Author Topic: Dreaming Majesty  (Read 2670 times)

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Offline Unknown-Comic

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Dreaming Majesty
« on: April 19, 2022, 06:05:32 AM »
Ok, I am new here, but as old as the band members.  I started the thread to share a story, of insignificance, that turned out to be significant.  Before I begin, a little bit about myself.  I am sort of solitary no, but as a teen even more so, being an introvert and partially Autistic, undiagnosed through life. My mannerisms were difficult to understand from most who don't know me, while being quiet was easiest to see. I find writing easier to share my thoughts... so here is my story.

Back in 82 or a 83, out of the blue a stranger stopped by our house. Mom and I had been  living with her boyfriend at the time.  So it was an awkward experience. Being the stranger knew who lives there and seemed to navigate the conversation as important, I let him in for a short moment.  From what I recall he had blondish hair, and seemed to be a mover and a shaker type.  Noting nothing more of importance about him, all details were set asside but name for reference.  As convo became near an end, he produced a demo tape (cassette)  and navigated to the stereo and asked to play it to find out if I had an interest.  Once he played a short segment, mostly because he saw no reaction... I could only think the vocals sucked. But everything else was beyond what I had heard from experienced before.  I taken it to some of the acts at the Monterey Jazz festival. Which I could walk to from our street.  For me music has always been a picture of sorts. If anything is not properly placed in tone, pattern, and matched like an orchestra, I find no interest it.  My favorite song when I was 8, was Funeral for a Friend/Love lies bleeding in my hand.  That song being the intro to Elton John's Yellow Brick Road LP.  Mom was given it by her friend. With no words said, the gentleman said, oh this is not so good, to something or another, meaning I had not the ear for it.  I would have wanted to listen more, but I noticed he was in a hurry and I was not of his concern any way.  I did note the scribble on the cassette, but being a lack luster end on a brief moment, it soon faded over time. 

For years I passed by and even watched movies at the Dream Theater, never ever taking notice of importance later in life.  Being busy in the 80s with college, and working full time to support myself.  I vowed never to do that again.  Until in the 90s, I searched for Metropolis... don't know why, but it brought me to Dream Theater.  Other than the memory of days of old, the name I discounted as being a title that could have been copied from any other location in the world, and never Monterey, as it's the least notable name I can think of by a band.  Having no experience with what to expect from thr band, I chose to buy Once in a Livetime.  It blew me away with so much yet seemed not enough.

As the years passed and progressed deeper with Dream Theater, I ended my collection with Score DVD set, as my tastes have settled with keeping the 20 years bookened.  The rest of Dream Theater years were experiences that are Dream Theater but beyond the borders of what my mind has boxed in.  Some more violent and in your face raw with the thought of the line in Amadeus, "One too many notes".  Not that I had feared burning brain cells to fully comprehend, just took me to over the rainbow into another land, which i admit need to adjust myself to listen.  Some have noted new vs old, if you look at it, we grow old not the music. Dream Theater has risen where few bands have ever gone.  Not for notariety, glamor, or praise... just for their quest to express creation at a different level. 

I don't know if the early experience I had with the unknown demo tape was pre Majesty or just a dream, while things seem to have gone full circle around me.

My thought is, never discount a brief moment... it may be bigger than your wildest dreams.

Online TAC

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2022, 07:19:58 AM »
So.....who was this stranger??
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Stadler

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 07:32:01 AM »
Yeah, that... I want to reply to this so badly because it seems so heartfelt, but I just have too many open questions.

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2022, 08:12:25 AM »
Yeah, that... I want to reply to this so badly because it seems so heartfelt, but I just have too many open questions.
  Go ahead and reply all you want.  Though at the time i saw no importance for much else in detail.  All I know is from the DT doc on Score DVD, after all I don't want to be a rabid DT looney.  In fact I am too quiet to feel comfortable with trying to feel closer than having what connection I feel I have with pre discovery.  Like I say a dream, more than reality. 

As for the guy, all I can think of is he was the manager.  Moslty from DVD stating that Dream Theater was his idea being the name of a cool theater.  I only have details to prove to the guy if he should request, if that is ever to happen. The simplest is, What street is Doug's house on off of Del Monty blvd. Because he knew the guy well enough as it was, the street would be an easy peasy recall.  I haven't the clue if the guy is still alive, so that  probably would never be answered.

Only if I had the voice to ask about the tape, but being a strangers, and he seemed in a hurry.   Just left me to think how my fav band may have found me, rather than the other way around.

