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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2012, 04:05:30 AM »
Last night was a good one.

    I was on a school bus on some lame ass field trip. And for some reason Vince McMahon was there and we started disusing the pros and cons of how WCW ran their company vs. how the WWF runs its company. And there were a bunch of pro wrestlers on the bus too. It was mental and I loved it.

Then there was a second dream where I was Hank from Venture Bros. and I was defending the compound.

Offline BlackInk

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2012, 04:27:43 AM »
I was flying though these weird tunnels chased by one of those large flying snake things from the Avengers, unlike most dreams I actually got away and ended up in a sort of head hunter tribe. They did not like me and was about to attack me when I saw a huge wave coming from the ocean and I started running because it didn't look so large at first. But then as I had made it over a hill I saw that the wave was rediculously enormous and I realized I had to do something, so I reached out my hands and stopped the wave with my mind. Then I pushed it back into the ocean.

Then one of the headhunters came up to me, still not liking me, to cut me up with a knife he had. I, knowing I was dreaming, explained to him how I'm like a god here and that there is no point trying to cut me up because nothing would happen. He then tried to cut my arm but it didn't go through my skin. He then looked at me all surprised and stuff and then the dream ended.

Damn I love my mind.

Offline MajorMatt

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2012, 07:57:49 AM »
Very strange experience last night. We had some friends from London come to see us yesterday, I was designated driver so didn't have a drink all day. We were all up chilling until about 3:30am so I got to bed at around 4:30am.

When I slept I had a dream about being back at uni although it was slightly different, as most dreams do change things slightly. We were getting ready to go out and I started per drinking rather late so had to drink quite quickly. This is where I went from sober to intensely wasted in about, what seemed like 4 seconds. I was experiencing the effects of gravity 10 fold, falling about the place and being incredibly frustrated that I could not focus on anything. I was so ridiculously drunk I don't think I've even experienced that level in real life - and I've been pretty fucked up. The whole experience was not pleasant at all. I can remember every single 'scene' in this dream but I'll stick to the main parts otherwise I'll be here for hours.

Throughout the course of the dream I was in clubs in the city where my uni is. At one point I was commenting on how I managed to go from sober to wasted in such a short space of time and how I was now completely sober, infact I was hyper.

It was at this point myself and a flat mate were sat outside on a bench. I was handed a cigarette which I smoked (I don't in reality). I then noticed the guy stood to my left was in a bit of a mess and a volunteer (we have these in some cities in the uk that carry water, first aid and various other supplies) approached. He held the guy up then turned to me and asked me a question that I responded to (can't remember what now) then he said 'you are wired, aren't you.' I responded asking what he meant, to which he replied 'the effect achieved by taking a drug called MDMA, a powder similar to ecstasy pills'. I got very annoyed with him, explaining that I was not a drug user, and that I had never been involved in such things. I turned to my friend who said to ignore him it was just the energy drink making me hyper. Strange thing is that I was experiencing euphoria which I know from drugs ed. is an effect of these substances.

My friend that asked me if I wanted to smoke pot, again something I don't do, but this time I said ok. I remember going to get my friends stash and discovering it had all gone and getting frustrated and then things start to get hazy and I think I woke up not long after.

Also, I just remembered that at several points throughout the dream (or in one of my dreams in the night) I kept feeling like I was on the verge of crying and was experiencing utter despair, which is strange as I had such a good day.

The strangest part is I woke up with mild hangover symptoms, and the fact that I've had one drunk dream before.

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #73 on: September 03, 2012, 04:08:23 AM »
Last night I Dreamed that I went to a Peter Gabriel concert with my ex GF and instead of it being a concert, it turned into Peter Gabriel hosting Wheel of Fortune and one of my best friends was a contestant.

At the end of the show, Peter Gabriel came over to my table (cause apparently we were in a restaurant too) and he asked me for a slice of my pizza and then he autographed my copy of SO.

Offline erik16

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2012, 06:22:47 AM »
I had two dreams last night. First one I was surfing on frozen water with my friends. Second one I was picking huge sums of money from the floors of toilets. Some of that money was originally mine, some not.

