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Jordan's benefit concert for Japan (plus some DT news)

Started by Mebert78, April 11, 2011, 08:33:04 AM

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Jordan just posted a news item on Facebook about a benefit concert for Japan he'll be performing in later this month.  He said:

"Performing a benefit concert for Japan on April 30 at a local high school. I'll be playing some synth, some iPad and will be joined by some talented friends and some kids from the school. I'm thinking about adding a twist to some mainstream songs for this crowd. Will keep you posted. We're selling twenty $35 meet and greet tickets for sale here: All other tickets: $15 at the door."

Facebook Link:!/event.php?eid=207220119305447
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Anyone thinking of going?  Looking at a map, West Nyack seems close to Tarrytown, which is where he performed in January.  So I'm sure it could be a similar crowd, plus local students and community members.  I think I might go.
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


I might go. I had a great time at the last show, and its on a Saturday, but I'm not completely sold on the idea yet.


This thread sunk pretty quickly.  No one else planning to go besides ZBomber?  I'll be on the road nearby after leaving a baseball game and the timing works out well, so I'll be there.  It might be interesting.
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


I don't think I'll be going now.  :lol Just would be too much of a hassle for me at this point. Should be a cool show though!  :tup


I wish I had a phone that took good videos.  I'd like to shoot it for everyone to see.  But I only have a crappy cell.
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


Quote from: Mebert78 on April 18, 2011, 09:07:33 AM
No one else planning to go besides ZBomber?

Most of us don't live near NY.  If I was an hour away, I'd be front and center.


Is there a small chance that the new drummer or the band as a whole could make a surprise debut appearance at this benefit on Saturday night?  You know, the drummer is being revealed tomorrow so maybe this would be a low-key and fun way for them to play together live for the first time and get their feet wet.  Plus, all the band members are within 2-3 hours of the venue, since they all live nearby and JLB is presently recording his vocals in NY.
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


That situation certainly would be interesting! I'm not sure though. It's not just Rudess - it's other community members and Japanese taiko. As interesting as it would be to see the new drummer have some fun with traditional drumming, I wouldn't hope for it.

I'll be going with some friends and be doing the meet and greet. The e-mail address that Rudess provided is that of his wife, so she might be there as well. It is "local" for him in that sense!

I'm looking very much forward to this.


Quote from: Frank on April 28, 2011, 08:41:57 AM
That situation certainly would be interesting! I'm not sure though. It's not just Rudess - it's other community members and Japanese taiko. As interesting as it would be to see the new drummer have some fun with traditional drumming, I wouldn't hope for it.

I'll be going with some friends and be doing the meet and greet. The e-mail address that Rudess provided is that of his wife, so she might be there as well. It is "local" for him in that sense!

I'm looking very much forward to this.

Me too!  I'm doing the meet and greet, and I also corresponded with his wife, lol.  I'll be wearing a DT cap like in my avatar.  Say hi if you see me!
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


I most certainly will! Isn't his wife the owner of a theater troupe or something to that effect? He grew up in Great Neck, I believe, which is close to Tarrytown and West Nyack.

Also, do you know what type of meet and greet this is? I've been to some of other bands and they can go anywhere from "Shake their hands and say hi for two seconds" to "Chat with them relatively personally for thirty minutes". I've never been to a DT one, but again, this isn't DT.


Yes, I think his wife works with Helen Hayes theatre or something like that.  The high school doing the benefit gave me her phone # to request my VIP tickets for the meet and greet, so I actually spokt with her briefly.  She is nice and friendly.  She was enjoying the drummer documentary too, but wouldn't reveal his identity to me, lol.  Not sure about the type of meet and greet.  I think it's after the show though, right?  I hope it is, because I might be running late.  I just want a photo with Jordan!
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


I believe so. The doors open at 6:15 and the show starts at 7. If they wanted to do the meet-and-greet before the show, they probably would have mentioned it somewhere.

Does Jordan like photos with fans? I'm not sure if he prefers that or autographs... ;)


Meet and greet is after the show.  Just checked.  See you theeeeeen!!!
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


Just got back from the show!  Incredible job by Jordan!  I took a bunch of pics and I met the wizard afterwards.  I also got some info on the status of recording for the new album and the songwriting process this time around, with Mangini.  I'll say more in a bit.  I'm a little tired and I want to upload my pics!

