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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4515 on: January 03, 2017, 09:04:18 AM »
TFA did get some things right and did restore some hope for me but it also got plenty wrong. I just hope they don't fuck Luke up. Also, in regards to Luke and episode VII, does anyone else feel like the only way they could introduce a significant threat in the next film would be fir Luke to have turned to the Dark side?? Let's be honest, Kylo Ren is not really a threat at all now, he got his ass handed to him by an untrained force user. What can he possibly do now? It's a shame really. Anyway, I digress.

Yeah Kylo isn't the most powerful, but it ends with Snoke stating that it's time to "finish his training", so he'll likely be more powerful next movie. It also helped Rey that Kylo was badly hurt, drained of his dark side powers through the act of killing his father, and fighting an opponant he wasn't actually trying to kill. Whereas Rey was unhurt, was giving it her all, has had training with melee weapons, and is obviously very strong with the force.

And, Snoke is obviously the bigger bad here. Kylo isn't the main threat.

A good way to "fuck Luke up" is to have him turn to the dark side.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4516 on: January 03, 2017, 09:06:19 AM »
I'd say the humour feels far more forced in RO.   Basically even thing that robot says feels like something tacked on afterwards, whereas the humour in TFA feels more natural in the flow of the conversations and in tone with the film in general.

The first half of RO is a real chore.  The characters are so empty, the girl is like a little lost lamb and the only thing I remember about the main bloke is he has a crooked nose.   When there is no action in this film there is nothing entertaining going on at all, luckily when the action arrives it's done really well, but it's a real chore to get to the second half.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4517 on: January 03, 2017, 10:40:26 AM »
The first half of RO is a real chore.  The characters are so empty, the girl is like a little lost lamb and the only thing I remember about the main bloke is he has a crooked nose.   When there is no action in this film there is nothing entertaining going on at all, luckily when the action arrives it's done really well, but it's a real chore to get to the second half.

Wow, really??  I loved the first half.  I felt that it set up the second half so beautifully and really added a lot of dimension to the Star Wars universe as a whole. 

Anyway, having finally seen it for myself, I liked it a lot.  I liked the overall dark tone.  It was different, and it was very appropriate for the film.  It also managed to do one very important thing better than any prior film in the franchise, IMO.  To me, this film made the empire feel far more menacing and oppressive than it had in any of the prior films.  And, perhaps not coincidentally, I think it made Vader feel more menacing than in prior films (although, granted that Vader did feel pretty menacing in IV and V; it's just that after seeing him redeemed in VI and then ruined and reduced to a whiny, petulant, immature brat in the prequels, it's harder to remember the emotional response that character originally evoked in IV and V).

Again, I liked it.  A few minor things bothered me.  Perhaps they will not after seeing it again, but here are just some random thoughts:

-CGI Tarkin and Leia:  The CGI took me out of the moment more than once.  Perhaps I over-scrutinized because I knew it was coming.  But it just took me out of the moment of the film.  I am kind of surprised because CGI doesn't usually bother me, and I think we've come farther in both the technology and in film techniques such that it should be easier to hide that it is CGI.  I mean, for Tarkin, for example, couldn't they have used a body double with makeup and prosthetics, and used CGI on the face simply to enhance?  And then simply avoid closeups so as not to call attention to anything that still may not look 100% convincing?  I know that's tough because he was a very important character in this movie (and I really like what they did with him).  I dunno.  I just feel it could have been done better.  I am not usually one to complain, but, again, I felt that it took me out of the moment, which didn't happen with anything else other than the CGI.

Opening:  I liked the opening scene...except for the fact that Jyn managed to remain hidden from the Imperials.  They were bent on finding here.  They knew she was there (the shuttle flew right past her in the opening sequence!).  And they still didn't manage to find her?  I just don't find that believable.  That should have been handled differently.

