The Depressed/Angry Thread.

Started by Marvellous G, January 30, 2010, 04:13:29 PM

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Quote from: Hyperplex on February 03, 2010, 04:38:36 PM
That I understand, and I understand it well.

Also, in 15 years, I might be a Phd, but working on drugs for lung transplants? driving a porsche? Being a mix of japanese and german?

He also seems to like all the same stuff she does.

Damnit I hate life.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Adami on February 03, 2010, 04:24:10 PM
So I found out my 26 year old ex fiance is now starting to date a 40 year old Phd who develops drugs to help lung transplants, drives a porsche and is the head of his department at wash u. Here I am 25 and unemployed.


Don't focus on it. I had the same thing when things ended with my last girlfriend she started dating someone who is completely the opposite of me, one would say for the worse. He is older but is still working on his degree, lives at home, out of shape and all of this.

Really it doesn't matter if he is less or more appealing. Don't compare yourself to him, he is 40 and in a different league and since this relationship just recently ended she is probably looking for some comfort in him.

Funny I read your post. In January things were going great between my ex and I, we really cleared a lot of feelings in the open and I thought we were moving forward. Well she just disappeared on me and it's getting me down but I see the type of person she is, I think that is what is bothering me the most. I never thought she would be capable of things she did (too long to get into here) huh, I had an engagement ring for this girl. :/


How do you overcome struggling with something you know is true.  Something that you know you have to do, but is basically a suicide mission?  here is kind of a metaphor:
If you were going to war, starting alone, and you had to find people to fight in your army, except you are in a small 3rd world country with no weapons, fighting against the US.  But you know that you have to fight this battle, but are struggling with coming to these terms.  How do you overcome this?



Quote from: antigoon on February 04, 2010, 06:03:53 PM
Nut up and do it?
And the whole being killed in war part is very literal.


You're not thinking of moving to a third world country and going to war against the US are you?


Quote from: robwebster on February 04, 2010, 06:11:00 PM
You're not thinking of moving to a third world country and going to war against the US are you?
Lol. No.  Not THAT literal.

Dark Master Of Sin

So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?


Quote from: KevShmev on February 02, 2010, 12:41:25 PM
Remember, folks, when feeling depressed or even a bit down, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL.  It always seems like everyone drowns their sorrows in booze, and that only makes things worse. 

true true true.  when i was living with my parents after graduating from college (some of you remember this) I got into a very destructive pattern.  And still even when my mom is being a narcisistic bitch, I still get the urge to drink.

Lol just thinking about that makes me want to have a captain and coke.


Quote from: icysk8r on February 04, 2010, 06:01:37 PM
How do you overcome struggling with something you know is true.  Something that you know you have to do, but is basically a suicide mission?  here is kind of a metaphor:
If you were going to war, starting alone, and you had to find people to fight in your army, except you are in a small 3rd world country with no weapons, fighting against the US.  But you know that you have to fight this battle, but are struggling with coming to these terms.  How do you overcome this?

Well, knowing what I know about you, unless you are talking about something different you haven't told us, I don't think anyone is going to kill you.  I'm not in your situation, but I think things will get a lot better for you in college (assuming you go).  It might even be worth trying to contact a group at a university and someone may be willing to give you the advice you can't get from traditional sources.  Of course, if I'm making wrong assumptions, just tell us what's eating you so we don't have to guess.  Your being vague makes me think you want us to be vague as well.


Quote from: dreamtheatervt on February 04, 2010, 06:41:19 PM
Quote from: icysk8r on February 04, 2010, 06:01:37 PM
How do you overcome struggling with something you know is true.  Something that you know you have to do, but is basically a suicide mission?  here is kind of a metaphor:
If you were going to war, starting alone, and you had to find people to fight in your army, except you are in a small 3rd world country with no weapons, fighting against the US.  But you know that you have to fight this battle, but are struggling with coming to these terms.  How do you overcome this?

Well, knowing what I know about you, unless you are talking about something different you haven't told us, I don't think anyone is going to kill you.  I'm not in your situation, but I think things will get a lot better for you in college (assuming you go).  It might even be worth trying to contact a group at a university and someone may be willing to give you the advice you can't get from traditional sources.  Of course, if I'm making wrong assumptions, just tell us what's eating you so we don't have to guess.  Your being vague makes me think you want us to be vague as well.
No no non o, it isn't the gay thing.  Gays are accepted, basically.  No, it isn't that.  If I told you what it was on here, I fear a lot of people here would hate me and also anybody could be reading these forums so I would rather not say.  In PM's, sure.  But not public.


