEATER, not so much because of musical similarities, but because it has the same “fresh air” feeling.

Yeah, many people have told me this. Don’t forget that when Jordan Rudess joined the band, in “Scenes…”, there where again some positive vibes and always, when there is such a big change and you face a big challenge, subconsciously you get involved in such a procedure (of facing things positively).

Of course, this time you didn’t replace your keyboard player who played on one studio album, but your leader / founding member…
Didn’t all this create big pressure to write an album so good so this change would go unnoticed?

I’m sure Jordan would give you the same answer to this! When me and the rest of the guys in the band write music, we feel really confident. Of course there is pressure every time we write an album, but this time, since the beginning, we were totally confident of the direction of the album, the sound. Everything was clear and we all had the same goal. With this unity we had, we gained even more trust in ourselves and we knew exactly what we  wanted to do.

So entering the studio, what was your goal with “A dramatic turn of events”?

After all the conversations we had before entering the studio, our goal was to write the best album we could from a composing point of view, it had to be balanced, melodic and having all those elements that make us special as a band. We didn’t want to take a certain direction more than another (metal vs prog) and we had a very clear goal with this. That was the most important to us, our songs, our compositions, to be the best possible.

Do you agree that this album reminds more of 90’s DREAM THEATER than 00’s DREAM THEATER?

I would say it is a combination of the two eras. During the 90’s our sound was different, while during the next decade it certainly became more modern. Although I have to agree that the song structures reminds the way we worked on “Images and Words”, but I think our sound is different, the production is better etc.

To be honest with you, the first time I listened to the record from beginning to the end, it gave me the impression of relief, that you were relieved of some stereotypes that existed during the last years in the group…
Right, right!!!

To be more specific, you have a lot of spots where you play solos along with Jordan, something you did less and less during the last years.(I’m not sure what he means) The aggressive vocals are missing, which sometimes were ΟΚ, but most of them, didn’t have any point and ended up being something like shouting. I appreciate it a lot that they are missing from the new album…
Of course, you are right.

To continue, you avoided the norm to begin and end the album with a very long song, like you did in the recent years. The second song being very commercial…
You are right… It seemed like we were relying on a formula, uh;

Exactly. Do you think that Mike Portnoy’s absence gave you the opportunity to do things which you might wanted to do, but somehow you couldn’t?
(without finishing my sentence once again)
Of course! I think this would inevitably happen. Beginning from “Scenes…”, me and Mike did the production and from the moment you cooperate with someone, you have to make compromises. Everyone has his opinion, ο Mike has his own, a very strong opinion and knows what he wants to do very well. This time, a second person wasn’t there and I could for example close the album with a ballad. No one had any objection, everybody was cool with this idea. I think there is definitely more freedom when you work alone .It comes really naturally.

So, do you admit there was some kind of formula especially in the tracklisting of your previous albums?
Ummm… Look…Uhhhh....Of course we didn’t think that way when we were writing those albums we just did what we did. Now that you mention it you are not wrong, but that was just how we did it, it was natural. I understand though why you say this, because it seems like it was planed from the beginning…

What I didn’t miss in “A dramatic…”, is a song that reminds of another band.
Of course, many people have told me that…

You know most people who tried to copy Dream Theater failed miserably, why would you try to copy other bands in four consecutive albums? (p.s At this point, Petrucci starts cracking up) “Never enough” for example is a great song and I really love it when played live, but it is 100% MUSE… On the other hand, I was starting to get bored hearing more songs about Portnoy’s addiction, especially with “The shattered fortress”. If you have an alcohol addiction, solve it, its not necessary that it takes four albums!

(p.s having laughed very much at this point) I don’t think it is needed anymore!!!

Maybe you need to write something about smoking, because while you have a strict non smoking policy, I see right next to us Mike Mangini smoking a cigar. You have to take care of him because he also plays the drums!!!
Oh no, do you think so? Hahahahahaha!

On a more serious note now. You had a massive change with the departure of Portnoy. After this, there was a long period we didn’t hear a thing about his replacement from DREAM THEATER, until you made a checkmate move and released the videos with the auditions on the internet. I think it was a great strategic move and people wasn’t talking about Portnoy, but about his possible replacement. How did this idea occur?

