Create a DTF epic!

Started by RoeDent, February 01, 2011, 09:57:59 AM

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Part X: Sure as bacon is bacon


 :rollin :rollin :rollin


Sopranos/Altos: I...smell bacon. Does anybody else smell bacon?
Tenors/Bass: We smell bacon toooooo...

S: Baaaaaa....y
A: ......Baaaaaaa......y
T: ..........BAAAAA.........y
B: ...............BAAAAA.........y

All (E flat major from full organ) COOOOONNNNNN!!!!!


Daniel gildenlow comes up to do the bacon dance


A throbbing rhythm in 19/8 begins in the double basses, with wordless grunts from the bass section of the choir and thunder rumbles from timpani/bass drum


20 cello's play a low e note staccato


On top of the cello staccato, violins play a sliding glissando between the notes of E and Bb

ich bin besser

Now I gotta tell ya about the video idea...your really gonna love this.  

We start out in one of these rural churches in the middle of Alabama somewhere and they're havin' this gigantic rave up gospel church festival with fat women with their hands in the air yellin' amen and hallelujah.  
And our boy, our hero, he's right in the middle of it and religious fervor is just exploding off of his body behind the alter of this church there's this gigantic icon of a black Jesus Christ...who our boy later licks.
Smash cut to him on a hillside dancing wildly, half naked, with his undulating midriff sweating profusely in front of hundreds and hundreds of burning crosses Smash cut back to the church only now it's not a church right, it's a courtroom and the priest has become a judge and the choir's become the Jury and black Jesus is on trial for raping our boy.  
So this really angry contingent of fat trucker lookin' guys sweeps up black Jesus, beats him senseless and throws him in prison, where our boy takes pity on him, goes to him, weeps in front of the bars and then gives him a hand job through them.  
But it's all shot by Herb Ritz so it's really beautiful and you feel sorry for both of them.

All right, all that we don't offend everybody in the whole fucking world at this point, these two gigantic beautiful red velvet curtains close from either side of the screen and then reopen and the whole cast of the video takes a bow like it was a play or somethin' right!...get it? All right well, if you don't get that you'll get this...when those receipts start tearin' in from all over the world you're gonna kick the almighty god ass my friends because sixty billion flag waving fans in every stadium in the fucking planet are gonna be yellin'!...

Sequins, bell bottoms , peace and hope and love
OJ and VR and Elvis Jackson with a Blue Suede Glove  




Daniel Gildenlow, in his bacon dance, accidentally steps on the time machine button and time is rewound to the 1970's, when he and many others didn't exist yet.
Part -V: The Miracle of Birth


Breathing sounds from the choir, while high strings play a tremolo E


Sudden cease of any and all noise. Pink Floyd synth slowly fades in.


Through Her Eyes-esque duet between female singer and melodic electric guitar over the Floyd synth


Rick Astley beams in from the future for only a split second, but then disappears again


Suddenly a telephone booth drops from the sky, and none other than KrotchRaut comes running out, instruments and all!


Krotchraut immediately leaves and after a forty-minute period of emptiness, a hologram of the glorious face of George Michael fades in. For an hour he just smiles at everyone and says "coo".


A sweaty swede named Yngwie shows up for an hour of indecipherable shred, topped with a myriad of high kicks and pelvic thrusts.


True Death of Life


James LaBrie sings

Eight times in F#


4 solo tard faces intone a sweet vocalise: :neverusethis: :neverusethis: :neverusethis: :neverusethis:


After a wardrobe malfunction, KrotchRaut returns and plays their 20 minute epic Akerfeldt's Cat... Cause we heard you like epics, so we put an epic in your epic so you can epic while you epic.


Quote from: Zook on February 02, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
After a wardrobe malfunction, KrotchRaut returns and plays their 20 minute epic Akerfeldt's Cat... Cause we heard you like epics, so we put an epic in your epic so you can epic while you epic.
:rollin :rollin :rollin

KrotchRaut then asks their friend, Jesus, to join them on stage.


Jesus Christ himself* comes down amidst a choir of 2 billion angels singing Handel's Hallelujah chorus. As KrotchRaut shred randomly on guitars made of dragon bones using picks made from God's kidney stones, Jesus heals a blind woman who promptly gives birth onstage to a creation of pure light.

*Yes, Jesus Christ himself. Nothing less will do.


Quote from: LeeHarveyKennedy on February 02, 2011, 02:05:24 PM
Jesus Christ himself* comes down amidst a choir of 2 billion angels singing Handel's Hallelujah chorus. As KrotchRaut shred randomly on guitars made of dragon bones using picks made from God's kidney stones, Jesus heals a blind woman who promptly gives birth onstage to a creation of pure light.

*Yes, Jesus Christ himself. Nothing less will do.
:lol :lol :lol :lol omg





Kanye West does a 4 minute vocoder solo and some how keeps the white girls in the crowd interested.


 :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
This thread is epic. Great idea OP

Mehrunes Dagon then proceeds to play a broom solo



free-time polka jam with 12 different accordions.


eminem eats a frog while lemmy, rob halford and ozzy osbourne take footballs and start tossing them into the crowd while 30 eighty year old men sing Celebrations by kool and the gang


Part II: Fireballs of Vengeance


Super mario theme duet with banjo and theremin


The band Dream Theater begins to play their hit Pull Me Under just like on the album


claudio sanchez devours everything into his hair


You are all absolute legends. You know that, don't you?  :lol  :rollin :lol


The 'bacon' leitmotif (B-A-C-A-G) is sounded by 12 horns placed in the four corners of the concert hall.