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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4235 on: December 18, 2016, 03:41:18 AM »
The droid was an exception because his death was really well done
That was one of my nitpicks.  Not that K2SO had a bad death, but that the Death Troopers did.

I didn't like that Cassian (essentially a stationary target) was able to outgun the Death Troopers (but not Krennic).  It might have been more interesting if K2SO's ending gambit wasn't with a bunch of stormtroopers, but the Death Troopers.  They essentially sacrifice each other.  The Death Troopers went all Storm when it counted.

The Death Troopers were very interesting with their dialogue.  It took me back to when I was a kid and wasn't sure if the Stormtroopers were human or alien under the mask.

but most of the other ones, I didn't really learn enough about them to get emotionally invested. I think Jyn was given a decent amount of backstory and worked, but compared to TFA where all the new characters were really good and the standouts of the film, R1 didn't deliver on the same level IMO.
I'm really not seeing this.

Finn was somebody that left the First Order because it was the right thing to do.  Actually, he admitted he just needed a ride.  But for some reason, Poe decided Finn (despite showing no reason to trust him, in fact the opposite) made him his best friend, told him where the vital map was, then abandoned him to finish up his mission .....

Rey admonishes Finn for running away (despite wanting to run back to Jakku herself) and then about 5 to 10 minutes later, runs away herself.

Kylo Ben - was Rey the X-Men Rogue, stealing his power as he went from awesome to chump.  Unlike Vader that went evil in a misled attempt to protect his family, Rey went evil to spite it?

Finn doesn't want to go to SKB to stop it, but again, because he needed a ride to Rey.  So I guess his character was to run unless he gets a chubby?  Oh, and he screws everything up and is constantly lying.

Finn that could have had a redemptive death, somehow survives a spine severing lightsaber slash (the same lightsaber that killed Lor with one slash).  Rey that took a saber shot to the head (and thensome).  The same saber that beheaded Dooku.

Meanwhile Bodhi has to witness the rape of Jedha as an imperial Cargo pilot and decides he has to make amends.  He isn't met with open arms, but, as somebody fighting the Empire would be, paranoia.  Just awesome development.  He isn't sure if he's going to save the day or be killed by his "new friends".  His new friends aren't sure if he brings help or an assassination plot.

Gaelen - the prisoner scientist that will gladly die for his fellow scientists, but won't let his family die for him.
Krennic - the sociopath that will smile in your face and stab you in the back (surrounded by the same)
Chirrut - the Guardian of the Whills that lost his mission, but not his beliefs
Baze - the Han Solo that doesn't believe in that ancient religion, but believes in his friend.  His Luke (or even his Chewbacca)
Saw - the rebel turned terrorist turned paranoid
Cassian - the rebel motivated by revenge that is willing to accept war for what it is
Jyn - the abandoned turned terrorist turned rebel motivated by family and then onto a larger cause
Vader - the future redemption without his reason to be redeemed revealed
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4236 on: December 18, 2016, 04:05:37 AM »
I am totally down with more offshoot, individual story films in the future.

What individual stories would interest you most.  The Han Solo story?  I like the AC Crispin Han Solo trilogy.  One of the few Star Wars books I honestly liked.  So there is a lot to dive into with Han Solo.  Of course, there is a lot to mess up as well  :laugh:

Personally, I want to see the Vader between 3 and 4 (like R1, but way more).  There was an interesting dynamic set up in the original trilogy and expanded in the prequels about the Vader/Palpatine relationship.  Clearly, he doesn't like him and Palpatine wants to replace him (as he always does with his apprentices).  Darth Anakin talked about overthrowing Palpatine as early as Mustafar and continued on Bespin.  I'd love to see Vader go bad ass "out in the field" and get into a fight with the Emperor only to be handed his ass.  Maybe the Emperor finds out Vader is mentoring a secret apprentice and puts a stop to it and gives Vader "something to cry about".  That's the Starkiller theme.

