The Anthrax thread

Started by SPNKr, October 18, 2009, 11:25:37 PM

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Game Over by Nuclear Assault is an  absolute classic afaic. Learned to play fast thrash rhythm guitar to that record!  :metal


I'm in the vast minority here as someone who came on board the Anthrax train with Bush, and thus, prefers his era.

During my formative thrash years, the band really just didn't do anything for me. I like Joey's voice, but it didn't sound like 'fit' (at least, to me) until Persistence of Time (which is a fantastic album).

The last two 'reunion' albums are also pretty good listens, but for me, revisiting Anthrax typically means listening to the 4 Bush albums and nothing more.

As for how I rate them:

1. Volume 8 – I love everything about this record. "Crash" and "Catharsis" are stellar, the 'deep cuts' (like "Big Fat," "Hog Tied") are great, and "Stealing From a Thief" is my favorite closer from the band.

2. Sound of White Noise – Right up there with Volume 8. Just a freaking solid listen from top to bottom. "Only" and "Room For One More" are the go-to classics, but "Potters Field" and "Black Lodge" are equally essential in my book. "This Is Not An Exit" is a monster of a closer.

3. Stomp 442 – Just a barrage of riffs. I know that this album rubbed fans the wrong way, but for a teenage me, this felt like the 'right' way to embrace those hardcore and punk influences. To me, Stomp 442 is my favorite production from the Bush run, largely because it sounds so raw and unattached to the sonic trends of the time. "Drop The Ball" is my favorite 'deep cut' from this album, but the whole thing is great. "Nothing" is also a fantastic single.

4. We've Come For You All – I 'like' this album a lot, but agree with some of the above comments that it's the one record where I think a few of the songs fall into 'filler' category. Chop off the two interludes and a couple of the non-essentials (like "Cadillac Rock Box") and you have an album that flows way better.

So there you go, one man's take on 'Bush-thrax.' If I were doing an entire catalog ranking, the first three on the above list would be at the top, likely followed by POT and For All Kings.

I'm happy the band found a way to carry on, but I think the whole departure of Bush/Dan Nelson saga really to the wind out of my fandom sails. To take the analogy one step further, it really felt like the band was a bit rudderless there for a few years. I fully recognize that dysfunction is a part of every band, but jeez. (Reading Scott Ian's book didn't help my opinion).

That said, everyone seems happy to be where they are, and right now, in 2024, I think all is well and right in Anthrax land.


I appreciate your perspective. I haven't read Scott's book. Would you recommend it? I just got some Amazon money and I'm planning on finally getting Frank's book.

You mentioned going back and checking out the Joey Era. Have you also gone back and checked out Armored Saint?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on April 03, 2024, 05:12:26 AM
I appreciate your perspective. I haven't read Scott's book. Would you recommend it? I just got some Amazon money and I'm planning on finally getting Frank's book.

You mentioned going back and checking out the Joey Era. Have you also gone back and checked out Armored Saint?

Scott's Book was, well, it was a 'pretty good' read. Like so many of the RnR memoirs I read, I feel like he really focused on the stuff that I already knew or didn't care about. Like, rather than dedicating 50 pages to crazy tour stories, could we please get a paragraph or two on the actual song-writing???

I think my biggest takeaway from Scott was that Charlie was the engine, and Scott was the face. So, I suspect that a book from Charlie would offer the greatest insight into the actual 'music.'

I will say this, though, Scott owns the whole Joey/John stuff–essentially says it was his decision, and lays it out in a very straightforward, unapologetic way. In fact, he was remarkably candid throughout. So, yeah, to answer your question 3 paragraphs later, I'd recommend it.

LOVE Armored Saint. I will forever maintain that they are the epitome of 'underrated' (whatever that means). They had/have all the right ingredients, but for whatever reason, failed to hit at the 'right' time. I think, with Bush's voice, had he not joined Anthrax, Armored Saint could've made a crossover album that would've rivaled TBA or Countdown.


