Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 12852 times)

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Offline Gadough

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2010, 11:27:36 PM »
Dreams? Man, my head is like a theater for those things!


Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2011, 11:06:04 PM »
"No one wants to hear
what you dreamt about
unless you dreamt about them
Don't let that stop you
tell them anyway"

So I will.

I've had these dreams for a while now, ever since I've started my British Literature class, that take place during the...Victorian Era? Gregorian Era? I'm unsure...but leaning more toward Victorian. Who knows. In either case, I am somehow of wealth.

I know that it is what is said about every dream, but these are bizarre. Yet, in an almost tame way. Nothing fantastical happens that would defy the laws of the universe, but just the same, nothing is quite normal about them either. Oh, and they seem to follow a story. I've had story dreams before that have been vivid enough and cohesive enough to write down, but nothing like this.

It's a beautiful sort of world, really. Where realism is, at times, paralleled with romanticism. Myself in the dream, I am sometimes seen from the third person, and though I do my best to hold the posture and mannerisms of a gentleman, I slouch at times and absentmindedly unbutton my coat. In the latest dream, I have seen my love interest for the second time. She is pretty enough, and carries herself with a passing amount of grace. I watched her, through a window, as she walked alone the path from the lake to the house. She decided to sit on a bench under a tree, and reclined herself to read a book in a most unladylike fashion. People could see her, and she could be scolded, she is still young enough. And that attracts me, that she simply does not care. She is too sad.

I did not watch her for long, because I was only on that estate under the charade of an introductory tea with some family of hers. When I left, I go a bit blank. But I remember changing my clothes and going to the whore house I stay at every night, more often than not on my own in the attic room. And I swear to god, what woke me up from my dream was the combination of the cold, the awful smell, and the sounds from the lower floors. And the weirdest thing was that I woke up in love.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 03:52:23 PM by sonatafanica »

Offline MetalManiac666

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2011, 11:09:27 PM »

Offline sonatafanica

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2011, 11:22:29 PM »
Dreams are the only things I really make.

I am a dream machine.

Offline Logical Nightmare

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2011, 06:55:49 AM »
I wanted to make a post in here but nothing I had to say feels relevant after sonata's post.

Offline sonatafanica

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2011, 11:01:38 AM »
Post away, darlin'

Offline ReaperKK

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2011, 07:16:20 AM »
So I'm starting to have more and more nightmares, it's absolutely crazy.

I don't wake necessarily wake up frightened but I wake up in a panic and find it hard to fall back asleep.

A couple nights ago I woke up 6 times :/

I just wanna sleep.

Offline Logical Nightmare

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2011, 01:12:59 PM »
Get a dream catcher. It works if you want it to.

When I was younger I used to have bad nightmares - not as bad as you but once or twice a week I would wake up absolutely terrified in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep. I bought a dream catcher, hoping it would work, and it did. From the moment I put it up I didn't have a single nightmare in two years. I still don't have too many of them.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2011, 02:53:20 PM »
Had an odd dream earlier this week that for some reason my clock was an hour ahead so I was going to wake up and fix it. I woke up and it turns out that my clock was off for some reason, and the outlet I was using was messed up.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2011, 04:06:53 PM »
Get a dream catcher. It works if you want it to.

When I was younger I used to have bad nightmares - not as bad as you but once or twice a week I would wake up absolutely terrified in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep. I bought a dream catcher, hoping it would work, and it did. From the moment I put it up I didn't have a single nightmare in two years. I still don't have too many of them.

I'll definitely try. I'm tired of dying 8-10 times a week in my dreams lol.

Offline jsem

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2011, 04:07:46 PM »
WUT!? You die in your dreams?

Offline Birch Boy

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2011, 04:38:19 PM »
That's not good...

Offline Orbert

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2011, 04:58:45 PM »
I had this wacky dream last night where I was at work talking on the phone with my old supervisor Ken, who in real life left the company last year.  While I'm talking, I look around and notice that I'm not at work at all, but in the old house I grew up in.  I'm upstairs sitting in the hallway talking on the phone.