I'd find it even more interesting if Vader discovers Palpatine's pre-Luke Vader replacement and we get the RotS / RotJ confrontation again ... but Vader (unlike Dooku, and different than Luke) takes out the apprentice, then continues on the Emperor.  After a beatdown (mainly due to Vader's weakness - his life support system), you see Vader start the Bacta treatments and ESB meditation chamber in an effort to be less reliant on the life support system for that one day he might need to finish the job despite the Emperor frying his support with ease.

I also thought the story of the Emperor partly creating the Empire because it was the fastest way to unify against a larger enemy in the Unknown Regions had possibilities.  Maybe episodes 6.3, 6.6 and 6.9 show the New Republic struggle against that enemy that forms an alliance with the First Order (Snoke) or possibly is not connected, but explains why the New Republic missed the construction of Starkiller base (preoccupied with another enemy).  Then, like Iraq, the New Republic is war fatigued and willing to just let the First Order do its thing as long as it doesn't affect them directly.

Some talk about the Old Old Old Republic.  For some reason, I liked that, but never quite connected with it the way I did the Repubic-Empire era.  Maybe that Star Wars story could change that.

I also like the idea of 3 dimensional chess, geopolitical adversaries or just plain old the enemy of my enemy (as long as they aren't friends with my enemy that is also an enemy of my enemy).  The messiness that each new *nation* brings.  Like each one is a bit that adds exponential possibilities.  Really explore that to a degree where we see the "home team" not view itself as evil, but support and ally with evil simply because "It's complicated".

Not sure I need to see the Kenobi story.  Probably lots of self love in his hermit cave and shooting the sh*t with Qui Gon ghost.  How else would you explain how out of practice he is in ANH?  Too much Netflix binging.
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Offline Logain Ablar

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4237 on: December 18, 2016, 04:51:24 AM »
A couple of things that occurred to me this morning: [Spoilers again]

1. Did we see Cassian kill the guy with the injured arm, just so he couldn't be captured, or slow Cassian's escape? Did I pick that up correctly, or was it a stray laser blast that killed him?

2. Friendly fire. It was the Alliance bombs that killed Galen. I don't think we've had that before in SW. I suppose it could be argued that it still wasn't clear to the Alliance command that Galen was working for than or against them.

I definitely want to see it again. I think my issue with the early pacing might be due to the fact that we're not used to seeing so much jumping around between locations in a SW movie. This mightn't be as bad on a second viewing.

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4238 on: December 18, 2016, 05:33:39 AM »
1. Did we see Cassian kill the guy with the injured arm, just so he couldn't be captured, or slow Cassian's escape? Did I pick that up correctly, or was it a stray laser blast that killed him?
That is an excellent question which, to me, highlights the amazing directing and framing.  I believe that was the EXACT initial feeling they were going for.  Shock and initial disbelief of what you just witnessed.  Not making it initially obvious, but obvious after some rationalization.

Cassian tried to calm him down, shot him, didn't blink or look for the "gunman", because he was the gun man.  Just like Yoda assured us "no.  Really.  Vader is his father." we are later brought in with more character development that, yes, this dude does things that aren't all heroic.  At least on the surface.  The only thing I would add is that he couldn't be allowed to be captured (it was clear he was going to be) because (a) he could give up Cassian's *agent* identity and (b) he could give up what he told him which would alert the Empire that "they're on to us and our Death Star plans.  Full lock down."

2. Friendly fire. It was the Alliance bombs that killed Galen. I don't think we've had that before in SW. I suppose it could be argued that it still wasn't clear to the Alliance command that Galen was working for than or against them.
Yup.  But what was more important as to whether Galen was "good or bad", but simply that his life was less valuable than the billions put at risk by his creation.  It didn't matter if Galen was a willing participant or a hostage.  It was a nice contrast to Cassian with essentially even more info than the bombers, yet was still willing to kill Galen until seeing Jyn put some humanity back in him.  Maybe he saw himself as a 6yo trying to save his parents.  At 6, it didn't matter if it was the Empire or some random thug that killed his parents.  Just that somebody killed his parents and he was going to get revenge.  Unlike Poe that doesn't even connect that he killed Finn's friend (or that Finn makes buddies with the killer of his best friend that sent him over the edge), Cassian connected that, yes, sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the few, but maybe discarding the few creates the many.  Or maybe he just couldn't stomach killing a father in front of his daughter.  It was his pivotal moment.  And neither the Rebel bombers nor Cassian were "more right".  That's why war is hell.  Every choice can feel like the wrong one.  The one that felt right, could turn out to be your biggest mistake.

