Author Topic: Dream Theater art image for printing on canvas  (Read 709 times)

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Offline Lobatrix

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Dream Theater art image for printing on canvas
« on: July 26, 2014, 03:16:56 AM »
Hello guys,
I have a strange request and question, that maybe some other DT FANS could have had in the past.
As I am renewing my bedroom in these weeks, I would like to place a Drean Theater printing on canvas on the wall...I've made a quick look in Google and there is a picture from Live Nation that you can buy in with the clown on the sea (similar to Adtoe cover) but it's an image too dark (grey and black colour, I need something clearer like the original cover).

What I wonder is...does anyone of you have got some pictures/ images of Dream Theater album cover or desktop images with a good resolution that could be used to create a good printing on canvas?
I kno the request could seem strange, but I found nothing on the web that could help me...consider I need to get the canvas with dimension 1200 mm length x 600 mm height, so to be printed should have a good resolution like 6-7 mB image.
Does anyone have got any idea of where I could find this kind of images that could be album covers or Ep cover (for example the original Adtoe cover in blue colour)?
Thanks in advance for your help ;) !