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DT vocal covers by Nicky Spanjaards

Started by NickySpanjaards, September 18, 2010, 11:22:00 AM

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Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:31:07 AM
Just found this.

Nicky, you need humility and perspective. Seriously.

Oh come on, you said the same thing about Icy, and look how that ended up...


Quote from: Nicky Failjaards on May 28, 2012, 11:39:22 AM
Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:31:07 AM
Just found this.

Nicky, you need humility and perspective. Seriously.

Oh come on, you said the same thing about Icy, and look how that ended up...

Ever think that maybe he became the worlds youngest billionaire BECAUSE of what I said? Exactly.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:41:59 AM
Quote from: Nick on May 28, 2012, 11:39:22 AM
Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:31:07 AM
Just found this.

Nicky, you need humility and perspective. Seriously.

Oh come on, you said the same thing about Icy, and look how that ended up...

Ever think that maybe he became the worlds youngest billionaire BECAUSE of what I said? Exactly.

Mind = Blown


Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:31:07 AM
Just found this.

Nicky, you need humility and perspective. Seriously.
Oh my god, yes.  :lol

I knew the other site was taken down, but I never knew a replacement site was put up. Beautiful.

This version of the bio doesn't mention the girlfriend. Guess they broke up. :lol


I like the new website, Nicky.  The design is really cool! \m/


Quote from: Mebert78 on May 28, 2012, 12:59:49 PM
I like the new website, Nicky.  The design is really cool! \m/

You have no idea the damage you're actually doing.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com



His biography on the site is...interesting. The food poisoning incident sounds to similar to JLB to be believable.


Quote from: SystematicThought on May 28, 2012, 01:48:13 PM
His biography on the site is...interesting. The food poisoning incident sounds to similar to JLB to be believable.

You should really read the whole thread. Not saying that because what you're pointing has been discussed numerous times (which it has) but because it is a REALLY entertaining read. Read all 13 or whatever pages, watch all of his videos, make a day of it. You won't regret it.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 01:04:19 PM
Quote from: Mebert78 on May 28, 2012, 12:59:49 PM
I like the new website, Nicky.  The design is really cool! \m/

You have no idea the damage you're actually doing.

Marion Crane

Ok this guy HAS to be trolling. The tucked in Metallica shirt? The Gears 3 poster? C'mon....


Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 11:31:07 AM
Just found this.

Nicky, you need humility and perspective. Seriously.

Dang. Dang! That page is even better than the previous one. Given that the bad burrito picture is no longer there, I vote for calling this version the "BJ" version (or whatever else he's doing with the mic in the main picture).



The site even has a forum. I would say the race is on, between his and Charlie's forum, which of the two gets the next post. Self-posts don't count.



Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 01:49:26 PM
Quote from: SystematicThought on May 28, 2012, 01:48:13 PM
His biography on the site is...interesting. The food poisoning incident sounds to similar to JLB to be believable.

You should really read the whole thread. Not saying that because what you're pointing has been discussed numerous times (which it has) but because it is a REALLY entertaining read. Read all 13 or whatever pages, watch all of his videos, make a day of it. You won't regret it.

Pretty much what I did yesterday.



Wow, why all the bitching?  ???

First of all, I'm REALLY not trolling. I'm seriously working on a singing career. Things doesn't always go as fast as other people want. Some people are learning fast, by others it take more time. I'm willing to learn. I'm going to take vocal lessons by another coach, I learn from professional singing coaches by cd since some months. And now I'm also going to train my ears by tones of the acoustic guitar.
So some that say that I don't listen to their advice, I sure do and I'm aware that there is still a long way to go, but I'm ready to walk that road!
And then all those things that I think of "yeah right..." Why should I be trolling when I'm wearing a Metallica shirt or that I have an GoW 3 poster in my bedroom? I also have posters bands. My website, my biography, how I look on pictures, why is that all so funny?
And no Adami, I'm not going to sing Learning to Live, because that song is just too hard for me right now to sing.
I don't know what it is with you guys...first some give advices and say I must learn from those advices. And now that I follow some of those advices it's still not good, I still get a shitstorm right over me. It's not that I cannot handle criticism, I really can. When people have criticism I listen to them. But this is just not "normal" criticism, you make funny comments about me everywhere you can. Really guys, I don't want to flame, I only want to make things clear and be more nice to each other. I really want to have a great time with you guys at the board! Everyone is there to learn right? Your whole life is a journey of learning. Hope I made my point.


Learning to Live is way too hard but Metropolis is just right for you? :P

Still waiting for Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Just a simple instrumental in the background and no vocal effects. Must be easy if you're already singing DT tunes, right?


