Dream Theater > Dream Theater

Is there a chance we will have a "progressive" president?


The U.S ambassador to China Jon Huntsman is hinting that he might run for president.   This is potentially good news for DT since he is a fan of theirs.  I wonder if DT would write a campaign theme song?   It would pay great divedends in a publicity standpoint.  It is a slow day in here so maybe people won't mind this post.   I think will be sort of cool if he can make DT a household name in the U.S.  This could happen whether Huntsman wins or loses.   :metal

The hell kind of a thread is this?


I don't entirely see how a presidential candidate being a fan of DT would make them a household name? I mean, I don't think he'd, y'know, bring them up in speeches. And a campaign theme seems kind of...unlikely. It would just be superfluous information about him that might be on some kind of obsessive fact sheet or something.

I mean a president getting into office and making a national Dream Theater Day probably wouldn't go over very well in the public eye.


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