Downstairs, I hear my kids come home from school (which is stupid because this is the house I grew up in) and think to myself "Shit, I better wrap this up because it's about to get noisy in here."

Sure enough, my kids come running up the stairs, happy to see me, but I make a gesture to quiet them a minute because I'm on the phone.  They're running around laughing and yelling and I start getting pissed because they can see that I'm on the phone but obviously don't care.  I tell Ken to speak up because I'm having trouble hearing him, but he just keeps talking quietly, which IRL he always does.

I finally get so pissed at my kids that I yell "QUIET!! NOW!!" and I wake up, having actually yelled that out loud.  I look at the clock and it's 1:30 in the morning, and my wife says "What?" and I tell her I was yelling at the kids to be quiet, but it was just in my dream.  She says "Yeah, obviously" or something.  We both go back to sleep.

Offline SDFprowler

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2011, 05:30:45 PM »
I had an interesting dream last night.. involving a video game, naturally.  I wouldn't call it a nightmare because it didn't freak me out, but it was intense.  Myself and two of my friends were "in" the game of Thief: The Dark Project, running through dark corridors and underground crypts with barely any light.  I was being chased by some sort of huge monster and a zombie - they were coming at me surprisingly fast.  We were all running for it, but I was the one closest to the creatures of course, and I knew I wasn't going to make it, so I turned around and lunged at them - instant death!  Next thing I know, I'm in a pre-respawn state in which I can move around and through walls, etc. I must have respawned soon after because I remember standing next to my friends in an opening of the cavern.  We needed to jump up to a higher ledge/platform which was hovering above a pretty steep drop with a creek below, and they were complaining about the fact that they weren't very good at crouch jumping. 

Offline ReaperKK

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2011, 06:31:59 PM »
WUT!? You die in your dreams?

I would never have nightmares before this past summer. Since then, the amount of nightmares has been growing and they almost always end in me dying in some fashion.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2011, 06:45:23 PM »
I had an odd dream the other night where I was friends with Charles Bronson (as played by Tom Hardy) and we paraded the streets of London causing a ruckus. I don't remember specific details really, but it was a very strange dream indeed.
I felt its length in quite a few places.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2011, 08:38:28 PM »
I had a weird dream a few nights ago where I died in molten lava, then I was reincarnated multiple times, but as myself, and each time I played out some different scenario.  Hard to explain.  :P

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2011, 08:47:23 PM »
I'm pretty amazed at how focused some of your dreams are.  My ADD mind can't focus long enough for a relevant plot where the entire scenario doesn't change in 2 minutes. 

Anyway, I accomplished having a very controlled lucid dream yesterday.  I feel like it actually almost lasted long enough for me to actually fully do one thing I wanted to do with it.  I flew around the solar system.  Not original, I know, but good fun.  I never realized that there were so many floating parking lots in space, either.  I'd grab one (they were about as big as a small country each) and hurl them at each other, and watch the space cats and lizards that were trapped in the asphalt fly free into space.  (they were huuuge, too)

Unfortunately, I'd say in most of my death dreams I'm killed by spiders.  So, the last parking garage I threw caused giant spiders to come out, and suddenly I was on the ground and they converged on me.  Then I woke 

Offline Logical Nightmare

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2011, 01:31:43 AM »
I'm trying to learn how to lucid dream but it's hard. :(

I'm currently trying to improve my dream recall. I'm getting better, but progress is slow. Before I remembered about two dreams a month - now I have one or two each week, and another two or three nights a week I'll remember some fragment. That's encouraging but I'm still getting tired of the slow progress. It feels like I have miles to go before I'll even have a chance to lucid dream.