Yeah, I find Learning to Live has more advanced singing techniques then Metropolis, i.e. some harder passages  ;)
Yeah, I'm taking the time for it, I think it'll be at the end of this week or maybe next week.  :smiley:


Quote from: NickySpanjaards on May 28, 2012, 04:17:56 PM
I'm seriously working on a singing career.

I hope you don't mean the word "career" as in "I plan to make a living out of it". If you do, let me say this: You will not be a professional singer. You got the ambition, but you just don't have the talent. Period.
Keep it as a hobby, and you're gonna have a lot of fun. Try it professionally and you'll be busing tables.



Quote from: rumborak on May 28, 2012, 05:25:09 PM
Quote from: NickySpanjaards on May 28, 2012, 04:17:56 PM
I'm seriously working on a singing career.

I hope you don't mean the word "career" as in "I plan to make a living out of it". If you do, let me say this: You will not be a professional singer. You got the ambition, but you just don't have the talent. Period.
Keep it as a hobby, and you're gonna have a lot of fun. Try it professionally and you'll be busing tables.


No, indeed not in the way to make a living out of it, but in the way of a hobby, something cool to do. The whole band I'm in sees making music as a hobby and we are like we'll see where it goes.


Oh, good. If you keep it that way you'll have a lot of fun.



I really don't want to read the whole thread or anything, but I think it would be a good idea to strengthen your judgement in whether the song you just recorded is good enough to be recorded and shared on the internet.


What's up with the microphone quality on the Metropolis video? I felt like he was yelling at me through the sewer grate and I gathered around to hear what was up....

If the mic quality was better, the video wouldn't have been horrible. The high notes are still off


Quote from: SystematicThought on May 28, 2012, 07:14:59 PM
What's up with the microphone quality on the Metropolis video? I felt like he was yelling at me through the sewer grate and I gathered around to hear what was up....

If the mic quality was better, the video wouldn't have been horrible. The high notes are still off

That was just the aforementioned uber amounts of reverb.

Tis BOOLsheet

Interesting to see how some people are just being straight up dicks to the kid-- not to mention how many people have miraculously come to hear missed notes in a vocal performance, and have been willing to say it so starkly. I find the former somewhat sad, and the latter endlessly amusing.

EDIT: some guy posted something essentially telling the kid not to go for singing as a career because he has no talent and will end up waiting tables. I don't see it that way. I think if does certain things and does them the right way, he has-- or appears to have-- the passion and the drive to eventually be a very good singer. If he's serious and he goes out and gets an experienced vocal coach, and practices his ass off, why can't he progress to be a good singer?

The problems he's having are correctable with coaching and proper practice. There are plenty of people who have the same issues with singing that he's having-- granted to a lesser degree. I won't mention any names. He's young and just needs and experienced teacher to help him along.


Quote from: NickySpanjaards on May 28, 2012, 05:32:42 PM
Quote from: rumborak on May 28, 2012, 05:25:09 PM
Quote from: NickySpanjaards on May 28, 2012, 04:17:56 PM
I'm seriously working on a singing career.

I hope you don't mean the word "career" as in "I plan to make a living out of it". If you do, let me say this: You will not be a professional singer. You got the ambition, but you just don't have the talent. Period.
Keep it as a hobby, and you're gonna have a lot of fun. Try it professionally and you'll be busing tables.


No, indeed not in the way to make a living out of it, but in the way of a hobby, something cool to do. The whole band I'm in sees making music as a hobby and we are like we'll see where it goes.

Nice. Yeah its always fun being in a band. Playing around locally, recording etc


Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 09:25:16 PM
Interesting to see how some people are just being straight up dicks to the kid-- not to mention how many people have miraculously come to hear missed notes in a vocal performance, and have been willing to say it so starkly. I find the former somewhat sad, and the latter endlessly amusing.

EDIT: some guy posted something essentially telling the kid not to go for singing as a career because he has no talent and will end up waiting tables. I don't see it that way. I think if does certain things and does them the right way, he has-- or appears to have-- the passion and the drive to eventually be a very good singer. If he's serious and he goes out and gets an experienced vocal coach, and practices his ass off, why can't he progress to be a good singer?

The problems he's having are correctable with coaching and proper practice. There are plenty of people who have the same issues with singing that he's having-- granted to a lesser degree. I won't mention any names. He's young and just needs and experienced teacher to help him along.

Once again, there is a long history here. This isn't just a kid posting some poorly sung videos and everyone attacking him. His attitude and other factors are playing a major role in our responses.