R2/C3PO:  The cameo was silly.  But it was fine.  And it was expected.  The only thing that bugged me a little bit was that I don't think they should have shown up on Yavin 4.  They could have just as easily and more effectively been shown for a brief cameo aboard Leia's ship.  Maybe they felt that the callback with Leia at the end would have been diminished by having the droids appear too close to that scene?  I guess I could buy that. 

Vader's castle:  That scene was cool on so many levels.  But it seemed very rushed, almost to the point of being a throwaway.  I mean, maybe that is intentional.  Having just a glimpse had a huge impact, and maybe showing too much would have been unnecessary and taken away.  But showing so little and having no explanation whatsoever of what Vader was doing there or why almost made it feel like the whole thing was gratuitous to the point of being pointless.

Leia's ship:  This is a tough one.  The ending sequence with Vader going nuts and killing everyone, and literally having the data tapes be just inches away and almost in his hands was perhaps THE best scene in the entire Star Wars franchise.  So just having that scene pretty much makes everything else forgivable.  And in a way, they were sort of boxed in with what they could do with Leia's ship because of Ep. IV and a lot of the dramatic setup of the battle of Scarif.  Ep. IV established that Vader knew the plans had been beamed to the rebels and traced to her ship.  The way the battle unfolded, they had to beam it to a ship close to the planet's surface, and not somewhere halfway across the galaxy.  And if it was beamed to a ship close by, and then a copy beamed away, that would have been lame.  So they had to have the ship there.  But having Leia there was lame and didn't work, for at least a couple of reasons:  (1)  There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that you would put a diplomat and noncombat royal official in the middle of an intense combat mission.  None.  It doesn't make any sense at all to have her there.  (2)  Having her there and having Vader know she was there makes her argument to him at the beginning of Ep. IV that they were on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan, and that she had no idea what he was talking about, just ring completely hollow and stupid.  I mean, of course she was not being truthful with Vader.  But at least in Ep. IV, it came across as, "Yeah, we may both know the truth, but you have absolutely no hard evidence that I am a rebel and that the plans were here, so I'm going to deny it."  Now, that goes away, and her argument just looks stupid.  And since Leia is decidedly NOT stupid, this just feels like a continuity error that they created by not figuring out a better way to handle getting the plans to her ship.  I dunno.  Maybe this will work itself out and not bother me as much later after seeing it again.  But as of now, that is THE biggest gripe I have that bothers me about the film.

Otherwise, I thought it was great.  I had such low expectations leading up to this film.  I wasn't really interested in seeing HOW the plans got stolen.  Part of that was because, as we learned with the prequels, revealing and explaining too much of what "happened" in the past can sometimes actually do damage to the story instead of just leaving it to our imaginations.  And part of it is that it was going to undo a perfectly good story of Kyle Katarn stealing them, which I didn't really want to see undone.  But that all changed once I saw the first trailer, and I got genuinely excited about seeing this film.  It didn't let me down.

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Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4518 on: January 03, 2017, 10:49:56 AM »
I mentioned elsewhere that C3PO and R2D2 showing up for 2 seconds was stupid and someone replied

" :angry: Um NO...They're in Episode 4 so OF COURSE they're going to be in it...."

Ok So why no Han Solo or Chewie ? They're also in Episode 4 ? Why don't we see what they're up to ?

Or Ben Kenobi ?

Rich Evans is right. Star Wars is very small and very limited. People just want the same thing every time.

Offline bosk1

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4519 on: January 03, 2017, 10:56:39 AM »
I mentioned elsewhere that C3PO and R2D2 showing up for 2 seconds was stupid and someone replied

" :angry: Um NO...They're in Episode 4 so OF COURSE they're going to be in it...."

Ok So why no Han Solo or Chewie ? They're also in Episode 4 ? Why don't we see what they're up to ?

Or Ben Kenobi ? 

