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The Periphery Thread

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Great news! Hoping for something in the vein of Periphery I, but I really doubt that's gonna happen. If it's of similar quality as Juggernaut I'm still gonna be hella happy.

based on Misha's update today, makes you think they might go WAY outside of their norm with the next one. I'm up for anything with this band. Heavy or not, etc.

--- Quote ---Writing and recording starts very soon. I'm very excited and a little nervous. I think it's the healthy form of nervousness as a result of us not quite knowing what this next album will sound like. This is such an inspiring prospect to me. We are on the same page about what we want this album to be, and I can't wait to see what comes of the writing process! Anyways this post is more for me to work out what these butterflies I am feeling are all about, thanks for reading if you have made it this far haha.
--- End quote ---

Damn, where'd that update come from? Totally missed it.. That's awesome though, I'm up for anything. I think they've come about as close as they can to perfecting their current art. I am however just as excited to see some of the toddler-tantrum-throwing-fan's reactions to what comes. Every time I think that progressive fans are bad...I just have to go to any -core/djent-oriented band's page who has changed even slightly and get the giggles. It's batshit how many douchebags are so addicted to this mindset that it makes them...I dunno, more manly or something to listen to bands who growl and have angry sounding music constantly and never change. I'm guessing the majority of that nervousness comes from that despite him as well as the rest of the band being pretty great about giving shit to so-called fans who act like their precious band changing sound is the omgwurstthingevuur. It's one thing to not like something...completely different to lose your shit (like that one insane guy that burned a hoodie...) Considering the group dynamic and roles I have my doubts they'll do anything as drastic as Opeth but I'm not sure. I'm kind of expecting something more electronic based on Misha's recent kick and perhaps even less growls and more progressive. I'm excited to see what comes.

Definetely excited about this. Juggernaut was awesome and I can't wait to see how that style progresses.


--- Quote from: Laughingplace56 on January 29, 2015, 09:31:53 PM ---These albums are fucking delights. Absolutely incredible musicianship, and the lyrics are wonderful. Hell Below, lyrics and music as well, is B.R.U.T.A.L. I don't know which album I like better yet. It's all so good. If I wanted to make very preliminary rankings of the songs, I'd say:

1. Omega (Soft guitar break through the end is the highlight of the album.)
2. Rainbow Gravity
3. The Bad Thing
4. The Scourge
5. Stranger Things
6. 22 Faces
7. Alpha
8. Psychosphere
9. Priestess
10. A Black Minute
11. Hell Below
12. Heavy Heart
13. Four Lights
14. Reprise
15. Graveless
16. MK Ultra
17. The Event

--- End quote ---

Since we're around the 1 year anniversary of the release of Juggernaut, I was thinking about how my rankings have changed, and boy have they.

1. Omega (I stand by calling the clean break through the end the highlight of the album, because it still is. Fucking perfect section)
2. Stranger Things (Final choruses and the static ending is very close to ^ for highlight of the album.)
3. The Scourge
4. Graveless
5. The Bad Thing (My favorite breakdown of all time, bar none.)
6. Four Lights (That fuCKING RIFF)
7. 22 Faces
8. Alpha
9. Rainbow Gravity
10. Psychosphere
11. Hell Below
12. A Black Minute
13. Heavy Heart
14. Priestess
15. MK Ultra
16. Reprise
17. The Event


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