Starting a gay army is no way to solve your problems.


Quote from: sonatafanica on February 04, 2010, 06:57:37 PM
Starting a gay army is no way to solve your problems.
It isn't gays...

Dark Master Of Sin

Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?
Well, DMoS, in my opinion you should probably talk to your parents, but seeking medical attention is optional. Oh, also, you should stop talking to yourself, you crazy bastard you.


Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?
I would say you should maybe think about going to a therapist.  They are the only ones who can really tell.  A test can't tell you for sure.

Dark Master Of Sin

Quote from: icysk8r on February 04, 2010, 07:02:49 PM
Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?
I would say you should maybe think about going to a therapist.  They are the only ones who can really tell.  A test can't tell you for sure.
Well, I trust my self diagnosis of agreeing with the test. For two reasons:

1. I understand myself better than anyone else can
2. I have an A in psychology.


Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 07:04:54 PM
Quote from: icysk8r on February 04, 2010, 07:02:49 PM
Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?
I would say you should maybe think about going to a therapist.  They are the only ones who can really tell.  A test can't tell you for sure.
Well, I trust my self diagnosis of agreeing with the test. For two reasons:

1. I understand myself better than anyone else can
2. I have an A in psychology.

Still, a surgeon can't do a heart transplant on himself.

Dark Master Of Sin

That's so comparing apples to oranges.


Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 07:09:52 PM
That's so comparing apples to oranges.

Getting an A in high school or college psych is pretty meaningless.

Online tests can't diagnose anyone.

You can't diagnose yourself.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


It said I might have mild depression. :lol


Quote from: blackngold29 on February 03, 2010, 01:40:40 PM
So I tell that girl I was talking about earlier in the thread on Monday "I wanna tell you something, come talk if you can." I left out the "I want to ask you out Friday night" part.

"Alright I'll try." So Monday nothing. Tuesday nothing.

This morning I see her again, in class. She sits in front of me. So her friend beside her introduces her to this guy beside her. Not sure who he is. They smile at one another. Great, I think. He walks up to her after class, "So what are you doing now?" It was like a freaking dream.  "Sorry, gotta go to class," she says. OK, maybe she didn't like him. She walks down the hall to her friend (as I try to keep up with her) "So, I just met someone," she says and smiles. I want to slit my wrists at this point.

Finally I catch up to her, "Are you gonna be busy at 3? Stop by and see me." "I'm doing something with my friend here, but I'll try." Alright, finally. Go to class, distracted by thinking about what I'm gonna say to her. Completely frak over a quiz in Physics.

Sitting, waiting for her, nothing. I text her: "Stop by, I wanna talk to you." She's got class in the one room at 3:30, I had to go to that building anyway, so I hang around. Nothing. She sends me a text: "My boyfriend came home from college, I'm not on campus. Sorry. E-mail me."

Well, HOLY FUCK! Lost has nothing on my life. Talk about disbelief. Now she's gotten a boyfriend in the two weeks that she's avoided me enough that I didn't have a chance to ask her out. Asked her about lunch tomorrow, I still want to talk to her, but I guess the Friday night movie just got cancelled. :'( I know I should just say, screw it, and move on, but just wow.

The fact that you told her you wanted to see her/ask her something and she didn't make the effort for you tells me that she had a pretty good idea of what was on your mind and went out of her way to avoid you.  Because if she was into you, I guarantee she would have made the time for you...especially if she thought you were going to ask her out (which, trust me...she did).

And don't hate on the new boyfriend...she wasn't into you anyway...or else she wouldn't have gone out of her way to get involved with someone else (and make sure to tell you about it) unless she was trying to dissuade you from asking her out. 

At least rest easy knowing this:  If you had asked her flat out when you'd originally wanted to, she would have said no.  At least this way you can still look her in the face and pretend everything's cool and you don't have to worry about awkwardness in class for the rest of the semester.

Sorry to be blunt, but I've been the girl in this situation before.  It kind of sucks knowing one of your friends is about to "cross the line" and make everything awkward...and I can pretty much assure you that she wasn't doing it to be a fact, it's probably her way of gently telling you not to ruin your friendship.

Marvellous G

Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?

I would talk to your parents about it, or maybe your close friends, and see if they agree. If so, maybe medical help is an idea if you feel you need it. Was this site definitely reliable?