Because the droids would necessarily have been present for some of the events that took place in this movie.  They were on that ship at the beginning of Ep. IV that was the landing place for the plans that were the object of Rogue One, so it makes sense to have them show up in this film.  There is no valid reason any of the other characters you mean had to be in it.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4520 on: January 03, 2017, 11:00:01 AM »
I mean, for Tarkin, for example, couldn't they have used a body double with makeup and prosthetics, and used CGI on the face simply to enhance?
I was of the understanding that this is exactly what they did (well, body double, with just CGI of the face). I'm surprised some people aren't keen on it - while not perfect, Tarkin was the best CGI of a human I have ever seen. Leia less so, but hers was only a brief cameo to set up Episode IV, so that doesn't bother me. But I honestly loved what they did with Tarkin.

EDIT: If anyone knows of better human CGI they could link to, I would be quite happy to have my mind blown.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4521 on: January 03, 2017, 11:09:08 AM »
I mean, for Tarkin, for example, couldn't they have used a body double with makeup and prosthetics, and used CGI on the face simply to enhance?
I was of the understanding that this is exactly what they did (well, body double, with just CGI of the face). I'm surprised some people aren't keen on it - while not perfect, Tarkin was the best CGI of a human I have ever seen. Leia less so, but hers was only a brief cameo to set up Episode IV, so that doesn't bother me. But I honestly loved what they did with Tarkin.

Really?  Because in some of the earlier scenes with him, his movements when he walked seemed clunky and reminded me of the T1000.  Again, maybe I just overreacted to it, but it just seemed off to me, to the point where I just assumed they fully animated the entire character and plopped him into the film. 
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4522 on: January 03, 2017, 11:20:15 AM »
I mean, for Tarkin, for example, couldn't they have used a body double with makeup and prosthetics, and used CGI on the face simply to enhance?
I was of the understanding that this is exactly what they did (well, body double, with just CGI of the face). I'm surprised some people aren't keen on it - while not perfect, Tarkin was the best CGI of a human I have ever seen. Leia less so, but hers was only a brief cameo to set up Episode IV, so that doesn't bother me. But I honestly loved what they did with Tarkin.

Really?  Because in some of the earlier scenes with him, his movements when he walked seemed clunky and reminded me of the T1000.  Again, maybe I just overreacted to it, but it just seemed off to me, to the point where I just assumed they fully animated the entire character and plopped him into the film. 
Yeah a British actor called Guy Henry. I think it was all motion-capture.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4523 on: January 03, 2017, 11:28:07 AM »
Wow, really??  I loved the first half.  I felt that it set up the second half so beautifully and really added a lot of dimension to the Star Wars universe as a whole. 
The first half was definitely the weak point for me. There were just so many hard jumps from location to location to location that it came across as very tedious to me. There was no flow.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4524 on: January 03, 2017, 11:28:34 AM »
I mean, for Tarkin, for example, couldn't they have used a body double with makeup and prosthetics, and used CGI on the face simply to enhance?
I was of the understanding that this is exactly what they did (well, body double, with just CGI of the face). I'm surprised some people aren't keen on it - while not perfect, Tarkin was the best CGI of a human I have ever seen. Leia less so, but hers was only a brief cameo to set up Episode IV, so that doesn't bother me. But I honestly loved what they did with Tarkin.

Really?  Because in some of the earlier scenes with him, his movements when he walked seemed clunky and reminded me of the T1000.  Again, maybe I just overreacted to it, but it just seemed off to me, to the point where I just assumed they fully animated the entire character and plopped him into the film. 
Yeah a British actor called Guy Henry. I think it was all motion-capture.

It was motion-capture.  They Gollum'd him, and Leia too.  There was a stand-in actress of Leia with motion-capture dots on her face, etc.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4525 on: January 03, 2017, 11:30:33 AM »
Oh, didn't realize that.  Well, again, I'm not going to metaphorically pound the table and insist that my perception is objectively correct.  I know how subjective that can all be.  It just didn't look right to me, that's all. 
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4526 on: January 03, 2017, 11:49:20 AM »
Oh, didn't realize that.  Well, again, I'm not going to metaphorically pound the table and insist that my perception is objectively correct.  I know how subjective that can all be.  It just didn't look right to me, that's all. 
With the facial animations, me too a little (nothing about his body movements stood out to me - Cushing himself cast a fairly stiff gait in the role after all) but it was still hugely impressive. Knowing that it was CGI, it still wasn't quite there, but ultimately it's so good that a lot of people (my brother included, who I saw the film) didn't realise until I pointed it out.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4527 on: January 03, 2017, 12:08:44 PM »
I was just watching an English quiz show (QI) and someone on the panel just happened to mention something Star Wars related and the crowd CHEERED AND APPLAUDED.

