IT'S BACK!!! Choose Your Own Nightmare II: Scenes From A Memory *UPDATED 8/8/11*

Started by Genowyn, February 01, 2010, 06:34:23 PM

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I'm a little stumped... if this was an RPG video game I'd save the game and then be trying different things right now.

Take out the map and speak "Oz"...?

Perhaps not Genowyn

 :lol  No, but interesting theory.

If you don't know the answer, I might suggest asking around the forum.  There are a lot of people on this forum that I have seen discuss doing the very thing the riddle describes.  In fact, there have been several threads about it in the life of these forums (probably all pre-crash, unfortunately).

EDIT:  I take that back.  A quick search indicates that the subject has been discussed in several existing threads.  Get Sigz or DMOS back in here, and I bet they know the answer (and don't just go back and search their posts--that's cheating).


Perhaps not Genowyn

Not sure where you got either of those numbers, but no.


Perhaps not Genowyn

Quote from: Ultimetalhead on March 16, 2010, 02:55:16 PM1973.

:D  So...would you like to explain how you arrived at your answer?

You enter "1-9-7-3" into the keypad.  A green light appears above the fingerprint scanner, so you scan the hand.  You hear the tumblers in the lock begin to move, and you back away as the cell door slides open.  You laugh at what you've done in freeing this butcher.  But you didn't really have much choice, did you?

"Thanks," he says as he brushes past you and begins running down the hallway.  He disappears around the corner into the south hallway.  You run after him.  As you pass the flying monkey's cell, it lets out a shriek and does not stop.  You see the door at the end of the hallway to the guard quarters fly open, another 8-foot guard who looks identical to the one in the lobby is standing there with a surprised look on his face.

"What's going on on here?" he bellows?  Then his eyes fix on the doctor and narrow.  "You..."  He moves with blinding speed and wrestles the doctor to the ground.  As the two struggle, you contemplate your next move.

Do you:

A)  Turn around and run back the way you came
B)  Join the fight (with what?)
C)  Hurriedly squeeze past them while they are otherwise occupied, and exit back to the elevator well

HP: 50

Status:   Stings on back and hand.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map


Just read the whole freakin thread cos I wanna play.  That riddle, it was talking about the DSOTM/Wizard of Oz sync-up, right?  I could've got that.  Jeez.

B, with penis




Perhaps not Genowyn

Quote from: Ultimetalhead on March 16, 2010, 06:03:50 PM
^That man is correct.

Yes, he is.  And I'll also take that as a "C" vote.  But, yes.  Anyone who didn't get the DSOTM references needs to turn in their Prog Fan card immediately.  The only thing I've ever heard of being superimposed over the Wizard of Oz is DSOTM.  Speak To Me is the first song and is to be started as the MGM lion roars before the opening credits.  Eclipse is the last song.  The release date is 1973.  Anyhow...

You squeeze past the scrum on the concrete hallway floor and quickly hold the hand up to the keypad and run through the first door.  You turn around briefly to see what has become of the guard and the doctor just in time to see the guard slam the doctor's head into the concrete.  Hard.  So hard, in fact, that blood and brain matter splatter the window.  You turn and open the second door, and then run to the elevator.  You press "22" and hear the guard yell "stop!" just as the doors close and the elevator takes you to the 22nd floor.  The doors open, and you hit the "hold" button before doing anything.  You step out into the plush carpeted elevator well, which is decorated with rich wood paneling and intricate light fixtures.  This is certainly different from the 18th floor.  Where are you now?  There are identical-looking frosted glass doors to the north and to the south.

Do you:

A)  Go through the door to the north
B)  Go through the door to the south

HP: 50

Status:   Stings on back and hand.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map


Perhaps not Genowyn

You try to use the map, but it doesn't seem to work.  UMH then whips out a shamrock and casts one of his leprechaun spells, infused with essence of DTFHFAD, and viola!


Quote from: glaurung on March 16, 2010, 06:40:01 PM
B: south door

Splent needs to grow some bladder control.  Geno already said we don't have to go.

Perhaps not Genowyn

You go through the south door and find yourself in a nicely decorated lobby area.  There is a reception desk, but no receptionist.  There is also a small coffee table with two chairs.  To the west is a door leading to a large conference room.  Behind the receptionist desk to the east is a door labeled "security."  There is also a short hallway to the northeast with restrooms and a door at the far north end. 