Also, nice meeting you, Frank!
An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


OK.  So here's a synopsis of Jordan's solo show/benefit for Japan tonight.  The show was held at Jordan's local high school in West Nyack, NY.  His daughter attends the school.  The show began with some student opening acts, and then Jordan hit the stage.  He kept rotating back and forth between the piano close to the audience and the keyboard on stage.  There were a few DT fans there wearing shirts, but it was mostly students, parents and community members in attendance.  Whenever he mentioned DT, a bunch of people would scream.  So I think there were a bunch of DT fans there not wearing DT shirts.

Anyway, on the piano he played an AMAZING cover of Pink Floyd's "Hey, You."  No joke.  It was breathtaking.  He also played The Beatles' "Yesterday" on piano and DT's "Hollow Years," which was the only DT song he played.  Several student groups joined him to sing and play guitar.  What a great opportunity for these young kids to play and perform with Jordan.  One student duo performed Simon & Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence" with him.  There was also a large student chorus (pictured below) that sang two songs, while Jordan accompanied on piano.  The finale was a performance by the Wesleyan Taiko drum ensemble, which played these giant tribal-type drums while Jordan improvised over their beats.  For me, the highlight was when Jordan played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on Morphwiz, except the iPad cut out on the final notes.  Jordan blurts out: "Oh no, I hit the Home button," lol.  Everyone laughed, and then Jordan turned to his keyboard and improvised an impressive ending to the song.  He then instructed all music teachers to teach their students to improvise, because clearly you never know when you might need to!

During intermission, they played DT's Awake album over the loudspeaker.  It was a weird choice since Jordan doesn't play on that CD, but cool nonetheless.  I got there late, so I don't know what they played pre-show, but after they played BC&SL tunes.  When the show was over about 10-15 of us were brought backstage and we formed a line to meet him.  I thanked him for picking Mike Mangini as the new drummer, and I said he's a great fit.  I was so nervous that I don't remember everything he said.  While he was talking, I just remember thinking: "I can't believe I'm talking to Jordan," lol.  But he did say something like, he was nervous that the documentary was initially getting a mixed reaction from some fans. Either that, or he said HE was initially worried that it might get a mixed reaction.  I can't remember his wording.  But he's happy everyone seems to be embracing Mangini.  I told him the documentary was a great way to be open and bring fans behind the scenes like Portnoy used to do video wise, and this was a good first step to maintain that fan interaction that Portnoy had done.  He then said something about the band having to pick up Portnoy's other tasks, like rotating setlists.  I think that's what he said.  He mentioned something about that topic, but I was nervous and not focusing completely.

Lastly, I asked him if he could give me any details on the new album, songtitles, anything.  He said one thing he could tell me is that Myung wrote lyrics for songs (I believe he said songs, plural -- as in multiple songs).  Of course, we already figured this would happen.  He said next he is recording his keyboard parts.  I asked him if drums are done.  He said yes and they are killer.  He said Mangini would play some parts with one hand and he's never seen anything like it.  I asked if Mangini wrote the music together with the band, like Portnoy used to do.  He said no.  Jordan, John and John did the writing without Mangini.  I think that's pretty much it.  I kept it short, because I didn't want to hog his time.  But it was great to meet him.  Such a nice guy.  Cool show.  Definitely worth the car ride!

Here are some pics.  The first is Jordan and I.

An unofficial online community for fans of keyboardist Kevin Moore:


We get Myung lyrics!! It's just nice to have it confirmed




Perpetual Change


Mebert dude, that is awesome, thanks for sharing all of that. :tup  Sounds like a really cool experience.



Thank you for sharing this! :) I'm really happy to see Myung wrapping the pen! :tup


Thanks! I'm looking forward to some JM lyrics again.

The Silent Cody

Well we have some awesome news my Friends  :metal :metal JM writing lyrics, JP & JR & JM writing music. Very good news, I expect different album than 6DOIT or TOT or SC or BC&SL... I expect now for real - the Greatest Dream Theater album. :metal :metal



The Silent Cody


Well I don't see why it's not a possibility.

Don't worry Cody, you're just less grumpy and cynical than those giant indies.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


 :lol at how this turned into an "OMG JMX LYRICS!" thread! Not that it's a bad thing, though.


Multiple contributions on the same album?!

He's broken a personal record!!


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.