Basically, when we started the auditions for our new drummer, we knew we didn’t just come out and say, «the new drummer of DREAM THEATER is…», but to find a special way to reveal it. So we thought about making a documentary and letting people find out our new member. The point is that the production of the documentary took a lot of time since it is a complicated task and we wanted the product to be the best possible.That made some impatient fans angry and they said «why don’t you come out and say who is it so we can move on»? But it couldn’t be done this way and we did not want it to. On top of that ,the whole procedure with the rumors about the new drummer was convenient to be honest, because it was a part of the game! It was really hard to keep it a secret, but we knew the fans would like the end result, and so they did.

I can confirm that. There was a big confusion among the fans. I was searching through the first video, where James says at a point something like <<this is the drummer we are looking for », to see if he was wearing the same t-shirt in other auditions too, to find that your new drummer was Mangini. Considering of course he changed clothes frequently and didn’t wear the same t-shirt all the time!!!

Hahahaha! You are completely right. Μany fans have told me that they were anxious to watch these videos and that they were looking for even the smallest detail which would lead them to a safe conclusion.

So lets go to the chapter called Mike Mangini. We saw him in Greece with Steve Vai about ten years before and he drove us crazy with his skills. Despite that, he wasn’t so experienced recording as a member of a band as he was almost always a session artist. Also, he is responcible to replace not only a drummer, but a leader. So how did you end up deciding that Mangini would be your new drummer?

 Mike Portnoy might had a very dynamic presence, but we are always talking about a band. So for us, the leader part didn’t have any importance. We wanted a drummer. Mike Mangini has played with EXTREME, ANNIHILATOR, Steve Vai, so we knew he has the experience to cope with what we were asking from him.

Was it of any importance for you, even psychological that with Mangini in the band, when you turn back to see the drummer, you will shout “Mike” and your drummer will respond? (laughs) It would be pretty different if you shouted “Aquilles”(we are talking about Priester of ANGRA who also auditioned)…

Hahahaha! Ok, it is a big coincidence, but now that you say it, it may had its importance on a more subconscious level.

Beginning at September, you are touring America with TRIVIUM. How did you choose this band to open for you?

When their name was first mentioned, we immediately decided they are the chosen ones. They are a new band, technically capable, with very good albums and a modern band. Of course they don’t play the same kind of music as we do, but on the other hand, this make them special for the world to see. They also have a new album coming out in the next days. The guys in TRIVIUM are amazing and great players, so I look forward to tour with them.

I understand you are constantly asked about Mike Portnoy’s departure from DREAM THEATER, but I can’t not ask you about something that has been in the interest of the press for a while. You have given many interviews and answers about this subject, with James LaBrie’s being a highlight, where he mentioned that «the band now sounds much more balanced», an answer that was met with criticism by some fans. There were people who said that the only person that would kick him out of the group left, that now that Mike left he is dissing him and so on. How do you react against this flood of questions about Mike given that he is still a good friend of yours?

Look, Sakis, the answer is simple.If anyone wants to know the reasons Mike left DREAM THEATER, all he has to do is ask him. Besides that, you understand that I’ve known Mike for almost all of my life and there is no chance I would say something mean about him. He made a decision which he considered the right at the time and we continue, being happy with the current situation. This is how life is. People make changes, they adapt to different situations and I hope everyone is happy with their choises. You know me and I think you understand that in no case I could say something bad, doubtful or melodramatic about Mike. Its not in my nature. And I’m sure that James didn’t mean this in an offensive way towards Mike. Unfortunately very often some phrases are isolated in order to create some drama out of nowhere. And given how widespread internet is these days, you can’t react .In defence of James, he said that he is happy with the current situation, the new drummer, the new album and that things look more balanced now. Nothing more, nothing less.

I would say I agree with you. Its seems there are less “me” in DREAM THEATER now and that there is only one leader…

You know, I have to tell you that I don’t like hearing that in the band someone is the leader, now or in the previous years. It’s not my band, or  Mike’s. It’s nobody’s band, we’re DREAM THEATER.

I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you, because I don’t like a play of words. From the moment you are responsible for the decisions of the group in the most important issues, you automatically become the leader…

Yeah, we all participate in the decision making of the band. Ok, I am the producer and I make a lot of decisions for this, so I could say yes to what you said. But there is a balance in the decision making. Of course there are decisions where someone has to take the initiatives and you can’t ask for everyone’s opinion, otherwise it would take two years only to mix the album (laughs)

Mike Mangini just came in and played on the album. Are you planning in the future to use some of his ideas?