And despite what some of you may think, ambition and drive aren't always enough. It's good to have, but it doesn't assure anything.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Tis BOOLsheet

Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 09:39:54 PM
Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 09:25:16 PM
Interesting to see how some people are just being straight up dicks to the kid-- not to mention how many people have miraculously come to hear missed notes in a vocal performance, and have been willing to say it so starkly. I find the former somewhat sad, and the latter endlessly amusing.

EDIT: some guy posted something essentially telling the kid not to go for singing as a career because he has no talent and will end up waiting tables. I don't see it that way. I think if does certain things and does them the right way, he has-- or appears to have-- the passion and the drive to eventually be a very good singer. If he's serious and he goes out and gets an experienced vocal coach, and practices his ass off, why can't he progress to be a good singer?

The problems he's having are correctable with coaching and proper practice. There are plenty of people who have the same issues with singing that he's having-- granted to a lesser degree. I won't mention any names. He's young and just needs and experienced teacher to help him along.

Once again, there is a long history here. This isn't just a kid posting some poorly sung videos and everyone attacking him. His attitude and other factors are playing a major role in our responses.

And despite what some of you may think, ambition and drive aren't always enough. It's good to have, but it doesn't assure anything.

Aren't enough to what? If you meant that ambition and drive aren't enough to become the greatest vocalist or even top 100 in the world, then yeah I agree. But in the vast majority of cases, drive, and proper guidance and proper practice are enough to become good. There's no assurance of anything in anything. But unless he has a disability that prevents him from hearing music at it is-- and I doubt he does-- the problems that he is having are correctable.

I'm not telling him he's going to be a top 100 vocalist or that he'll make a successful living as a professional musician. I'm just saying that he can get good with the aforementioned tools.


Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 09:51:05 PM

I'm not telling him he's going to be a top 100 vocalist or that he'll make a successful living as a professional musician. I'm just saying that he can get good with the aforementioned tools.

In case you didn't notice, that's exactly what I told him. He can maybe one day become decent. But he will not have a professional singer career. That's exactly what I told him.

Regarding the other statements, I don't see how you can be certain that his problems are correctable. He's been posting videos for 2 years now, and the two major problems of his, pitch and control, have not improved. Supposedly after professional guidance no less.


Tis BOOLsheet

Quote from: rumborak on May 28, 2012, 10:00:00 PM
Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 09:51:05 PM

I'm not telling him he's going to be a top 100 vocalist or that he'll make a successful living as a professional musician. I'm just saying that he can get good with the aforementioned tools.

In case you didn't notice, that's exactly what I told him. He can maybe one day become decent. But he will not have a professional singer career. That's exactly what I told him.

Regarding the other statements, I don't see how you can be certain that his problems are correctable. He's been posting videos for 2 years now, and the two major problems of his, pitch and control, have not improved. Supposedly after professional guidance no less.


How can you be certain he will not have a professional singing career if he can be "decent"? There are plenty of professional singers who are only "decent" and do just fine for themselves. It shouldn't be too hard to think of some. And come to think of it, there are hundreds of other musicians (guitarists, for example) who are only decent who have professional careers in music. Fact is, most popular styles don't require an extraordinary vocalist. In many cases, the untalented ones make more than the players who have talent. Nevertheless, with the right ingredients, Nicky has the opportunity to be good.

Of course nothing is guaranteed, but I do believe that, like I already said, with the right vocal teacher, and hard, focused practice, he will be able to sing those songs on pitch. He's having technical problems, and since the songs he's trying to sing are not difficult songs for a human being to sing, I believe he can learn to sing them properly. The fact that it's been 2 years doesn't mean anything without having taken the right steps to do it right way. I've seen numerous guitar students come in without being able to play relatively easy songs because they've been doing things the wrong way or haven't been practicing. It's the same thing here. Relatively speaking, these aren't tough songs to sing. NONE of the performers of the songs he's been covering command such a degree of vocal ability that Nicky, or anyone else-- even you :biggrin:-- for that matter, can't learn to sing the songs properly.

The classical approach to singing is what I recommend to him and I really believe if he takes to it seriously he can take those covers, which I admit are not very good, and make them good. It takes time.


Quote from: rumborak on May 28, 2012, 05:36:40 PM
Oh, good. If you keep it that way you'll have a lot of fun.


errr... his website, the videos and everything else tells me his idea of a hobby = career.  :P


TBS, I totally get that you are trying to be supportive, kind and all that stuff. But history has told us a few things.