This wasn't just a Star Wars film.  It did a great job of highlighting the ambiguity of war, good and evil.  Luckily, when the rebels win, they get to write the history books.  Just as the Empire was able to shape history of the Jedi to the Jedi's detriment.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4239 on: December 18, 2016, 06:43:51 AM »
<something something darkside spoilers>
As far as the "wide" galaxy in the beginning.  Well, STAR wars.

But here's the flipside.  We see Cassian appear on a planet that essentially is just a meeting place for one of his contacts.  If he met him on Scariff, Yavin 4 or Jedha, the complaint would be "what a convenient coincidence for such a large galaxy".  More importantly, it helped establish the wide reach of the Empire while also allowing Cassian's morally grey *rebellion* to gain very early establishment.

It also established that the rebellion was more than just a base on Yavin 4.  It demonstrated the factions of the rebellion / alliance / not friends of the Empire.  Erso wasn't sending the message to the alliance.

I understand why it was done, it was just done sloppily in my opinion.

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4240 on: December 18, 2016, 10:33:06 AM »
The Force Awakens opening weekend  = $530m

Rogue One opening Weekend = $290m

Are people not as excited about the spin offs?  It might even struggle to get to $1bn.  They can't rely on China as Force Awakens made $125m there.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4241 on: December 18, 2016, 11:42:16 AM »
The Force Awakens was the first Star Wars movie in a while and it also came out after a period of time where another Star Wars movie wasn't likely at all. First the prequels sucked and then Lucas basically said there wouldn't be more movies, but BOOM Disney bought it and the hype was massive. In contrast, Rogue One is "just" another Star Wars movie. They're never gonna reach the TFA level of hype again.

Offline faizoff

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4242 on: December 18, 2016, 11:44:44 AM »
I don't know if I'd expect Rogue one to open the same way The Force Awakens did. Circumstances were different for the two in many ways plus this was touted as a standalone movie with no continuing characters like the Skywalkers, Han Solo, etc..
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4243 on: December 18, 2016, 11:47:31 AM »
The Force Awakens opening weekend  = $530m

Rogue One opening Weekend = $290m

Are people not as excited about the spin offs?  It might even struggle to get to $1bn.  They can't rely on China as Force Awakens made $125m there.

Based on what I've read, Rogue One has met projections. The "small" gross compared to The Force Awakens was to be expected as nothing will ever be as anticipated as that movie, at least for the foreseeable future. Disney is thrilled thus far.
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Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4244 on: December 18, 2016, 12:45:20 PM »
I don't see Rogue making $1bn. 2nd weekend is never as good as the first. maybe 33% less at best ? 2nd w/e probably gonna be around $150 - $200m at best.

And then it will be even less 3rd week etc.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4245 on: December 18, 2016, 12:47:00 PM »
Yeah, TFA was easily the biggest cinema happening of this decade. Rogue One or the next two Episodes probably won't compete.

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4246 on: December 18, 2016, 12:53:55 PM »
At least we finally got a prequel that isn't complete and utter shite.

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4247 on: December 18, 2016, 01:19:37 PM »
I may have missed it, but why did Tarkin blow up the imperial base at the end with the death star. It looked like they were in the process of winning the battle as it was and why blow up the archive with all the empire's engineering blueprints and plans?

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4248 on: December 18, 2016, 01:44:33 PM »
Maybe a desperate attempt to stop the rebels getting the plans ?