It wasn't even the correct answer to a question - they just mentioned it out of the blue.

Gods sake. They're just films. Get a grip.

I maintain that SW fans are far far more nerdy than Star Trek fans. I don't think anyone camped outside a cinema for a week to see the latest Star Trek movie.
Just caught up on this QI episode, and it wasn't "out of the blue" at all. Literally half a minute earlier Cariad Lloyd had meant to say dromedary (a type of camel) and said Dromedon, which David Baddiel said was from Star Wars (a quick google tells me it's actually from Transformers, so shame on Baddiel for mixing up his geek trivia :lol ). So her Tattooine comment (and other related jokes after that) was in reference to that. Which you'd know if you'd been paying attention. :P

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4528 on: January 03, 2017, 12:23:56 PM »
The audience CHEERED and APPLAUDED at a slight Star Wars reference.

How fucking sad can you get?

Some people actually can't believe it when you tell them you're not into Star Wars....

I watch them as sci-fi/fantasy films. nothing more. It's a religion to some people.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4529 on: January 03, 2017, 12:31:02 PM »
Kotowboy, one of these days, you might actually understand that some people like things.  I know you hate everything, but some people like things, and they like hearing about them, and they are pleased when there's a reference to something they like.  They reacted accordingly.  You might find it sad, but it's actually pretty normal.  Hating everything and trying to tear everything down is what most people would consider sad.

Oh, didn't realize that.  Well, again, I'm not going to metaphorically pound the table and insist that my perception is objectively correct.  I know how subjective that can all be.  It just didn't look right to me, that's all. 
With the facial animations, me too a little (nothing about his body movements stood out to me - Cushing himself cast a fairly stiff gait in the role after all) but it was still hugely impressive. Knowing that it was CGI, it still wasn't quite there, but ultimately it's so good that a lot of people (my brother included, who I saw the film) didn't realise until I pointed it out.

My wife said after that the guy they'd gotten to do Tarkin was great.  Looked just like Peter Cushing.  But the Leia person wasn't as good.  She didn't realize that it was CGI at all.

I knew that they'd Gollum'd him and I was still impressed.  Didn't take me out of the story at all.  I was pretty impressed with the whole backstory between how Krennic had actually gotten the Death Star made, and Governor Tarkin basically usurped him, killed him, and took the credit.  Nicely done.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4530 on: January 03, 2017, 12:32:54 PM »
Kotowboy, one of these days, you might actually understand that some people like things.  I know you hate everything, but some people like things, and they like hearing about them, and they are pleased when there's a reference to something they like.  They reacted accordingly.  You might find it sad, but it's actually pretty normal.  Hating everything and trying to tear everything down is what most people would consider sad.

Sleeping outside a cinema for a week then worshipping the ground when you get in is beyond " liking something ".

Also - as they say on HITB - a reference is not a joke. It's just a reference. Maybe if she'd said something clever or funny... But she literally just said " tattooine " and everyone applauded and cheered.

I also don't hate Star Wars. i think the first three and the most recent two are fine films. I just don't understand the global obsession with it.

[ see also - football ].

English actor Guy Henry was Tarkin. I thought he looked better than Leia - who looked no better than a cartoon. IMO she should have stayed with her back to the camera.

Seeing her plastic digital face added nothing to the film. You know who it was supposed to be from the back.

We've still got a long way to go before we have 100% believable Digital Actors. BUT - it's a huge step up from CG Jeff Bridges on Tron Legacy ( a fine film ).