Offline Zook

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #54 on: February 04, 2011, 04:15:16 AM »
I had a dream the other night I was a marine blasting away Xenomorphs that infested a hotel building or something. Except they bled predator blood instead of acid. Also, there were guns lying around like I was in a game. Most normal dream I had in a while.

Offline Vivace

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2011, 12:04:02 AM »
I'm at the cusp of being able to lucid dream at will. I can lucid dream but only about 25% of the time. I think if I practiced a little a bit more I could do it at will. I remember one dream where I was attacked by Zombies. I fought them off and one of them bit me, but nothing happened. I then realized I was dreaming and I was obviously changing the rules. Unfortunately I woke up before I went Commando to the army of Zombies coming my way. Another dream I had I knew I was about to be stepped on by Godzilla so I saw a man in the distance and shot my consciousness over to him. I then saw my old self getting squashed and I continued the rest of the dream. There have been dreams where I REALLY wanted to continue the dream but I'm not there yet. I have been able to finally get back to the dream in some cases but it usually starts out where I have to "navigate" back to it, kinda like my subconscious built a maze for me to play (which I love mazes). I was thinking at one point here when I have time to "practice" in order to get to the point where Rita is at where I can control my dreams 100% and even enter into whatever dream I want.

I usually dream of adventure stories. Getting chased, figuring out mysteries, shoot-outs, cat and mouse, escape, yadda yadda yadda.
"What kind of Jedis are these? Guardians of peace and justice my ass!"

"Ha ha! You fool! My Kung Fu is also big for have been trained in your Jedi arts why not!"

Offline Vivace

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2011, 12:10:57 AM »
Get a dream catcher. It works if you want it to.

When I was younger I used to have bad nightmares - not as bad as you but once or twice a week I would wake up absolutely terrified in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep. I bought a dream catcher, hoping it would work, and it did. From the moment I put it up I didn't have a single nightmare in two years. I still don't have too many of them.

I'm not saying this as a means of pointing at something and discrediting it. There are many things in this world that are "extraordinary" and who am I to question anything like that, however in a lot of cases things like rabbit's feet or DreamCatchers could simply be explained by a placebo effect. That is, they work, only when you give it the power to work. For example, a doc could give me pills that improve my memory. So I take them and suddenly I'm remembering a whole lot more so the pills work. I go back and tell him that and the doc tells me the pills were just asprin. My memory starts to fail again. I've talked with a few doctors about Placebo effects and it's VERY interesting. Not saying that this is the case here. Again, I don't want to step on something that actually is more than what I think it to be. I guess it's the same as a Crucifix warding off evil spirits in another person's eye. I guess one could call that a placebo while another really does see a lot more to it. Because I fall into that category I will never take away the "power" of some objects, however I still think about the placebo effect from time to time regardless because that phenomena is just as powerful.

I remember a LOT of my dreams and I remember a good bulk of them to be nightmares of some sort, but I really only remember 2 nightmares in my life. The other dreams when I wake up I'm fine, probably because I remember so many of my dreams I'm comfortable with the idea regardless of the dream itself. It sounds strange I know but I bet if you kept a journal and starting to learn to lucid dream, your nightmares will occur but you will not be as bothered if at all by them.
"What kind of Jedis are these? Guardians of peace and justice my ass!"

"Ha ha! You fool! My Kung Fu is also big for have been trained in your Jedi arts why not!"

Offline Vivace

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2011, 12:19:23 AM »
WUT!? You die in your dreams?

I've died quite a few times in my dreams. One time I got shot point blank. Another time stabbed, crushed, etc. As morbid as it sounds, it's kinda neat. You just wake up. No worse for wear.  ;)
"What kind of Jedis are these? Guardians of peace and justice my ass!"

"Ha ha! You fool! My Kung Fu is also big for have been trained in your Jedi arts why not!"

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2011, 12:20:03 AM »
I spent an entire Summer using wake induced lucid dreaming, and as a possible consequence I became an insomniac.  I can still lucid dream almost 50 percent of the time, but it's a lot shorter now.  And I spent pretty much every single day of my 15 year old summer to get where I am now with it. 

