Author Topic: Podcasts.  (Read 1303 times)

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Offline robwebster

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« on: April 18, 2011, 11:01:03 AM »
How the devil do we not have a thread about podcasts? Brilliant medium! More timeless and accessible than radio, freer than television, and usually available internationally.

BUT. Not often very well promoted. Buried away in corners of the internet - which makes it a bugger to find new ones. Which'll make this a hell of a nifty resource. Hopefully.

My favourite one for the last year or so has been a wee thingybob called The Peacock and Gamble Podcast. It's by two fairly obscure British comedians - Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble - and they're f'ing brilliant. It's fairly niche humour - often a little infantile, and they play a lot with taboos so if you're easily offended it's probably not for you. It's not a frequent occurrance, but when they toy with offensive humour they don't tend to so much "cross the line" as trample it relentlessly until it degenerates into a shapeless mushy paste. That said, if you "get" their style then it's uproariously funny. Would recommend. Many times over. Sixty-six episodes, so far. All half an hour long. Episode 49's a good one to start with, but to be honest, the best way to gauge if you'll like it is to watch this. Ray Peacock doing a comedy set - that's the exact style of the show, and it's only thirteen minutes long. Plus, really really funny.

I do need more things to listen to, though so throw them at me and I will do a review of each one (disclaimer: might not).

OR. Does anyone here do a podcast themselves? I've got one I contribute to a bit, but I'm currently more interested in doing my own. Started recording one, but I've not finished, yet, so I might end up plugging the hell out of that at some point. Sorry in advance.

P.S. I am fed up of my most viewed thread being that shit one with the drummer, so if you don't click this thread I'm going to gouge your eyes out. Not that this threat applies to anyone reading this. Hello!

Offline ehra

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2011, 12:13:40 PM »
Read it and Weep - I found this because someone else on this forum linked it a few years back. Basically it's a few guys reading terrible books (and movies and TV shows at times) and making fun of them. Good stuff.

Steamcast - Video game stuff. Lots of talk about Valve games.

The Tolkien Professor
- Lectures on Tolkien's work by an English professor at Washington College. Some is content he's made for the site itself, others are audio recordings of his class that are made available on the site for free. Lots of great insight into The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, and Tolkien's more obscure works.

Massively Speaking - Video games. Specifically MMOs.

There's a few more I listen to, but they're just about specific games.

Offline Marvellous G

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2011, 12:51:55 PM »
Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time is technically a radio show, but available for download also and probably the most informative 'thing' in media today.

Offline Sigz

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »
Read it and Weep - I found this because someone else on this forum linked it a few years back. Basically it's a few guys reading terrible books (and movies and TV shows at times) and making fun of them. Good stuff.

Yeah, that was me. It's really the only podcast I listen to though, I should check some of the other ones in this thread out.
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Offline rumborak

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2011, 04:03:12 PM »
I like "Stuff you should know" from, and the Nature and Science podcasts. On top of that, news from Germany, BBC World and NPR 7am news.

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Offline SPNKr

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2011, 04:18:26 AM »
I listen to Henry Rollins' weekly KCRW broadcast but I can't catch it live to air. So I listen to the podcast which they always upload a few days later.

Highly recommended 2 hour show of all sorts of music, you name it.

Offline ReaPsTA

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Re: Podcasts.
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2011, 11:28:17 AM »
Huge fan of The BS Report from Bill Simmons.  The show mostly focuses on sports, but if you're not a sports fan you still want to check it out.  Simmons has an amazing stable of regular guests who come in to talk about TV and pop culture.

I also like the Adam Carolla Show.  Obviously, the name should tell you the focus.  If you like the Aceman you'll like the show, if not then not.  Very much depends on how you feel about his personality and style of comedy.  I'm not in on every episode because most of the guests don't interest me, but when a good one comes in I know I'll enjoy it.  The guests usually feel very loose and comfortable, meaning the conversation is good/funny and they're willing to be more open.
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