So far our relationship is very good. I know he constantly has some ideas. Even today during soundcheck, he was trying some of them with Jordan. He is a very creative person and it will be really nice to work with him on a different level next time.

If you had to compare the two Mikes’ how would you characterize them as drummers and as members of the band?

They are two completely different persons. Mike Mangini is completely into the art of drumming, exercise, trying new things and improving on drums. Mike Portnoy is an amazing drummer, but he doesn’t get into those things, he focuses more on other stuff like movies, directing, the fans and so many other things.

You obviously wanted to show the quality of the new drummer to the fans, as you incorporated into your setlist a drum solo and it was met with many good comments.

Exactly this. We have so much music,it’s difficult to even fit the songs to our setlist and during the last years we didn’t have one so we could play one more song. But now,we thought that a drum solo would fit perfectly and would in some way introduce officialy Mike Mangini to the fans.

For the first time after MANY many years in your career though, you play the same setlist every night during this summer tour…
There are small differences, but yes.

Yeah. One night you play “Learning to live” during the encore and the next night you play “Metropolis”. So practically the same setlist.

Mike could learn all the songs and rehearse forty of them before we toured, but we didn’t want to give him so much responsibility for his first tour with us. So we decided he should learn perfectly 14 songs, which in DREAM THEATER language, is so much music. So we didn’t want to risk too much. Our first priority was to be as tight as possible as a band with our new member and be more consistent with our performance. I hope people will appreciate that.

Do you know that there is a group called CIRCUS MAXIMUS and in their album cover of “The 1st chapter” of 2005, they had exactly the same clown with the unicycle, which you –or better Hugh Syme- used on “A dramatic turn of events”?

Yeah, I’ve seen that. Hugh Syme is amazing and I love all of his work.If you see the work he has done on the whole album, I’m sure you will be excited. We can’t do nothing now. These things happen and obviously both artists used the same database where they draw ideas from. Probably a cd with stock pictures or something.

What I say, is I wish CIRCUS MAXIMUS could make an album as good as any DREAMTHEATER album, so the whole album art comparison would make sense…

Why did you name the album “A dramatic turn of events”? Is it about Mike Portnoy’s departure?

No. It looks its about this, but its related to the lyrics of the album. Everybody thinks it is about Mike leaving the band, because the first time you see it, it is kinda obvious. The lyrics are about great events in the world and the fact that these events have caused disasters or big changes in a dramatic way, like in example “Outcry” which is about the recent events on Egypt which changed the lives and fates of millions of people. All these stories fit perfectly the title, which, as soon as I thought about I loved, but on the other hand I was completely certain people would believe it would be about Mike’s departure!

So I’ll let you rest and eat something before you hit the stage…
Thank you so much for your support and I hope Greek fans will like our new album!

P.S.2: It is in fact awesome, that after 15 years I conduct interviews with members of DREAM THEATER (according to my calculations I must have conducted over 25 interviews with members who are playing or have played in DREAM THEATER) and after 13 concerts I’ve been to, I feel the same excitement as the first time I saw them in my life... Some diseases, really cannot be cured…
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 03:27:14 PM by nikatapi »

Offline Zydar

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 05:46:30 AM »
When I was told that I did an interview backstage with John Petrucci, before the concert of DREAM THEATER in our country, one thing I was sure. That should help but focus the interview around his flight Portnoy, because being a fraternal friends, would avoid the extreme characterizations and become a nerovrasto issue. Talking about anything to do with the music of DREAM THEATER but by a circuitous route, you can see for yourself how much things have changed and you can hear in "A dramatic turn of events".


   In my opinion, your new album is "Scenes from a memory" of the 00's for DREAM THEATER, not so much because they like music both discs, but because my conveys an air of freshness.

    Yes, many people have told me that. Remember that when you came to Jordan Rudess in the band, in "Scenes ...", again there were many positive vibes and always when there is such a big change and spend a great challenge, subconsciously you enter such a process.

Of course, this time did not change the keyboardist who played on a studio album, but in your leader and founding member of you ... This whole thing, you do not create great pressure to write an album that is as good as not to appear this change?

I am sure that Jordan will tell you the same! When we write music, I and other children in the band, feel too much confidence. Of course there is pressure every time we write a disk, but this time from the beginning, we were absolutely sure about the direction of the disc, the sound. Everything was clear and we all had the same purpose. In this section we had gained even more confidence in ourselves and knew exactly what we wanted to do.