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4531 on: January 03, 2017, 12:39:54 PM »
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with liking things that much. If you want to clap because you saw something in the movie that brought back great memories, that's great! (Though I will admit that I think the porno theater analogy Stoklasa brought up is incredibly apt.)

I just don't think that you can mask over the problems and lack of substance in R1 with all the fan service moments. When there's little else to fall back on to get an emotional reaction, the bits of fan service that'd otherwise be fine in another movie (like TFA), in R1 they come across as desperate even if they weren't intended to be that way.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4532 on: January 03, 2017, 12:40:17 PM »
The audience CHEERED and APPLAUDED at a slight Star Wars reference.

How fucking sad can you get?

Some people actually can't believe it when you tell them you're not into Star Wars....

I watch them as sci-fi/fantasy films. nothing more. It's a religion to some people.
1. Good for you.

2. As I literally just explained, they weren't applauding the fact that it was a Star Wars reference (otherwise they would have done that for Baddiel who first mentioned Star Wars) - they were cheering call backs to a previous joke, which happens all the time on QI.

Sometimes I think you're just looking for things to be annoyed about.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4533 on: January 03, 2017, 12:42:15 PM »
Though I will admit that I think the porno theater analogy Stoklasa brought up is incredibly apt.)

Yeah that was funny. :lol

I live in a small town with a small cinema so it was just local people and not a cinema full of bearded SW nerds in SW regalia :biggrin:

HAHA that actually reminds me. I went to the same cinema to see Force Awakens on opening night and when Rey says

" The Millennium Falcon made the kessel run in 10 parsecs! " - someone in the crowd in my cinema shouted TWELVE!

:rollin I snickered

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4534 on: January 03, 2017, 12:43:48 PM »
Sometimes I think you're just looking for things to be annoyed about.



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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4535 on: January 03, 2017, 12:44:23 PM »

Sometimes I think you're just looking for things to be annoyed about.

Let's not bicker and argue about whoooose killed whooo ! This is supposed to be a HAPPY occasion !

Can't we all just agree that the prequels are bantha doo doo ?

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4536 on: January 03, 2017, 12:44:44 PM »
Sometimes I think you're just looking for things to be annoyed about.




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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4537 on: January 03, 2017, 01:06:10 PM »
Oh, didn't realize that.  Well, again, I'm not going to metaphorically pound the table and insist that my perception is objectively correct.  I know how subjective that can all be.  It just didn't look right to me, that's all. 
With the facial animations, me too a little (nothing about his body movements stood out to me - Cushing himself cast a fairly stiff gait in the role after all) but it was still hugely impressive. Knowing that it was CGI, it still wasn't quite there, but ultimately it's so good that a lot of people (my brother included, who I saw the film) didn't realise until I pointed it out.

My wife said after that the guy they'd gotten to do Tarkin was great.  Looked just like Peter Cushing.  But the Leia person wasn't as good.  She didn't realize that it was CGI at all.

I knew that they'd Gollum'd him and I was still impressed.  Didn't take me out of the story at all.  I was pretty impressed with the whole backstory between how Krennic had actually gotten the Death Star made, and Governor Tarkin basically usurped him, killed him, and took the credit.  Nicely done.

Good to hear.  And I actually find it pretty valuable to hear others' perspective on stuff like that.  It's interesting to me how differently those effects can register on different people.  We had a OT marathon on New Years Eve with some friends who hadn't seen them in a long time, and had some interesting discussions about some of the different visual technology.  Part of that revolved around how they couldn't believe how crisp and immersive the films looked on our TV.  We were watching the DVD editions on a Blu Ray player and 4-5 year old HD tv.  Pretty good technology, but not the best out there.  And, yeah, it did look pretty amazing, especially when you consider how long ago those films were shot.  But we also got talking about how differently the eye perceives things.  They have an old projection tv, so they aren't used to watching things in HD, and were commenting on how different it looks.  I remember thinking the same thing back when we first got our HD tv.  It isn't just the crispness of the picture.  It is the depth.  It is the movement.  EVERYTHING looks different, and it can mess with your mind and make it all look artificial.  But then, I noticed that not long after we got it and had watched a few things, my eyes/mind had adapted, and it all looked perfectly normal to me.  Even when going back and forth between low-def TV's and our HD tv, it no longer looked strange and my mind had learned to compensate for whatever looked off.  We were then talking with them and another group of friends on Sunday about how the newer 4k TV's look so different, and our other friends mentioned how it takes them out of the experience. 