You pause to pick up a magazine on the coffee table because the girl on the front cover reminds you of someone back home.  You think of the argument you had with her earlier in the day before you were brought here, and it pains you that you can't see eye to eye, though the miles still divide.  (yeah, I know we're supposed to have DT lyrics, but I'm listening to the FW Parallels deluxe edition I picked up earlier today, so deal with it)  You feel yourself let out a sigh as you drop it back on the table.  As you do so, the motion of dropping the magazine causes a small sheet of notepaper you didn't notice before to fly off the table and flutter to the ground.  You pick it up and read it:  "Call me right away!," it says.

Do you:

A)  Explore the lobby area
B)  Go into the conference room
C)  Go into the security room
D)  Go into the men's room
E)  Go into the women's room
F)  Go through the door at the north end of the hallway

HP: 50

Status:   Stings on back and hand.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Perhaps not Genowyn

You go into the men's room.  It is the most extravagant restroom you have ever seen.  The floor looks like a solid slab of marble.  On one wall is a waterfall, flowing into a basin on the floor.  You are immediately attracted to the waterfall and take a few steps closer.  You are captivated by the water in a way you cannot exlain and are unable to turn your gaze away from it.  As you draw closer, you see images of various people in the water.  They are laughing and talking with one another, and doing various other things, although you cannot hear any sound.  The image of a woman in the waterfall stops talking and looks at you.  She turns and beckons to you, and you come closer and closer, somehow unable to resist her silent siren call.  Every fiber in your being just wants you to pour your soul into the water.  She leans forward as if to kiss you, and you close your eyes and press your lips to the waterfall.  Your concentration is broken as you realize you are standing ankel deep in the basin and your socks and shoes are now wet.  

You quickly step out of the water and walk over to the sink basin to grab a towel.  As you do, you notice in the mirror that your mouth is bleeding and it appears your lip has been bitten, although you don't recall how.  The small bite marks remind you of fangs from pictures of snake bites you saw when you were a boy scout years ago.  You dab it dry with one of the expensive feeling silk towels on the counter.  There is also a basket of expensive smelling colognes on the counter and a bowl of mints.  A small card in the bowl says, "eat me."

You feel a bit dizzy.

Do you:

A)  Go back to the waterfall
B)  Eat a mint
C)  Leave

HP: 45

Status:   Poisoned

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Perhaps not Genowyn

The room begins to feel like it is spinning.  You grab for the bowl of mints and knock it into the sink, sending most of the mints down the drain.  You manage to grab one and get it into your mouth just before you pass out.

You wake up a few moments later and get to your feet.  Your reflection in the mirror looks no different, but you feel a sudden burst of boundless energy; a euphoria sensation.  The bite mark on your lip is gone.  You open the door and standing there before you outside the restroom is a guard.

"Hello there," he says.  "You don't belong here.  And those little stunts you pulled downstairs made us mad."  He brandishes a long, wicked-looking blade and smiles an evil smile.

Do you:

A)  Close the door
B)  Try to run
C)  Fight (with what?)

HP: 40

Status:   Power-up; duration 3 turns

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Perhaps not Genowyn

You still feel afraid, but decide it is time to stand your ground.  You pull out the large knife and say, "Look, I've got no beef with you.  I'm just trying to get home.  We don't have to do this dance."

"Oh yes we do.  You need to pay.  You need to dance.  Death is the first dance eternal."  He lunges at you.  You are amazed at how your body reacts with a surge of energy and speed you've never experienced before.  You easily dodge and tear a huge gash in his arm with your own knife.  The guard looks at his arm in disbelief, then back at you.  "Oh, so you wanna play rough, do you?"  He lunges even faster.  You duck and counter, slashing at his closest leg.  He howls in pain and falls to one knee.  However, you also now have a deep cut down your left shoulder.  If not for the added boost in speed you now have, it would have taken your head off.  The guard is breathing heavy, and you think this fight is about over.  But just as you lower your knife, he springs at you from his crouched position.

Do you:

A)  Dodge left
B)  Dodge right
C)  Jump back
D)  Run away

HP: 30

Status:   Power-up (duration 2 turns); bleeding form gash in left shoulder

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Large curved knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Perhaps not Genowyn

You dodge left and bring up your knife.  Although you move with superhuman speed, the guard still clips your right side as he goes by, which spins you halfway around as you feel the knife being torn from your grasp.  The bad news is that he was also right-handed.  You look down and see a large, deep cut in your left side.  Your side is bleeding bad, but you'll be okay if you can wrap it quickly and stop the bleeding.  The good news is that as you glance over at the guard, who is face down on the floor, you see the tip of your knife protruding through his back.  He starts to push himself up, then slumps back to the floor, driving the knife through even deeper.  He does not move, and you see a pool of black blood forming underneath him.  You breathe a sigh of relief.

