The Official Android Thread

Started by AcidLameLTE, June 01, 2010, 02:06:07 PM

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I'm still waiting for the Eclair update for the Cliq, I won't get Flash since it's a first generation Android phone... but I am looking forward to getting the Galaxy S


Rumborak, apparently, the version of 2.2 we have at the moment isn't the final build:

QuoteConsidering Google's typically feverish pace in deploying new Android builds, we'll admit -- we kind of expected Android 2.2 Froyo to be released to retail Nexus Ones by now... but no dice. So, where is it? The company hasn't committed to a firm date for a global roll-out yet, but there's official word from an Android employee over on the Nexus One's support forums this week that FRF72 is not the final update and that a release "will only happen once a release candidate meets [their] quality criteria." Korean versions of the phone were pegged to launch with 2.2 this week, so any way you slice it, it can't be long now.




Quote from: AcidRainLTE on June 22, 2010, 01:15:59 PM
Rumborak, apparently, the version of 2.2 we have at the moment isn't the final build:

QuoteConsidering Google's typically feverish pace in deploying new Android builds, we'll admit -- we kind of expected Android 2.2 Froyo to be released to retail Nexus Ones by now... but no dice. So, where is it? The company hasn't committed to a firm date for a global roll-out yet, but there's official word from an Android employee over on the Nexus One's support forums this week that FRF72 is not the final update and that a release "will only happen once a release candidate meets [their] quality criteria." Korean versions of the phone were pegged to launch with 2.2 this week, so any way you slice it, it can't be long now.

Oh, I was completely aware of that. The leaked version of 2.2 was FRF50A btw, so quite a few versions before FRF72.



2 months and I will be an Android guy...

I'm couting down the days :caffeine:


Damn Verizon and Motorola making my next phone choice so difficult. Now I really don't know if I want the Incredible or the X when it's released next month.

Incredible: HTC Sense UI, smaller overall form factor, nice build quality, glowing reviews

DroidX: Large gorgeous screen, 720p video capture, multi-mic voice system, processor that 'reportedly' consumes less power than the Snapdragon in the Incredible, multi-touch keyboard with Swype option, promise of an official Froyo release by the end of summer - but it's very large and has MOTOBLUR, albeit a less obtrusive version.



I'm leaning towards the X...i'm still a bit iffy on the whole touchscreen typing thing, but I think that the larger screen on the X (combined with Swype) would work well for me.

I tried a friend's EVO the other day, which is about the same size, and I didn't find it to be problematic in terms of size.

I like that the X can support 32GB miscroSD cards.  The Inc doesn't, as far as I've seen.


i will be evo'd on august 3rd.


I just updated my N1 to Froyo 2.2 FRF83. Sweeet.... :D



I'm leaning toward the X. Really the only thing irking me is the Inc runs Sense and the X doesn't.


Also, why the fuck is Apple suing HTC over the Sense UI?


That's been going on for ages. HTC are also counter suing against them.


I read yesterday that this one is a new lawsuit over Sense UI.

Also, it's a pretty sure thing I won't get the 2.1 update on the Cliq in the timeline Motorola had since, I don't know, JANUARY! If I knew something about rooting a phone I would've already done it to get 2.1.


One question though:
QuoteThere's no telling how or when the emulator will be made publicly available but chances are you're going to be forced to root your Android device to get the software running.

When the article says 'root your Android device', what does that actually mean? I'm guessing it's going to void the warranty?


Hmmm, does it give any reasons for having to root the phone?

You don't have to root the phone for the other emulators :S


QuoteI can't really see Google letting such an app slide into their Android Marketplace considering Apple has rejected such applications in the past leading developers to release them only to jailbroken devices.


That guy obviously has no idea.

There's already Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, SNES, NES and Genesis/Mega Drive emulators all over the market that you don't have to root you phone to get (you just get them off the normal market place).

In fact, the PSX emulator they're making will be based on the Gameboy Advance emulator already on the market (you can see the test picture they've got in that article using an old version of the Gameboy Advance controls).


Do you know if N64 in the works? I NEED Ocarina of Time on a phone.


They'll be releasing an N64 emulator after the PSX emulator.



INB4 That's the Windows phone. I know, I just realised. But still.... :caffeine:



Yeah I've seen preliminary video reviews & the UI looks pretty tight.

Sir GuitarCozmo

My Droid saved my ass this weekend.  The band was playing a wedding.  We were playing background music for dinner, dollar dance songs, etc.  I had been given a list of tunes to have on my iPod, so that we could play them through the PA.  Apparently I am so particularly focused on the actual list of songs, that I didn't notice that at the top were the bride and groom's names and their wedding/bridal dance song.  So I show up at the gig after having left without my iPod and having to turn around to get it (fortunately I wasn't far along), to my guitarist asking "You got "Far Away" by Nickelback, right".

Oh shit.

No, I didn't.  I had not even seen it, because it wasn't in the actual "list" of songs, it was at the top with their names, which I said "unimportant info - download the list".  So we're like "Well, we could drive into town and try to find a place to get the CD, but they're on the way and we have no CD player."

Then I stop in my tracks.  Wait one minute!

I drive down the road about a mile because there is ZERO RECEPTION whatsoever.  I NEED internet access.  I find a place where I can get a little reception.  I bring up my Amazon mp3 Store app.  Download the song for $0.99.  Come back victorious, albeit pissed that I gave Nickelback one single fucking penny (it will be the first and last time I will ever spend anything on Nickelback).  We plug my phone into the PA system and play the song without incident.

My Droid kicks ass.


The user manual for the Droid X leaked today.



Sir GuitarCozmo

It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.


Quote from: antigoon on June 01, 2010, 02:26:35 PM
I want the Incredible so badly. GADGET LUST!

the Evo 4G looks neat too, but apparently it can't go a quarter of a day without needing to be charged.

Very true, my buddy has an EVO, he loves the hell out of it but is going to get rid of it. After some light use it still has a horrible battery life. Some light web browsing, a few texts, one or two 5 minute calls and he is at half battery.

It was so bad that he sent it back to get it replaced thinking it was defective, it wasn't :(


Is he running on the 4G network?



I can't preorder through Best Buy because they don't handle Verizon's annual upgrades. Looks like I'll be heading to the Verizon store on the 15th.


Quote from: Hyperplex on June 28, 2010, 05:12:05 PM
I can't preorder through Best Buy because they don't handle Verizon's annual upgrades. Looks like I'll be heading to the Verizon store on the 15th.

Really?  I did my preorder at BestBuy, as my Verizon upgrade.  Given, this is the two-year upgrade rather than the one year, but the guy didn't even ask me which it was.


Quote from: Jabba the rak on June 23, 2010, 06:02:53 PM
I just updated my N1 to Froyo 2.2 FRF83. Sweeet.... :D


Just doing that now. Any major differences between the builds or is it just bug fixes etc. ?


Quote from: millahh on June 28, 2010, 06:05:16 PM
Really?  I did my preorder at BestBuy, as my Verizon upgrade.  Given, this is the two-year upgrade rather than the one year, but the guy didn't even ask me which it was.

Two year upgrade is treated differently as it is the "end" of your contract and you are re-upping. The annual upgrade is just a promotion to let you get the latest and greatest at contract price.