Author Topic: Forgive Durden or Razia's Shadow anyone?  (Read 570 times)

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Offline Super Dude

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Forgive Durden or Razia's Shadow anyone?
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:51:07 PM »
It's probably not a well-known band or album in these circles, but Forgive Durden is a band signed to Fuel by Ramen, known for many of the big post-hardcore, screamo, indie, and other acts of the late 00's, such as Saosin, The Hush Sound, Panic! At the Disco, Paramore, etc. Anyway, I found out about the album Razia's Shadow because Casey Crescenzo of The Dear Hunter lends vocals on a couple tracks. It came out and I bought it in 2008, and I listened to it once and forgot about it for a while. Then I popped it in a year ago and fell in love with it. Then a couple days ago I learned there's a stage adaptation of the album.

Anyone else heard of them/like the stuff?

Here's a song from the album, one of my favorites:
Here's footage from the musical:
Quote from: bosk1
As frequently happens, Super Dude nailed it.