Author Topic: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR  (Read 3494 times)

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Offline Bargey

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2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:06:39 PM »
Not sure if I'm allowed to start this thread but I'm going to anyway  :justjen

Anyone here going to this show? I'm flying into Portland on the day of the gig and have to find my way down to Salem, and then get my ass back to Portland to fly out on the redeye the next morning. As of yet I have no idea how I'm going to make that happen, so would appreciate pointers from any locals. The things we do for the  :heart of DT....  :metal
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Offline mallorier

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 09:25:30 PM »
Coming out of my usual lurk mode to try to help out a little bit. I will be going to this show, and to the show in San Fran two days later (The things we do for DT indeed :lol). I live in the Portland area, but unfortunately my car is currently at capacity so I can't hook you up with a ride. However, a quick google search showed me that there's actually a shuttle that goes from the airport in Portland to a number of major Oregon cities, Salem included. Looks like fare is around $35 bucks one way and $64 round trip, and they drop you off at the Red Lion hotel in Salem...from there it would simply be a matter of taking a cab or taking the bus and getting to the Elsinore. Here is the website for the shuttle service:

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else you'd like to get an Oregonian's input on...happy to help out a fellow DT fan  :tup

Offline Frosthawk

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 11:35:53 PM »
Hell yeah, Elsinore crew.  :hat

I'm also going to be flying into Portland for this show, as part of a greater vacation I'm taking in Portland at that time. It'll be my first time seeing Dream Theater!

Offline Bargey

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2014, 03:10:21 AM »
Cheers for the response Mallorier, I'm probably going to hire a car for the night, drive down and then drive back straight after the concert (I'm on a fairly tight time window). It might be a bit of a nervous trip though given at that point I won't have driven in the states for 18 months (I'm an Aussie) and I'll be driving on roads I don't know, at night at what I'm assuming is peak hour :P I recall last time I drove there the first day was a bit of a worry because I naturally look the opposite way for oncoming traffic that I need to there :P But hey why not risk becoming a road statistic to see DT. Of course if anyone wants to car pool and save some money / my life I'd certainly be up for it :) Oh and if any DTForumers want to meet up at the gig for a beer I'd be keen for that too.

To put it in a bit of perspective, what I'm doing to get to a DT show is as follows: Giving up about 18 hours of the San Diego leg of my holiday, cancelling on a night in a hotel & missing a flight that were already paid for, paying for a hire car & sleeping in an airport :P Given there's no guarantees the boys will come to Australia again this tour (they didn't for the ADTOE tour) it seems justified in my tiny mind.
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Offline dongringo

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 09:27:24 PM »
:rollin Respect!  :metal

I'll be there as well. I wish I could help, but it's going to be a tight squeeze between leaving work late, driving like a maniac home in rush hour traffic, shower, picking up brother in rush hour traffic, trying to get down there on time. But if I can manage to get off work early I'll certainly let you know.

I've never been to the Elsinore, but it looks really cool. We don't have many Gothic style structures around these parts, in fact this is the only one. Hopefully the stage is bigger than it looks in the pics though.

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Offline dongringo

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2014, 09:22:06 AM »
Amazing show last night!!! Flawless. I've never seen Petrucci so animated. He was completely into it. Labrie was on fire. And it's true what everyone has said, that Mangini must be seen live. I also really like the lighting/video presentation on this tour. Best show I've seen from them.
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Offline sueño

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Re: 2014-04-15 - Elsinore Theatre - Salem, OR
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 09:02:57 PM »
Agreed.  I've never seen DT but the show was one of the tightest concerts I've ever seen!  And the Elsinore was a great venue.   I am proud that my first-ever band t-shirt is the Dream Theater Majesty symbol with the design so argued over on this board last summer.  ;D  Truly awesome!   :hefdaddy    :metal 
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