Do you:

A)  Search the body
B)  Go back out into the hallway/lobby

HP: 20

Status:   Power-up (duration 1 turns); bleeding from gash in left shoulder and gash in left side

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map


Perhaps not Genowyn

Man, you guys are giving me a workout today.  Okay...

Oh, and let me just say:  For those playing since the beginning and those who have gone back and read the whole thing, you know some background on your character.  I purposely did not make him some video-game uber warrior dude.  He is a teenager who has never been in a serious life-or-death fight, ever.  This was your first, and you won.  You had some help from a power up (you can thank Splent and his overactive bladder for stumbling on the correct sequence of events that got you the power up before the guard found you), but you won.  This experience counts for something.  But don't get overly confident.  Your character learns and grows as the game goes on, but he doesn't become superman overnight.  Anyhow, back to our show...


You clean and bandage your wounds.

You search the body and find a key, but not much else.  You try to retrieve your knife from the body, but it is in too deep.  Instead, you pry the guard's knife out of his hand and take it.  You then step over the guard's body and out the door.  You pause for a moment and look back at the body lying on the floor and realize you feel no remorse whatsoever for taking his life, and this realization scares you a bit.  Have you traded innocence for permanent psychotic hell?

Back in the lobby area, you notice that the door to the security room is now open.

Do you:

A)  Go into the conference room
B)  Go into the security room
C)  Go into the women's room
D)  Go through the door at the north end of the hallway

HP: 20

Status:   Bandaged up.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Logical Nightmare

I believe we have an incorrect knife in our inventory, unless the guard's knife was the same as our own.


Perhaps not Genowyn

You cautiously enter the security office.  The office consists mainly of file drawers full of video tapes, some video recording equipment, and a chair facing various monitors with images of locations within the tower.  You recognize many of the locations as places you have been to.  You do not recognize others.  You recognize one screen as the 18th floor.  You see a guard there cleaning up the mess of what was once the good doctor.  One monitor catches your eye for all of the commotion going on onscreen.  It is the elevator bank in the lobby.  A guard clutching a bandaged stump of an arm sits in the corner, rocking back and forth.  There are five other guards milling around, pointing, and doing other things.  One is yelling into a phone, pointing at the elevators and gesturing rapidly.  You are not going to be able to leave this tower the way you came in, and you may not have much time before they figure out a way up to your floor.  You feel somewhat caught in a web.

You exit the security room and head back out into the lobby.

Do you:

A)  Go into the conference room
B)  Go into the women's room
C)  Go through the door at the north end of the hallway

HP: 20

Status:   Bandaged up.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map

Perhaps not Genowyn

You enter the conference room.  There is a large conference table with chairs on both sides.  There is a laptop at one seat, hooked up to a projector that is projecting images and words you cannot read up onto a screen.  The images change every few seconds.  They are all pictures of people, animals, and objects.  Among them are the five pictures you saw on the wall of the studio, a picture of you, and pictures of several of your friends.  The rest are people you do not recognize.  There is also a health drink on the table, unopened.  You take it and leave.  

You then attempt to go through the door at the north end of the hallway, but find that it is locked.  You try the key, and the door opens.  You are in a hallway that runs east to west.  At the east end close to you is a door to the clerk's office.  At the far end is a door into the CEO's office.  In between are several vacant office cubicles.

Do you:

A)  Go into the clerk's office
B)  Go into the CEO's office
C)  Search the cubicles

HP: 20

Status:   Bandaged up.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink

Perhaps not Genowyn

You search the cubicles and find various personal items that are of no use to you.  You find a health drink, which you take.  In the last cubicle, you see a DVD-R on the desk in a slip cover that has "Lost - Final Episode bootleg" written on it.  You are tempted, but you leave it.

Do you:

A)  Go into the clerk's office
B)  Go into the CEO's office

HP: 20

Status:   Bandaged up.

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (2)

Perhaps not Genowyn

You open the door to the clerk's office and see a disheveled little man in a wrinkled suit feverishly working his way through a pile of paperwork on his desk.  The clerk looks up at you, grunts, and goes back to his paperwork.  He does not appear threatening in any way.  After a moment more of you not moving, he stops, grunts at you a little louder and waived impatiently for you to come closer.  You do.  "Um...what is it you want me to do?" you ask him.