Just because I say they are my fav, does not mean, I have their names and all the details in my head ready to talk up a chat with all so easy.  My brain don't work that way. Names are not recalled but understood when others chat about them, sung lyrics are mostly notes and harmony,  so some titles or segments of song is all I can recall. I tend to play songs in order of play list, rather than read a title and jump to it. Also which song was first and how many songs were done live, are beyond me.  So when replying on specifics I may come off as a mix knowlegable or a newbie at times.

My main reason for making the short story, was that it is interestingly different, even if the cassette tape was of a different band, the music was not of what was played around that time. It was probably embedded enough in my memory to quest for the sound again. Which I found by random searching.

Offline Stadler

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2022, 08:25:09 AM »
No, no, I'm not interested in picking apart your story; I just want to understand the basics... so the guy in the story came by with a MAJESTY demo tape back in the day, and you sort of buried the memory until hearing Score?  Is that the gist of it?  I mean, that's pretty damn cool, and I get the point that life has a way of coming around on itself in that way (my dad is in assisted living now, and I went to visit him on Easter, and I met a guy who is in his facility, and with whom my dad served in the Army in Hawai'i over 60 years ago). 

We can't always know the important details when they occur; sometimes they only take on importance much later in life when we can have the perspective to see the bigger picture.  That's not to say that the seeds can't be sown at an early time, only to be reaped much later in life.

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2022, 08:26:04 AM »
So.....who was this stranger??

The name now long forgotten. All I know for his age and the times, he had to be a leprechaun with a bit of magic in his pocket. No guy in his 30s would have had such a cassette, if he he didn't have ties with music.  That cassette was over the top for its day. It was like GNR on acid. I think it was just a studio jam session more than a demo tape.  Also in my life experiences living in my mom's boyfriend's house,  I met some interesting people. But they were passing through. The longest and most memorable was RC Owens of the 49'rs, as he stayed for a few hours on a visit, mostly because Doug has been an advid 49ers fan, and took side line photos, of various team members.  Just shy of the Joe Montana days, but I believe he lived life large once we moved away and I went off to college.

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2022, 08:47:32 AM »
No, no, I'm not interested in picking apart your story; I just want to understand the basics... so the guy in the story came by with a MAJESTY demo tape back in the day, and you sort of buried the memory until hearing Score?  Is that the gist of it?  I mean, that's pretty damn cool, and I get the point that life has a way of coming around on itself in that way (my dad is in assisted living now, and I went to visit him on Easter, and I met a guy who is in his facility, and with whom my dad served in the Army in Hawai'i over 60 years ago). 

We can't always know the important details when they occur; sometimes they only take on importance much later in life when we can have the perspective to see the bigger picture.  That's not to say that the seeds can't be sown at an early time, only to be reaped much later in life.

Yeah ,you seem to understand what I explained. You have no clue about the future until it touches you.  Ha! That should be a Dream Theater line.  When it hits hard, you're unable to get it wrapped around your head.  As for me it was years of it bouncing around, wondering what was it that I had listened to.  Even though I knew it was a demo, it seemed more than just another recording to be shelved.  I think they guy wanted to see recation to this new form of rock.  Unfortunately he did not know me well enough, and assumed too little.  To this very day I have doubts of it being tied to Dream Theater, but there are wierd connections that, if one wants to believe can make it bigger than it actually is.  I am too much of a realist...  if's, maybe's and wishes are beyond me, as yes or no seems to fit reason enough for me.  Yes, I am haunted by its gravity, but happy enough to share, mostly out of personal pleasure of thinking I am an unknown early pre fan of Dream Theater.  How weird to be a fan of something that you have to wait years for  .  If James was singing on that tape, I would've known right away without question, once I  played the Once in a Livetime CD.   

Offline emtee

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2022, 08:56:09 AM »
Why did this stranger come to your house to play a demo tape? Was your family in the music business?

I'm having difficulty following this.

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Dreaming Majesty
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2022, 09:13:27 AM »
Why did this stranger come to your house to play a demo tape? Was your family in the music business?

I'm having difficulty following this.

I have no answer to that, other than Doug had friends in all places.  I mentioned that the Monerey Jazz Festival was in walking distance.  Doug did have friends there, and was active in the Monterey Pop Festival as well.  The guy was looking for Doug and  said he would catch him later.  As I stated in previous reply, he seemed to be more interested in my reaction to the music.  As for its mainstream acceptance. At the time, I wanted more to listen to, but he made it look as if he had to hear it before he left.  Without asking why and who was playing, it left him less pleased about it.  I did say I am quiet, and more so back when he had shown up.  I only let him in because he knew Doug and asked to come in for a bit, as he had been driving.  I guess, I was too quiet for convo, and limited him with comfortable waiting.  If there was details about their manager, like blonde hair, if Dream Theater near Cannery Row was the name they chose, I would honestly say this was my direct connection to discovering Dream Theater.