Anyhow, my point in all of that is simply that I think some of it may just have to do with how trained one's mind/eye is.  We probably perceive the CGI stuff differently based on how exposed we are to it similar to what I mentioned with various stages of HD effects.  I think it is also kind of similar to how the first Hobbit film experimented with shooting at that higher frame rate a few years back, and some reacted very adversely to that at first as well.  It's interesting to me how that all works.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4538 on: January 03, 2017, 01:16:29 PM »
I actually thought Tarkin looked pretty decent. Still CG but pretty darn good.

My 13 yr old brother who i took to see it with me went " he's animated " :lol

I guess he watches a lot more cartoons than I do :lol

But Young Leia looked terrible.


Also - if Disney® ever release the OT cleaned up Theatrical Blu Rays - i'll probably get them. I don't own a single Star Wars movie but I may get TFA on BR for the extra features.

I love extensive Behind The Scenes and making ofs / video diaries etc.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4539 on: January 03, 2017, 01:24:43 PM »
I agree about Tarkin was better looking than Leia but I wonder if since we figured out the CGI for Tarkin when we saw Leia, we anticipated the CGI and it looked worse.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4540 on: January 03, 2017, 01:28:46 PM »
Tarkin was always in shadow / low light so the darkness obfuscated it a bit.

Leia was in a brightly lit room and in full face so it revealed the shortcomings.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4541 on: January 03, 2017, 01:34:04 PM »
So the moral of the story is, "Evil wins the CGI war". :lol
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4542 on: January 03, 2017, 01:41:40 PM »
:lol  Well, coming back to Leia, any thoughts on this?
Leia's ship:  This is a tough one.  The ending sequence with Vader going nuts and killing everyone, and literally having the data tapes be just inches away and almost in his hands was perhaps THE best scene in the entire Star Wars franchise.  So just having that scene pretty much makes everything else forgivable.  And in a way, they were sort of boxed in with what they could do with Leia's ship because of Ep. IV and a lot of the dramatic setup of the battle of Scarif.  Ep. IV established that Vader knew the plans had been beamed to the rebels and traced to her ship.  The way the battle unfolded, they had to beam it to a ship close to the planet's surface, and not somewhere halfway across the galaxy.  And if it was beamed to a ship close by, and then a copy beamed away, that would have been lame.  So they had to have the ship there.  But having Leia there was lame and didn't work, for at least a couple of reasons:  (1)  There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that you would put a diplomat and noncombat royal official in the middle of an intense combat mission.  None.  It doesn't make any sense at all to have her there.  (2)  Having her there and having Vader know she was there makes her argument to him at the beginning of Ep. IV that they were on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan, and that she had no idea what he was talking about, just ring completely hollow and stupid.  I mean, of course she was not being truthful with Vader.  But at least in Ep. IV, it came across as, "Yeah, we may both know the truth, but you have absolutely no hard evidence that I am a rebel and that the plans were here, so I'm going to deny it."  Now, that goes away, and her argument just looks stupid.  And since Leia is decidedly NOT stupid, this just feels like a continuity error that they created by not figuring out a better way to handle getting the plans to her ship.  I dunno.  Maybe this will work itself out and not bother me as much later after seeing it again.  But as of now, that is THE biggest gripe I have that bothers me about the film.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4543 on: January 03, 2017, 01:45:34 PM »
The only part of that I can comment on right now is the idea that Vador just saw the ship leave and therefore Leia pretending it wasn't her is dumb etc.

