Talk Talk apriciation thread.

Started by crazyaga, June 24, 2012, 07:05:17 AM

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Laughing Stock is one of my all-time fav albums. its just incredible
and Spirit Of Eden is the first post rock album ever, and its awesome.


It's incredible the change they went through. They go from accessible, cheesy 80s synth pop to inventing post-rock. Awesome stuff. I prefer Spirit of Eden, but both it and Laughing Stock are insanely good. :)


btw, their album "The Colour of Spring" has some very good songs in it. you can allready hear the change in their sound in that album.


wow, not alot of apriciation i would say


Good band, from the little I've heard.


Yeah I know both Laughing Stock and Spirit of Eden, great albums.


Quote from: Zantera on June 30, 2012, 04:34:00 AM
Yeah I know both Laughing Stock and Spirit of Eden, great albums.

Can never find those or The Colour of Spring in the used bins. I've got the Party's Over, A-Sides B-Sides and the 12 inch mix compilation.


I'm very sad having to bring this thread back to life, because MARK HOLLIS passed away.

I am a huge Talk Talk fan (of the pop stuff as well as the post-rock stuff) and I never had the opportunity to see them live or even be around for an album release.

I am going to put my Spirit Of Eden vinyl on now. RIP Mark.


I heard the sad news, RIP. The two last Talk Talk albums are really special.


I've never been able to get into Talk Talk after trying more than once, but this came into my feed to today and I can already say it's pretty much the best thing I've ever heard from anything Talk Talk/Talk Talk releated


Major sidenote, entering this thread I got reminded of crazyaga and his hilarious threads back in the day.

Carry on...


Damn, I was spinning It's My Life just the day before he passed away  :-[ . RIP.

On related news, Paul Webb (Talk Talk's bassist) released a new album under his Rustin Man name some weeks ago.


I know I'm late on this, but really sad news. Those last 3 and his self-titled are classics. Will be spinning them today. RIP Mark


Talk Talk - New Grass

Okay, I enjoy this piece. It's not mind blowing or likely life-changing the way I have read from many other accounts. But it's nice, atmospheric and therapeutic enough I can see the appeal.


I just stumbled over this and just had to post it. The stage presence and authenticity of Mark Hollis is unbelievable in my opinion.

Today is the first anniversary of Mark Hollis' death. I can't believe it's already been a year. What a great musician he was.


I love Talk Talk. Can't believe it's been a year already since Hollis passed. Although it was The Colour of Spring that really got me into the band, I have spent a lot of time with those last two albums in the last year. They are endlessly rewarding (though one has to be in the mood to somewhat contemplate them while listening).

On the subject of Renee, I actually think It's My Life is a bit under-appreciated. Some really well crafted pop songs with enough experimentation to reward repeated listens.


Quote from: HOF on February 25, 2020, 08:14:45 AM
On the subject of Renee, I actually think It's My Life is a bit under-appreciated. Some really well crafted pop songs with enough experimentation to reward repeated listens.

Oh yes! I love It's My Life. It's an example how to make a really well thought through pop album. And it's got that British/rainy mood that I love so much about 80s pop music from Britain.


For the Talk Talk fans here, a very nice cover of I Don't Believe In You featuring the singer of Sweet Billy Pilgrim (worth checking out if you're not familiar) and some former Talk Talk contributors.

BTW, I knew I had posted in this thread before and was able to find it through my profile, but a search for Talk Talk didn't pull it up at all.


I need to find the right mood and try this band out. I'm an 80s boy, but somehow only know It's My Life.


Quote from: DoctorAction on May 16, 2020, 03:45:57 PM
I need to find the right mood and try this band out. I'm an 80s boy, but somehow only know It's My Life.

When you get a chance, check out The Colour of Spring. It's the transition point between the poppier new wave approach on tracks like "It's My Life" and the avant-garde, post-rock on their later albums. A very lush and orchestrated approach to a pop album, and somewhat progressive in its own right. It's one of my favorite albums.

In fact, I think I'll give it a listen right now.


All I knew by them for 30 years was It's My Life, a killer pop song from the mid 80's, but I finally checked out The Colour of Spring a while back and it was good.  I don't revisit it as a whole very often, but Life's What You Make It is a great song that I listen to somewhat often.


The Colour of Spring is one of my favorite pop albums ever



Quote from: HOF on April 05, 2022, 07:29:16 PM
Before it totally gets away, happy April 5th, everybody!

I would be lying if I said I remembered that song as it is simply not one I reach for often.  I need to give The Colour of Spring a fresh spin.  It's My Life is always almost my jam if I am in the mood for this band.


Quote from: KevShmev on April 06, 2022, 06:33:03 PM
Quote from: HOF on April 05, 2022, 07:29:16 PM
Before it totally gets away, happy April 5th, everybody!

I would be lying if I said I remembered that song as it is simply not one I reach for often.  I need to give The Colour of Spring a fresh spin.  It's My Life is always almost my jam if I am in the mood for this band.

April 5 is kind of the prototype for their more ambient approach to the next two albums, and a really gorgeous track IMO. But mostly an excuse to talk about Talk Talk.


Such a nice and pretty song. The whole album is one of my very favorite pop records, and the following albums are excellent in a very different way. I should revisit Mark Hollis' solo album, it's been a while.


Quote from: Sacul on April 07, 2022, 07:01:31 AM
Such a nice and pretty song. The whole album is one of my very favorite pop records, and the following albums are excellent in a very different way. I should revisit Mark Hollis' solo album, it's been a while.

I picked up the Mark Hollis album last year. It starts well, but I've had a hard time getting through it. I should try again though.


Yeah I remember not being that much into it, it felt too sparse and uneventful last time I gave it a listen, but I've really been getting into ambient music lately so I'll try again.


Mark's solo album is just beautiful. Really a perfect conclusion to the evolution of the band's (and his) sound.


I saw and met them when the opened for Elvis Costello back in about 1986  , good times and nice guys ,,,it was on Elvis's Imperial Bedroom tour that the fans did not embrace at all...



Was just listening to the It's My Life album a couple nights ago. Tomorrow Started and Renee are such wonderful songs!