Author Topic: Wolf-PAC: A PAC w/ the singular goal of getting corporate $ out of politics  (Read 1483 times)

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Offline antigoon

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From the site:
Our politicians are bought. Everyone knows it. Conservatives know it. Liberals know it. The Democrats are bought. The Republicans are bought. They don’t represent us. They represent their corporate donors who fund their campaigns and promise them well paying jobs after they leave office. We have taxation without representation. Our democracy is in serious trouble.

So what can we do to regain our ability to make our votes count and take back our democracy? We have to concentrate all of our resources into one single attack – making sure we take corporate money out of politics. The only way to do that is to bypass the corporate owned Congress and the Supreme Court – and pass a Constitutional amendment. We must pass an amendment saying that corporations are not people and they do not have the right to spend money to buy our politicians.

The objective of Wolf PAC will be to raise money and raise an army for the sole purpose of passing this amendment. We need a Constitutional revolution to get unlimited corporate money out of politics. Please join us and help retake our democracy.

Join the Fight

The objective of Wolf PAC is not theory, it is results. We will pass the amendment and we will regain our democracy. Here is how we're going to do it.

We must gather up a fighting force. We need programmers and organizers and lawyers and leaders. We need this movement to be in all 50 states. So, first we are doing a call for generals in this army. Please write into us and tell us what your expertise is and how you can help.

Our Congress is completely infected with the virus. So proposing an amendment through Congress seems hopeless. But luckily there is another way. We can do this purely at the state level. The states can call for a constitutional convention and they can ratify an amendment that comes out of one. And there is nothing our corrupt federal government can do about it.

I'm sure you know what I think by now. I feel that this is something EVERYONE can get behind.

Offline Rathma

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The basic idea sounds great, though I don't know the details. Keeping politicians away from corporate funding is such a basic necessity for democracy to function, and this definitely looks like something concrete that Occupy Wall Street could collectively get behind.

Offline Riceball

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Sounds like they actually know what they want, know how to get there, and are motivated to do it. And it sounds like a fair enough idea too.

Kind of the anti-thesis of Occupy xyz.
I punch those numbers into my calculator and they make a happy face.

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Offline Rathma

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  • oh no she didnt
This is the proposed 28th amendment

Corporations are not people. They have none of the Constitutional rights of human beings. Corporations are not allowed to give money to any politician, directly or indirectly. No politician can raise over $100 from any person or entity. All elections must be publicly financed.

So, right now there are no laws prohibiting corporations from contributing to politicians? Or is the amount of $ just different?

Offline Scheavo

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Absolutely none. Thanks to Citizens United, corporations are people, and thus their campaign contributions are considered free-speech, and protected by the first amendment.

Offline antigoon

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Right. They can't give directly (the $2500 per person limit is still in place), but Citizens United made it so corporations can put unlimited amounts of money into campaign advertising.

The legal fiction of corporate personhood has been around for a long while before this decision, though. Not sure when that came into being.

Offline skydivingninja

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The problem with that proposed amendment would be that now, they have no free speech, for example.  And would they still be considered a separate legal entity from its owners?  Plus, that first sentence isn't really necessary.  :P

I mean, don't get me wrong, its a great idea.  But as a side note, I feel like this "COPORATIONS AREN'T PEOPLE" thing is getting old and out-of-hand.  No, they literally aren't people.  Duh.  They've had these rights for years and years and only now people are complaining.  If Mitt Romney hadn't simplified his argument to make a valid point this stupid soundbyte wouldn't be following me where ever I go. 

Sorry, pointless rant over. 

Offline antigoon

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Corporate personhood has been a defined legal fiction for a long time. Mitt Romney didn't coin it.

Offline 7StringedBeast

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Sign me up.  I believe strongly that this needs to be enacted.  It's killed our whole election process.  It's crippled the way our government functions.
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Offline XJDenton

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