Dark Master Of Sin

Quote from: Marvellous G on February 05, 2010, 10:48:02 AM
Quote from: Dark Master Of Sin on February 04, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
So, took a pretty legit test on a site my psychology teacher uses a lot, and it said I'm clinically depressed. Always kinda assumed so, but eh. I answered the questions as truthful as I possibly could, and it came out with the result I kinda dreaded. The only questions I have are, should I talk to my parents about it? And, should I seek real medical help?

I would talk to your parents about it, or maybe your close friends, and see if they agree. If so, maybe medical help is an idea if you feel you need it. Was this site definitely reliable?
Yeah, site was by PhD's.


Websites can't diagnose. People need to do it. You need face to face convo, everyone is different, and needs to be assessed differently.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Neon on February 04, 2010, 08:22:04 PM
Quote from: blackngold29 on February 03, 2010, 01:40:40 PM
So I tell that girl I was talking about earlier in the thread on Monday "I wanna tell you something, come talk if you can." I left out the "I want to ask you out Friday night" part.

"Alright I'll try." So Monday nothing. Tuesday nothing.

This morning I see her again, in class. She sits in front of me. So her friend beside her introduces her to this guy beside her. Not sure who he is. They smile at one another. Great, I think. He walks up to her after class, "So what are you doing now?" It was like a freaking dream.  "Sorry, gotta go to class," she says. OK, maybe she didn't like him. She walks down the hall to her friend (as I try to keep up with her) "So, I just met someone," she says and smiles. I want to slit my wrists at this point.

Finally I catch up to her, "Are you gonna be busy at 3? Stop by and see me." "I'm doing something with my friend here, but I'll try." Alright, finally. Go to class, distracted by thinking about what I'm gonna say to her. Completely frak over a quiz in Physics.

Sitting, waiting for her, nothing. I text her: "Stop by, I wanna talk to you." She's got class in the one room at 3:30, I had to go to that building anyway, so I hang around. Nothing. She sends me a text: "My boyfriend came home from college, I'm not on campus. Sorry. E-mail me."

Well, HOLY FUCK! Lost has nothing on my life. Talk about disbelief. Now she's gotten a boyfriend in the two weeks that she's avoided me enough that I didn't have a chance to ask her out. Asked her about lunch tomorrow, I still want to talk to her, but I guess the Friday night movie just got cancelled. :'( I know I should just say, screw it, and move on, but just wow.

The fact that you told her you wanted to see her/ask her something and she didn't make the effort for you tells me that she had a pretty good idea of what was on your mind and went out of her way to avoid you.  Because if she was into you, I guarantee she would have made the time for you...especially if she thought you were going to ask her out (which, trust me...she did).

And don't hate on the new boyfriend...she wasn't into you anyway...or else she wouldn't have gone out of her way to get involved with someone else (and make sure to tell you about it) unless she was trying to dissuade you from asking her out. 

At least rest easy knowing this:  If you had asked her flat out when you'd originally wanted to, she would have said no.  At least this way you can still look her in the face and pretend everything's cool and you don't have to worry about awkwardness in class for the rest of the semester.

Sorry to be blunt, but I've been the girl in this situation before.  It kind of sucks knowing one of your friends is about to "cross the line" and make everything awkward...and I can pretty much assure you that she wasn't doing it to be a fact, it's probably her way of gently telling you not to ruin your friendship.

I'm not fully convinced she was never into me. I wouldn't have asked at all if I thought she wasn't. I wanted to tell her everything than give her a hug and then it's all up to her. She had a legit reason why she didn't have time to talk today, but she'll barely even look at me. She asked me to e-mail her, so that's what I'm gonna do. One last chance, holding nothing back. It's gonna be weird, but I'm going to tell her everything. I have no clue how she's gonna react, but I will honestly be surprised if it's positively. Really all I want to know is why? One month ago she was possibly the nicest person that I knew, now....


She just wants to be friends. Massive sigh of relief. Less depressed. Still emotionally whacked out.


So i've been feeling some feelings of what i assumed were depression/anxiety for about 2 years. My older brother also deals with these problems and has been diagnosed for them and now takes medication for them. And recently i got fed up with feeling really down every once in awhile so i told my parents, and then i went to the doctor. After talking to the doctor he prescribed me with a medication to start off with, but it most likely won't have any effect for 4-6 weeks. But now i feel better about myself, knowing that something is actually wrong with me makes me feel feel comforted almost, because now i know i just wasn't something i made up to feel sorry for myself. Anyone who is keeping this sort of thing inside of them would do well to consider passing the torch to another person(s), because only then will you get the help you need to help you bettter about yourself, your life and everything in it.