I actually hung out with Daniel Gildenlow in a dream last night.  We went and played ice hockey together (strange, because I've never played/watched the sport before) but then Frederik (the keyboardist) came at us with knives.  I can't remember if he was joking or not, because the next moment  woke up.  I'd fallen asleep listening to PoS, so that was probably the cause of that dream.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2011, 12:24:21 AM »
"No one wants to hear
what you dreamt about
unless you dreamt about them
Don't let that stop you
tell them anyway"

So I will.

I've had these dreams for a while now, ever since I've started my British Literature class, that take place during the...Victorian Era? Gregorian Era? I'm unsure...but leaning more toward Victorian. Who knows. In either case, I am somehow of wealth.

I know that it is what is said about every dream, but these are bizarre. Yet, in an almost tame way. Nothing fantastical happens that would defy the laws of the universe, but just the same, nothing is quite normal about them either. Oh, and they seem to follow a story. I've had story dreams before that have been vivid enough and cohesive enough to write down, but nothing like this.

It's a beautiful sort of world, really. Where realism is, at times, paralleled with romanticism. Myself in the dream, I am sometimes seen from the third person, and though I do my best to hold the posture and mannerisms of a gentleman, I slouch at times and absentmindedly unbutton my coat. In the latest dream, I have seen my love interest for the second time. She is pretty enough, and carries herself with a passing amount of grace. I watched her, through a window, as she walked alone the path from the lake to the house. She decided to sit on a bench under a tree, and reclined herself to read a book in a most unladylike fashion. People could see her, and she could be scolded, she is still young enough. And that attracts me, that she simply does not care. She is too sad.

I did not watch her for long, because I was only on that estate under the charade of an introductory tea with some family of hers. When I left, I go a bit blank. But I remember changing my clothes and going to the whore house I stay at every night, more often than not on my own in the attic room. And I swear to god, what woke me up from my dream was the combination of the cold, the awful smell, and the sounds from the lower floors. And the weirdest thing was that I woke up in love.

This post is...incredibly well-written.
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline jonny108

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2011, 11:03:37 AM »
Had my first (and only so far) lucid dream about a week ago  Was a very unusual experience.  I remember getting out of my bed and I noticed that in the painting on my wall, which is of a fire, there was no fire in it and I had a sudden realisation that I was dreaming. So I walked over to my other wall and leant on it, then stuck my head through the wall, looking into the other room.  Very surreal.  I was walking around my room thinking wow, I'm actually dreaming here.  So I jumped out my window but I seemed to fall then I woke up.  Wish I could have had more time to actually do something interesting or go to another planet or something rather just sticking my head in a wall.  :-\ Not been able to do it since...Oh well, try again tonight.  :)

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2011, 11:08:37 AM »
As weird as it sounds, when lucid dreaming, try not to do any jumping or falling while lucid dreaming.  It takes a lot more brain activity to try and process things like gravity/impact/physics/etc. and the more consciously active your brain becomes the more you become awake. 

Offline Marvellous G

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2011, 11:20:26 AM »
As weird as it sounds, when lucid dreaming, try not to do any jumping or falling while lucid dreaming.  It takes a lot more brain activity to try and process things like gravity/impact/physics/etc. and the more consciously active your brain becomes the more you become awake. 

Is there any good beginner method other than WILD for easy lucids? I've been trying with my dream journal and reality checking to get DILDs for about 4 months now but they've literally resulted in nothing.  :sadpanda: I guess I'll wait till Easter holidays when I can lose lots of sleep and WILD.

Also, aggravating dream last night: I met my (super hot) History teacher at the airport, and she gave me 4 tickets to the Dave Matthews Band show I really want to go to this summer but can't, and then 3 of my friends turned up and we all set off for the show, and I was so happy that I thought 'this is too good to be true!' And then I realised it actually was and I woke up.

