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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2018, 10:14:43 AM »
P.s. this list was first sent to me by a vegan I'm dating, in the context of "this is fucking absurd," so they're not all PETA freaks.
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2018, 10:16:29 AM »
"Feed two birds with one scone" falls flat right away because scone doesn't rhyme with stone...

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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2018, 02:25:48 PM »
This is actually pretty clever on PETA's part. They've already accomplished primary goal. People are talking about them. As fun as it is to bag on PETA they're not so dumb as to think they're going to change language in this country, and they realize that this would be the subject of ridicule. That was the object of the exercise.

And swing a dead cat has always been a favorite of mine.

Yeah but the conversation is ultimately going to be some form of 'PETA, and by extension animal rights, is something only crazy people believe in.' Not all press is good press.

Like most reasonable people, I eat meat and wear leather. I have no intention of stopping. But the way we treat animals is appalling and gets no serious attention because only crazy people/organizations seem to support animal rights.
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2018, 02:47:02 PM »
I think those are just the people who get the most attention... but also maybe doing something like that full-time fucking drives you crazy because people just don't give a shit and it's a mostly thankless path. For the most part people think they are entitled to eat whatever they want regardless of the amount of torture involved in making that food. How do you change those attitudes? I have no fucking idea and I mostly think PETA are assholes, but I also understand the whole drastic measures thing.
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2018, 03:01:28 PM »
I think those are just the people who get the most attention... but also maybe doing something like that full-time fucking drives you crazy because people just don't give a shit and it's a mostly thankless path. For the most part people think they are entitled to eat whatever they want regardless of the amount of torture involved in making that food. How do you change those attitudes? I have no fucking idea and I mostly think PETA are assholes, but I also understand the whole drastic measures thing.

I kinda sorta agree with everything you said.

There's a weird vicious cycle where, because of the perception of animal rights activism, forms of protest normally considered standard practice get labelled crazy. Look at ag gag laws. In what other area of political discussion is documenting business malpractice and releasing it to the public not considered whistleblowing?
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2018, 08:55:49 PM »
That's a good point. Yeah, I think part of that perception is that many people have trouble accepting the idea that animals actually feel pain and have personalities because that would cause them to look too hard at their own behavior. Also because it's such a huge industry so ingrained in our culture. If we just automatically label these people as crazy we don't have to change anything!
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Offline El Barto

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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2018, 11:27:59 PM »
This is actually pretty clever on PETA's part. They've already accomplished primary goal. People are talking about them. As fun as it is to bag on PETA they're not so dumb as to think they're going to change language in this country, and they realize that this would be the subject of ridicule. That was the object of the exercise.

And swing a dead cat has always been a favorite of mine.

Yeah but the conversation is ultimately going to be some form of 'PETA, and by extension animal rights, is something only crazy people believe in.' Not all press is good press.

Like most reasonable people, I eat meat and wear leather. I have no intention of stopping. But the way we treat animals is appalling and gets no serious attention because only crazy people/organizations seem to support animal rights.
Well Reapsta, if that is your real name, I see it differently. If the concern is that by being so fundamentally crazy PETA tarnishes the cause they support, I think it might actually have the opposite effect. People might be inclined to give an argument a fairer shake because they know its advocate is fucking retarded. Or, at the very least, not hold its originator against it. Do you really see people saying "well, if PETA is for it I shouldn't even bother paying any attention?" I don't. This seems to me the way things have played out over the years. A whole lot more people care about animal welfare now than used to, and most of them are people that will tell you in no uncertain terms that they don't want to be associated with those crazy fucks. In the meantime the numbskulls are just as silly as ever; stupid never changes.

There's a weird vicious cycle where, because of the perception of animal rights activism, forms of protest normally considered standard practice get labelled crazy.
Yeah, those ag-gag laws are bullshit. I think we might have started those down here after an expose at a chicken plant. There's also an opposite action in play. Forms of protest rightly considered crazy actually do have a positive effect. When some asshole throws paint at somebody wearing a fur, we call for them to be shot dead in the street like the sorry bastards they are. Fuck those people. Yet years later we're more conscious of the fur and leather we wear and accordingly use less of it. The idea of animal welfare has been introduced to the collective consciousness. That it came form some asshole vandal, or a group of whackjobs doesn't really matter once the idea begins to settle. Like all societal change it's very slow to happen, but it does happen. And for the people who don't change their thoughts on the process, do you think they're more likely to reconsider if the idea comes from Professor Schopenhauer of the Royal Academy of Complicated Shit? People set in their ways don't care about the messenger any more than they do the message.