Quote from: Chewbacca on February 08, 2010, 04:54:58 PM
So i've been feeling some feelings of what i assumed were depression/anxiety for about 2 years. My older brother also deals with these problems and has been diagnosed for them and now takes medication for them. And recently i got fed up with feeling really down every once in awhile so i told my parents, and then i went to the doctor. After talking to the doctor he prescribed me with a medication to start off with, but it most likely won't have any effect for 4-6 weeks. But now i feel better about myself, knowing that something is actually wrong with me makes me feel feel comforted almost, because now i know i just wasn't something i made up to feel sorry for myself. Anyone who is keeping this sort of thing inside of them would do well to consider passing the torch to another person(s), because only then will you get the help you need to help you bettter about yourself, your life and everything in it.

I'm glad to hear you feel better, and I hope it only gets better :tup


Quote from: Chewbacca on February 08, 2010, 04:54:58 PM

You got perscribed meds for feeling down "once in a while"?
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


It's not just the depression. I have to get some more tests yet and some psychoanalysis or something like that, but i may have social anxiety. I just started a new job, as something to keep me going for a couple months until i am able to work at a golf course where i normally work, and after a couple days of being there i just hated it, and dreaded waking up to have to go to this place. Same thing goes with a social event, such as a party or whatever. For example i was at a new years party and i got so worked up and it felt like nervousness, and it got so bad i just crashed and had to get out of there. Stuff like that, is what im hoping the meds are going to help fix


Well, I can't say I think meds are ideal in your situation, but if that's what you think will help, more power to you.

www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Actually, I am in both corners right now. It seemed like the doctor didn't really go deep into questioning. I told him what and how i feel, and he kind of just jumped immediately to these meds. Now, if they work, then the man is a genius. But i was expecting maybe a little more research into my behavioral patterns and what not, so i can be sure that what he'"diagnosed" be with is correct. The other specialist i am supposed to start seeing will probably uncover more stuff for this, and get the "undercover story" so maybe i can find the right solution to the problem. Maybe the meds are a long term solution, maybe they are a short term one. Really, the only way to find out is by experimentation, so it can't really hurt the situation.


Quote from: Chewbacca on February 09, 2010, 11:31:20 AM
Actually, I am in both corners right now. It seemed like the doctor didn't really go deep into questioning. I told him what and how i feel, and he kind of just jumped immediately to these meds. Now, if they work, then the man is a genius. But i was expecting maybe a little more research into my behavioral patterns and what not, so i can be sure that what he'"diagnosed" be with is correct. The other specialist i am supposed to start seeing will probably uncover more stuff for this, and get the "undercover story" so maybe i can find the right solution to the problem. Maybe the meds are a long term solution, maybe they are a short term one. Really, the only way to find out is by experimentation, so it can't really hurt the situation.

To be fair, if you get stabbed with a rusty knife, morphine is going to make sure you feel no pain. However you're still going to die from an untreated infection.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


So basically the past month with my ex was great, we were really making progress and just recently as of this past Saturday she tells me she doesn't want to get any more serious and wants to just hang out. I wouldn't mind moving slow but she just wants me to take her out and treat her as a girlfriend while she wants to continue dating this other guy, basically I though things were over between her and him, but I guess not. It's a lot more complex but this is the short story. Just needed to vent. I gave it a second chance and for a few weeks it was great but something happened on her end, time to cut contact again and this time for good.


Quote from: ReaperKK on February 09, 2010, 05:07:03 PM
So basically the past month with my ex was great, we were really making progress and just recently as of this past Saturday she tells me she doesn't want to get any more serious and wants to just hang out. I wouldn't mind moving slow but she just wants me to take her out and treat her as a girlfriend while she wants to continue dating this other guy, basically I though things were over between her and him, but I guess not. It's a lot more complex but this is the short story. Just needed to vent. I gave it a second chance and for a few weeks it was great but something happened on her end, time to cut contact again and this time for good.

See, maybe it makes me less of a guy, but I never felt the urge to "fight" for a girl like that, or to go out of my way to convince her to be with me. If she doesn't want to, I just move on. Your ex clearly knows that as long as she is nice to you, she can get anything she wants from you and see whoever else she wants as well. This makes you the equivalent of tool. I'd say tell her to piss off, or start demanding stuff from her. Make it a 50/50 deal or no deal at all.

And rape her.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com