It almost worked...

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4249 on: December 18, 2016, 02:25:36 PM »
Yeah, I was thinking that as well. Just a last ditch effort to stop them at all costs. Made for one hell of a cool shot, with the explosion in the background and everything.

Offline masterthes

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4250 on: December 18, 2016, 03:50:30 PM »
One thing I was a bit disappointed was how come they didn't use Akhbar in the movie? Fans would have loved it

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4251 on: December 18, 2016, 04:24:42 PM »
Too much fan service...

R2 & 3PO were already shoehorned in for 2 seconds. . .

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4252 on: December 18, 2016, 04:33:23 PM »
Too much fan service...

R2 & 3PO were already shoehorned in for 2 seconds. . .

You must really loathe The Force Awakens then  :lol  I thought the police were going to raid the theater at any minute during TFA for the Happy Ending service being provided to the *fans*.

This dude got an illegal copy of TFA for his first viewing.

R2 & 3PO were about to be a big part of the Rebel Blockade Runner's mission.  It only makes sense that they would be visible right as the fleet was gearing up to go into battle.
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4253 on: December 18, 2016, 06:24:37 PM »


Just started listening, but it sounds like Smith is loving it.  I know he's a big SW fan, but I don't live and die by his take.  On the other hand, I honestly find the Red Letter Media stuff pure hackery.
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4254 on: December 18, 2016, 07:26:45 PM »
Well, that didn't take long.

We had the Finn / Poe "are they gay?" question.  Now we have the Chirrut / Baze "they must be gay" comments.

I actually find it bordering on homophobic offensive to always draw the conclusion of two guys being gay because they have a bond.  Judging by the criteria used to determine this supposed gay relationship, it must have meant Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had a lover's inside joke when one called for "saber practice".  Was gay love outlawed in a GFFA that they had to hide it the way Anakin had to hide his marriage?

Sheesh.  Are we really going to have a decade of "spot the gay couple" like its the new "Where's Waldo?"  Will we have an era of "gayploitation" films that seem *progressive* at first only to be viewed with shame by the next generation?  Let's hope not.
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4255 on: December 18, 2016, 08:06:24 PM »
Vader kicks butt in Rogue One scene

Only watch and enjoy if you've already watched Rogue One in the theater.

Somebody send Kylo Ren this link with the message "watch and learn poser."

Rogue One is shaping up to be top tier for me.  Somebody just start the sequel trilogy over with whatever combination of people made this movie.  The Force Awakens can go the way of the Holiday Special.

Just kidding of course.  I enjoyed TFA.  My ultimate ranking will depend on how 8 and 9 work with it.
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4256 on: December 18, 2016, 09:52:28 PM »
Well, that didn't take long.

We had the Finn / Poe "are they gay?" question.  Now we have the Chirrut / Baze "they must be gay" comments.

I actually find it bordering on homophobic offensive to always draw the conclusion of two guys being gay because they have a bond.  Judging by the criteria used to determine this supposed gay relationship, it must have meant Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had a lover's inside joke when one called for "saber practice".  Was gay love outlawed in a GFFA that they had to hide it the way Anakin had to hide his marriage?

Sheesh.  Are we really going to have a decade of "spot the gay couple" like its the new "Where's Waldo?"  Will we have an era of "gayploitation" films that seem *progressive* at first only to be viewed with shame by the next generation?  Let's hope not.

As a gay man, I don't find it too offensive to try to find gay couples in movies. I do it too, and it's out of curiosity of whether or not such a big-name company will do something like that, in a world that's still not completely on board with gay marriage yet. Gay people are often the butt of jokes in movies of the past decade or so, it'd be nice to see a gay relationship in a movie that feels... normal. (there's a cartoon called steven universe that pretty much has the perfect example of "normal" gay relationships. watch it or something)
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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4257 on: December 18, 2016, 10:29:27 PM »
Finally saw it, no way I'm reading everything you guys posted thus far. Man, some of you write long posts.