He makes more grunting noises, and you see while he is going so that it appears his tongue has been removed, which explains why he is grunting and not talking.  He reaches into a desk drawer, pulls out an iPhone and holds it out to you.  Just as you are about to take it, he jerks it back suddenly.  "Look, I don't have time for games.  What is it you want?" you ask.

The suited man smiles and points at the mp3 player hooked onto your belt and then holds out the phone again.  "Oh, you want to trade."

Do you:

A)  Trade with the clerk
B)  Leave

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

MP3 Player:  static OFF
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)

Perhaps not Genowyn

You unclip your mp3 player and hold it out.  Before you even have time to react, the clerk swipes it out of your hand and whisks it into his desk drawer without even looking up at you.  You wait for him to hand you the phone, but perhaps your communication with your silent friend is not working, because he merely continues ignorning you and working on his paperwork.

"Excuse me," you say, slightly annoyed.  "The phone please?"

He looks up at you and seems to have an expression of mock confusion.

"We were supposed to trade."

He blinks, and then lets out a sigh and hands you the phone.  He then continues processing his paperwork, so you exit.

Do you:

A)  Try to use the phone
B)  Go into the CEO's office
C)  Go back to the elevators

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)

Perhaps not Genowyn

You examine the phone for a few minutes and wonder out loud, "I really just need to find out what to do next.  I wonder if there's an app. for that."  As if on cue, the phone scrolls to and opens the phone directory, highlights the number for "Studio - Main," and dials.  You hear the line connect, and hear a series of beeps, but no voice.

"Hello?  Hello, is someone there?" you say into the phone.

You hear a digitized voice respond, "Kevin?"

You:  "Yes.  Yes, it's me.  I got this phone from the clerk in the tower."

Computer:  "Then you've made it farther than I thought.  I honestly didn't think you would be able to evade the guards this long."

You pause for a moment, and then:  "About that...  I got into a fight.  And I killed one of the guards.  And the doctor as well.  I didn't mean to, but I--I didn't really have a choice."

Computer:  "This is unexpected, but that explains all the activity.  Look, you are going to have to hurry.  Take the CEO's access card.  He keeps it in his top desk drawer.  He should not be in, but be careful.  He may not look like much, and he would not normally be a match for you if you can take out a guard.  But he is usually armed.  You need the card to access the penthouse.  That is where the silent man is.  Kill him and kill him quickly.  Remember--he is dangerous if he talks.  Do not let him speak to you.  Just kill him and then call me for further instructions."

You:  "But what if I don't want to kill him?  I don't want to kill anyone else.  I want this classic nightmare to end so I can get out of here."

Computer, sounding agitated:  "As I told you, you don't get to make the rules.  I do.  You do what I say and maybe you get to go home when I say you do.  You have no choice in the matter."

You:  "That's not what the old man said."

Computer, after a pause:  "What old man?"

You:  "There was an old man in one of the prison cells.  He said I have a choice to make and that I should choose carefully.  Do you know what he meant?"

Computer:  "No.  And you should not have gone there.  It is too dangerous.  Now stop arguing with me and do what you are told.  Your highest priority is to kill the silent man.  Until you do, we have nothing more to talk about.  Call me for further instructions once he is dead."  The line disconnects.

You walk to the CEO's office.  The huge, dark wood doors are locked.  You try the key and they open.  As you enter, you see a man in a suit behind a heavy oak desk staring out the open window.  He quickly spins around, a look of terror on his face and points the gun he is holding in his hand at you.  "You!  You made it in here."

You put up your hands and answer:  "Look, take it easy.  I just need something from you and I'll be on my way."

CEO, as he climbs up onto the window sill:  "Oh, I think I can figure out what you want.  Who am I kidding?  If you could take out my guards so easily, this obviously isn't going to protect me.  I know he sent you.  I guess my time is finally up."  He raises the gun and pulls the trigger.

"No, wait!" you shout.  But you are too late.  His body goes limp as he fires a shot through his head.  His body tumbles out the window, and the gun along with it.  You stand there stunned for a second, but then gather yourself and begin searching the desk.  You find the CEO's access card as well as a strange looking pair of rose-colored sunglasses.  You don't believe you'll wear rose colored glasses, but you take them anyway, wondering what they could possibly be used for.

Do you:

A)  Keep searching the office (say how)
B)  Go back to the elevators

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)
Access card

Perhaps not Genowyn

You look around the office.  The walls have dark wood paneling. There are windows along the north and west walls, once of which is open.  There is a heavy wood credenza along the west all that the CEO used to step up onto the window sill before killing himself.  The desk is in front of that.  You try other desk drawers, but they are locked.  There is an expensive-looking leather couch in the northeast corner.  As it shows on your map, there are no windows along the south wall.  There are two large book cases with an approximately-door-sized gap in between them, but no door that you can see with your own eyes.  The carpet looks and feels expensive.  Too bad.  That puddle of urine in between the desk and credenza will be a pain to clean.  You see nothing else with your own eyes that looks useful.

