Soilwork Appreciation

Started by Quadrochosis, March 20, 2010, 03:59:10 PM

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Has anyone heard of this band? One of the few (non-Progressive) Metal bands that I really enjoy. They have so many good songs over a healthy and respectable back catalog of releases. I'm listening to Stabbing the Drama right now and I have to say that it truly is a stellar piece of work.

They are very heavy, but at the same time their singer has a good way with melodies (kinda like Devin Townsend) which makes the music catchy and very enjoyable.


Yeah, never been too impressed with them compared to their brethren sorry.

But the singer is good, especially on his side projects and guest spots :tup


Natural Born Chaos is a very good album


By far one of my favourite bands, and along with In Flames opened me up to the world of Melodic Death metal.  The guitar team of Ola and Peter was unstoppable on those few albums they shredded on together.

Steelbath was a great debut and Chainheart Machine is an absolute classic. Natural Born and Predators are just simply amazing melodic death metal.  The song As We Speak is amazing!!!  Figure Number Five I would say would be my favourite.  Great killer songs all the way through, all with outstanding choruses.  An amazing record.

The last two albums have been a good listen, but not to the standard of the ones I just mentioned, but still kill most bands from this genre.

Can't wait for the new one with Wichers back in the fold.  Hopefully back to the Natural Born day.

AMAZING BAND!!!  :metal


They're a good band. NBC, Chainheart Machine and Predator's Portrait are absolute Melodic Death Masterpieces. I don't find Sworn to the Great Divide last album good, though... It's kind of slowed down and less aggressive (Even though it has its moments, like in "The Pittsburgh Syndrome") you know... I think Soilwork's best angle is the aggressive, semi-Thrash Metal One.

Anyway, I hope that thir next album is a return to the good'Ol Predator's-NBC Days.


Quote from: LCArenas on March 20, 2010, 05:26:46 PM
Anyway, I hope that thir next album is a return to the good'Ol Predator's-NBC Days.

Fingers crossed mate.  This album could really put them right back in the spotlight as far as the genre is concerned.


I like their two most recent releases a lot. Then again everything they've put out is great in my opinion.


I thought they were on the verge of greatness after listening to albums like Natural Born Chaos, A Predators Portrait and Stabbing The Drama, but that was until I listened to their latest piece - Swon to a Great Divide.

About as average as a metalcore album can possibly get. Absolutely no distinction between any of the songs.

I don't rate them as highly anymore after that. The main reason is simpy because they've become stale and i've moved on by listening to better bands by educating myself with better music.

I'll bob my head to some of their tunes though, for sure.


Bump for discussing The Panic Broadcast. It is indeed a step in the VERY right direction. While still following the clean vocals and clean parts of STAGD -And that's not necessarily a bad thing, the intro to "Enter the Dog of Pavlov" was incredible-, and while still having some weak points like "Night Comes Clean", it also had the heaviness and badassery of A Predator's Portrait and Natural Born Chaos embodied in songs like "Late for the Kill, Early for the Slaughter", "Two Lives Worth of Reckoning" (Whose solo just blew my mind) and "King of the Threshold".

I wasn't expecting an album this good, And the drums are just :metal. Welcome back, Soilwork.



Oh, wow. I haven't heard from this band since early high-school when I heard Nerve blaring out of a friend's car stereo and we went joy riding soon after *reminisces* Ah...good times. But um...that is quite literally the only thing I have ever heard from them. That said, I downloaded the song soon after that wonderful experience and listened to it nonstop as I half-assed a math project. I blame that song for not getting a perfect grade on such an easy project. I might check out their catalog. Time to stumble down nostalgia lane though and listen to that song again...


The Panic Broadcast is indeed a massive improvement.

Enter Dog Of Pavlov is a great song.

It's just a shame that all of their albums are starting to sound similar. I know they're just a metalcore band, but they had some signs of genius in their earlier work. They clearly don't have the ability to adapt, which is why I don't rate them that highly anymore. They remind me of In Flames and how they create the same type of album again and again.

Still, it's a big improvement considering the garbage that was Sworn To A Great Divide.


Still haven't managed to get out and pick this up yet.  It does sound promising.  Two Lives is the shit though.  Anyone care to check out my cover of the solo; *shameless plug*  :\


Rejection Role is an awesome song :metal


IMO Stabbing the Drama is their best album.
STAGD is a pathetic excuse for an album.
New one didn't click on the first listen, may give it another spin at some point.

I used to love this band about 3 years ago though, I would have classed them in my top 3 below DT and Opeth.
Not anymore though ;)


Finally picked up Panic Broadcast.  It's.....impressive.  Being a Soilwork freak when I discovered FNF, NBC, CM and PP I can say this is a very good album.

