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Started by PuffyPat, May 17, 2010, 08:55:33 PM

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Anyone heard the new Avenged Sevenfold single yet? I just got it, and I think it's alright...




I didn't realize it was up on YouTube. I got it from iTunes.


I like what I hear. Not exceptional, but good enough.


I gave it a fair listen. The bridge is o.k., other than that it's a pretty uncreative piece of music.


MP did a pretty job covering the Rev's style (which probably wasn't that hard; you can cut through the MP influence on some of the old A7X drum parts with a knife).  This song is pretty meh though.


I'm not a fan of Avenged Sevenfold at all, but I gave the song a quick listen. Those vocals are fucking annoying.


It's alright. Nothing special but it gets the job done. I certainly hope the rest of the album is more epic.


Eh, about the same level of quality as their self-titled. That is to say it isn't terrible, but nothing special at all; not unlistenable, but not something I'd choose to listen to.

But I fucking lol at comments like this:

Quotedefinitely pure shit, they sold out after City of Evil, and continue to disappoint once-loyal fans....oh, and it's not because Jimmy died, it's because of the record label they're signed to, lack of harsh vocals, Guitar Hero/Rock Band BS, and people who think this is metal....


The vocals were very Hetfield.


Quote from: Sintheros on May 18, 2010, 01:40:56 AM
The vocals were very Hetfield.

Not all of them, but there was one moment where I was like "oh yea there's hetfield".
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I actually really dig this tune.  It's not reinventing the wheel, but it's fun.


Quote from: Sintheros on May 18, 2010, 01:40:56 AM
The vocals were very Hetfield.

Indeed it was.

Listened to the song, but their music is not my cup of tea. I hope the fans will enjoy it though.


Yes, their music is not my cup of tea but I really like this song!


I like it. Intro is very good. Can't wait to hear the Rev's Masterpiece or so he called it.


I see the potential for good music out of this band. Love the singer's voice, just didn't dig the tune.


I do not appreciate this band at all. Not my thing. Sorry for trolling.


Quote from: AwakeFromOctavarium on May 18, 2010, 10:38:57 AM
I do not appreciate this band at all. Not my thing. Sorry for trolling.

God, you're such a troll.  GTFO



Eh, I can definitely sense Portnoy's influence (even if it's just slight) on this song, but I can't say I like the song too much. Their singer sounds like he really wants to be James Hetfield... I don't know, some singers really grow on me after a while (I didn't like Labrie much at first, but he's one of my favorite singers now) but I have a feeling that this A7x guy never will.