Do you:

A)  Keep searching the office (say how)
B)  Go back to the elevators

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)
Access card


Perhaps not Genowyn

Are you sure?  There's nothing behind that wall according to the map.


No I wouldn't.  I have a feeling that the old man is the silent man.

Go back and kill the old man and take back the mp3 player so you have both.

Perhaps not Genowyn

:p  You search the room, including the gap.  You search the gap thoroughly, but find nothing.  On a whim, you put on the glasses and look around the room.  Other than the color, nothing looks different...until you look at the gap between the book cases.  You now see the outline of a doorway and the outline of a hand in the center of the way.  You remove the glasses and take another look, as well as running your hand over the wall.  You see and feel nothing but a plain wall.  You put your glasses on again and the markings are there, clear as day.  You hold the hand up to the hand outline on the wall.  By your hand, you see a light begin to grow and spread through the wall.  A door opens and you go inside.  You are in a large armory filled with weapons of all kinds--certainly enough for a small army.  Unfortunately, they are locked in heavy steel racks that you cannot open.  You try your existing key, but it does not work and ends up breaking.  What is the deal with keys in this place, anyway?  There is, however, a handgun sitting out on a cleaning table in the center of the armory with a magazine next to it.  You take the gun, load the magazine, and leave.

As you arrive back in the elevator bank, you see the doors to your elevator begin to close.  You run and dive through just as the doors snap shut.  The LED indicator that tells you what floor you are on reads, "SYSTEM OVERRIDE" in flashing letters.  The elevator begins descending.  You hit the "hold" button, and the elevator stops.  But the minute you let go, it begins descending again.

Do you:

A)  Ride the elevator back down
B)  Try to get to the penthouse

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Handgun (6/10)
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)
Access card

Perhaps not Genowyn

You scan the access card and press and hold the "P" button.  The elevator stops and then begins to rise.  You arrive at the penthouse and the doors open.  Since somebody is trying to override the elevator, you decide to use the crowbar to hold the "hold" button to keep the guards in the lobby from arriving on this floor unexpectedly.  

You step out of the elevator into a small room with a circular staircase going up.  You ascend the stairs and find yourself in a circular room at the top of the tower.  There are no walls; only windows.  The room is brilliantly lit, but you do not see the source of the light.  In the center is an Asian looking man with long, black hair that flows down to the floor and out some of the windows.  He looks at you and silently smiles.  

"So I arrive.  The silent man?" you ask.  He nods, still smiling, although there is a deep sadness in his eyes.  

"I think you have made your choice about what you came here to do," he says.  "The question is, which choice did you make?  I hope you have enough information to make a good choice."

Do you:

A)  Talk to him
B)  Attack him (with what)

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Handgun (6/0)
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)
Access card


Attack him with... With.... Goddamit I can't kill The Silent Man.


Perhaps not Genowyn

You draw your gun, but decide to take the risk of trying to get some answers before you make any hasty decisions.

"I was told I shouldn't talk to you," you say.  "I was told it is too dangerous and that...well, basically, I'll become bewitched if I allow you to speak."

"Then what did you come here to do?" he asks.  His voice is very soothing and calming, almost eerily so, and you feel your power to do him harm being stripped away from you involuntarily.

You:  "I think you know.  If I want to get home, I've only got one choice.  So are you as dangerous as I've bene told?"

The Silent Man:  "You will have to answer that for yourself.  I don't think anything I could say will influence you one way or the other.  But I am locked up here, so there are some who would consider me dangerous."

You:  "Why don't you give me straight answers?"

The Silent Man:  "Why don't you make up your mind and either put that gun away or pull the trigger?"

You feel your arm slowly lowering.  The most interesting thing about this sensation is that you are not lowering it.  It seems to be doing that all on its own.  You bring your arm back up and yell, "Stop it!"

Do you:

A)  Keep talking
B)  Pull the trigger

HP: 50

Status:   It's all good

Handgun (6/0)
Guitar picks
Studio map (partial)
Large curved knife
Small knife
Light orb
Silent Tower map
Health Drink (1)
Access card


I can't kill him.

Choose light or darkness.  I choose light.


Because John Myung didn't do anything to you!!!