Best Album

Started by 73109, August 20, 2009, 01:49:45 PM

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What Is Dream Theater's Best Album

When Dream And Day Unite
Images and Words
Falling Into Infinity
Metropolis Pt.2 Scenes from a Memory
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Train of Thought
Sytematic Chaos
Black Clouds and Silver Linings



The only truly great albums they've created are I&W and Awake, with Scenes being a good one. Everything else just doesn't stand out to me much. There are some occasional flashes of brilliance, but none of it has me crawling back for more :P


Black Clouds & Silver Linings for me. Nothing from any band has knocked it out of heavy rotation on my iPod since its release.


Quote from: voncorn on March 26, 2011, 11:07:45 PM
"Stream of Consciousness" is pretty "meh" to me.
:omg: :omg: :omg:
"SoC" is absolutely thrilling from start to finish.


While I happen to like all the DT albums with the exception of WDADU and the order can change depending on how I fell at the time I've been listening to all of the albums lately and this is my pick.  I happen to vote by what I like to listen to and not necessarily the strength of the playing/writing.  I see that I am in the small minority in that although I think I&W and Awake are good albums, I find that I can't get into them as much as the other discs.

1.  Octavarium
2.  TOT
3.  SFAM
4.  BCSL
5.  6D
6.  SC
7.  FII
9.  I & W
10.  Awake


Quote from: Demolition on May 03, 2011, 05:52:50 AM
While I happen to like all the DT albums with the exception of WDADU and the order can change depending on how I fell at the time I've been listening to all of the albums lately and this is my pick.  I happen to vote by what I like to listen to and not necessarily the strength of the playing/writing.  I see that I am in the small minority in that although I think I&W and Awake are good albums, I find that I can't get into them as much as the other discs.

1.  Octavarium
2.  TOT
3.  SFAM
4.  BCSL
5.  6D
6.  SC
7.  FII
9.  I & W
10.  Awake
You've got to be kidding me with that list.


Quote from: jsem on May 03, 2011, 05:54:08 AM
Quote from: Demolition on May 03, 2011, 05:52:50 AM
While I happen to like all the DT albums with the exception of WDADU and the order can change depending on how I fell at the time I've been listening to all of the albums lately and this is my pick.  I happen to vote by what I like to listen to and not necessarily the strength of the playing/writing.  I see that I am in the small minority in that although I think I&W and Awake are good albums, I find that I can't get into them as much as the other discs.

1.  Octavarium
2.  TOT
3.  SFAM
4.  BCSL
5.  6D
6.  SC
7.  FII
9.  I & W
10.  Awake
You've got to be kidding me with that list.

What's wrong with that list? People can't have different tastes? This is the closest to my list that I've seen, having Octavarium on top and I&W close to the bottom.


I love seeing people with different tastes too, even if my top 5 is pretty standard :)

1. I&W
3. 6DOIT
4. TOT
5. Awake


Quote from: perfey on September 29, 2009, 07:30:18 AM
I see a trend here, the albums just before the turn of a decenium gets the most votes. WDADU through IAW, SFAM through 6DOIT. And then BC&SL -> 11th album. I'll see if my theory proves right when the time comes  ;)

Oh, little did you know what would happen...
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: jsem on May 03, 2011, 05:54:08 AM
Quote from: Demolition on May 03, 2011, 05:52:50 AM
While I happen to like all the DT albums with the exception of WDADU and the order can change depending on how I fell at the time I've been listening to all of the albums lately and this is my pick.  I happen to vote by what I like to listen to and not necessarily the strength of the playing/writing.  I see that I am in the small minority in that although I think I&W and Awake are good albums, I find that I can't get into them as much as the other discs.

1.  Octavarium
2.  TOT
3.  SFAM
4.  BCSL
5.  6D
6.  SC
7.  FII
9.  I & W
10.  Awake
You've got to be kidding me with that list.

Not that far off of my list either, switch round I & W and Octavarium and they're in roughly the same teirs.

The Silent Cody

Well I voted I&W but it's equal with Awake...


I can't vote in this poll. I rate both I&W, Awake, SFAM and 6DoIT equally at the top.


Raoul Sanchez

Six Degrees wins for me, but they're all pretty damn close, except for WDADU and SC, which are pretty much tied for bottom.



I have to say, the first 5 albums are completely on the same league in my opinion and the differences between them are really, really minor.
The last albums, well, I like all the albums from BCSL-FII equally and they're all amazing, though they fall short compared to the first 5 albums. It's not because they're bad or something, they're amazing. It's just the first 5 are so incredible.
SC is also a great album, just not as good as the others to me.