So entering the studio, what was your purpose in "A dramatic turn of events";

With all the discussions we had before entering the studio, our aim was to write the best record we can by synthetic view, well balanced, melodic and has all the elements that make us special and unique as a band. We did not want to go more in one direction or another and we had a very clear position on the direction. What was most important to us, was our songs, compositions, we have been optimal.

Agree that this album is more like DREAM THEATER of the 90's than DREAM THEATER of 00's;

I would say that is a combination of two seasons. In the 90's our sound was different, while the next decade is sure to become more modern. But I agree that the song structures reminiscent of the way we worked in the "Images and words", but I think our sound is different, better production, etc.

To tell you the truth, the first time I heard the album from beginning to end, gave me the feeling of relief that was released from a bondage or partitions that existed last year in the group ...

Right, right!

To be more specific, a lot of points plays a solo with the Jordan, which did less and less in recent years. Missing extreme vocals, which sometimes was OK, but most had no meaning and end up just agriofonares. I appreciate very much that there are on this disc ...

Of course, you're right.

To continue, you avoided the patent to start and finish the drive with a huge over a period piece, as do recent years. The second song of the album is very commercial ...

You're right ... It seemed as if we were to follow a formula, right?

Exactly. Believe that the absence of Mike Portnoy gave you the opportunity to do things you probably want to do, but somehow you could not?

(But I could finish my sentence, once again) Of course! But I think this will happen inevitably. From the period of "Scenes ...", I did with Mike to produce and when working with someone, you make compromises. Everyone has his opinion, Mike has his own very strong opinion and knows what she wants to do very well. This time, the second man did not exist and could, for example to close the album with a ballad. Nobody objected, everyone was cool with this idea. I think there's much more freedom when working alone. Comes quite naturally.

So, you admit that there was some kind of formula especially in the tracklisting of your previous albums?

Hmmm ... Look ... Eh ... Of course we were not with him when we wrote how the discs, just that we did. Now that you mention it makes little unfair, but that we did, we came naturally. But I understand how you say, because it seems something was up ahead ...

What I did not missed at all by the "A dramatic ...", is a song that reminds another band ...

Of course, many people have told me that ...

You know, people tried to copy the DREAM THEATER failed miserably, why do you deliberately try to copy other groups on four consecutive drives? (SS somewhere here, Petrucci has started dying laughing) The "Never enough" is amazing song for example and I like very much and live, but it is 100% MUSE ... On the other hand, I was tired of hearing songs about alcoholism Portnoy, culminating in a potpourri of "The shattered fortress". If you have a problem with alcohol, fix, no need to get your four discs ...

(SS having melted from laughter) I think no longer!

You may need to write something about smoking, because while you have strict non smoking policy, I see us the next Mike Mangini to smoke a cigar. We have to watch because he plays drums!

Oops, you say? Chachachachacha!

To go to more serious issues though. You have a huge change in the composition of the band's departure Portnoy. After the flight, followed a long period not heard anything about the replacement of the camp of DREAM THEATER, until you move the mat and funnel the internet this documentary with the auditions for your new drummer. I think it was a great tactical move and the world occupied by Portnoy, but the likely replacement. How did you come up this idea?

Basically, when we started auditions for our new drummer, we knew we did not want to simply go out and say, "the new DREAM THEATER drummer is ..." but to find a special way. So we thought to do a documentary and we allowed people to discover our new member. But the point is that to make the production of this documentary took a long time because it was a really complicated and we wanted to get out as best as possible. But this angered some fans who were impatient and said "why do not you go tell us what is to finish?" But they could not do so and did not want to do so. Moreover the whole process with the rumors coming out for potential drummers, it suits us to tell you the truth, because part of the game! It was very hard to keep secret, but we knew that people would liked the final result, as it happened.

Confirms this. Became too great panic among your fans. I was looking at the first video, which appeared as James saying at one point that "this is the drummer we are looking" to see if wearing the same t-shirt and other audition to conclude earlier concluded that the chosen one you were Mangini. Of course, provided that change regularly kept clothes and hygiene rules and then not wearing the same shirt!

Chachachacha! You are absolutely right. I have told us that many fans expected the video and how to communicate the drummer and looking for the slightest detail that will lead them to a safe conclusion.