Quote from: WilliamMunny on April 03, 2024, 05:24:39 AM
LOVE Armored Saint. I will forever maintain that they are the epitome of 'underrated' (whatever that means). They had/have all the right ingredients, but for whatever reason, failed to hit at the 'right' time. I think, with Bush's voice, had he not joined Anthrax, Armored Saint could've made a crossover album that would've rivaled TBA or Countdown.

I was a huge Armored Saint (and Anthrax) fan back in the day. It's ironic that both bands put out their (up to that point) best albums and then each basically blew themselves up.

I remember reading an article in Kerang!, I think, before Symbol came out, and the band stated that they had a lot riding on the album, and that if it didn't gain them any ground, that they might not be able to continue as is.

I consider Armored Saint a Top 10 band for me, but they just never fit in anywhere. The 90's did a number of a ton of 80's bands. Seems the only one that tried to adapt to the changing environment was Anthrax. But I'm more of a classic metal guy, and I found the direction on Volume 8 and WCFYA hard to really get into, as they were more modern sounding, which I respect, but didn't necessarily love.  I will say that there is plenty on Volume 8 that I do like though.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Does anyone else love Soror Irrumator as much as I do?  I wish this song was featured more by the band.


Quote from: Grappler on April 03, 2024, 09:59:04 AM
Does anyone else love Soror Irrumator as much as I do?  I wish this song was featured more by the band.


And that's not the first time they owned a comp (RE: "Poison My Eyes")


I'd put Megadeth's Angry Again and Queensryche's Real World over Poison My Eyes from the Last Action Hero soundtrack.  Even that Alice in Chains song too.

The Mastodon song on that compilation (White Walker) is amazing as well.  I think their song (White Walker) fit Game of Thrones better than Anthrax's thrash song, but I still love it.

Regarding For All Kings, I feel like Worship Music is better.  On Worship, the guitars sound tuned down on some songs, allowing Joey some room to sing lower.  On For All Kings, he's constantly in a higher register and his vocals become very samey from song to song.  Still a great record, but tiring to listen to. 


Quote from: Grappler on April 03, 2024, 10:25:12 AM
I'd put Megadeth's Angry Again and Queensryche's Real World over Poison My Eyes from the Last Action Hero soundtrack.  Even that Alice in Chains song too.

The Mastodon song on that compilation (White Walker) is amazing as well.  I think their song (White Walker) fit Game of Thrones better than Anthrax's thrash song, but I still love it.

Regarding For All Kings, I feel like Worship Music is better.  On Worship, the guitars sound tuned down on some songs, allowing Joey some room to sing lower.  On For All Kings, he's constantly in a higher register and his vocals become very samey from song to song.  Still a great record, but tiring to listen to.

I hear you there.

To that point, Joey is freaking incredible!  At his age, he's barely lost a step (if that)...definitely enjoy his lower range, and I sincerely hope that they ride this lineup out to the end.


Quote from: Grappler on April 03, 2024, 09:59:04 AM
Does anyone else love Soror Irrumator as much as I do?  I wish this song was featured more by the band.

Never even heard of that song. Thank you!

But geez, if that's the best song on that album, that album isn't very good.

Quote from: Grappler on April 03, 2024, 10:25:12 AM
I'd put Megadeth's Angry Again and Queensryche's Real World over Poison My Eyes from the Last Action Hero soundtrack.  Even that Alice in Chains song too.

Not sure I agree on Real World. I consider Poison My Eyes a Top 10 Bush Era track.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on April 03, 2024, 11:56:57 AM
Never even heard of that song. Thank you!

But geez, if that's the best song on that album, that album isn't very good.

Not sure I agree on Real World. I consider Poison My Eyes a Top 10 Bush Era track.

That Game of Thrones album was mostly rap songs, I think - the point was to try and pull rap music fans into watching GOT.  Anthrax and Mastodon had tunes on there (which are both killer).  But that's about it. 

I haven't listened to poison my eyes in a long time, but I definitely preferred the Megadeth and QR songs.