I would argue that Vader didn't necessarily know it was her ship. Those ships were pretty common and often used by diplomats and other things. It would be like seeing an X-Wing take off. You know it's an X-Wing, but you have no idea which one it is. Might take a while to figure that out. It's possible Darth took a while to figure out which cruiser was the one that escaped. Not like they had license plates.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4544 on: January 03, 2017, 01:52:57 PM »
Also, unrelated, but here's another thing I felt this film did really well (actually, two things, but they are very closely interrelated):  Perhaps more than any other film, Rogue One really made me feel like the events in the Star Wars universe are taking place in a larger galaxy that populated by many different types of beings on many different types of worlds.  I mean, that idea was put forth from the get-go in A New Hope.  But I actually felt that a lot more in this film.  The prequel trilogy actually did a lot to set this up as well.  Actually, I'll go beyond that and say that the Prequel Trilogy did a great job of expanding the Star Wars "universe" and given some scale to it all.

Related to that, Rogue One really made me feel like the Rebellion was truly a "rebellion" in the truest sense, in terms of being a minority group rebelling against a huge government machine.  I also thought it was great that they showed how splintered and divided the rebellion was.  Some really good stuff going on there.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4545 on: January 03, 2017, 01:58:20 PM »
I actually thought there was too much world hopping at the start. I'm not familiar with the SW universe so i'd never heard of any of those planets except Yavin 4 - and I only recognised

the name from a HITB video.

It was hard to keep track. But that was just me. I don't know if it was easier for actual SW fans...

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4546 on: January 03, 2017, 02:01:59 PM »
I agree Bosk1.  It was nice to see a wider view of the galaxy as well as seeing how spread out the rebellion was.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4547 on: January 03, 2017, 02:05:53 PM »
I actually thought there was too much world hopping at the start. I'm not familiar with the SW universe so i'd never heard of any of those planets except Yavin 4 - and I only recognised

the name from a HITB video.

It was hard to keep track. But that was just me. I don't know if it was easier for actual SW fans...

No, it wasn't any easier.  Those were all new places that hadn't been introduced before.  But it didn't bother me either.  I never felt like they were hopping to a given place for no reason or just to be gratuitous (other than maybe Vader's castle).  It all felt logical.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4548 on: January 03, 2017, 02:06:17 PM »
I actually thought there was too much world hopping at the start. I'm not familiar with the SW universe so i'd never heard of any of those planets except Yavin 4 - and I only recognised

the name from a HITB video.

It was hard to keep track. But that was just me. I don't know if it was easier for actual SW fans...

It wasn't. The opening 30-whatever minutes of the movie are definetely too jumpy.

The only part of that I can comment on right now is the idea that Vador just saw the ship leave and therefore Leia pretending it wasn't her is dumb etc.

I would argue that Vader didn't necessarily know it was her ship. Those ships were pretty common and often used by diplomats and other things. It would be like seeing an X-Wing take off. You know it's an X-Wing, but you have no idea which one it is. Might take a while to figure that out. It's possible Darth took a while to figure out which cruiser was the one that escaped. Not like they had license plates.

This is probably my take on it too. Vader saw a ship take off and jump to light speed. It's really hard to track something down once it's made the hyperspace jump, usually in Star Wars it seems to basically mean that you've successfully escaped. I don't know how Vader caught up to the ship again, but I figured that by that point, pretending like she didn't know what Vader was talking about and that they had the wrong ship was the only move she could make.

Basically them shooting the crap out of each other in the A New Hope opening was the dumb move. If they were to play the "we're just diplomats" card they should have made it seem like they were cooperating with the Empire and get the plans out some other way, or maybe the same way. So in my mind, the logic is already a bit broken in the original movie.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4549 on: January 03, 2017, 02:06:52 PM »
Righto. Well speaking for myself - I had trouble staying engaged with each new planet that was introduced.