We go in Chapter Mike Mangini. We've seen in Greece with Steve Vai before about ten years and we were crazy with their abilities. However, no experience recording with bands, because almost everything was session artist. On the other hand, is called to replace not just a good drummer, but a leader. How did you come to So Mangini;

The Mike Portnoy can have a very strong presence, but always talking about a band. So, it was for us no matter the topic of leader you are saying. We wanted a drummer. The Mike Mangini played with EXTREME, the ANNIHILATOR, the Steve Vai, so I know he has the experience to cope in what he asked.

Did not matter to you, even psychological that the Mangini in the band, when you get back to see the drummer, Mike would shout and I'll answer your drummer again? (Pp laughs) It was clearly different to shout Aquilles (note: talk about the ANGRA Priester had he tried) ...

Chachachacha! Ok, it's a big coincidence, but while you say, plays his own role psychologically.

In September he toured America with the TRIVIUM. How did you choose this format to open your concerts?

When dropped their name in the table, immediately agreed to be those chosen. It's new band, technically proficient, with very nice drives and stylish. Sure, they do not play the same kind of music with us, on the other hand, this fact makes them special to see the world. And they have a new album out in a few days. Children are TRIVIUM are excellent and good players, so look forward to touring together.

I understand that they have prixei with questions about the departure of Mike Portnoy from DREAM THEATER, but I can not help to ask myself about something that occupied the press for many months. You have given many interviews and many answers to that issue, culminating in an interview with James LaBrie, where he stated that "the band now sounds much more balanced," a response that did not took me and a good eye you fans. There were people who said they left the only person who could drive him away from the group, now that Mike has left out and buries it and stuff like that. How to react to this barrage of questions for Mike, given that there remains a great friend you?

Look, Saki, the answer is simple. If one wants to know why he left, Mike from DREAM THEATER, all you have to do is ask him. Beyond that, you know that I know Mike pretty much all my life and there is no way to say something bad about him. Got a decision which he considered correct at the time, we continue and we are very happy with this situation. Such is life. People do change, adaptation to different data and I hope everyone is happy with their choices. You know me but I think you understand that in no circumstances could I say something bad, controversial or melodramatic for Mike. It is my nature. And I'm sure James and not meant in a way that insults Mike. Unfortunately happens all too regularly isolated phrases and create impressions of nowhere. And now with the incredible proliferation that offers internet, can not react. The James, to defend him already, he said he is happy with the situation now with the new drummer, the new album and that things look more balanced. Nothing more, nothing less.

I would say that I agree with him. It seems to me that there are fewer "me" to DREAM THEATER and now there is only one leader ...

You know, I must tell you that I do not like to say about the group now or before that someone has the role of leader. It is not my band or Mike. There is no, we are DREAM THEATER.

Sorry but I disagree with you, I do not want to play with words. Since you are responsible for the decisions the group gets the most important issues are automatically and you become a leader ...

Yes, we are all the decisions we make in the complex. Okay, I'm the producer and take many decisions on this, so I can say 'yes' to what you said. But there is balance in the decisions. Of course there are some decisions that one must take initiatives and can ask the opinion of all, why else would take two years just to mix the album! (Laughs)

The Mike Mangini came and just played the disc. Planning for the future to use some of his ideas?

So far our relationship is very good. I know that has ever ideas. Even today in the soundcheck, trying some of them to Jordan. It is a very creative person and would be very nice to work with him on a different level next time.

If you compare the two that Mike would characterize as a drummer and as members of the band?

They are two totally different people. The Mike Mangini is completely within the art of drumming, practicing, to testing new things and improve on drums. The Mike Portnoy is an amazing drummer, but not much concerned with these things as with other regional things, like movies, directing fans and so many other things.

Apparently to show the world the quality of your new drummer, you had after many years in your setlist, drum solo, and even this met with very positive feedback.

Just so. We have so much material that is hard to fit our songs barely in the setlist and our last years miss to play another song. Now, however, felt that the drum solo would fit perfectly and will be formally presented in a way the Mike Mangini fans.

For the first time after many years in your career but you play the same setlist every night on this summer tour ...

With minor differences, but yes.

Yes. In an evening playing the encore "Learning to live" and the other the "Metropolis". Essentially the same setlist that.
O Mike would be able to learn all the songs and rehearsing for about forty to go touring, but we did not want him to load too many responsibilities on his first tour with us. So we said to know 14 great tracks, in the language of DREAM THEATER but is too much music. Not like we risking too much. We are interested primarily dethoume as possible as a band with our new State to be more consistent across the world. I hope that people appreciate that.