Good to see you around. Been too long.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 08:03:31 AM by El Barto »
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2018, 08:14:40 AM »
Driving to work this morning I heard a story on Morning Edition that dealt with exactly my point there. Some nitwit in East Texas drove to a parking lot in the center of town with a gallon of gasoline and Quảng Đức'ed himself. He left a note explaining that he was doing this in protest of the racism he'd seen happening in his town and in his church. The community reaction has been described as a Rorschach test of sorts, as everybody sees the thing in a different light. Some want to honor his sacrifice. Plenty of people understandably see him as a dipshit SJW who killed himself for nothing. Yet even those that ridicule his foolishness know that it happened and it that meant something to him. That's not something they have to process, thus the message was delivered.
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2018, 07:26:33 PM »
That's a good point. Yeah, I think part of that perception is that many people have trouble accepting the idea that animals actually feel pain and have personalities...

Funny how it works. People who love dogs ascribe human qualities to them that I doubt they even have. But cows? Off to the bolt gun.

If we just automatically label these people as crazy we don't have to change anything!

Well Reapsta, if that is your real name

Getting a bit personal!

I see it differently. If the concern is that by being so fundamentally crazy PETA tarnishes the cause they support, I think it might actually have the opposite effect. People might be inclined to give an argument a fairer shake because they know its advocate is fucking retarded. Or, at the very least, not hold its originator against it. Do you really see people saying "well, if PETA is for it I shouldn't even bother paying any attention?" I don't.

Spite's a powerful motivator though. A normal person who sees PETA activists naked in human sized steak containers will probably think, "look at these weirdos. There's nothing wrong with how I go to the grocery store and buy a piece of steak." And I know I'm not the only person who likes eating meat and considers PETA's stuff so absurd that you feel like you have to eat more meat to counteract it.

This seems to me the way things have played out over the years. A whole lot more people care about animal welfare now than used to, and most of them are people that will tell you in no uncertain terms that they don't want to be associated with those crazy fucks...

...those ag-gag laws are bullshit. I think we might have started those down here after an expose at a chicken plant.

I think the expose stuff has done more than anything else. PETA's chicken holocaust campaign belittles profound human tragedy to score political points. But, go to Youtube and, if you can stomach it, watch what happens to male baby chickens. Youtube doesn't charge you, but you still pay with part of your soul.

There's also an opposite action in play. Forms of protest rightly considered crazy actually do have a positive effect. When some asshole throws paint at somebody wearing a fur, we call for them to be shot dead in the street like the sorry bastards they are. Fuck those people. Yet years later we're more conscious of the fur and leather we wear and accordingly use less of it.

I did some Googling here to confirm what I was thinking, but it seems like the decline of fur is just as much related to better quality faux fur as well as it gaining the association of being a luxury item (but in a bad way, where you look ostentatious if you wear it). It looks like PETA does a lot to pressure companies against it, but that seems more like businesses making the classic mistake of thinking their loudest detractors represent their customer base.

The idea of animal welfare has been introduced to the collective consciousness. That it came form some asshole vandal, or a group of whackjobs doesn't really matter once the idea begins to settle. Like all societal change it's very slow to happen, but it does happen. And for the people who don't change their thoughts on the process, do you think they're more likely to reconsider if the idea comes from Professor Schopenhauer of the Royal Academy of Complicated Shit? People set in their ways don't care about the messenger any more than they do the message.

Schopenhauer? Definitely not. A good example though of a better (I think) way to do it is the push for criminal justice reform. Lots of good documentaries and exposes are out there on how it's essentially a meat grinder for those unable to afford a lawyer. Because of this the First Step Act might actually become a law.

Good to see you around. Been too long.

You as well. It's good to be back.
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Offline El Barto

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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2018, 07:51:01 PM »
Spite's a powerful motivator though. A normal person who sees PETA activists naked in human sized steak containers will probably think, "look at these weirdos. There's nothing wrong with how I go to the grocery store and buy a piece of steak." And I know I'm not the only person who likes eating meat and considers PETA's stuff so absurd that you feel like you have to eat more meat to counteract it.
This mentality is so foreign to me I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around its existence. Counteract to what end? Particularly since you seem to have become quite conscientious on the subject, despite your contempt for PETA. Is their foolishness dragging you back to the animal cruelty side or something?

A good example though of a better (I think) way to do it is the push for criminal justice reform. Lots of good documentaries and exposes are out there on how it's essentially a meat grinder for those unable to afford a lawyer. Because of this the First Step Act might actually become a law.
A better way to do what? You really lost me on this one. I mean I agree completely about the meat grinder thing, but what does it have to do with chickens and naked girls in meat wrappers?
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Re: So PETA wants to change everyday language
« Reply #45 on: December 13, 2018, 09:41:29 PM »
chickens and naked girls in meat wrappers?

I believe I may have to go back and read more of this thread....  :)