I loved it. Yes, the pacing of the first bit is very odd. Going from one planet to the other was a bit jarring. Minus that, I loved it. I avoided spoilers, so I was really surprised by a lot it. Yes, it had some fanfare, like Tarkin, R2 and 3PO and what not, but that's not why it works.

It was so well directed and surprisingly well written. I think that's what makes it better than TFA to me. It's better written. Sure, it's not as huge or fun as TFA, but it's much more tightly written and well done by everyone.

They made us care (to some degree) about not just the main characters, but even the random pilots we only saw for 5 seconds. Just really felt the depth of the universe.

And Leia at the end, holy crap have we come that far?

Also......what was Vader doing when we first see him? Is he usually in a tank of stuff?

Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4258 on: December 18, 2016, 10:57:09 PM »
Well, that didn't take long.

We had the Finn / Poe "are they gay?" question.  Now we have the Chirrut / Baze "they must be gay" comments.

I actually find it bordering on homophobic offensive to always draw the conclusion of two guys being gay because they have a bond.  Judging by the criteria used to determine this supposed gay relationship, it must have meant Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had a lover's inside joke when one called for "saber practice".  Was gay love outlawed in a GFFA that they had to hide it the way Anakin had to hide his marriage?

Sheesh.  Are we really going to have a decade of "spot the gay couple" like its the new "Where's Waldo?"  Will we have an era of "gayploitation" films that seem *progressive* at first only to be viewed with shame by the next generation?  Let's hope not.

As a gay man, I don't find it too offensive to try to find gay couples in movies. I do it too, and it's out of curiosity of whether or not such a big-name company will do something like that, in a world that's still not completely on board with gay marriage yet. Gay people are often the butt of jokes in movies of the past decade or so, it'd be nice to see a gay relationship in a movie that feels... normal. (there's a cartoon called steven universe that pretty much has the perfect example of "normal" gay relationships. watch it or something)

I'm all for including more gay characters in media, but I agree that forcing it either by the creators or the viewers is not the best approach long term, even though their intentions may be good. Don't get me wrong, I think being represented is very important, but if you force it too hard like that, it can have a negative impact.
Luckily I see increasingly more shows/movies where they do it right, but I also find it annoying when people are trying to find it where it doesn't exist. I can only imagine what people would think of some of the '80s Stallone and Arnie movies. :neverusethis:

I've actually seen some Star Wars fans who think there's some ulterior feminist motive having female leads for two movies in a row (Rey and Jyn Erso), and reacted badly. I think it's total BS that something so benign and still so far from equality is even questioned, but hey, that's people for you. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to take time.
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Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4259 on: December 18, 2016, 11:02:18 PM »
Finally saw it, no way I'm reading everything you guys posted thus far. Man, some of you write long posts.


I loved it. Yes, the pacing of the first bit is very odd. Going from one planet to the other was a bit jarring. Minus that, I loved it. I avoided spoilers, so I was really surprised by a lot it. Yes, it had some fanfare, like Tarkin, R2 and 3PO and what not, but that's not why it works.

It was so well directed and surprisingly well written. I think that's what makes it better than TFA to me. It's better written. Sure, it's not as huge or fun as TFA, but it's much more tightly written and well done by everyone.

They made us care (to some degree) about not just the main characters, but even the random pilots we only saw for 5 seconds. Just really felt the depth of the universe.

And Leia at the end, holy crap have we come that far?

Also......what was Vader doing when we first see him? Is he usually in a tank of stuff?

I agree with it being better than TFA for that reason. TFA was definitely the more fun movie, but I think the writing in Rogue One made a lot more sense, and was a better standalone story. That said, TFA had to accomplish a lot more in the same run time as Rogue One, so Rogue One had it easier there.
I thought Tarkin was done a bit better than Leia. Neither was entirely convincing, but Leia stuck out a bit more to me. I still love that they were ambitious enough to do it, and I want to see more of it in future anthology movies.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4260 on: December 18, 2016, 11:03:34 PM »
After watching it again, I think what didn't sit as well with Leia wasn't necessarily her CG, but her audio.
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4261 on: December 18, 2016, 11:04:31 PM »
Also......what was Vader doing when we first see him? Is he usually in a tank of stuff?