Offline Logical Nightmare

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2011, 11:29:42 AM »
Get a dream catcher. It works if you want it to.

When I was younger I used to have bad nightmares - not as bad as you but once or twice a week I would wake up absolutely terrified in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep. I bought a dream catcher, hoping it would work, and it did. From the moment I put it up I didn't have a single nightmare in two years. I still don't have too many of them.

I'm not saying this as a means of pointing at something and discrediting it. There are many things in this world that are "extraordinary" and who am I to question anything like that, however in a lot of cases things like rabbit's feet or DreamCatchers could simply be explained by a placebo effect. That is, they work, only when you give it the power to work. For example, a doc could give me pills that improve my memory. So I take them and suddenly I'm remembering a whole lot more so the pills work. I go back and tell him that and the doc tells me the pills were just asprin. My memory starts to fail again. I've talked with a few doctors about Placebo effects and it's VERY interesting. Not saying that this is the case here. Again, I don't want to step on something that actually is more than what I think it to be. I guess it's the same as a Crucifix warding off evil spirits in another person's eye. I guess one could call that a placebo while another really does see a lot more to it. Because I fall into that category I will never take away the "power" of some objects, however I still think about the placebo effect from time to time regardless because that phenomena is just as powerful.

It works if you want it to.

Offline jsem

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2011, 11:31:54 AM »
I wanna lucid dream. Will I lucid dream if I get a dream catcher, just cuz I want it to? :neverusethis:

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #65 on: February 05, 2011, 11:47:21 AM »
I wanna lucid dream. Will I lucid dream if I get a dream catcher, just cuz I want it to? :neverusethis:

Well, actually, you could use it as a reminder.  Like, keep it around and make sure that every time you see it it brings up the thought of lucid dreaming.  Then, eventually it will show up in your dream, remind you of lucid dreaming, and the thought of that will hopefully trigger your memory of a lucid dream and make you realize that you are not awake.  At least that's the theory.  having "symbols" seem to work well for some people but I've always found them inefficient, as there is so much that could be running through your head, placing a gamble that a certain object might show up is hardly something you can count on. 

As weird as it sounds, when lucid dreaming, try not to do any jumping or falling while lucid dreaming.  It takes a lot more brain activity to try and process things like gravity/impact/physics/etc. and the more consciously active your brain becomes the more you become awake. 

Is there any good beginner method other than WILD for easy lucids? I've been trying with my dream journal and reality checking to get DILDs for about 4 months now but they've literally resulted in nothing.  :sadpanda: I guess I'll wait till Easter holidays when I can lose lots of sleep and WILD.

I'm afraid there is no real such thing as an easy lucid.  The dream journal method was never completely effective for me either.  One of the ways that can really stick with you, though, is the repetition method.  I checked my watch at least 50 times a day for a solid month, and now in dreams I frequently check my watch and when the text is jumbled and indistinguishable I realized I am dreaming.  Any sort of reality check like that is usually one of the easiest ways to establish a basis in lucid dreaming. 

Offline Marvellous G

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2011, 01:39:51 PM »
Yeah I used to have an A written on my hand so whenever I saw it I'd question if I was dreaming or not, but it just never carried over to my dreams.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #67 on: February 05, 2011, 01:41:51 PM »
Yeah I used to have an A written on my hand so whenever I saw it I'd question if I was dreaming or not, but it just never carried over to my dreams.

I tried this like 2 nights.. then forgot about it lol

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2011, 01:48:19 PM »
I won't say it's a system that won't work for anyone, because I speak based on only my personal experience with that method, and it seems to work better with others.  You could do worse.  For example, my friend wasted hundreds of dollars on a "lucid dreaming mask" that ended up being completely useless and a waste of money.  Just a false shortcut.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #69 on: February 05, 2011, 05:15:22 PM »
Lucid dreaming is very hit or miss with me.

Most of the time when I realize I'm dreaming, I wake up.