It seems like there are many different types from previous albums put into one.  It's not a return to Chainheart.  Saying that is just laughable.  Bjorn's voice IMO is a lot weaker than what it was on Chainheart.  His screams are getting a little thing and aren't as brutal like on the early albums.  His clean singing however is improving.  I thought there would be more soloing from the reviews I read.  Yes, Two Lives and Akuma have amazing solos, but IMO could have used a little more shredding IMO, especially from Peter.  Slyvian is an excellent guitarist though.

Late for the Kill - Not as hard hitting as most of their other openers but it serves its purpose.  More of a Stabbing the Drama sounding song.

Two Lives - Great song.  Nice chorus and amazing guitar solos.

The Thrill - One of my favourites.  Reminds me strongly of Figure Number Five.  Excellent chorus, definite highlight.

Deliverance is Mine - Could have been on Predators Portrait.  Nice pace, nice solo, a good song.

Night Comes Clean - Brings Natural Born Chaos to mind.  The chorus is a little awkward IMO, but not displeasing to the ears.  Nice Figure Number Five middle section.

King of the Threshold - Didn't really click with me on the first listen.  Great speed and solo and Bjorn sounds great on the end.  Sounds like a heavier Stabbing the Drama or STAGD song.

Let This River Flow - WOW.  Amazing song, great melodies.  One of Soilwork's finest.  Just a guitar solo would have made this song perfect!!

Epitome - Excellent groove, verse and chorus.  Figure Number Five comes to mind again.

The Akuma Afterglow - Possibly my favourite.  Amazing song, great intro, chorus and the solo section is mindblowing!!!!  MUSIC WIN!

Enter Dog of Pavlov - With the hype of this one, I couldn't help but to be dissapointed.  A great intro, but doesn't really go anywhere.

Sweet Demise - Lucky is was only a bonus track.  Not too bad though.


Just got Stabbing The Drama.....what a great disc.....


Natural Born Chaos is amazing.  I haven't actually listened to much of their other material.


Quote from: YtseBitsySpider on September 14, 2010, 10:49:52 AM
Just got Stabbing The Drama.....what a great disc.....

It's awesome. Such a great 'metal' sounding album as well. Shame they decided to change to production sounds on the newer releases.


Quote from: cthrubuoy on September 14, 2010, 02:35:23 PM
Quote from: YtseBitsySpider on September 14, 2010, 10:49:52 AM
Just got Stabbing The Drama.....what a great disc.....

It's awesome. Such a great 'metal' sounding album as well. Shame they decided to change to production sounds on the newer releases.

no shit?
it was the production that sold it for me.....seriously.


I was actually never too keen on the production on STD.  :(


Yea it's cool, very Soilwor:ish which is a good thing! I will say i liked Spectrum of Eternity a bit more though.


Quote from: adace on January 18, 2013, 06:45:52 PM
Love this song. Can't wait for the new album!

This is pretty damn good.

I'm actually really impressed with what the band is coming out with considering Ola and Peter are absent.  Really looking forward to this album.


Quote from: Zydar on July 19, 2010, 12:04:18 AM
Rejection Role is an awesome song :metal
Oh man that song bring back memories for me, i was in a band at the time that album came out, we played similar music and Soilwork were a huge inspiration to us. We actually rehearsed in the same building as Soilwork at one time. I got to chat with Henry a couple of time, really nice dude and a great drummer. Sad he's not longer in the scene.


Rejection Role was the first Soilwork song I ever heard and the song that got me into melodic death metal, perfect song.


Funny video, but killer new song.  This album has real potential.



My favorite part was the old guy dancing during the solo. Great song btw.


3 out of 3 solid songs here and a double cd.  Looking forward to this nice big slab of Soilwork.


Track by track of The Living Infinite:

Part 1:!

Part 2:

I can see Ola being very fond of his beard!  :lol Btw this album is getting me hyped quite a bit, a little bit more than usual actually!  :metal


Yeah, looking forward to this a lot.  And yeah, Ola has had that beard since around Natural Born Chaos I think.  I love how it combs it in the Rejection Role video.

EDIT: Actually it was the Trigger video from In Flames, not Rejection Role.


Haha that's right, he does that actually!  :lol I love those two videos!


Killer concept and really well executed from both bands, much respect.


I may go see them March 16th.
They're supposed to be in town.


So another new song "Long Live the Misanthrope" is out today on Swedish Itunes. I heard the sample and it sounds absolutely killer. Can't wait for the whole thing.