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2018, 10:28:21 AM »
Last night was a weird one

I was in the car of a girl I really liked from college (but she was married with a kid) and nothing ever happened in the real world. In the dream she said she wanted me and was ready to go. Despite me really liking this girl and finally having the opportunity. I told her no and to go back to her husband and child. She said she can't stand her husband and then I said "well, you are the one who chose him" She got pissed and threw me out of the car  :lol

Felt so damn real. I am glad I am at a point in my life where now my big head can override the little one (even if it was just on the Dream plane)

In the real world I haven't seen this girl since 2012, but we have sent an email to each other like once a year. Since I was one year ahead of her in pharmacy school and she had questions. She's graduating in May and wants me to be there... So basically me, some random guy would have to sit next her legit husband and watch her graduate. No thanks, I'm telling her I'm busy.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 10:34:47 AM by Phoenix87x »

Offline Architeuthis

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2018, 11:34:02 AM »
I had a dream last night that a Tyrannosaur busted into my garage to get me. I tried to escape through the large front swinging door but it was jammed. When the dinosaur quickly sunk its teeth around my rib cage and clamped down, I remember it hurt like hell and I immediately woke up. It was a vivid violent and terrifying dream, and I was afraid to go back to sleep for a while. What the heck?? I haven't even watched any dino-movies in a long time.. Plus I'm in my mid forties.  ???
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 11:56:36 AM by Architeuthis »
You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don't burn out too fast, you can make the most of the distance, first you need endurance first you've got to last....... NP

Online Orbert

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2018, 01:30:34 PM »
Dinosaurs are timeless.  They can get you anytime, anywhere.

Offline Architeuthis

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2018, 03:45:18 PM »
Indeed, now I'm a nervous Rex!
You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don't burn out too fast, you can make the most of the distance, first you need endurance first you've got to last....... NP

Offline ReaperKK

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2018, 06:04:55 PM »
Dinosaurs are timeless.  They can get you anytime, anywhere.


Online Orbert

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2018, 06:58:58 PM »
I dreamed we were finishing up band practice at John's, which is normal, and in my dream what was also normal was that we had to make sure we were all out of there by 5:00 because that's when John and Kay have their little in-home daycare center, for kids in the neighborhood and stuff.  On my way out, I pass the lady setting up her desk thing near the back basement door.  Clever, how the business entrance is just the back door of the house anyway, as that makes it easier to separate the business from the main part of the house.  There are already two or three little kids there, and I pass a mom and kid coming in.  I walk out to the driveway, and cars are lining up to drop kids off.  Damn, not quite a "little" side business anymore, eh, John?

Then I pause for a second as I remember that on the way out there, I'd stopped at the gas station to grab a Coke, and for some stupid reason (probably stoned as hell), I decided to just walk the rest of the way out to John's.  It was a nice day out, and it's only like half a mile.  I'm a fucking idiot, because now, dead tired from another great jam session, I have to walk half a mile to my car.

The road winds through the woods and over a river, and I look and see a boat just pulling up to the dock near the bridge.  It's John's boat!  Someone had stolen his boat a few weeks back, but damn if that isn't it right there.  I'd know it anywhere.  I walk over and start talking to the people on the boat, asking them who they are and what are they doing on John's boat.  They ask me who the hell John is.  This isn't a small boat; it's a cabin cruiser, probably 30 or 32 feet, and I can see into the cabin, which is exactly how I remember it, having been on board a few times, and besides, there's John and Kay's picture right there.  I pull out my phone to call the cops.  Except I'm not quite sure exactly where I am, or how to describe it to the cops.  So I ask the people there what town are we even in, what's the name of this river, all that.  Amazingly, they tell me.  They're being completely cooperative.  In fact, they're being really cool about everything overall.

They invite me on board, so I climb aboard, and they're watching some video on the TV about trains.  I like trains, so I watch for a while.  Some of the others get bored and wander into the next room, and eventually I'm the only one left, so I head into the other room to see what everyone else is up to.  It occurs to me that there's no one left watching the TV, so of course MY MOM shows up and yells at me to turn off the TV if no one's watching it!

Even though it was just a dream, hearing my mom's voice yelling at me shook the hell out of me, and I woke up.  My mom's been gone since 2010, and John and Kay don't have a boat as far as I know, nor do they run a daycare out of their house.  Though it is true that their house is pretty huge.

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2018, 05:20:14 PM »
I had a dream last night where I made whoopee with the red head cougar that I work with. Oh my god, it felt so incredibly real and so so damn good that I swear I almost wanted to tell her today "thanks for last night". Hot damn, the dream plane can be fascinating and mind bogglin in how real it can seem.