Know that there is a group called CIRCUS MAXIMUS and the cover of their album "The 1st chapter" of 2005, had exactly the same clowns with unicycles, and you've used, or rather better Hugh Syme-in "A dramatic turn of events ";

Yes, I've seen. The Hugh Syme is amazing and I love that he has done. If you look at the work he has done artwork in the entire CD, I am sure you will love it. We can not do something now. It happens and will probably use both artists the same database from which they derive ideas. Probably a CD with pictures or something.

What I say is that hopefully the CIRCUS MAXIMUS they could make an album as any of DREAM THEATER, so as to be meaningful any comparison of covers ...


Why you named the album "A dramatic turn of events"; has to do with the departure of Mike;

No. It seems that he has to do with this, but it has to do with the lyrics of the album. Everyone seems to think that men are wrong, because with a first reading suggests quite obvious. The lyrics are about big events in the world and history that have caused disasters or major changes dramatically, for example, "Outcry" has to do with recent events in Egypt, which changed their lives and destiny million people. All the stories, "tie up" perfectly with the title, which just the thought, the loved, but then again I was pretty sure that people would think that would relate to the departure of Mike!

So I'll leave you to rest and eat something before you go on stage ...

Thank you very much for all the support and hope you like the Greek fans the album!

Sakis Fragos


PS: Once again, the partakides demonstrated that they do not care if there is someone else waiting to be interviewed or if the member speaking should eat something or rest and only interested to make their own "work 'in the' Olympic and Egaleo to profits and others to go to c ... ". To see how long it will do ... The weather close gar ... Chachachachacha!

Y.G.2: It's really terrible, after 15 years I do interviews with members of DREAM THEATER (reckon I must have done over 25 interviews in total with members who play or have played on DREAM THEATER) and after 13 concerts I've seen the band feel the same healing the first time that I saw in my life ... Some diseases are incurable really ...
Zydar is my new hero.  I just laughed so hard I nearly shat.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 05:54:30 AM »

 I and other children in the band, feel too much confidence.


 Everyone has his opinion, Mike has his own very strong opinion and knows what she wants to do very well.

I'm sorry, I HAD to chuckle.

Offline Zydar

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 06:09:45 AM »
What I say is that hopefully the CIRCUS MAXIMUS they could make an album as any of DREAM THEATER, so as to be meaningful any comparison of covers ...


Zydar is my new hero.  I just laughed so hard I nearly shat.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 06:10:44 AM »
Wonder what "agriofonares" means?
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep just like my grandfather, and not like the screaming passengers in his car!

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 06:13:59 AM »
Wonder what "agriofonares" means?

It means something like shouting, in this case it was referring to some "tough guy" vocals.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 06:29:28 AM »
Guys, we should definitely start learning Greek. It seems to have beco e DT's primary language  :lol
:slayer: Somewhere, over the wasteland..... bootlegs fly :slayer:
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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 06:32:26 AM »
Guys, we should definitely start learning Greek.
I read that in the voice of JLB.  :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 06:32:47 AM »

I can't wait until we have some interviews and reviews in ENGLISH.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2011, 06:38:08 AM »
Its just that the reviewers here had the promos for some time and are quite enthusiastic about the new album, so they try to post their reviews as quickly as possible, but without giving some rushed opinions.

Also many fans here were doubting that DT would continue to exist succesfully without MP, and the new album is really anticipated by the fanbase.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 06:46:04 AM »
I can see "chachachacha" becoming a classic quote.

Also, is it just me or does the interviewer almost seem a bit rude at times?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 06:52:38 AM by BlackInk »

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 06:55:16 AM »
I can see "chachachacha" becoming a classic quote.
beat me to it, but this.  :lol

Offline Jamesman42

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2011, 06:59:28 AM »
Guys, we should definitely start learning Greek.
I read that in the voice of JLB.  :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2011, 07:00:30 AM »
I can see "chachachacha" becoming a classic quote.

Also, is it just me or does the interviewer almost seem a bit rude at times?

Maybe, although when we're relying on a translation I'm willing to try and give the benefit of the doubt wherever possible.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2011, 07:03:19 AM »
Yeah, I forget the word (Idiom? could be completely wrong), but those nuances when translating using a translator leave out the connotations we are very much used to in English language.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2011, 07:15:05 AM »
Automatic translators can often mince a word or two in a crucial spot that change the entire tone of a sentence, even if the meaning is retained. And sometimes the intent is lost entirely. I've played "Engrish translations" enough with Google translate to know how off they can be :lol
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2011, 07:17:30 AM »
That too.