1. Nicky can't sing very well.

2. Despite his claims to listen to our advice, there's no evidence he has in the slightest bit.

3. He's made virtually no progress in 2 years.

4. He generally ignores those who criticize him and focus generally on people like you who cheer him on to whatever degree.

5. He truly believes that he is a very good singer. Not perfect, but he has stated outright that he doesn't hear many problems with his singing and considers himself to be quite talented.

6. He has a god damn website.

7. He has a god damn forum.

8. Number 9 is awesome.

9. Number 8 has high expectations.

10. This makes the list a more round number.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Speaking of forum, anyone want to join it?


Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 10:29:46 PM
Quote from: rumborak on May 28, 2012, 10:00:00 PM
Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on May 28, 2012, 09:51:05 PM

I'm not telling him he's going to be a top 100 vocalist or that he'll make a successful living as a professional musician. I'm just saying that he can get good with the aforementioned tools.

In case you didn't notice, that's exactly what I told him. He can maybe one day become decent. But he will not have a professional singer career. That's exactly what I told him.

Regarding the other statements, I don't see how you can be certain that his problems are correctable. He's been posting videos for 2 years now, and the two major problems of his, pitch and control, have not improved. Supposedly after professional guidance no less.


How can you be certain he will not have a professional singing career if he can be "decent"? There are plenty of professional singers who are only "decent" and do just fine for themselves. It shouldn't be too hard to think of some. And come to think of it, there are hundreds of other musicians (guitarists, for example) who are only decent who have professional careers in music. Fact is, most popular styles don't require an extraordinary vocalist. In many cases, the untalented ones make more than the players who have talent. Nevertheless, with the right ingredients, Nicky has the opportunity to be good.

Of course nothing is guaranteed, but I do believe that, like I already said, with the right vocal teacher, and hard, focused practice, he will be able to sing those songs on pitch. He's having technical problems, and since the songs he's trying to sing are not difficult songs for a human being to sing, I believe he can learn to sing them properly. The fact that it's been 2 years doesn't mean anything without having taken the right steps to do it right way. I've seen numerous guitar students come in without being able to play relatively easy songs because they've been doing things the wrong way or haven't been practicing. It's the same thing here. Relatively speaking, these aren't tough songs to sing. NONE of the performers of the songs he's been covering command such a degree of vocal ability that Nicky, or anyone else-- even you :biggrin:-- for that matter, can't learn to sing the songs properly.

The classical approach to singing is what I recommend to him and I really believe if he takes to it seriously he can take those covers, which I admit are not very good, and make them good. It takes time.

er.... I have first hand experience with Metropolis. I have a demo for which I "tried" singing it. It's well beyond my range and capability but I was curious enough to see what 4 months of singing lessons accomplished since I was finally able to get a head voice to come close to reaching the high end of that song. Let it be known, "Metropolis is NOT easy". It requires a *ton* of vocal control to keep those high parts soaring. I think Nicky attempted the song twice: once a year ago and a year later. Both performances show the exact same problems meaning he hasn't trained to remove those problems, only to find a way to cover up those problems by doing something else (screaming, raspy, new equipment). The issue here is Nicky won't hear it. He won't hear the people that are telling him to ditch this stuff and correct his pitch problems and his vocal control. 1 year should have been enough time to bring those issues to a close. He only wants to hear the crowd that tells him he's improving and he's great and to make more videos. Maybe he is great, but the pitch and control issues bring his performance down and he needs to realize this. Now learning pitch and control is *easy*. You pick up a guitar or sit in front of a piano every day for at an hour and just practice scales. Control requires someone who knows proper breathing techniques and to get you to use them. Again, both pitch and control are easy and is almost always the first thing any teacher is going to teach you because *that's* a basic foundation of singing. Without that progress is impossible and this recent video is proof of that. But again, as we have seen for the past year, Nicky won't hear of it. It's frustrating in that we know he has the motivation but he is at a stand-still with progress. 


All I see, despite Nicky's improvement over 2 years which can not be described "enough" people want to make funny of him over internet. How mature! Get over it.

He can have damn website which is desinged really bad, he can have some funny profile photos but it's another thing to make them avatar. Consider, he is really really young and all that can be effected in a bad way. You may not take internet seriously but it seems he takes, so I think we must be a bit careful what we say.

And how the hell most of you can be sure he doesn't have talent to be singer. I'm sure many singer in that age can't control their voice and even can't hit any notes properly. Like all the singers have amazing talent. He can be singer but it's debateable if he can be musician but why not. I admit Nicky has a long way to go, really a long way. As a hobby or career I see he is doing something but all he sees is bitching instead of some supportive comments. 

I'm with TBS on this matter.