Bacta tank like Luke in Empire after the Wampa messes him up.  No movie has had that for Vader until this one.  But Empire did introduce his meditation chamber where he practiced trying to survive without his life support system in a controlled environment.
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Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4262 on: December 18, 2016, 11:05:49 PM »
After watching it again, I think what didn't sit as well with Leia wasn't necessarily her CG, but her audio.

The audio went by so quickly that I didn't pay too close attention, but I found the vocal delivery and motion to be not very convincingly Leia. I think it was a bit too uplifting and positive. I guess they needed that at the end of the movie, but I think it was a bit too overdone.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4263 on: December 18, 2016, 11:18:14 PM »
I've actually seen some Star Wars fans who think there's some ulterior feminist motive having female leads for two movies in a row (Rey and Jyn Erso), and reacted badly. I think it's total BS that something so benign and still so far from equality is even questioned, but hey, that's people for you. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to take time.

Unfortunately on that front, the original writers (not the reshoot/rewrite dude) said that was actually what they were going for.  So it can't be called reading into something that isn't there when the actual writers say that was the intent.

Quite frankly, I hope those original writers had something in their contract that gave them a huge fine for something like that.  They may have cost Rogue One some gross income with those stupid comments.  I don't like what the writers said, but I'm not the boycotting type.  I just want to see Star Wars, so I did.

Just to be clear, the writers said the Empire represents white supremacist and the rebels were the diverse group with a strong female leading them to stop them.  Yeah.  Way to throw crap where crap didn't need to be thrown.  In the end, I think those writers were just throwing a tantrum over the election results.  The diversity is there but I really think it is simply a Disney directive to create as many toy purchasers as possible by giving every kid a "that's me" character.  Kind of stupid to think all characters have to offer is their skin color.  I enjoy seeing any kid wanting to be Finn, Cassian, K2SO or even Vader/Kylo Ren.

Ask me the original trilogy Kevin Smith joke of "did you know 'black' Vader voice was going to be a 'crusty' old white dude underneath the mask?"  when I was nine and I would have responded "I don't even know what you are talking about.  The ewoks were awesome and I'm going to be Vader for Halloween."  Thankfully, my mom talked me out of going as Lando ala Ted Danson.
Political discussion post-election = pointless.
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Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4264 on: December 18, 2016, 11:23:20 PM »
After watching it again, I think what didn't sit as well with Leia wasn't necessarily her CG, but her audio.

The audio went by so quickly that I didn't pay too close attention, but I found the vocal delivery and motion to be not very convincingly Leia. I think it was a bit too uplifting and positive. I guess they needed that at the end of the movie, but I think it was a bit too overdone.

I'd say the scene was somewhat unnecessary, but you might want to look at it from an eight year old view that might see A New Hope after Rogue One instead of before.  They might get confused as to how she ended up with the plans if they didn't see it with their own eyes.  Overall, it didn't take away from the movie so I keep it in the *nitpick* category (for me).

Not that it is vital, but I thought it was a nice touch that all black Vader was introduced next to a bunch of predominantly white stormtroopers, but predominantly white Krennic was introduced next to a bunch of all black Death Troopers.  It's those little things.
Political discussion post-election = pointless.
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Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4265 on: December 18, 2016, 11:33:16 PM »
I've actually seen some Star Wars fans who think there's some ulterior feminist motive having female leads for two movies in a row (Rey and Jyn Erso), and reacted badly. I think it's total BS that something so benign and still so far from equality is even questioned, but hey, that's people for you. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to take time.

Unfortunately on that front, the original writers (not the reshoot/rewrite dude) said that was actually what they were going for.  So it can't be called reading into something that isn't there when the actual writers say that was the intent.

