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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: Samsara on January 18, 2024, 03:09:15 PM

Title: Help Me Go Shopping For a New Turntable and Speakers
Post by: Samsara on January 18, 2024, 03:09:15 PM
Okay DT audiophiles, I need a favor. Currently, I have a very old, but still very clean and operable, Audio-Technica AT-PL50 Belt Drive Turntable. I bought it 18 years ago. It is hooked up to an old school stereo receiver from around 1999, and what used to be a 5-speaker, and subwoofer system. Which is now missing two speakers.

The system needs to be thrown out. The speakers are missing, I don't use the receiver for anything, it overheats, and the turntable, while fine, is missing the adapter that lets it be connected directly to amplified speakers. So I want to start fresh.

I have a budget of about $800. What I want is a turntable that looks cool, plays great, that simply can be plugged into two speakers, that gives off great, full sound. But it has been forever since I shopped for anything, and I don't know the ins and outs of things. I am a metal/hard rock/prog guy, and I want a system that is simple that sounds great, that is plug and play.

I love my vinyl collection, but I can't stand how crappy my current turntable sounds with missing speakers, and I can't turn down the subwoofer - its either on or off - and it sounds awful both ways. So, a good turntable, two good speakers, everything with the necessary pre-amps built in, so I can just plug it all in and drop the needle.

Those of you with experience in this, take my $800 and hook me up with some links to what would work for what I am looking for? Would you all mind helping me out?
Title: Re: Help Me Go Shopping For a New Turntable and Speakers
Post by: goo-goo on January 19, 2024, 07:25:52 AM
Check out


They have some ready to plug packages.

I personally have this one:

https://www.turntablelab.com/collections/turntables-midrange-alpha?_=pf&pf_v_manufacturer=Pro-Ject (black though),

with a Schitt Mani phono amp https://www.schiit.com/products/mani

and a CD player https://www.amazon.com/Denon-Theater-Amplifier-Bookshelf-Speaker/dp/B072635J3H/ref=asc_df_B072635J3H/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312094681626&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12883030807737950086&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028692&hvtargid=pla-491237401893&psc=1&mcid=e17fe36132113a89a70fdce91478e8d5&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhL-aQqWbIY3YL69V2zStIcuP_Lc5EODAKluHbt1FDO0aHhNi70LRFcaAmcCEALw_wcB
Title: Re: Help Me Go Shopping For a New Turntable and Speakers
Post by: Samsara on January 19, 2024, 08:03:20 AM
Appreciate it. I'll take a look.