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Tube N00b question...(...ube...just for rhyming sake)

Started by 73109, May 16, 2010, 07:10:36 PM

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So, I just got a tube amp and I played it and it sounded fine in the store. On the way home, I noticed that when it shook, the tube sounded like you shook a light bulb that went out. Is this normal for a tube? Or is it blown? I have not been able to play it yet again to hear any difference. Is it blown or is that normal?


Tubes are essentially glorified light bulbs, and they shouldn't be making that sound.

Head back to the store and say you want new tubes (it was mostly likely making the noise before you bought it).  Was it a floor model?


Yes it was. But it sounded great.

FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU...That thing weighs 70+ pounds and I am going to have to wait a fuckin month before they are replaced...FFFFFFFUUUUUU

You sure? :(

Also, I saw the thing that said it. It was only a model for like 5 days. They got it in on Wednesday.


Is it a preamp tube or a power tube that's making the noise?


If the amp still works then it's not fried.  It wouldn't work with just one functioning power tube (it would fry that one really quickly since all the current is going through one tube instead of two).

I've never shaken a tube before, but I still don't think it should be making a noise like that.  It may be slightly damaged even if it's still functioning.  I would hit the store up for new tubes; you payed for the amp, so it should be 100% functional.


Well, I will play it for a few weeks and when I head over to my dads, I will get the tubes replaced. It will be within the 30 days so it should not be a problem. They are working now and the way I look, if it dies, I know I have a problem. Until then...:metal

This is my first tube amp and it is actually my first good amp so I am just psyched to play it.


I'm pretty sure your amp's fine, and that it's just the reverb spring. All my amps that have spring reverb do that. That's why, if you turn the amp up, turn the reverb up and smack the side of the amp, you'll hear reverb. Nothin wrong with that.



Yeah spring reverb will make that noise when shaken/hit.  I don't quite see how that sounds like a broken lightbulb, but eh.


Quote from: Gwii on May 16, 2010, 08:11:53 PM
Yeah spring reverb will make that noise when shaken/hit.  I don't quite see how that sounds like a broken lightbulb, but eh.

I think it kinda does, a bit. It happens on a solid state amp I have also.


Well, I am talking like it sounding 110% like a broken light bulb. Like I hear filament rustling and shit. I asked the guitar center dude and he said that it could be the fact that the filament is closer to the edge (almost nuggetz) in a tube than in a light bulb but he did say if anything went wrong, there was a 30 day return policy.


I think that as long as all the tubes are lighting up, you're good, but there's nothing wrong with playing it safe. :)


Yeah, that is what I am going to do. I mean, I highly doubt 40 bucks is going to kill Guitar Center and they are so nice. I bet if I am like "Hey, guys. I was wondering what this sound was. I am not sure if it is something to worry about. Maybe you can check it out and if it is, then maybe a quick tube swap will do."

Anyways, tomorrow... :metal


Have you checked for broken lightbulbs hiding in your amp?



Quote from: SnakeEyes on May 17, 2010, 09:19:35 AM
Guitar Center.


I dunno, the gc near me is quite good. I've heard some bad shit about other stores, though.


I have been to two. One about 5 minutes away and one about 15 minutes away from where I am every other weekend. That one is great. The people are nice and awesome and are cool to chat with. The one right by here, well, the people are asses.



I saw the title and thought it was about grenade launchers at first, and then got really confused as to why it was in the musician's board.

Quote from: Gwii on May 17, 2010, 09:21:28 PM
I've been to 3 or 4, and they all suck.

Quote from: Fuzzboy on May 17, 2010, 07:02:33 PM
Quote from: SnakeEyes on May 17, 2010, 09:19:35 AM
Guitar Center.


I dunno, the gc near me is quite good. I've heard some bad shit about other stores, though.

I think it's really depends on what part of the country you're from. Like out here GCs suck and Sam Ash's are great, but I've heard from friends out east that it's the exact opposite there.


Guitar Center is terrible where I live. The employees are just 20-25 year old guys who don't know much of anything but are perfectly willing to sell you things you don't need to get a commission (at least I assume they get a commission by the way they act). They aren't the least bit helpful.


Quote from: Sigz on May 17, 2010, 09:28:31 PM
I think it's really depends on what part of the country you're from. Like out here GCs suck and Sam Ash's are great, but I've heard from friends out east that it's the exact opposite there.

Yep, the exact opposite. At the Sam Ash closest to me, every guitar has something wrong with it, whether it be missing strings, broken pickups, whatever. They don't let you play any guitar over about $1000, unless you're gonna buy it (???), and if you manage to pressure them to let you, the setups are poor, the strings have been rusted black. It sucks ass. It's pretty much the same with the amps, except that they'll let you play any amp, but they've all got something wrong anyways.