Offline VincentMDO

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2011, 07:17:58 AM »
I'm trying to imagine Petrucci laughing as "chachacha".
"So would tell him what to do... Would you?"

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2011, 07:19:33 AM »
Yeah, I forget the word (Idiom? could be completely wrong), but those nuances when translating using a translator leave out the connotations we are very much used to in English language.

If some italian reviews are posted in the future, you will be pleased to read the interviewer wishing JP to go "in the mouth of the wolf" or "in the ass of the whale" (both expressions translate to "Good luck / break a leg")  :lol
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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2011, 07:23:03 AM »
No, that is too easy. :lol

Offline JasonScandopolous

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2011, 08:26:23 AM »
"PS: Once again, the partakides demonstrated that they do not care if there is someone else waiting to be interviewed or if the member speaking should eat something or rest and only interested to make their own "work 'in the' Olympic and Egaleo to profits and others to go to c ... ". To see how long it will do ... The weather close gar ... Chachachachacha! "

This is maybe the most incomprehensible thing I have ever read...

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2011, 08:38:21 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.
I only listen to electro-post dubprog.  You've probably never heard of it.

Offline jdprsaga

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2011, 08:43:43 AM »
Cool interview, but i must say i was really confused in some parts... translation issues i guess.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2011, 08:44:15 AM »
Quick, someone Photoshop Petrucci doing jazz hands with the caption "chachachachacha!"
Or Petrucci with maracas.
Or doing a dance.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Zydar

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2011, 09:02:58 AM »
Quick, someone Photoshop Petrucci doing jazz hands with the caption "chachachachacha!"
Or Petrucci with maracas.
Or doing a dance.

Zydar is my new hero.  I just laughed so hard I nearly shat.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2011, 09:05:00 AM »
lol thats classic
If anyone in this thread judge him; heyy James WTF? about you in Awake In Japan? Then I will say; WTF about you silly?

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2011, 09:10:41 AM »
 :lol :lol :lol :lol

Offline Elaitch

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2011, 09:10:51 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Indeed xD


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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2011, 09:13:25 AM »
:slayer: Somewhere, over the wasteland..... bootlegs fly :slayer:
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Offline ZirconBlue

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2011, 09:16:50 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that "cha" is pronounced approximately the same as "ha" is in English.  It's similar to the "jajajaja" that you see Spanish-speakers use. 

Offline wasteland

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2011, 09:18:34 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that "cha" is pronounced approximately the same as "ha" is in English.  It's similar to the "jajajaja" that you see Spanish-speakers use. 

Wait a minute: isn't the actual laugh "ah"? I have always written "ahahahah" instead of "hahahaha".
:slayer: Somewhere, over the wasteland..... bootlegs fly :slayer:
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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2011, 09:21:16 AM »
Even through the haze or poorly translated greek, the content of the interview itself is pretty interesting.  The interviewer gets in Petrucci's grill a little bit about certain things.
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Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2011, 09:25:41 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that "cha" is pronounced approximately the same as "ha" is in English.  It's similar to the "jajajaja" that you see Spanish-speakers use. 

Wait a minute: isn't the actual laugh "ah"? I have always written "ahahahah" instead of "hahahaha".

Only if you're the Count.

of tuscany.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2011, 09:34:15 AM »
I laughed out loud when I read "The Mike Portnoy" and "The Mike Mangini" and "Chachachachachacha." I think that chachachacha was supposed to be JP laughing at whatever the reviewer said, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that "cha" is pronounced approximately the same as "ha" is in English.  It's similar to the "jajajaja" that you see Spanish-speakers use. 

Wait a minute: isn't the actual laugh "ah"? I have always written "ahahahah" instead of "hahahaha".

Only if you're the Count.

Exactly what I was going to say!

of tuscany.

Well played.

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Re: Interview with JP (Rock Hard GR)
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2011, 09:38:37 AM »
Well in greek when we write about someone laughing we use "χαχαχαχα", and because "χ" usually translates to "ch" in order to keep a similar sound, it resulted to this laughable result. In fact "χ" is a bit harsher sounding than "ch" or "h" and is not used in English.

Some greek words like choreography (χορογραφία) are pronounced differently in English in comparison to the original, because of this pronounciation restriction.