I didn't mean it wasn't an intentional decision, but I think in terms of the final outcome, there's nothing to complain about imo, unless you're looking for it with that knowledge in mind influencing how you view it. It didn't affect the movie for me at all. All I saw was a good Star Wars movie.
I watched a video the other day showing a David Prowse interview from back in the day, where he was talking about Vader being big and black, so them choosing a black actor to do the voice over his natural voice, and how James Earl Jones had a good negro voice. It was so awkward. :lol

After watching it again, I think what didn't sit as well with Leia wasn't necessarily her CG, but her audio.

The audio went by so quickly that I didn't pay too close attention, but I found the vocal delivery and motion to be not very convincingly Leia. I think it was a bit too uplifting and positive. I guess they needed that at the end of the movie, but I think it was a bit too overdone.

I'd say the scene was somewhat unnecessary, but you might want to look at it from an eight year old view that might see A New Hope after Rogue One instead of before.  They might get confused as to how she ended up with the plans if they didn't see it with their own eyes.  Overall, it didn't take away from the movie so I keep it in the *nitpick* category (for me).

I liked the inclusion of it, and was hoping they did it as was rumoured, I think it was just the tone that didn't quite work for me, especially when it leads directly to Leia in the opening of ANH. It worked in the context of the movie though, and I also file it under nitpick.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4266 on: December 18, 2016, 11:46:46 PM »
I didn't mean it wasn't an intentional decision, but I think in terms of the final outcome, there's nothing to complain about imo,
Definitely agree there.  I consider it no different than the complaints about the Nemoidians being an Asian stereotype?  What stereotype is that?  I put all that crap I hear from both sides in their Star Wars movie race/gender wars outta my head when I watch the movie.

But then again, one of the imperial officers was played by Phil Anselmo so .....  white *whine*

I watched a video the other day showing a David Prowse interview from back in the day, where he was talking about Vader being big and black, so them choosing a black actor to do the voice over his natural voice, and how James Earl Jones had a good negro voice. It was so awkward. :lol
:rollin  That must be making the rounds because I just saw that as well.  And the Star Wars Holiday special with Grandpa Itchy doing the VR porn thing.  It is almost a guarantee I saw that special as a very young kid.  Maybe the reason I don't recall is my parents probably saw that scene and said "what is this crap" and forbid me from watching the rest.   :eek  It will probably come out in therapy one day as most have dealt with the Holiday special.

My kid experience of putting a face to Darth Vader was watching Conan the Barbarian a few years later.
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Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4267 on: December 18, 2016, 11:50:43 PM »
I only saw the Star Wars Holiday Special a year or two ago, and I don't recall it either. Must be something to do with repressing bad memories. :lol
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4268 on: December 19, 2016, 01:29:11 AM »
I can agree that the overall story of Rogue One beats TFA, at least now when we don't see the entire picture of the sequel trilogy yet, but the reason that I easily think TFA is the better movie is the characters. I remember walking out of TFA thinking "Rey was awesome!", and "I loved Kylo-Ren!", and "Poe was really cool!", and "Omg Han Solo was great!". Unfortunately, the only character I felt like that about after Rogue One was Darth Vader. Jyn was fine, Cassian was fine, K2 was a bit too on the nose with his constant humor, but otherwise fine. I liked Riz Ahmed's pilot, but it wasn't anything special.

What I remember from Rogue One will be the cool and very well done scenes, moments within the story. That's stuff I remember about TFA too, but the biggest thing I took away from that movie is the memory the great characters. You can put Rogue One's character's complexities in text all you like, but it doesn't change that I just didn't feel for them as strongly as I did TFA gang.

Offline Jester

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Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rogue One
« Reply #4269 on: December 19, 2016, 01:39:22 AM »
Now that Rogue One is out, this video is even funnier

The Death Star Architect Speaks Out
Political discussion post-election = pointless.
Nothing like getting a lecture on “what is and will happen” from the same people that just went 0 for 100 at bat during the election cycle.